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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 5, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.5
Expanded: 1.5
Limited: 1.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Roaring Skies)
about you, but I always want to say and write this
Pokémon’s name as Shedninja.
Whatever, Shedinja is one of
the weirdest Pokémon around: a frail ghost of a shell of
a Pokémon that has less HP than its
Basic. The TCG designers usually do something
interesting with it though, and it usually tempts
players into attempting some kind of combo that exploits
Shedinja’s weird properties.
This one is no different.
The focus here is Shedinja’s
Hopeless Scream attack, which costs just one Energy (any
Colour will do) and does 50 times the number of damage
counters on Shedinja. You
can get the required damage in a number of ways -
Rainbow Energy, Frozen City, Team Magma’s Secret
Base will all do the job – but what you are left with is
a Stage 1 that can hit for up to 100, but is only 10 HP
away from being KO’d. Clearly that’s not satisfactory,
and so players look for other solutions.
The obvious one is to use Mew EX to copy the attack.
With its massive (ahem) 120 HP, Mew can take a few more
damage counters . . . enough to be able to exchange
OHKOs with other EX Pokémon anyway. Even
Megas will be taken out if
you can find a way to get 50 damage
on him, which is easier said than done of course: just
how many Rainbow Energy
can you get
on a Mew before it hits the discard pile? A more
realistic aim is to inflict 30
damage and use a Muscle Band for 170. Another way
to go with this deck would be to play multiple copies of
Floette FLF,
whose Flower Veil Ability
will boost Shedinja’s own HP
and it as your attacker. This method is slower, but at
least it doesn’t concede two Prizes per KO and you also
get to use Silver Bangle to hit for 180.
Either way, you can see that the whole combo is pretty
high maintenance and relies on extremely vulnerable
Pokémon. As a casual deck, it could be fun to play, but
I don’t think it can hang with the big boys at a serious
tournament: especially when one-shotting
a Mega is near impossible.
Modified: 2
Expanded: 2
Limited: 2

Emma Starr |
Shedinja has always been a really interesting Pokémon to
me. I’d also imagine that if Pokémon were real, it’d be
partially responsible for so many ‘deaths’. I mean, have
someone you don’t like? Just have Shedinja come out of
your Pokeball, and make the other person look at its
back. Then you’re left with a human body with no soul,
and a Shedinja with…two souls inside it? IDK, bot good
luck dealing with crimes like that, Officer Jennies…
Anyway, creepy-tastic Pokedex entries aside, this card
also has something else you hardly ever see: no
weaknesses. Other than most of the other Shedinja cards,
when have we last had a Pokémon with no Weaknesses? I’m
not sure myself, but maybe one of the other reviewers
touches upon this. It’s not like it matters in the long
run though, since with 30 HP, you’re hardly surviving
anything anyway.
His first attack, Cursed Rain, lets you put 1 damage
counter on every Pokémon your opponent has out, for one
Grass Energy. So, this means you could possibly do 60
damage, or even 80 if someone has Sky Field activated.
But if you’re at the point of the game where your
opponent has 6-8 Pokémon out, Shedinja is probably going
to get knocked out instantly. But you knew that, right?
All in all, he’s trying to be a sniper, but he’s just
not as efficient as some of the others we’ve reviewed
His second attack, Hopeless Scream, does 50 damage times
the amount of damage counters on him. So, he’ll either
be doing 0, 50, or 100. The good news is that it has a
single Colorless Energy cost. The bad news is everything
else. If you can somehow manage to have Shedinja ONLY
get 20 damage in one turn, you deserve to get that
100-for-1 damage onto your opponent. But let’s be
honest: You’re basically giving your opponent a prize if
you use this.
Standard: 1/5
Expanded: 1/5
Limited: 1/5

Otaku |
We end this
week with Shedinja (XY: Roaring Skies
11/108). This is another Stage 1, Grass-Type Pokémon.
