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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- XY49 Promo
Date Reviewed:
May 27, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.50
Expanded: 2.53
Limited: N/A
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Most Blister Pack Promo cards are rubbish . . . this is
probably a good thing (for players, anyway) as the
distribution is sometimes a bit iffy, and they can be
almost impossible to source in your particular region.
Every now and then, though, they make good ones that
players will want for a particular deck:
Toxicroak G,
Plasma Landorus
(almost unavailable in the US, apparently) illustrate
that point.
As for the ones that were released alongside Roaring
Skies . . . they’re not bad. Take
Regirock, for instance: his 110 HP may be
slightly disappointing for a Basic Legendary, his
retreat cost is a bit sucky,
and his attacks are unusable, but what he does have is
the excellent Ancient Trait Ω Barrier – yep the same one
that Primal Groudon has.
This means that Regirock
cannot be affected by Trainer cards: he’s immune to
Hypnotoxic Laser, Pokémon
Catcher, Lysandre, and all
that nasty disruption you see in
Seismitoad decks (Hammers,
Xerosic, Team Flare
Obviously, not every deck has a use for a
disruption-proof Bench sitter with nothing else to
offer, but he is a very nice card to have in
a M
Gardevoir deck. Stick
Regirock on the Bench, heck, give him an Exp
Share (it can’t be Megaphone’d
away!), and just pile Energy on him to fuel the damage
from M Gardevoir’s Brilliant
Arrow. Unless your opponent can drag him out with an
Ability (such as Genesect
EX’s Red Signal) or an attack (e.g:
Galvantula PHF’s Cobweb
Trip), he’s quite safe.
is really only an upgrade on Ω Barrier
Elecktrike PRC, but it’s a
good one as it is much less vulnerable to being
sniped/KO’d by
PHF shenanigans. Even so, it fulfils a niche, and not
always necessary, role in one deck only. If you want to
play Gardy, you should try a
copy out, if you don’t . . . then
Regirock is no big deal.
Modified: 2.5
Expanded: 2.5
Limited: N/A

aroramage |
Wait, what? Regirock wasn't in
Roaring Skies! What is this rabble rabble rabble...
Yeah, that's right, we're taking a
look at a couple of promo cards over the next two days.
These came out with the three-pack blisters of Roaring
Skies, so you can still get your hands on them and
what-not. Course, they are still promo cards, so don't
be expecting too much from them. Who knows how useful
they'll be.
Still, Regirock here has a couple
of things going for him already in the form of his
Typing (Fighting being very well-supported right now)
and his Ancient Trait Omega Barrier. That means he'll be
able to dish out damage and keep your opponent from
messing around with him too much! Not too shabby for a
Basic. So what do you get for all of that?
Well his first move is...okay. Land
Maker costs just one Energy and returns two of your
Stadium cards in your discard pile back into your hand.
That's not bad, could combo well with Battle Compressor
to grab what you need or just get some more utility out
of your Stadiums after your opponent's been wiping them
off. I just don't know if people would be running enough
Stadiums to justify its usage.
And then there's Stone Edge, which
costs a whopping 4 Energy for just 80 damage and a coin
flip for an extra 40. Combined with Fighting support,
that could be anywhere from 100 to 180 damage (including
Muscle Band, Strong Energy, and Fighting Stadium) -
which on a coin flip of heads is a OHKO on any
Pokemon-EX that isn't a Mega. Or Wailord-EX. But other
than that, it's not that impressive, and frankly it
doesn't strike me as being worth the investment. Once
again, thank Pokemon-EX for ruining that.
In any case, Regirock's not a bad
option, but he's not a great one either. If you get one,
feel free to hang onto him - that Land Maker could be
useful! Otherwise, maybe consider the other Blister
set...or not, what can I say? Promos are mostly just
Standard: 2/5 (maybe there's some
use for Land Maker, but Stone Edge is meh)
Expanded: 2/5 (let's be honest,
that Fighting Typing is the biggest asset here)
Limited: N/A (oh yeah...not
technically part of a set...)
Arora Notealus: Regirock is part of
the Regi Trio from the Hoenn region, and they are an
interesting bunch to say the least. There's one idea
about the trio that they each represent a particular Age
of Man - Regirock being the oldest with the Stone Age,
with Regice following up with the Ice Age and Registeel
coming after with the Bronze or Metalworking Age,
depending on how you look at it. Pretty fascinating
Next Time: And the other promo in
the blisters is...

