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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Roaring Skies Cards: #7 - Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
May 7, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.5
Limited: 3.4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...okay, alright, I'll admit it,
this one was all me. But hey, you gotta admit Deoxys
here has some SWEET artwork!
Welcome to the new frontline
support for Gengar-EX and other Psychic decks: Deoxys!
Frontline support, you say, what do you mean by that?
Well, you remember the time period where Emolga was a
big deal? Being a free Retreater with access to Call to
Family? In an era of dangerously powerful Pokemon-EX?
Emolga is what I'd like to think of as "frontline
support" - he comes out first and foremost to get your
deck running, supporting the whole theme!
That's Deoxys...sort of. He's no
stellar entity...I mean, he is, but not how I'm
referring to him at the moment. He's got this
interesting attack that a couple of other cards have
seen as well. There's this strange line of text reading,
"If you go first, you can use this attack on your first
turn." So wait...if I go first...I can attack when I
normally couldn't?!
Yugioh references aside, having the ability to attack on
your first turn is a treasured ability that so few can
use - most card games make sure you can't attack on your
first turn in some form or another. In fact, I think
most of them have some sort of clause like, "You can't
declare an attack on your first turn if you went first,"
or some such thing. I think Hearthstone's the only one
that makes exception to that, but that's mostly cause of
summoning sickness and most Level 1s not having
ANYWHO, coming back to Deoxys here,
he's got Close Encounters, meaning he gets to net you
two cards. That's pretty nice, gets some modest draw
power that's not Supporter-based, and you can use it on
your first turn! It's niche but don't underestimate it -
it could very well spell DOOM!! Or at least it could,
coupled with the fact that if you play Dimension Valley,
you don't even have to attach Energy to Deoxys to use it
- I smell a set-up!
Overdrive Smash is alright, it only
costs one more Energy and does 30 damage - or 90 damage
on your next turn after using it. I don't imagine Deoxys
will hang around long enough for that to happen, but
it's a nice quick offensive option if your opponent is
being slow at getting rid of Deoxys. Really though, I'd
stick around with Close Encounters to mooch off draw
power like no other and only use Overdrive Smash if
there's an opportunity - which again, you only need 1
Energy with Dimension Valley.
He's nice tech support, but I
probably ranked him higher than I should have honestly.
He's certainly no monstrosity, but he's pretty good at
what he does, and with Dimension Valley he's amazing.
Psychic decks rejoice - your savior has come!...unless
we get a new Deoxys-EX in the next set, in which case
hope it's good!
Standard: 3.5/5 (good support for
Psychic decks, made only better by Dimension Valley)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (still good!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (draw power in a
slow environment, and a cheap attack that can do lots of
damage? yes please!)
Arora Notealus: I don't think
anyone's in the middle about Deoxys' design - you either
love 'im or you hate 'im. Personally, I'm leaning on the
"lovin'" side, though that's just cause I like him. I
mean come on, he's based off of DNA - FREAKIN' DNA!! And
he's an alien with psychic powers! And he's got
different forms and has crazy changes based on them! How
could you not like that?...unless you hate his design,
in which case there ya go.
Next Time:...wait a minute, didn't
we already review this guy?

Emma Starr |
Hello everyone, today, we look at a
card based on the space-virus-turned-legendary-Pokemon
himself, Deoxys…which isn’t being followed with an EX
after his name!
At first glance, you can see he has
110 HP, which is…okay. It’s not higher than some of the
better Stage 2s lately, but that’s to be expected. I
mean, he is a basic, non-EX. His weakness can be
troubling due to the ever-present Mewtwo EX threat, but
other than him…Psychic decks aren’t too popular, so, it
isn’t actually a very bad weakness currently. So, does
Deoxys stand out at all? Well…
Well, his first attack – Close
Encounter – although very, VERY situational, due to the
fact that you’d have to have him on your starting hand,
unless you have a nice searcher (such as Ultra Ball, but
you’d be discarding 2 cards, which is already making his
attack quite neutral, a Draw engine, or Supporter like
Birch, or even Sycaper – although then, you’d be
discarding 7 cards if you did that, outweighing the
attack in the long run, but is still an option. On the
plus side, it has an energy cost of only one basic
energy, which means it’s splashable in any deck! But is
it worth it just for this? If you REALLY want this guy
on your first turn reliably, you’d probably want to run
three in your deck, but is he really worth it for just
this effect? Well, let’s take a look at his second
attack to find out.
