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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
November 13, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.35
Expanded: 2.43
Limited: 3.68
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Alright, finally to wrap up all of
this Ancient Origins shenanigans, we've got Porygon-Z.
Get it? Like the last letter in the alphabet-never mind.
Actually, there are two Porygon-Z
in the set, but the other one is just a Theta Stopping
Devolver that probably works better over in Expanded
where we've got more access to "upon Evolution"
Abilities, and even then a Stage 2 attacker to use that
is a bit...well, extreme. So in the meanwhile, we've got
this Porygon-Z, and he's actually got some nifty
For starters, Cyber Crush doesn't
deal any damage, but for a single Energy, it gets rid of
any and all of your opponent's Special Energies. Yep,
ALL of them on ALL of your opponent's Pokemon. And given
the abundance of such Energy since Furious Fists, I'm
gonna say that that's gonna see some usage!
But why stop there? Tack on the
Slowing Beam, and you get a 3-for-70 strike that makes
the cost of your opponent's attacks cost 1 additional
Energy, making their weaker attacks slightly more
expensive and their biggest attacks just out of reach
without the right investment. Amazing, right?
That's about where all the goodness
ends though. Sure, Porygon-Z can combine well with stuff
like Head Ringer and the Hammers to make a
super-disruptive deck, but he's a slow Stage 2 Pokemon,
and Slowing Beam is a temporary effect that can be
worked around and doesn't necessarily bring a full halt
to your opponent's attacks. In short, he's only gonna go
so far with his attacks.
But hey, he's crazy enough to work,
Standard: 2/5 (...okay, maybe not
that well)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (at least the
Hammers work well here)
Limited: 3/5 (not a lot of Special
Energy to discard, but maybe Slowing Beam will slow your
opponent down enough to make it worthwhile)
Arora Notealus: Ahhh, Porygon-Z,
you crazy crazy Porygon. Maybe one day you'll be...less
Weekend Thought: What are some of
your favorite cards from Ancient Origins? Like what you
see? Did you attend the BREAKThrough event a couple
weeks ago, or have you started looking into the new set?
Cause next up, we've got our own Top 10 list rolling!

Otaku |
time on Porygon-Z…
read it in the booming Dragon Ball Z English
announcer voice… no? Alright, enough with that
joke: Porygon-Z (XY: Ancient Origins
66/98) is our final subject for this week. It is a
Colorless-Type which means a few things. Never
exploiting Weakness, a major benefit for the top Types
and while that is alongside never crashing into
Resistance, “x2” helps a lot more than “-20” hurts.
When it comes to cards with beneficial or detrimental
effects that specifically affect Colorless-Type (and
only Colorless-Type) Pokémon, we are in a similar boat;
only a few instances of each with slightly more (and
better) support, though as the “anti-Colorless” cards
are fairly poor, that isn’t saying much. As it
largely seems to be a point of the Colorless-Type,
most of its members can use any Type of Energy,
making it so that they don’t really support each other
any better than they do anything else, barring decks
that include some of the explicitly Colorless-Type
boosting cards.
Being a
Stage 2 is rough; I don’t think it is the most difficult
type to currently run but Stage 1 Pokémon that Evolve
from Restored Pokémon and Mega Evolutions that lack
Spirit Links may not count as legitimate “Stages” to
some. Without any rule bending effects, you’ll
need three total cards (Porygon, Porygon2
and Porygon-Z) and three turns to get Porygon-Z
into play. You can shave a turn off by using
Rare Candy or Wally, which come with their
own pros and cons. Porygon-Z has 130 HP, which
is enough to survive a hit some of the time, but it is
30 below the max we’ve seen on Stage 2 Pokémon and not
something to rely on being able to take a hit.
Especially against Fighting-Types because Fighting
Weakness is so dangerous; we’ve got quite a few capable
of hitting hard and fast with single Energy attacks that
are usually bolstered with multiple buffs… and when
something gets both Muscle Band and a Strong
Energy it just needs to hit for 30 damage for one
Energy (like Landorus-EX and Lucario-EX)
to take Porygon-Z down in one hit. Lack of
Resistance is typical, so while it is the worst it isn’t
a major drawback (the Resistance mechanic is
appropriately balanced so it actually isn’t a huge deal
right now). Its Retreat Cost of [CC] is low enough
that you likely will have the Energy available to pay it
and can recover from having paid it, but you’d really
rather not and sometimes it will be too much.