Otaku |
Our second card for this shortened week is Regirock
(XY Black Star Promo XY49), one of the for promos
available in the three booster pack blisters or XY:
Roaring Skies some stories carry. This is a Basic,
which has been great for the last several years (and
formats) and could be relevant to make it easy to
or to squeeze in multiples. Being a Fighting-Type
allows it to tap some phenomenal support and (as we’ll
see) to possibly become an indirect part of that support
in addition to hitting for Weakness against many
Colorless-Types and most Darkness-Types and
Lightning-Types. Fighting Resistance is one of the more
commonly seen but Resistance itself is uncommon, so in
the end it still isn’t that much. The 110 HP is solid
but part of what helps is that it’s on a Basic that
isn’t a Pokémon-EX; top decks can and will score a OHKO
against this amount unless their set-up is significantly
incomplete or it is a deck that sacrifices damage
output for something else (such as Seismitoad-EX
relying on Quaking Punch to block Items).
The Grass Weakness is not good but despite sharing it
with some cards that people love to hit hard like
Seismitoad-EX and Primal Groudon-EX; mostly
just a few decks are able to effectively work it in (or
are mostly composed of Grass-Types) and even then its HP
is at a point where the weakest attacks are likely to
still need a boost for the OHKO while the stronger
attacks didn’t need any help in the first place (or
maybe just saved on a Muscle Band). No
Resistance is typical so I won’t be penalizing
Regirock for that, though obviously no Resistance is
the worst Resistance. Besides being common, it’s also a
hit-or-miss bit of protection; not only can your
opponent sometimes shift attackers to get around it,
since it is only good for -20 many times it won’t matter
anyway. The Retreat Cost of [CCC] is definitely there
and you’ll really feel it if you get stuck paying it.
Fortunately many (most?) decks have ample reasons to
run effects to lower Retreat Costs or bypass manually
retreating entirely, so its not as big of a drawback as
it might seem. Additionally in Expanded it becomes a
legal Heavy Ball target.
sports no Ability but does bear an Ancient Trait: Ω
Barrier. This Trait has proven pretty potent on
Primal Groudon-EX, allowing it to safely build while
on the Bench except for a few exceptions. The first
attack, Land Maker, requires [F] and allows you to add
two Stadiums from your discard pile to your hand. For
[FFFC] it can use Stone Edge for 80 damage, plus another
40 if you can get “heads” on a coin toss. These attacks
are lackluster but not completely useless; if they were
a little less expensive/did a bit more they could
actually be pretty good. Just remember that adding
cards from the discard to hand via attack is vulnerable
to disruption like that of N or Red Card
(the former being the main concern) and that sometimes
that coin will come up as “tails” at the worst possible
moment (as well as being “heads” when it’s pointless
So what use is this card? Ω Barrier being on a Basic
Pokémon is key. This rock lord can provide a firm
foundation for certain decks, namely those that need
something they can Bench which is difficult to force
Active. It seems tailor made to see a copy in a
Primal Groudon-EX deck, just in case; hypothetically
speaking if the rest of the deck works well enough, you
may be able to afford a turn’s attack, an Energy card
and attachment as well as a Prize letting this get back
two Stadiums so Primal Groudon-EX can get back to
OHKOs. Thanks to Ω Barrier, you can slap a Pokémon Tool
on Regirock with only a slight chance of it not
getting a chance to do anything. Float Stone
makes it into a pivot Pokémon while Exp. Share
turns it into a (basic) Energy sponge. The latter could
have a use in decks like Fairy Transfer in addition to
Primal Groudon-EX decks that are running an
adequate about of basic Fighting Energy; anytime
something with a basic Energy is KOed, it can go onto
Regirock to be moved off later, though in a
Primal Groudon-EX deck it would require additional
cards… but it does make for a surprise cleaner that you
didn’t have to burn any Energy attachments on, and/or
something worth a single Prize for when that proves
Right now, these uses are in doubt mostly because of
Bench space. The PTCGO actually already has this card
available in it, even selling the virtual version of the
blister pack in the online store for Tokens (which can
be earned in various game modes). Sadly I’m not an old
hand at Fairy Transfer decks, so perhaps my problem was
just that my build was wanting, but I had to cut back on
too many cards I see commonly included or run a single
copy (of both Regirock and Exp. Share)
which meant one or the other seemed perpetually Prized
or otherwise out of reach. Expanded adds at least one
other Energy moving deck that has had some success:
Klinklang (Black & White 76/114), though as
per usual more competition for deck space. Limited
isn’t even an option, but it would be a solid pull if it
were reprinted into a set anytime soon: not a +39
candidate but if you are running a lot of Fighting
Energy, a (hypothetical) good pull unless the set has
fantastic Grass-Type attackers, or similar exceptions.
Not a powerhouse, but Ω Barrier has proven far better
than I expected when I first saw it. This could have
some interesting, combo heavy uses in certain decks,
though in general Regirock isn’t something to
run. You won’t need to run out and instantly buy four
copies, but do try to get some.

Emma Starr |
Ah, Regirock. I remember it as the first of the Regi
trio I caught in Emerald, and I thought they were all
really cool-looking legendaries. I later learned that
people seemed to think they were the worst once I was
introduced to the Internet, but IDK, I still think the
Regis are pretty awesome.
With 110 HP, it comes as a solid enough amount for a
basic, non-EX Pokémon, though the Grass weakness can be
worrying. Regirock is coolio enough to have an Ancient
Trait, which prevents all effects from Trainer cards
(minus Tools or Stadiums). So, this guy doesn’t have to
worry about things like Hypnotoxic Laser or Team Flare
Grunt, which is always nice.
It’s first attack, Land Maker, is a unique attack, that
has some nice potential with Primal Groudon EX. If you
had a stadium in play when your Primal Groudon EX used
Gaia Volcano, when you have to discard the Stadium, you
could switch to Regirock (preferably using Switch; that
3 energy Retreat Cost is horrendous) to easily bring out
another, and use Primal Groudon’s monstrous 200-hitting
attack again, along with any other bonuses said Stadium
would give to you! Or, if your opponent just replaced
your Stadium, you could also use this attack to search
for the poor Stadium, and give it another chance to
shine. Of course, the attack costs one Fighting Energy,
and Regirock will have to be active to use this
obviously, so one can’t help but think that if this
‘attack’ were an ability instead, then he might be much
more useful. Alas, it is not, but it’s still probably
better than his second attack, in most cases.
His second attack, Stone Edge, costs 3 Fighting, and 1
Colorless. The energy for it makes me think of the cost
of most EX’s second attacks. Unfortunately, it only does
80, with a 50% chance of doing 120. You could attach a
Trick Coin to try to make that chance go up to 75%,
which can 2HKO an EX if things go right, but chances are
it’ll probably be hard to make Regirock survive that
Standard: 2.5/5 (nice synergy with Primal Groudon EX,
but not too useful otherwise, though it can make use of
all the current Fighting supports, like Strong Energy)
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: Erm…I don’t think you’d be even allowed to use
him here. :P