Overdrive Smash costs a Psychic and
colorless, so unless this attack is really good, you’ll
probably want to only run this in Psychic decks. And in
this case…the attack is pure rubbish. 2 energy for 30?!
Many basics can do 1 energy for 30! Sure, you can do 90
in two turns, but...you’re doing 90 in two turns.
Obviously this guy isn’t meant to be an attacker, that’s
for sure. Although it can be nice for a Basic non-EX to
do 90, I doubt this guy can even last 2 turns most
times…unless you get him in early, which is kind of the
concept of the card anyway, really.
So, what’s my verdict? You can
probably tell from what I wrote about him already, but
if you want this guy to actually be useful, you’ll want
him on Turn 1, which means either getting lucky, or
searching him out using various balls. And even then,
you only even have a 50% chance of going first at all
anyway, which means he’ll only truly be useful 50% of
the time, even under the best circumstances. Talk about
Tails-fails! And what if you find this guy in your hand
in the mid-late game, when everyone’s heavy hitters are
already out? Since you might be running 3 copies, that’s
certainly a higher possibility! So, even though there
aren’t many Pokemon that provide Draw power themselves
currently, I think you’re simply better off without him,
even with Seismitoad EX around.
Standard: 1.5/5
Expanded: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.35/5 (Well, 40 cards is
less than 60, so that’s a plus, I guess…there are better
cards, but again, he is splashable…)

Otaku |
As the week winds down we come to our seventh place finisher:
Deoxys (XY: Roaring Skies 33/108). This is a
Psychic-Type which enjoys some solid support (like
Dimension Valley) and opportunities to exploit
Weakness (a decent chunk of Fighting-Types and
Psychic-Types are Psychic Weak) though Psychic
Resistance (found on most Darkness-Types and
Metal-Types) is more common among the uncommon mechanic
that is Resistance. Being a Basic is the best right
now; in Expanded the Stage even has its own small pool
of dedicated support while in general the pacing and
strategies in the game simply favor Basic Pokémon. 110
HP is high enough Deoxys is about as likely to be
OHKOed as not, perhaps slightly favoring the “not” side
of things. The good news is that is the rest of this
card may make that sufficient. Its Psychic Weakness is
a big risk (we haven’t forgotten Mewtwo-EX), its
lack of Resistance is typical and it has a good Retreat
Cost of just [C]; any cost lowering effect turns it into
a perfect free Retreat Cost and unless something raises
it, it will usually be easy to pay and from which to
Deoxys doesn’t have an Ancient Trait or Ability, but it has two attacks
with effect text. The first is Close Encounter; for [C]
you can draw two cards, but it includes a clause stating
you may use this attack on your first turn even if you
go first. For the record, I usually use “Turn 1” or
“T1” to refer to the turn of the player going first,
“Turn 2” or “T2” for the first turn of the player going
second, and keep counting from there. I don’t think
that is how the official turn counts are supposed to
work in Pokémon, but for the sake of this article it
makes discussing this effect a lot easier to use the
above terminology how I have just defined it. The
second attack is Overdrive Smash for [PC], which hits
for 30 but it places an effect on itself so that if it
uses Overdrive Smash again the next turn, it will hit
for an additional 60 points of damage (before Weakness
and Resistance), so 90 for two. Both attacks are
inexpensive and Dimension Valley allows you to
use Close Encounter for free and Overdrive Smash for
just [P]. Close Encounter is adequate and Overdrive
Smash is just a little lacking - even if you can pay for
Overdrive Smash you can’t open with it (which is bad for
the card’s playability but good for game balance) and
attacks with similar effects have proven difficult to
use because of how easy it is to avoid the extra damage
the next turn; you just have to get the attacker (in
this case Deoxys) out of the Active slot either
by sending it to the Bench, bouncing it back to your
opponent’s hand, sending it to your opponent’s deck or
KOing it.
There are no other Standard or Expanded legal versions of Deoxys
of which I am aware; the Pokémon TCG uses names for
identification so as far as it is concerned Deoxys-EX
is a different a card from Deoxys as Mewtwo-EX
is. If they are going to experiment with attacks you
can use even on your first turn even when you’re going
first, I would like them to be dedicated to aid in
set-up. This might be a solid choice for some decks. I
would actually prefer if the designers stop
making cards that can hit for damage/place damage
counters/etc. on a player’s first turn in the hopes that
once most of the current card pool had rotated out
(because they feature such attacks) that we could get
first turn attacks restored; if all they can do is aid
in set-up or perhaps cause early game disruption, I
don’t really see a problem and the formats where your
first few attacks were about setting up I find
preferable to the ones where your deck must go on the
offense immediately.