has two attacks but no Ancient Traits or Abilities; the
first attack is “Cyber Crush” for [C], making it as
affordable as it can be for a printed attack in the
contemporary card pool. This attack does no damage
but it discards all Special Energy attached to
all of your opponent’s Pokémon. Against some
decks this is worthless, against some it is amazing…
give or take the fact that if you are using it over and
over again to prevent your opponent building up a lot of
Special Energy cards, you’ll usually just be taking out
one at a time. For [CCC] Porygon-Z can use
“Slowing Beam” to hit for 70 damage and force the
Defending Pokémon (so whatever was specifically hit
by this attack) to pay [C] more for the attacks on that
Pokémon. If you can keep your opponent from
changing out his or her Active and they don’t have ample
Energy acceleration built into the deck, this can create
a soft lock but again when facing other decks it will be
pretty worthless. The effect is always pointless
on a turn where you score a KO… and the damage is
actually just about right for 2HKOs (with a Muscle
Band). There is some synergy here, besides
being priced so you can go from the first attack to the
second with a Double Colorless Energy, Slowing
Beam can be used to do some damage while your opponent
powers up other Pokémon (perhaps on the Bench) but if
your opponent is using Special Energy cards, you just
discard them all before he or she builds up enough to
attack… at least in theory.
We have
to start somewhere for the lower Stages, so let us go to
the beginning with Porygon, specifically BW:
Plasma Blast 72/101 and XY: Ancient Origins
64/98, both of which are Basic Colorless Pokémon with 60
HP, Fighting Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat Cost
[C], no Ancient Trait and no Ability. BW: Plasma
Blast 72/101 can use “Tackle” to do 10 for [C].
That’s it. XY: Ancient Origins 64/98 can use
“Data Check” for [C] to look at your deck (then shuffle
it after you’re done). For [CC] it can use
“Sharpen” to do 20 damage. Neither are good, but
XY: Ancient Origins 64/98 just does a little
more. The two candidates for Porygon2 -
BW: Plasma Blast 73/101 and XY: Ancient Origins
65/98 - are similar to their Basic counterparts; both
are Stage 1 Colorless Pokémon with 80 HP with Fighting
Weakness, no Resistance, no Ancient Traits or Abilities.
BW: Plasma Blast 73/101 has a Retreat Cost of
[C] and a single attack (Destructive Beam) which
requires [CC] and hits for 30, with a coin flip to see
if you discard an Energy attached to the Defending
Pokémon. XY: Ancient Origins 65/98 has a Retreat
Cost of [CC] and two attacks. The first (Sharpen)
requires [C] to hit for 20 while the second (Tri Attack)
requires [CCC] to flip three coins good for 30 damage
per “heads”. I’d go with BW: Plasma Blast
73/101 as discard an Energy is on theme and might keep
Porygon2 alive long enough to Evolve. I’d
also use Rare Candy as well as when Item lock
isn’t a thing, it is the better choice.
are two other options for Porygon-Z: BW:
Plasma Blast 74/101 (also available as BW: Black
Star Promos BW84) and XY: Ancient Origins
67/98. They are very similar to today’s card:
Colorless Stage 2 Pokémon with Fighting Weakness and no
Resistance. BW: Plasma Blast 74/101 is a Team
Plasma Pokémon so I’ll just refer to it as Porygon-Z
[Plasma] from this point on in the review. It has
a Retreat Cost of only [C], the Ability “Plasma
Transfer” and the familiar “Tri Attack”. The
former allows you to move your Plasma Energy, one
at a time, from one of your Pokémon to another of your
Pokémon, as many times as you like on your turn.
Kind of nice in that you can search those things out and
attach them with Colress Machine, at least to a
Team Plasma Pokémon like Porygon-Z, then move
them wherever you want. However they are Special
Energy that do nothing but provide [C], though many
cards have effects triggered by them. This version
of Tri Attack still costs [CCC] and has you flip three
coins but does 50 per “heads” which is okay if it you
can make the Ability the primary focus. I don’t
think you can; with only four Plasma Energy
allowed in a deck, even with all their tricks, it wasn’t
enough to justify running a Stage 2 in a deck and I
don’t think you have room even in a deck where you
slipped two of these in alongside another Porygon-Z.
You can see our… er… baby_mario’s review of it
he was overly generous with it, but at the time I was
optimistic as well.
is not our next CotD. It has a Retreat Cost
of [CC] and shakes things up a bit by having an Ancient
Trait (Θ Stop) which protects it from Abilities, in
addition to two attacks. For [C] it can use
“Digital Reboot” to devolve as many of your Benched
Pokémon in play as you like, including devolving them
more than once plus the Evolved forms go to your
hand and not the discard pile. This might set-up
for some crazy combos, but is a bit scary at the same
time as you need to keep your hand intact (and the lower
Stages to survive) long enough to re-Evolve them.
Plus you’ve got a kind of fragile Stage 2 that just
attacked in order to do all that. For [CC] it can
use “Dazzle Blast” to do 50 damage and Confuse the
opponent’s Active. This is an okay fall back
attack but again, not something to build a deck around.
