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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 BREAKthrough
- #8 -
Magnezone #54/162
- BREAKthrough
Date Reviewed:
November 18, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.67
Expanded: 3.50
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
You know normally Magnezone would
be the Pokemon I'm making fun of for his EX form, but
that's really old news at this point, and now he's
somewhat redeeming himself with the aid of his latest
card from this set! You might say he's gotten a bit more
buff now...but you might also say this looks awfully
Of course he starts off as a Stage
2, since he's not working on the EX angle anymore, which
already means he's a lot slower than most cards. Still,
he's going to work faster than, say, Florges BREAK, who
will require 4 cards to Magnezone's or any other regular
Stage 2's 3 cards. Slow, but not terribly so, and on top
of that, he's got an Ability that, again, will probably
look familiar: Magnetic Circuit.
No, it's not because Magnezone's
had this before - in fact, it's really a first for him -
but you've definitely seen this Ability on cards like
Blastoise and Emboar. Yep, Magnetic Circuit is the Rain
Dance or the Inferno Fandango of the Electric deck,
letting you play as many Electric Energies from your
hand as you dare. We all know this can be a big break in
different decks, giving much faster access to stronger
attacks at a faster pace than just regular Energy
attachment - it effectively leads into an instantaneous
power-up! So it's already a worthwhile card in that
Granted, Thunder Blast isn't an
exceptional attack, though it does work well with
Magnezone's Ability - it's a 3-for-100 shockwave that
discards an Electric Energy attached to Magnezone, so
you can see why it would work well. But there are a few
other Electric-types that Magnetic Circuit can work well
with. One idea might be to BREAK Evolve Raichu into his
new Raichu BREAK form, since Grand Bolt does a whopping
170 damage for the same amount as Magnezone's Thunder
Blast. But why stop there? You've got Ampharos-EX to
charge up your guys even faster and even M Ampharos-EX
will benefit from a quick acceleration needing 4 Energy
to power up his Exa Volt attack! Or you could combine
this with M Manectric-EX.....who really is just a
one-man power vacuum, but maybe there's an application
to getting that 2-Energy Turbo Bolt off without pause.
Magnezone will definitely get some
mileage in Electric decks, making a few of the slower
ones more viable while potentially speeding up the
faster ones (if they care to make room for him), so
expect a few more powerful Electric builds at your next
Standard: 3.5/5 (nothing terribly
out there, but a definite boost to a Type that's needed
it for a while)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (though here, the
presence of Eels may make it less likely to play with,
but I won't fault anyone working to improve their older
Electric decks with this guy)
Limited: 4/5 (a fairly hefty aid to
any Electric-types you recruit, which would combo well
with Raichu BREAK again, though that's asking a lot, but
it can work well with a couple of other cards too)
Arora Notealus: It's kinda nice to
see the "throw your hand of Energy down on the field"
kind of effect again, even if it's not for Water-types
this time around. Then again, Electric would definitely
be the next best Type for this sort of thing, and Fire
made some sense too. Now if only there was a way of
fueling up those Dragons even faster...
Next Time: The imperial majesty of
the seas rises again!

Otaku |
Time for our eighth place pick, Magnezone (XY:
BREAKthrough 54/162). Shocking right?
I’ll be good and stick to reviewing now.
The Lightning Weakness is widespread, but only common to
certain Colorless-Types, namely those that represent the
video game Flying-Type. Most of the other
instances are just dual-typed Pokémon that are part
Flying-Type but their TCG Type is based on the other
video game Type. A good chunk of older Water-Types
(plus a few seemingly random ones now) - why do you make
this complicated, Magikarp (XY: Ancient
Origins 19/98)? - but should you find yourself
attacking with this card, it will probably be out of
desperation or because you’re scoring double damage
against something you need to take down ASAP like a
Yveltal-EX. Lightning Resistance can be
annoying but not only is -20 more “tricky” than “bad”,
it also seems limited to older, BW-era Fighting-Types.
There only anti-Lightning-Type effect I can find is the
Ancient Trait “Δ Wild” on M Rayquaza-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 61/108), which reduces the damage done
to said M Rayquaza-EX by certain Types (among
them Lightning) by 20. Yay. Lightning-Type
support that specifically only works for the Type itself
isn’t too common, though there are some handy but not
mindblowing examples like Flash Energy to
neutralize your Weakness or Rough Seas to heal
your Pokémon. If the Type matters it will probably
be due to indirect reasons; cards that simply become
better when used alongside other Lightning-Types
and/or basic Lightning Energy cards.
