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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards: #4 - Trainers Mail
Date Reviewed:
May 12, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.67
Expanded: 3.40
Limited: 3.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Everyone loves Trainer cards. For a
while now, they've been the source of great advantage,
whether through draw power, Energy acceleration, or just
getting what you need in general. And now we're taking a
look at a Trainer card that GETS you MORE Trainer cards!
Mail call has arrived, so let's open up our Trainers'
...wait, no, I didn't-put the
letter opener down, I didn't mean it!
Trainers' Mail is, as most Trainer
cards go, very simplistic. It lets you take a peek at
the top 4 cards of your deck and snatch a Trainer out
from them - easy to do! And what's more, it's even to
do. Most competitive decks are usually filled about
halfway with Trainer cards, so your chances of getting
one such card are always strong with this in hand! And
what's scarier is that it makes stuff like the Colorless
M Rayquaza-EX potentially go FASTER - just imagine
drawing into a Spirit Link card with Trainers' Mail!
The other nice thing about
Trainers' Mail is that it puts the cards back into the
deck, so even if you retrieve nothing with it the first
time, you don't lost much more than the card itself! And
that's easily made up for with Sycaper! Basically, it's
a card that makes decks work faster by getting them just
what they need - and the best part is, it doesn't matter
what kind of Trainer card it is! Be it an Item,
Supporter, or Stadium, Trainers' Mail can retrieve it!
There is one catch to this though,
and that's just the general weakness all Items have
suffered for the past few months: the infamous
Seismitoad-EX. Sure, it doesn't seem like that big of a
deal - one guy, right? - but his very presence means
it's harder to use cards like Trainers' Mail. Still, the
acceleration is too valuable to not run about 2-3 of
these in a deck, just to make things roll!
Standard: 4/5 (a very good card to
grab whatever you need!)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (retrieving
Trainers has never been more valuable!)
Limited: 5/5 (thinning your deck is
always worth it, even if it's just by a single card)
Arora Notealus: You don't really
get mail in the games, oddly enough. Unless you're
counting the Streetpass newsroom from the new games,
which I'm pretty sure that's what this is based off of.
Can you believe they made a card based off of a
function? It's like they'll make a card out of anything!
Next thing you know, they'll make a card out of the
Next Time: The great flourish of
elegance and strength! A heroic knight's struggle to be
the best!

Otaku |
Just missing out on the top three is our fourth place
pick Trainers’ Mail (XY: Roaring Skies
92/108). This Item allows you to look at the top four
cards of your deck and gives you the option to reveal a
Trainer you find there to your opponent and add it to
your hand excluding another copy of Trainers’
Mail (shuffle the cards you don’t select back into
your deck). That makes it a tiny version of Skyla;
in exchange for only hitting the top four cards of your
deck, you don’t give up your Supporter usage for the
This card is phenomenally potent and can function in any
realistic deck (...if you want to, you can build a deck
where it would be bad). Trainers’ Mail excels in
particular builds but at the same time it isn’t without
its own drawbacks. The first is baked into the card’s
text: you can’t use it to snag another copy of itself.
The second is that it can be more situational than it
appears. Like I said it is a mini-Skyla and I
mean a very mini as instead of searching a deck
that has upwards of 57 cards in it is just those top
four; sure successful, competitive decks are likely to
be mostly Trainers (half to three fourths) but it can
indeed whiff, either finding no targets at all or simply
no worthwhile targets.
The fact that you can indeed choose nothing is actually
a strength, mitigating some of my concerns such as being
forced to snag something you can’t make use of in a
timely manner, leading it to either get tossed by a
Professor Juniper or Professor Sycamore,
shuffled back into the deck by N (either your own
or your opponent’s) or getting in the way of Shaymin-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) and its Set
Up Ability. Having to reveal what you take - while
mechanically necessary - also means anything you can’t
use right away is telegraphed to your opponent. This
can complicate what ends up being the optimal play even
when you can use something right away: hold onto it or
use it now before your opponent can adapt even if the
return is likely to be less? It is important to
remember that a lot of the Trainers in your deck are
likely to be Supporters, a once-per-turn card. Stadiums
are far less of your deck but also once-per-turn. Throw
these onto whatever Items may not be useful
situationally and you start to see some of the risk to
this card… though these are nearly nitpicks.