The first attack really is tempting due to cards like
Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119) and
Golbat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119); though
you can’t Evolve your Zubat twice the next turn,
if you have a Bench full you could do up to four
two-damage-counter-placements and then the next turn
four three-damage-counter-placements… which isn’t awful
for what is ultimately the attack of a Stage 2, at least
until you remember that I just suggested a Bench full of
four more Stage 2 cards. Forretress (XY:
Flashfire 60/106) is a Stage 1 that causes a single
damage counters worth of spread that hits all of your
opponent’s Pokémon but even with a full four count, that
is just spread that hits for four damage counters and is
vulnerable to being disrupted. So it doesn’t help
Porygon-Z (XY: Ancient Origins 66/98), but
if you insist on playing Porygon-Z (XY:
Ancient Origins 67/98) I’d include one of today’s
card as back-up.
So how
do you use today’s card? Well, doing something I
hate; you make your opponent hurry up and wait,
basically turning this into slow, agonizing solitaire
through a vicious control deck. Seismitoad-EX can
open to help buy time. You might also have room
for Giratina-EX (XY: Ancient Origins
57/98, 93/98) which gets to the issue of “Why not just
run what already is proven?”. With cards like
Head Ringer, Team Flare Grunt and perhaps
Crushing Hammer (Enhanced Hammer might not
make as much sense due to the first attack, but maybe it
is still needed) only decks with massive amounts of
Energy acceleration or that can spam low Energy attacks
from non-Pokémon-EX are likely to overwhelm your
defenses… which could be the problem because that
describes a couple strong decks. Seismitoad-EX
and Giratina-EX can help with that, but as they
are attackers, at that point the deck stops feeling like
a Porygon-Z deck and becomes a just another
Seismitoad-EX/Giratina-EX control deck.
Still, it does do something, and in Limited play the
only concern is pulling a full line and not having
something blatantly better, like a Basic Pokémon-EX that
is worth building a +39 deck around (a deck that runs a
single Basic Pokémon and 39 non-Basic Pokémon cards).
Porygon-Z does a lot of things well, but not well
enough to compete with the cards already doing more or
less the same thing, but through slightly different
mechanics. You can try and control what your
opponent does by striking at his or her Energy cards,
but honestly, is that really fun? Beating on an
opponent that can’t fight back? Even if it is, too
many match-ups your opponent not only fights back but
can flatten you so either way, it isn’t a good deal.

Emma Starr |
To conclude the
week, we look at the Pokemon who can travel dimensions,
although there may have been an error (check the card
description if you have no idea what I’m talking about)!
Now I’m pretty curious what they mean by this. Did one
of the developers in the game reference their own
fanfiction, and the other developers liked it so much,
they allowed him to make reference to it in Pokemon Y
(since that is where the description came from). Who
knows, but now I’m getting tempted to write my own
fanfiction to explain this mysterious message…
Well, although
it’s only a 130 HP, Fighting weak, Stage 2 Pokemon,
Porygon Z is here to troll the competition. For one
Colorless, he can use Cyber Crush to discard ALL special
Energy from the opposing bench, by taking away segments
of their DNA. This does trump Hammer cards, however, as
NONE of your opponent’s Pokemon are safe. Combine that
with having very few options to get Special Energy out
of the Discard Pile (Only in Unlimited with Lysandre’s
Trump Card? Most ways of getting Energies back limit
them to only basic energies.), this can be a very
effective strategy. However, this comes at the cost of
damage, as there is none to be had. But you should
ideally only want to use the attack once anyway, maybe
later into the game, so it shouldn’t matter much anyway.
Slow Beam costs
3 Colorless, does 70 damage, and makes the Defending
Pokemon’s attack cost one Colorless more next turn. If
you’re feeling especially evil, combine a Head Ringer
with this effect to any non-Tool-equipped Pokemon to
cause them to potentially take an additional 2 turns to
power up! Thankfully, the damage on this attack isn’t
too bad, and can 2HKO 99% of EXs with a Muscle Band,
which makes full use of your potential 2 free turns!
Would I
recommend Porygon Z though? Well, although the gimmicks
are nice, you’ll still have to dedicate a sizable
portion of your deck for him to work this well (all 3
cards for Porygon’s evolution family, any extras you’d
need, potential Rare Candies and Wally’s. For the last
attack, you need in addition to what I just mentioned, a
Muscle Band, 2 more energies, a Jamming Net, and an
optional Lysandre if your target is on the bench.
Although many decks carry most of these, this still
poses the problem of dedicating so many resources to a
Stage 2 that only normally does 70 damage.), but if you
feel especially trollish, it may just be worth running
at least one, if only because Energy Crush can be pretty
useful late game.
Standard: 2.3/5
Expanded: 2.3/5
Limited: 1.5/5
(Flash and Dangerous Energy can be run here, but not
every deck will be using those, obviously. Slow Beam is
ironically, a little too slow to be useful here,