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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
May 22, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.0
Expanded: 3.0
Limited: 4.4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ahhh, Wally. You...green-loving maniac, you. I like that
the fanbase just shoves him into this green-loving mode
of sorts, it's kinda funny to be honest! In any case,
Wally's a cool cat who starts out as this sickly boy
when you meet him, and through his adventures with
Pokemon, not only does he get better but he becomes a
fairly good Trainer too!...unless you just run Exp Share
all the way through ORAS, in which case he's
But today, we're gonna take a look at his card! It's
pretty much just an accelerated Delta Evolution in
Supporter form: pick a Pokemon, and if it can evolve,
get its evolution from your deck and evolve it. Oh, and
you can do this on your first turn or the turn you
played that Pokemon. That's pretty cool, all things
considered, since it can give most any Evolution deck
access to Delta Evolution.
You could run this in Mega-decks if Wally wasn't
excluding Pokemon-EX from his effect, but there are
still a lot of cards you can use this with. I'm thinking
a lot of decks that run Stage 1s like Garbodor, Bronzong,
and Pyroar can make good use of this card. Some Stage 2
line-ups will work out if you've got the Stage 1 in your
deck, bringing another means of getting out that Turn 2
Blastoise or Empoleon. Really the only major drawback on
Wally here are that he is your Supporter for the turn,
so no crazy Sycaper combos, capish?
You probably could get away with running one or two and
using VS Seeker to nab him from your discard pile as
needed - nothing like a surprise Evolution! Even
Seismitoad-EX can't stop that! But for the most part,
you'll be running him with your Stage 1s, as with only a
few notable exceptions, it's not really worth running
for Stage 2s. Still, Mega Evo decks are the primary
"evolution" decks of today - which means I better see
some freaking amazing Evolutions down the line here!
Standard: 3/5 (a good option for Mega Evo decks)
Expanded: 3/5 (about the same here)
Limited: 4/5 (lots more evolutions to work, and you
shouldn't have to worry as much about the details of
Stage 1 this and Stage 2 that)
Arora Notealus: Wally's such a kind-hearted soul. Maybe
that's why the developers made his card more
Evolution-based - nothing shows the bond between Trainer
and Pokemon better than through evolution, the complete
transformation based on their feelings for each
other...or at least their ability to level up or use
stones or be near a giant rock or something, I dunno.
NOTE: First time I wrote this, I actually completely
glossed over the "excluding Pokemon-EX" part of this
card, so my review looked favorably on Wally with
regards to Mega Evos. Since you can't target Pokemon-EX,
though, he's just more of a standard option for regular
evolution decks. My sincerest apologies for this
complete screw-up!
Weekend Thought: Think any of these cards are worth
running in your decks? What decks do you think benefit
the most from these cards? Which ones would you pick out
for your deck and why? I'm sure you've got loads of
ideas for each of them, there's definitely a lot of room
for Sky Field and Wally in my opinion!

Otaku |
We finish the week with Wally (XY: Roaring
Skies 94/108, 107/108). Wally is a Supporter
that allows you to select one of your Pokémon (excluding
Pokémon-EX) and search your deck for a card that Evolves
from it and put it onto that Pokémon. The text
specifies that you are able to do this the first turn a
Pokémon is in play, including the very first turn of the
game, when normally Pokémon cannot Evolve, as well as
reminding you to shuffle your deck when this is all
done. Though it doesn’t refer to this process as
“Evolving” in the text, it still seems to count as
Evolving, just from the deck and not the hand. So you
can’t Evolve the Pokémon you just played via the effect
of Wally, unless of course you can use another
effect that bypasses the rules: for example if you have
a Magnezone (BW: Plasma Storm 46/135), its
Dual Brains Ability allows you two Supporters per turn
and thus you could use Wally to play search out
and play the Stage 1 on the selected Basic and then a
second Wally to search out and play the Stage 2
on top of said Stage 1. You won’t trigger “from the
hand” Abilities since the Pokémon is coming straight
from the deck, but you will shake effects such as
Special Conditions. So this card is a combination of
search as well as breaking the normal rules for
Evolution. While you cannot Evolve what you just
searched out, you can use it to target something you
just Evolved; no easy single turn Stage 2 but you can go
Basic => Manually Evolve into Stage 1 => Wally
into Stage 2
Unlike yesterday, Wally is very similar to its
predecessor Wally’s Training (EX: Sandstorm
89/100; EX: Emerald 85/106). The first
difference you’ll notice is that the older version could
only target the Active Pokémon: the text is a bit funny
because the TCG ended up with a 2-on-2 (Active Pokémon,
not players) format because that was the “new
thing” in the video games of the time. There was a
two-player team versus two-player team mode (I believe
it was called Team Multi-Player or TMP for short), but
it while it was from then official sources, it wasn’t
baked into the text on cards. Despite lacking text
specifying it, you could indeed use Wally’s Training
to Evolve a Pokémon on the first turn it was in play and
the very first turn of the game, though I cannot
remember if you were able to use Supporters on your
first turn when this card was released (either time).