Being a Stage 2 is not good; you’ll need at least two
other cards besides Magnezone to get itself into
play and the best options are slowly Evolving manually,
which requires Magnemite survive a turn to Evolve
into Magneton which needs to survive another turn
to become Magnezone or skipping Magneton
and going from a Magnemite directly to a
Magnezone with only a turn of waiting via Rare
Candy. The 140 HP is reasonably good; 160 is
the max printed on a Stage 2 but 140 is still enough to
to avoid being too easy of a KO, except of course
against Fighting-Types. Fighting Weakness means
most Fighting-Types will take you down hard and fast… or
perhaps I should say easily and fast, because something
like Lucario-EX just needs a Strong Energy
and a Muscle Band for a single Energy OHKO. Magnezone
sports Metal Resistance; it isn’t much but an extra -20
means when you encounter all but the hardest hitting
Metal-Type attackers, Magnezone should survive.
The Retreat Cost of [CCC] is chunky and not something
you’ll often want to pay or be able to easily recover
from having paid, but should there be enough similarly
costed Pokémon in your deck, Heavy Ball may be an
has no Ancient Trait but does have an Ability called
“Magnetic Circuit” that allows you to attach a [L]
Energy card from your hand to one of your Pokémon as
often as you want during your turn. Note that
Flash Energy (and so far, any and all other Special
Energy cards capable of providing [L]) do not do
so while in your hand; you’ll only be raining down basic
Lightning Energy cards. Slight play on
words there as this is a familiar Ability except for the
Type; Blastoise (BW: Boundaries Crossed
31/149; BW: Plasma Storm 137/135; BW: Plasma
Blast 16/101) does the same thing, just for [W]
Energy. We’ll discuss the similarities a bit more
later, for now we’ll check the attack: “Thunder Blast”
requires [LLC] to hit for 100 damage, then makes you
discard an [L] Energy from Magnezone itself.
This is a bit pricey for the damage, but seems to be a
decent fallback attack that thanks to Weakness could
OHKO Yveltal-EX even without a Muscle Band;
after factoring in the Ability it becomes fast and easy.
As an added bonus (for me), there are multiple
Transformers named Thunderblast (close enough).
There are four Magnemite to pick from: BW:
Plasma Storm 42/135; BW: Plasma Storm 43/135;
XY: BREAKThrough 51/162 and XY: BREAKThrough
52/162. All four are Lightning-Type Basic Pokémon
with 60 HP, Fighting Weakness, Retreat Cost [C] and no
Ancient Traits. BW: Plasma Storm 42/135 has no
Resistance, no Ability and two attacks: “Metal Sound”
costs [C] and has you flip a coin with “tails” doing
nothing and “heads” Confusing the opponent’s Active
while Electro Ball needs [LC] to hit for a flat 20. BW:
Plasma Storm 43/135 also has no Resistance or
Ability but only has a single attack - “Electro Ball”
again - this time requiring [L] to hit for 10. XY:
BREAKThrough 51/162 has Metal Resistance, an Ability
and an Attack; the Ability is “Sparking Induction” which
lowers its Retreat Cost by [C] each Magnemite on
your Bench while for [CC] it can use “Lightning Ball” to
attack for 20 damage. XY: BREAKThrough 52/162 is
also Metal Resistant but goes back to having two
attacks: “Shock Generator” requires [L] and gives you a
coin flip to Paralyze the opponent’s Active (nothing
else) while “Lighting Ball” shows up again and does the
same 20 damage for the same cost of [CC]. Go with
XY: BREAKThrough 51/162 and enjoy the free
Retreat it will often (but not always) possess.
There are three Magneton to pick - BW: Plasma
Storm 44/135; BW: Plasma Storm 45/135 and
XY: BREAKThrough 53/162 - from, though if you count
Rare Candy we again have four options. They
are again a fairly homogeneous lot; all are Stage 1
Lightning-Type Pokémon with Fighting Weakness, no
Ancient Traits and no Abilities. BW: Plasma Storm
44/135 has no Resistance, a Retreat Cost of [CC] and two
familiar attacks: this time Metal Sound automatically
Confuses the opponent’s Active but still only requires
[C] to use, while Electro Ball still requires [LC] but
hits for 30 damage. BW: Plasma Storm 45/135 also
has no Resistance and a Retreat Cost of [CC] but only
has a single attack - Knock Away - which requires [LC]
to hit for 20 damage and flip a coin; if “heads” the
attack does 20+20 (so 40) while “tails” just means the
base 20 damage. XY: BREAKThrough 53/162 shakes
things up a little by having Metal Resistance, a Retreat
Cost of [C] and goes back to having two attacks: “Static
Shock” for [L] allows you to flip a coin to try and
Paralyze the opponent’s Active while Electro Ball
returns yet again, only this time it costs [LCC] to hit
for 70 as well as making you discard an Energy attach to
itself afterwards. Go with XY: BREAKThrough
53/162 due to its Resistance, better Retreat Cost,
potential to Paralyze and almost decent attack…
basically it is better all around and as an added bonus,
someone like me is reminded of the Static Shock
cartoon from early 2000s.