This means it takes a little extra effort to get out
over Basic Pokémon (at least it is easier than most Mega
Evolutions) but is still pretty reasonable. The
Grass-Typing, as I’ve been saying all week, holds
potential: hit big nasties like Primal Groudon-EX
and Seismitoad-EX for double damage due to
Weakness, never worry about Resistance, maybe use some
of the support, and hope you don’t run into an oddball
that packs some of the anti-Grass-Type cards (there are
a few - none worth detailing, just read any strange
cards so you don’t walk into it). Shedinja has a
mere 30 HP - not uncommon for Shedinja but this
is the minimum amount we see printed on Pokémon (though
things like Items that act as Pokémon have been seen
with less). This is all but crippling and means the
card will need some pretty potent effects to compensate.
It does enjoy a perfect (lack of) Weakness and Retreat
Cost, though also has the usual lack of Resistance.
There are two attacks: for [G] the first attack (Cursed
Rain) places a damage counter on each of your opponent’s
Pokémon. Then Shedinja switches itself with one
of your Benched Pokémon, provided you have any. Not bad
considering this is from the same set that gave us
Sky Field, a Stadium that allows players to have up
to nine Pokémon in play at once, in addition to Pokémon
that take advantage of additional Bench space. The
second attack (Hopeless Scream) requires [C] and does 50
damage for each damage counter on Shedinja. That
is a great damage return, obviously kept in check by the
HP… unless we apply some combos.
Before that,
Shedinja was a Stage 1 so we should look at the
Basic form, Nincada, and any other Shedinja
still legal. Plus Nincada is also the Basic form
of Ninjask so we should look at that as well… and
we already did yesterday so click
for a refresher. For Nincada, use BW: Dragons
Exalted 10/124 though it is only an option for
Expanded: you’re stuck with XY: Roaring Skies
9/108 for better or worse in Standard. You could always
include either or both Ninjask and/or the other
Shedinja but they don’t really mesh with the
strategy. What strategy? While it has no Top 8
finishes from the Spring Regionals to prove its merit, I
have faced off against decks using today’s card. Mew-EX
is usually used to copy Hopeless Scream. Damage is
inflicted to Mew-EX through Rainbow Energy
and either Frozen City or Team Magma’s Secret
Base, and with three damage counters and a single
Energy Mew-EX swings for 150 damage. Add in a
Muscle Band and you’re taking out 170 HP Pokémon-EX
in a single hit. Hypnotoxic Laser brings 180 HP
targets into range as well. If faced with even bigger
targets, while difficult, one can try to get more damage
onto Mew-EX to still score a OHKO. Other decks
will use HP boosting effects on Shedinja itself
so that it can try and hold more damage counters to
replicate the output of Mew-EX while only giving
up a single Prize.
More out there
ideas would be things like Reuniclus (Black &
White 57/114; BW: Dragons Exalted 126/124) to
get damage to where it is desired, or an attacker like
Dugtrio (XY 59/146) that can hit the
opponent’s Active for 60 and just a source of [F] while
also hitting everything on your own Bench for 10. This
would allow you to use something like Training Center
as your Stadium. Some builds (whatever else is paired
with Shedinja use Floette (XY:
Flashfire 64/106) as its Ability (Flower Veil) adds
+20 HP to each of your Grass-Type Pokémon. All the HP
boosting options suffer the problem of being relatively
easy to shut off, which could result in mass KOs. Still
this looks like it should at least be a good “fun deck”
and just maybe, someone will figure out what it is that
is missing to make it competitive. Normally this would
mean it would be awesome in Limited but… that 30 HP is
even more scary here. Maybe if you are running
Ninjask and want to use Shedinja as a “pivot”
Pokémon: something with a free Retreat you send up
anytime something is KOed, but then retreat for your
next preferred Active.
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 1.1/5
Summary: As you can tell I like Shedinja
and I’ve seen it stomp my decks, even when I thought I
was taking appropriate actions against it. Perhaps I am
just failing to remember that I had an iffy set-up those
games, but in the end I think Hopeless Scream actually
has good potential and that this deck might just be
waiting for one last element to help it really take off.