It is interesting to note that Wally’s Training
does not have any restrictions beyond the target
to Evolve being Active.
So… is Wally an improvement over Wally’s
Training? I think so; while it would be more useful
if it could Evolve Pokémon-EX (thus allowing you to get
a Mega Evolution into play faster), I do believe it
would cause balance issues, especially with Spirit
Link cards and Mega Turbo on top of
Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 77/108,
106/108). Said Shaymin-EX is important because
it creates a somewhat easy means to draw before or after
using your Supporter, which gives decks more leeway to
use non-draw effect Supporters. Wally’s Training
was not a heavily played card, at least that I can
recall, but it was released in the same set as the
original Rare Candy, which allowed you to skip
directly from Basic to Stage 1 or Stage 2 and
could also break first turn Evolution rules. This
lessened the need for Wally’s Training. Right
now Rare Candy has gone from being something you
rely on to get your Stage 2 into play to a single you
include so you can get one copy of your Stage 2 into
play quickly; the shift is due to the increase of
successful Item lock. Wally’s Training isn’t an
Item so it doesn’t have to worry about them.
Perhaps because I carelessly left this article to finish
rather late at night (or should I say early in the
morning), but I am struggling to think of any specific
decks that really need Wally. Some established
decks/tricks get better, but most of the obvious ones
have competition. For example Trevenant (XY
55/146) could lock Items down first turn, but thanks to
Seismitoad-EX, we are used to something nearly as
fast. We face something similar with Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113), Silent Lab
and/or Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom Forces
36/119): is it worth including these in decks that were
already good at getting a lock by their second turn? It
appears to be a useful Supporter, the kind for which you
pay should you forget to consider the possibility of
your opponent running it, but I’m not sure how many
decks really need it (if any). As long as you have an
Evolution to search out the card should appear in your
Limited decks… and possibly even if you don’t. You
can’t use Wally if you don’t have a Pokémon with
an Evolution in the relevant card pool, but you can use
it on something even if you know your deck has no target
for it. The only place to really skip it is a +39 deck
built around an illegal target; either a Pokémon-EX or
something that doesn’t Evolve at all.
I am always leery of generic Evolution acceleration as
it tends to quickly throw game balance out the window
but for now, given the state of the rest of the format,
I am happy to add Wally to our Supporter options.

Emma Starr |
Ah, Wally. The little boy whom I assumed would play some
really big role in the plot when I first played Pokémon
Emerald, all those years back…but actually didn’t do
anything too useful, except battling you a few times.
But in the beginning of the game, the first Pokémon he
catches is a Level 5 Ralts. Whose only move is Growl. I
bet that was fun to train…
Thankfully, many years later, Wally found a solution to
this problem, although it is only possible in the TCG.
By playing himself, he is able to search for a Pokémon
that is the next part of the Evolution line (ex: Basic->
Stage 1, Stage 1->Stage 2. No crazy Rare Candy
shenanigans. And no Megas. ), which would normally make
him equivalent to a can of Evosoda. But wait! Unlike
Evosoda, Wally is so adamant about his training, that he
can activate this ability on a Pokémon that was put in
play just during this turn, or on the first turn of the
game! No other card has ever let you do something like
this before!
So, what does this mean? Well, although Stage 2s are
generally not used too often, there are some useful
Stage 1s. Pyroar can now block out your opponent’s EXs
on the first turn. Garbodor can shut down abilities
right off the bat. Bronzong can go looking for Energies
in your discard pile early (although looking for
discarded energies that early could be troublesome). All
in all, there are lots of possibilities where you could
use this card to get the leg up on your opponent, and
with this, Evosoda has basically become obsolete.
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3.5/5 (more useful evolutions = more possible
uses. Possible Turn 2 Blastoise or Emboar, anyone?)
Limited: 4/5 (Didn’t pull an EX? No worries!)