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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 5 Double Crisis Cards
#5 - Double Aqua/Magma Energy
- Double Crisis
Date Reviewed:
March 30, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Expanded: 2.5
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#5 Double Aqua/Magma Energy
We’re doing a top 5 for the Double Crisis set this week.
Picking the cards has been a weird experience because
this is such an odd little set: it’s pretty much a
tribute/nostalgia trip/video game tie-in that heavily
references the old EX Team Magma vs
Team Aqua set from 10 years ago(!).
That set is famous for having produced the Japanese Team
Magma deck which took a clean sweep in all three age
groups at Worlds 2004, including an undefeated winning
performance by Tsuguyoshi
Yamato in Masters. Can this reprise make a similar
impact? Well, to be blunt, no. Ten years is a long time
in Pokémon, and a lot of power creep has flowed under
the bridge. While there are a couple of cards that could
find a use, these Pokémon are generally very
underpowered and slow by modern standards.
Which is a shame because there’s a lot of very nice
support for a Team Magma or Aqua deck in the set, and
that includes these two Special Energy cards.
While I’m kind of sad to see that the double Typing of
the original Magma and Aqua Energy has been thrown out
in favour of a more simplified approach, these are still
powerful cards, providing two Water
Energy for Aqua and two Fighting for Magma
Pokémon. Although vulnerable to Enhanced Hammer and
Xerosic, these cards do
allow for some expensive attacks to have their costs met
relatively quickly. The trouble is that there isn’t
really anything in the set that can take proper
advantage of this. I guess you look to Aqua’s
Kyogre EX and Magma’s
Groudon EX to bring the big
attacks with this set, but even they don’t offer enough
by today’s standards (though
Groudon comes closest).
In the context of this set, Double Magma/Aqua Energy
are excellent cards. In the
context of the game as a whole, Magma and Aqua Pokémon
don’t really cut it. I suspect that will be a recurring
theme of these Double Crisis reviews.
Modified/Expanded: 1.5
Team Aqua/Magma deck: 4.25

aroramage |
Hey guys, welcome back! You enjoy
your spring break? Good! Cause now there's nothing
No seriously, go grab some Double
Crisis and form your Team Aqua/Magma decks, cause that
set just came out! If you remember stuff like Team
Rocket's Pokemon, this set will pretty much be a short
minor nostalgic trip back to HOENN because that's where
those two teams actually are. Ya know, cause gotta flood
the world or blow it up to increase land mass.
Anywho, we figured we'd group
together and run through what we think are the Top 5
best cards in the set worth playing, though really if
you're gonna run something to fight against the Plasma
decks which are still technically a thing, or you just
wanna try something different, these decks aren't too
bad to pick! So first things first, let's take a look at
the new Energy of the set you'll be running: Double
Aqua/Magma Energy!
The effects of each are pretty
simple; both give off 2 Energies, Aqua with Water and
Magma with Fighting. If they get attached to anything
other than a Team Aqua/Magma Pokemon respectively, they
get discarded. Course, you can only attach it to one of
those Pokemon, and it gets discarded at the end of the
That end of turn discard is the
only real downside though, cause getting 2 Energy at
once has proven very VERY useful. Just look at Primal
Kyogre-EX, or to be more broad DCE. That kind of access
to an attack can quickly ruin things for your opponent.
It's probably good this can only be attached to Team
Aqua/Magma Pokemon too; I'd hate to see a player lose
cause their opponent used Landorus-EX's Land's Judgment
on their turn 2.
In any case, having these Energies
is one of the basic essentials to your Team Aqua/Magma
deck build, since it'll give you access to your big
cards' attacks sooner than expected. Think of it as a
surprise your opponent won't see coming when you wipe
their Active slot with a sudden strike! Probably from
your Team Aqua's Kyogre-EX or Team Magma's Groudon-EX.
Standard: 3.5/5 (solid choice for
those Team decks, though that's where it's limited to)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (same here)
Limited: 5/5 (in a Limited setting
where you'd build either a Team Aqua/Magma deck, this
will probably end up as a deciding factor to what you
build; either way, you'll be including this in your
Arora Notealus: I feel like it's
been a little while since we've had "Team"-named
Pokemon. Sure, we had the Plasma Pokemon, but they only
had a freaking sweet border and their symbol in the
background, and Team Flare...well, they have gear. So
while the deck's a bit more thematic, it also does keep
it so you're not using any ol' Poochyena to evolve into
Team Aqua/Magma's Mightyena.
Next Time: Deep beneath the ocean

Otaku |
back readers! After that vacation it is time to get
back to business and this week we are looking at the
review crew’s Top 5 for XY: Double Crisis! Why a
Top 5? XY: Double Crisis is a mini-set of 34
cards featuring nostalgia inducing Team Aqua’s
and Team Magma’s Pokémon, as well as some
supporters and even a Special Energy card for each team…
but that still isn’t enough to really justify a Top 10;
I mean that would include over a quarter (nearly
⅓) of
the set. There another reason to only cover five cards
though; this set as a whole doesn’t appear overly
competitive. “Nostalgia” really does define it; while
the cards are new and released as part of the current
era, many are updates of older cards and what worked
back then may not work so well now. Not sure how many,
if any of the Double Crisis cards would have made
the Top 10 if they had been, for example, released as
part of XY: Primal Clash.
begin with the fifth place finisher and… its a tie (why
do I feel like that should be followed with “Of
course!”). When tallying the scores and averaging out
the list the 5th - 7th place cards scored the same but
we are not looking at all three of those. To
break the tie I selected which of the three had the most
appearances on Top 5 lists; today’s selection showed up
on two lists while the others were solo acts. It still
ends up being a tie because we are looking at both
Double Aqua Energy (XY: Double Crisis 33/34)
and Double Magma Energy (XY: Double Crisis
34/34): these counterparts were nominated together by
more than just me, and are so similar there doesn’t seem
to be enough to warrant reviewing them separately. Both
cards provide two units of Energy when attached to a
Pokémon from their respective teams with clauses in the
text to both prevent attaching them to anything else and
to automatically self-discard if you somehow found a way
around the first restriction. While attached they
provide two units of Energy - [WW] for Double Aqua
Energy and [FF] for Double Magma Energy - and
have one additional “effect”; they discard themselves at
the end of the turn they are attached! While a bad
effect, the silver-lining is that this can often prove
immaterial, whether because you used an attack that
would have discarded the Energy anyway or the Pokémon to
which it is attached would have been KOed... and
with so many attacks that hit harder based on the amount
of Energy you have in play, you might survive because
you discarded one of these.