The biggest problem is obvious as it was a problem for
yesterday’s card as well: Item lock is huge thanks
mostly to Seismitoad-EX. This might not be so
bad if we had a format that could take or leave Items,
but we don’t; the short version is the current metagame
can attack every part of your deck and in particular
punish Ability, Pokémon-EX, Item, Supporter, Stadium and
Special Energy use in some capacity. On top of that
there are decks that are able to quickly mount an
incredible, raw offense or that can shed most damage
that doesn’t result in a OHKO (and Seismitoad-EX
decks often incorporate at least one of these additional
elements, often two or three) and you’re setting
yourself up for a fall if you adjust too much or not
enough to Seismitoad-EX. Bringing us back to the
main topic, I worry that an Item that may end up getting
me another Item (when I can get around the lock) may
help me across many match-ups but make the Item lock
matchup worse… and it seems like that matchup is quite
In Standard, this looks to become a card you need a good
reason to not run. While that is an
accomplishment, it actually isn’t that rare of a
classification: there are a lot of great cards that one
would include if on there was the room. Lack of space
or including it in the available space hurting the Item
lock matchup more than it helps is a legitimate reason
to skip Trainers’ Mail but by that same token,
improving reliability in all matchups except Item lock
is amazing. Expanded both adds more cards in to run
instead of Trainers’ Mail while adding in cards
you’ll be trying to snag with it. In Limited play, only
skip this if you’ve got no other Trainers to find; even
short range, one kind of card search is amazing here.
Trainers’ Mail is yet another way to try and get
what you really want from your deck, into your hand.
Besides the catches specific to the card, like other
such cards the space spent on such things detracts from
running more of what it is you’d want to search out.
Running an Item to try and get another Trainer would be
awesome if Item lock wasn’t abundant. Still it scores
well and it isn’t a deck specific score.
I had Trainers’ Mail as my 10th place pick, and
it almost didn’t make it. Hopefully as the score
indicates, I’ve had a change of heart and am comfortable
with it taking fourth place. Normally cards with high
generic potential trump those with more restrictive
uses, but even realizing this is a better card than I
first gave it credit for being, there are a lot of
specific use cards that make or break other decks. Get
a playset as soon as you can within reason: it is
in the new Storm Rider theme deck that released with
this set, so it should be okay to turn down bad deals,
maybe even hold out for a good one.

Emma Starr |
Today’s card is Trainers’ Mail, which is based off
of…well…let’s see…um…you see, in Nuvema Town in Unova,
there was a mail box near your house! …alright, that’s
the closest I could find, as it was the most recent game
in which a mail box even appeared, as you’re apparently
too cool to have mailboxes in Kalos or Hoenn. I find
this a bit odd in the TCG though, as many Item cards are
usually something you could carry around, but carrying
around a mailbox? Well, I guess in a game where
everybody’s carrying around a Hypnotoxic Laser on their
Anyway, we have yet another Item card, which obviously
has the same Seismitoad EX weaknesses as usual, but
that’s par for the course. What we do have is a nice
Trainer Card searcher, which means you can potentially
get any Item, Supporter, or Stadium card in your deck!
However, it’s limited to the top 4 cards of your deck.
If you play an Energy-heavy deck, this may not be the
best card for you, but lately, I’ve seen that decks have
been getting fewer and fewer energies in it. If you’re
in the 12-18 range, you can probably make very good use
of this card. Is it worth it, though? It is,
really, when you realize that we lost Skyla due to
rotation. Remember her? The waifu of everyone who does
what this mailbox does, but let you search your whole
deck, instead of the first four cards of your deck for
one, basically letting you find any Trainer Card you
needed? She was a beauty in many ways, but
unfortunately, in Standard at least, we have moved on
from Unova, for the most part. Although we did feel the
need to bring our mailbox along, though.
Standard: 3/5 (really, one of our best search options we
have, since we ironically lost Computer Search in the
same set we lost Skyla in.)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (we still can use the booty-licious
Skyla over there, so just use her. I guess you can still
use this here if you REALLY need even more Trainer
cards, but…)
Limited: 5/5 (Seaching power = good for any deck. Why
not run it?)