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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards:
#2 - Double Dragon Energy
Date Reviewed:
May 14, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.17
Expanded: 4.58
Limited: 3.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Oh of course the Special Energy in
the set is on this list. Why wouldn't it be? It's the
single most useful Energy for Dragon-types since Blend
Energy - which hasn't been in Standard for a few months
now! Granted, Blend Energy was flexible enough to go
into a variety of other decks that liked to mix 2 or
more Types, but hey, you win some, you lose some!
Double Dragon Energy though is the
first real Dragon-based Energy card, and it's a powerful
one for the Type! So long as you're attaching this to
some Dragon-type, you get the benefits of Double Rainbow
Energy - that is, two Energy of all Types! This is
extremely beneficial to all Dragon-types, since they use
a mix of colors rather than their own Type.
So what all does this mean for the
Dragon deck? Well, a lot of older Dragons - most of
which are still Legal in Standard for now - are much
more playable than they were before (not necessarily
good, but more playable). Stuff like Dragonite-EX can
benefit from this, allowing you to Bust In, give it a
Grass or Electric Energy and then attaching this to it
to unleash a solid Jet Sonic! Goodra (XY) doesn't have
to worry too much about getting rid of so much Energy,
knowing you can make up for it easily with this card!
And Kingdra (PRC) can attach Energy faster to itself
with Alpha Growth, allowing it to get a good Dragon
Blast off!
And that's just from sets past! In
this set, M Rayquaza-EX can get fueled up even faster
than before with this and Mega Turbo in hand - that's 3
Energy right off the bat for his Dragon Ascent! Or if
you're feeling bold, the new Dragonite in this set with
Delta Plus - that's an Ancient Trait that functions like
Lugia-EX's Overflow Ability, netting you an extra Prize
when you KO another Pokemon - could definitely use this
for his Heavy Impact attack! Or maybe you'd prefer
Salamence, who I think might just be the best non-Mega
Evolution without an Ability!
Dragons may not be a top-tier deck
or anything, but this is certainly a step in the right
direction for them and very solid support. If you're
building yourself a Dragon deck, grab 4 of these and run
them, cause you'll need it! Oh, and btw, since this
counts as 2 Energy, you should be able to use it for
Dragon Ascent's cost - after all, it only requires 2
Energy to be discarded, not 2 Energy cards!
Standard: 4.5/5 (fantastic support
to a somewhat underdeveloped Type at the moment, but
hey, it is relatively new in the TCG)
Expanded: 5/5 (oh geez, like
Rayquaza-EX NEEDED HELP in this format)
Limited: 4/5 (here's where I'm a
little hesitant to recommend it, since it only works
well with Dragons, but there are a few in the set, so if
you get a handful to work with, I'd say run this)
Arora Notealus: To think it's been
only three years since Dragons were first introduced
into the TCG. I still have my special Kyurem from the
Dragon Vault mini-set in my collection! Love that secret
Next Time: Our number one? I
imagine you've thought of it by now, I mean soaring
through the sky is basically his shtick!

Otaku |
Our runner-up for the most promising pick of XY:
Roaring Skies is Double Dragon Energy (XY:
Roaring Skies 97/108). Good news; I didn’t have
time to compose a joke intro to (not so subtly) hint
that that this card makes me think of “Double Dragon”, a
beat’em-up video game series that dates back to the
arcade in 1987 and for a time was a pretty major
franchise spawning a movie as well as a cartoon
(complete with tie-in toy line) but unfortunately like a
lot of series that made it big, the non-video-game
ventures were poorly received. It got a most excellent
revival at the hands of WayForward Technologies back in
2012 called “Double Dragon Neon” (...and a sad, sad
follow-up by another company a year later, sending the
series back into hibernation again). If you’ve got
something that can play it, can spare some cash, and you
do not hate the genre, I recommend it; while it
isn’t terribly long I had a blast playing it and I hear
the local 2-player is even better. It has a glorious
amount of late-80’s/early-90’s cheese. So yeah, no
subtle joke: I think I just gave a micro-review of the
game to open up the unrelated-except-by-name Card of the
Unlike some of the other Type specific Energy cards,
Double Dragon Energy is pretty well named; it can
only be attached to Dragon-Types and only provides
Energy when attached to Dragon-Types and if it somehow
ends up attached to something that is not a
Dragon-Type it discards itself. So while it is attached
to a Dragon-Type, what does it do? Well as the “double”
would imply it provides two units of Energy. Here is
the one part of the effect not made obvious by the name;
those two units of Energy count as all Types at once:
this is a kind of double Rainbow Energy card (not
to be confused with the actual Double Rainbow Energy
card that was more complicated than today’s subject).