There are also two other Magnezone to consider:
BW: Plasma Storm 46/135 and BW: Plasma Storm
47/135. Both are Stage 2 Lightning-Types with 140
HP, Fighting Weakness, no Resistance and no Ancient
Trait (of course, the mechanic didn’t exist when these
were released). BW: Plasma Storm 46/135 is a
Team Plasma Pokémon, able to tap into their support (or
be affected by their counters), and a familiar chunky
Retreat Cost of [CCC]. It has the Ability “Dual
Brains” which allows the you to use two Supporters
during your turn. It is a strong Ability but not
much has ever come of it because you need enough
Supporters in the deck to use two per turn but should
the Ability get counters (as is somewhat common) you may
end up with a lot of deck cards in hand. For [LLC]
it can attack with “Gyro Ball” to hit for 80 damage,
then switches itself with one of your Benched Pokémon
before forcing the opponent to also change out his or
her Active (the player chooses for his/her own Pokémon).
It is a decent way to get back to the Bench. It
was reviewed
about two and a half years ago. You might be able
to combine this with today’s version in Expanded; it
simply will be a matter of finding room in the deck as
you likely won’t need a full four count of today’s card.
Both Abilities fail to stack, so if you need a fleshed
out lower line, you’ll likely have spares.
BW: Plasma Storm
47/135 has a Retreat Cost of [CC] and two attacks: for
[L] it can use “Double Assist” to hit for 30 damage
while attaching two basic Energy cards from the discard
pile to one of your Pokémon while for [LCC] it can use
“Tumbling Attack” to hit for 70 damage plus (on a
“heads”) another 20, meaning 90 total (in the case of
“tails”, the base 70 still happens). Not pure
vanilla but close, and while it might be tempting to
have something in case your Abilities get taken down,
you’re not going to get all that far ahead unless you
Bench it and already attached a “spare” source of [L] to
it earlier. If you have to build and power it up,
it takes too much time and you are only ahead a single
Energy attachment from what could very well be a OHKO.
If you insist you could do this, but I’d just save the
space for either of the other two Magnezone and
make sure I had a few low Energy attachers as my actual
fallback plan. This one also received a review
So what is the plan with running today’s Magnezone?
“Deluge Revisited”; take the basic strategy we used to
see in Blastoise decks and appropriate it for a
Lightning Energy centric deck. Blastoise made
its relatively recent comeback due to Archie’s Ace in
the Hole, so you’ll need to leverage whatever you
can out of having a different Energy Type. This
set gives us Raikou (XY: BREAKthrough
55/162), a Lightning-Type Basic Pokémon with 120 HP, the
typical Fighting Weakness and Metal Resistance, a solid
Retreat Cost of only [C], a useful Ability (Shining
Body) that soaks 20 damage done by attacks so long as
Raikou has any [L] Energy attached and for [CCC] its
attack (Thunder Lance) does 50 damage plus another 20
per [L] Energy it has attached. A basic drop of
[LLL] means it hits for 110 damage, scoring a 2HKO
against quite a bit and being decently resilient for a
non-Pokémon-EX Basic; if you have a means of reclaiming
the Energy after it hits the discard, it is a bit safer
to load up than say Keldeo-EX simply because it
is only worth a single Prize and thus can still trade
favorably against the various attacks that do more
damage based on what is attached to the opponent’s
Active. Less impressive but still with potential
is Stunfisk (XY: BREAKthrough 56/162).
Same Stage, Weakness and Resistance as Raikou but
a Retreat Cost of [CCC] and no Ability, but it has two
solid attacks. The better of the two is the first
- Revenge - which requires [LC] to hit for 20 damage but
has the familiar clause of doing more damage if your
opponent KOed one of your Pokémon via damage from an
attack on the previous turn and in this latest version,
the damage bonus is now +80. 100 for two is nothing to
scoff at. Neither is the second attack, though it
is far less impressive; the same Thunder Blast seen on
today’s Magnezone, only the damage output is just
80 instead of 100 (the cost is still [LLC] and the
discard is still one Energy). As a fallback attack
when Revenge isn’t getting a bonus, it isn’t good but
neither is it bad.