Special Energy cards are similar to the old Aqua
Energy (EX: Team Aqua vs Team Magma 86/95)
and Magma Energy (EX: Team Aqua vs Team Magma
87/95). The big difference was they provided two units
of Energy that were multi-Typed; Aqua Energy
provided [W] and [D] while Magma Energy provided
[F] and [D]. This might seem odd but the short version
is back then, “evil” team affiliated Pokémon could be
their regular Type, Darkness-Type or dual-Typed with one
of their regular Types and the Darkness-Type. It… is
kind of confusing so even I’ll avoid going into more
details. Still, having a second type would have been
handy; one might expect all Team Aqua’s and all
Team Magma’s Pokémon to have unified Energy costs
so that all could use their team’s respective Energy but
nearly half of the Pokémon in this mini-set have one (or
all) of their attacks with incompatible Energy costs.
The only ones with “adjusted” Energy costs are Team
Aqua’s Poochyena, Team Aqua’s Mightyena,
Team Magma’s Poochyena and Team Magma’s Mightyena;
the rest have Energy costs that match their usual Type
and this set contains only four Water-Types (Team
Aqua’s Pokémon, of course) and four Fighting-Types
(all Team Magma’s Pokémon) and each of those is a
Stage 2 line and a (separate, unrelated other than Team
affiliation) Pokémon-EX, so it isn’t even that spread
out. This is another significant drawback, though not a
fatal one.
older Energy cards were pretty important back in the day
and proved fairly successful, but that was because there
ended up being successful decks to use them, even though
they only worked with their respective teams. That is
going to be what really determines how well Double
Aqua Energy and Double Magma Energy perform
and… it doesn’t look too good. Let us remember that
this is a format that does try to reward basic Energy
card usage and even punish players for relying on
Special Energy if your opponent wants to spend space on
such counter-cards. Because today’s subjects discard
themselves, the usual counters like Enhanced Hammer
aren’t needed (this shouldn’t be mistaken for a good
thing), though Froslass (BW: Plasma Blast
23/101), with her Ability to block Special Energy from
being attached would still prove relevant… at least if
she were needed (I don’t think she is). Probably the
biggest enemy of Double Aqua Energy and Double
Magma Energy will be their small pool of compatible
cards, especially as only a few look like they’ll have a
chance in competitive play, but this is followed up by
their second biggest enemy; other Special Energy
cards! So you’ve got competition from regular ol’ basic
Energy (due to support like Professor’s Letter)
as well as other Special Energy cards. Some of the
specific Team Aqua’s and Team Magma’s
Pokémon have Energy related effects that will give you
reason to run those basic Energy or other Special Energy
Standard: 3/5 -
This score is for both Double Aqua Energy and
Double Magma Energy, used in their respective decks.
Obviously in general the card risks being totally
useless since it can’t be attached to most of the card
pool. Even in their own decks, you might find yourself
preferring to use a different Special Energy or even
basic Energy cards. Strong Energy provides a
Fighting-Type specific Special Energy for Fighting-Type
Pokémon while there is no equivalent for Water. Basic
Water Energy can be accelerated quite well by
Blastoise (BW: Boundaries Crossed
31/149; BW:
Plasma Storm
137/135; BW: Plasma Blast
16/101) but there isn’t an equivalent for basic
Fighting Energy. These might lead to some subtle
differences, but for now a shared score stands.
2.5/5 - A lower score; there are probably some direct
combo opportunities added through the larger card pool
but none have occurred to me. What I can easily recall
is how you’ll have access to even more Special Energy
cards like Prism Energy and the Blend Energy
cards, plus the Team Aqua’s and Team Magma’s
Pokémon collectively are facing even more competition; I
also haven’t found any good combos for said Pokémon
beyond the obvious (...some can use Level Ball or
Heavy Ball) so with them performing more poorly,
so too does the Energy that only works for them.
4/5 - A bit confusing that we have a score here; since
this is part of a mini-set, it isn’t a promo in the
strict sense but I don’t know of any Pre-Release or
Release events so anyone using this in Limited is
probably not doing so in a very formal setting. At the
same time, the cards do come in (smaller than normal)
booster packs and look like the best place to use them
might be in some form of Limited play. Here these two
Energy cards provide phenomenal boosts and are only
docked because even in a Limited card pool, the
drawbacks still prove relevant (just not as damaging).
It is hard to review these things without donning some
rose-colored glasses. In this case my scoring might
seem to break my usual rules; Double Aqua Energy
and Double Magma Energy are really only going to
be as good as whatever decks emerge that can use them
which can make any score I give seem misleading. They
aren’t automatic staples in their respective team’s
decks like one might expect but they still do enough
you’ll want to try them… there is just a serious doubt
that most of this set will be worth using in competitive
play, which means otherwise solid cards dependent on the
rest of the set suffer. Double Aqua Energy (and
Double Magma Energy) were my fifth place pick.