So with this attached, those kooky Dragon-Type Energy
costs become a lot more reasonable. Expect this card to
become a staple in decks built for attacking with
Dragon-Types, barring the handful that don’t get much
out of it (and don’t Evolve into something that could
make use of it). An example of a Dragon-Type that would
not want to use Double Dragon Energy is
Rayquaza-EX (BW: Dragons Exalted
85/124, 123/124;
BW Black Star Promos
BW47) being run without its Mega Evolutions; while its
Dragon Burst requires [RL] and that cost can be easily
met with Double Dragon Energy, the effect of
Dragon Burst is that you select either all basic [R] or
[L] Energy attached to Rayquaza-EX and discard
that Energy, inflicting 60 points of damage per Energy
discarded in this manner. Unless something else
requires a Special Energy, it is better to just meet the
cost with an easily searched, easily reclaimed basic
Fire Energy card.
Yes, it really was easier to explain what wouldn’t want
it as opposed to what would. If you have any interest
at all, you’ll need to start experimenting with this
card; while a lot of Dragon-Types are unlikely to become
significantly better, there may be a few that can climb
to the top now that their Energy costs are a bit easier
to meet. In Expanded there are even more Dragon-Types,
so Double Dragon Energy is likely a little bit
better. In Limited it all comes down to if you have a
Dragon-Type worth running and fueling with this card.
There are going to be some Dragon-Types that won’t make
use of this card, especially if they are a minor part of
the deck and either not likely to attack or unlikely to
use an attack that is significantly off-type. For many
though it is both a welcome boost in speed and in
I had Double Dragon Energy as my number five
pick; I didn’t expect it to rank quite so high but it
isn’t too bad that it did as it will really give
Dragon-Types a boost.

Emma Starr |
Remember when I eluded to this energy last week in my
Mega Rayquaza EX review? Well, if you do, your memory is
way better than it should be. This Energy, gives you the
energy to go after this gang that kidnapped your
girlfriend, than fight your best friend to the death for
her affections, and run Dragons more efficiently.
Think about it – every Dragon that has been made relies
on two different energy types to use their main attacks.
This previously made it unwise to run them unless you
had a dual-type deck made around whatever types they had
on them already, for the most part. So, if you ran a
Fire/Water deck, you’d most likely only be able to
efficiently run White Kyurem EX efficiently, if that.
With this bad boy though, you can run baddies like Mega
Rayquaza EX, Hydreigon (PF 74), Dragonite EX, or even
Mega Charizard EX with it!
Despite this incredible and much-needed energy that’s
helping fill the spot that Blend and Prism Energies
filled before they were rotated out, they are still
subject to the same vulnerabilities that all Special
Energies share, such as Enhanced Hammer, Xerosic, and
any attack that could normally discard Special Energies.
And if you aren’t running a Dual-Type deck that sports
the same Energies as your Dragon(s) need, make sure you
have some sort of backup plan if necessary, in case you
need to switch out (Hydreigon EX works!). Of course, if
you have an attack that requires more than two energies,
you’ll probably still want to have a deck that runs at
least 1 of the energies that the Dragon’s attack still
Despite these disadvantages, this card can be very
pivotal to great rewards! It can make the annoying
Goodra (FLF 74) more usable in Water decks, Dragonite EX
can do 120 damage more efficiently in Grass or Electric
decks, Goodra (PF 77) can do a reliable 130 in Water
decks as well, and of course, the obvious combo with
Mega Rayquaza EX (RS 61), which you’ll probably want to
be running in a Fire Deck, but if you do, I think you’ll
also find Blacksmith to be of great help to him as well.
With him and Double Dragon Energy pulling him along,
discarding two energies each time you use his attack
shouldn’t be that big of a deal at all. Basically, every
Dragon has become much more useful now, but have also
become more of a liability at the same time.
Standard: 4/5
Expanded: 4.5/5 (Imagine this being used with Old’quaza
EX: this could be used to pay his whole attack cost, and
you could have the potential to use his attack twice in
a row, if you needed to! Combo that with Emboar, and…oh
my. Also, Blastoise can help with powering up the
annoying Goodra (FLF 74).
Limited: 4/5 (If you pulled even one good dragon, why
not use this? ^^)