As an “opener”, Deoxys functions in most decks; after all
Close Encounter requires just [C]. Being “functional”
does not automatically equate to being “good” though.
This card’s major draw is granting you a T1 attack when
you normally couldn’t attack at all, but doing so
requires lucky break or building your deck (and thus
investing more resources) so as to make its absence an
example of bad luck. If you’ve got to use things like
an Ultra Ball and Switch to ensure you’ve
got it up front T1, those count against the simple two
card draw it is providing. You’ll need to attach an
Energy to Deoxys as well, making the yield
underwhelming even when you do naturally open with it
while going first. If you go second, you don’t even
gain a “bonus” attack. Tossing one (maybe two) into a
deck that already runs Dimension Valley might
work, especially if the deck has an easy way of making a
Deoxys you had to search out Active, needs a
meatshield up front to protect the set-up happening on
the Bench and has a somewhat complicated but
rewarding set-up in the first place. That sounds like a
Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119) deck,
but that already has some great openers even for the
Dimension Valley using variants; Wobbuffet (XY:
Phantom Forces 36/119) doesn’t need to attack to be
useful in the Active slot T1.
I’d say the true competition comes from Latios-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 58/108, 101/108); it also has an
attack that states it may be used first turn called
“First Raid”. The attack costs [P] so it isn’t quite as
generic but fits into decks running basic Psychic
Energy or any of the Special Energy cards that can
provide [P] while attached to a Dragon-Type. First Raid
does 40 damage. The damage isn’t high, but it is enough
to threaten the smallest Basic Pokémon (yes, even in the
competitive metagame there are 30 and 40 HP Pokémon that
see play) and with a few buffs it can take out slightly
larger targets: Muscle Band with Hypnotoxic
Laser and Virbank City Gym isn’t a guaranteed
opening combo but its been used for a while now, and
allows the card to score an effective FTKO against
anything with 90 or less HP and sets up most everything
else for a 2HKO. Most decks can’t afford to run a lot
of Basic Pokémon; you need them to not lose but
once your Bench is full they become dead weight until
another Bench slot opens up. This means an full on
aggro deck can shoot for an actual donk, an effective
donk or simply try to apply constant pressure and
prevent the opponent from getting any substantial set-up
by spamming this low Energy attack. So in Standard and
Expanded, its hard to recommend. Expanded even has more
competition for it; Deoxys is really only
impressive if it is attacking T1 so really any
worthwhile opener (yes, even the ones that can’t attack
T1) is serious competition. For decks not locked into
another Stadium, Tropical Beach is likely to draw
as much or more than Deoxys and be more useful as
the game progresses.
As such it is only Limited play where Deoxys has a chance to
shine. The general principles apply: this is a Basic
with 110 HP so even if it was just a filler, meatshield
it would have decent odds of being worth a slot. In
this case it has Close Encounter, which would make it a
near staple even without its clause to bypass the “no
attacking T1” rule. It seems highly unlikely your deck
won’t have room for at least a few basic Psychic
Energy cards so you can use Overdrive Smash and
here, that attack becomes a lot better. Not only will
the pacing be slower but a lot of the mechanics that
makes the “hits harder if used at least twice in a row”
such a difficult task are only available if you pull and
attack with particular Pokémon, instead of being easily
available in Trainer form. It isn’t strong enough to
run in a +39 deck; the HP isn’t high enough and while
Overdrive Smash can eventually get to the point where
its hitting for 90 over and over again, you’ll have two
attacks before you reach that level and if your opponent
hits you with a Special Condition you may both miss an
attack and have the next one hitting for just 30 again.
In a typical deck though, it should be a great pull.
Standard: 1.75/5
Expanded: 1.5/5
Limited: 4.8/5
Summary: Deoxys has a nifty trick by being able to attack T1, but it
only applies to an underwhelming set-up attack. I
prefer that to having a devastating offensive attack on
the cheap which would likely be too effective,
but with the format showing no signs of slowing down
Deoxys really needed a top notch set-up attack and
not a mere “draw two cards”. There are worse things to
run, even if you’re not a budget constrained beginner,
but there are so many better things to try to open with;
even if you want to build a deck around the capacity to
attack T1, there is the new Latios-EX. As you
have probably guessed by now, this didn’t make my Top 10
list; the card did catch my eye when I first read the
effect but after my initial excitement died down, I
realized it wasn’t as good as I thought. Then I wrote
this review and realized it was a little worse than