If you want something real impressive, sadly you are on
your own. Dig through compatible cards new and old
until you find something and then make sure it isn’t
better off with Blastoise or Eelektrik (BW:
Noble Victories 40/101). This should be much
easier in Standard because those two are not available!
In Limited you’ll almost certainly run Magnezone
if you can pull the supporting Evolution line; even
without a proper deck built around it the Energy
acceleration is amazing, the set has some decent
attackers you can pull to run alongside Magnezone
and Magnezone itself is functionally a better
attacker because it is Limited; most things are smaller
and don’t hit as hard.
Magnezone should become the backbone of a new
deck, I am just uncertain as to how much success it will
meet with in competitive play. The fundamental
value of Energy acceleration is well established, but in
Expanded there are so many other options that may even
be better. In Standard it is mostly a matter of
finding the pace that in Expanded Blastoise has
due to Archie’s Ace in the Hole. Enjoy it
if you pull the complete line in Limited.
was my 9th place pick for the Top 10, and it only
managed a single point above our 9th and 10th place

Emma Starr |
Today, we
welcome a new Pokemon to the energy-accelerator club:
Magnezone, who is joining the ranks with his fellow
Stage 2 Energy acceleraors who have now since retired to
Expanded – Blastoise and Emboar. And really, who doesn’t
love these types of Pokemon?
In case you
aren’t in-the-know, although Magnezone looks like your
standard 140 HP Stage 2 with a bad attack, it’s the
ability that shines brighter than it’s body! Magnetic
Circuit lets you attach any amount of Electric Energy
from your hand to any of your Pokemon! Of course, this
shines brightest in the types of decks I prefer to run:
ones with ~18-20 of a single Energy type, with around 3
Special Energies. Although most people seem to run
shockingly (to me, at least) low amounts of Energy in
their decks today, this can stand out if you’re one of
the few people out there who are willing to dedicate
around 1/3 of their deck to energies. And how might one
get these energies into your hand effectively?
Professor’s Letter, or Cilan (in Expanded) of course!
Although Cilan is a supporter, and only gets you 1 more
energy than Professor’s Letter, I usually end up running
Cilan more often in these sorts of decks.
Who are the
candidates for who can make use of this ability the
most? Well, the ever-annoying and deadly Mega Ampharos
EX can! The potential 170 damage attack with Paralysis
could in theory be ready in a very quick amount of time,
although you’ll still need a way to quickly evolve a
Stage 2 AND a Mega Evolution first. Another possible
target could be Thundurus EX (ROS 126) for only 20 less
damage, but he doesn’t have to Mega Evolve, and he costs
one less energy. Another popular Mega Evolution, of
course, is Mega Manectric EX, who does 110 for 2 energy,
but ALSO can attach 2 basic Energies from your discard
pile to another of your benched Pokemon as well, even
accelerating energy to extents that even Magnezone can’t
(as he can’t touch the discard pile for energies), so no
need to worry about what to discard to use Ultra Ball
during this crazy hodgepodge to get everyone evolved and
in play (although there is a new card that lets you
search much more easily without discarding, but we’ll
talk about her in a later review)!
So, are there
any downsides to Magnezone? Well, unless you play the
energy-rich kind of decks I mentioned earlier, it
probably won’t be of much use to you, and Hex Maniac can
be pretty disruptive. You could also get Lysandre’d and
quickly knocked out by any attack that does 70+ from a
Fighting type. It’s also not encouraging that it was
very recently revealed that Garbodor is essentially
getting a reprint, but hey, any form of
energy-acceleration is awesome, and on Stage 2s, they
keep the game balanced enough, along with the fact that
Electric hasn’t really been played too much, aside from
the cards I mentioned earlier. I don’t want to stretch
it, but…I think Electric decks may just become much more
viable thanks to this card.
…Alright, I’ll
say something about the attack too. Thunder Blast is a
3-for-100 attack, which honestly…doesn’t have the worst
damage output ever. The Electric discard can be sad,
unless you use the ability to power up Mega Manectric.
If that’s the case, then as Sonic would say in Sonic
Heroes, Blast Away (but not really, as you’re probably
in a dire situation if Magnezone is active, and you
actually powered this thing up enough to actually use
this attack. Better work on finding a Switch…)!
Standard: 4/5
(Energy acceleration, oh how we’ve missed you…bring your
wrath down on the Shaymins, Lugias, and Yveltals…)
Expanded: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
(Energy acceleration = god tier here, even if you’re
only running a half-Electric deck…)