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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Golurk #35
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
November 2, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.65
Expanded: 2.75
Limited: 4.08
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Hope you all had a great time on
Halloween! Got lots of candy, partied with all the
peeps, and most importantly of all stayed safe! After
all, there are a lot of spooky Pokemon
In any case, we're reviewing a mix
of cards this week, starting with Golurk here! There are
actually two Golurks in the set, but the other one isn't
that exciting compared to this one. Honestly, there's a
lot of neat ideas with this guy too! He not only gets an
Ancient Trait, but he gets an Ability too! Sweet!
So yeah, he has the Theta Stop
power, which you may know from M Sceptile-EX notably.
With that, he won't be affected by the Abilities of your
opponent's Pokemon - which is great, cause in Expanded
that means he's immune to Garbodor's Garbotoxin! Which
is even better, cause he's got the Ability Double Type,
which gives him Psychic AND Fighting typing! Not too
shabby, actually, cause that means he can be run in a
Fighting deck and still benefit from things like Strong
Energy and Fighting Stadium. Pretty crazy, right?
Actually, there could be even more
coverage to be had - why stop at just two types? Golurk
could gain another Type from one of the Eeveelutions -
Vaporeon could give him Water, Flareon with Fire, and
Jolteon with Electric! This could lead the way to a new
deck type of Weakness-annihilating Mega Golurk - THE
RAINBOW GOLURK!! What can he do? What will stop him?
...it's Superpower. A 4-cost strike
that does 80 damage, with an additional 40 damage if he
takes 20 damage himself.
So effectively, Golurk's a glass
cannon, probably taking advantage of his multiple Types
(and maybe even some other ones) to hit for Weakness,
dealing 160 damage before (let's say) Muscle Band or
Strong Energy KOs most non-Mega EXs, with the extra 40
letting the damage stack up to 240 - enough to then KO
any non-Wailord-EX! So he could be very effective!
...buuuuuuuut let's face it, how
likely is that to happen and be consistent?
Standard: 3/5 (I think there's
potential, so I'll give him the extra half-point for
Expanded: 3/5 (I'm sure there's
something to help Golurk be AMAZING)
Limited: 3.5/5 (there's a fair
portion of the set that Golurk can hit for Weakness, and
on top of that he's got Eeveelutions to potentially do
more for more! He could be the start of something
Arora Notealus: Seriously though,
Rainbow Golurk sounds just as awesome as Golurk blasting
off into the sky to use Fly. GET ON THAT, GAMEFREAK!!
Next Time: The king of the jungle,
or the king of the EX?

Otaku |
Last week ended with a Dark/Ghost-Type, so I thought I’d
begin this week with a Ground/Ghost-Type, Golurk
(XY: Ancient Origins 35/98)! It is
represented as a Psychic-Type in the TCG, at least with
this card, which means it can hit a decent chunk of the
Fighting-Type and Psychic-Type for double damage, but
crashes into Resistance against nearly all Darkness- and
Metal-Type Pokémon. The Type has Type support but
as per usual, it isn’t as abundant as some other Types,
though it definitely as a few nice tricks like
Dimension Valley. All in all, I think it’s a
good-Type. Golurk is a Stage 1 card, which is
not entirely dissimilar; the best is being a Basic but
being a Stage 1 isn’t crippling (at least not
automatically). In fact, being a Stage 1 is
probably better than anything but being a Basic in the
current metagame; I can’t say the same for being a
Psychic-Type. It’s 130 HP continues the trend of
not being the best but being good. I can find five
Stage 1 cards that exceed this amount and all are best
described as “exceptional” as they are Wailord (BW:
Dragons Exalted 26/124) plus four Stage 1 Pokémon
that Evolve from Restored Pokémon (as opposed to
conventional Basics). The Darkness Weakness breaks
the streak because it's not good and infact is pretty
dangerous thanks to Yveltal-EX being such a
strong, popular play. The Fighting Resistance that
accompanies it is most welcome; with 130 HP it has a
better chance of making a difference. Then with
the Retreat Cost we are back to “bad” as it is [CCCC].
sports the Ancient Trait “Θ Stop”, which protects it
from the effects of an opponent’s Abilities. This
is handy for a few different reasons, but the main one
in Expanded is probably how Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted 54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze
119/116; BW: Legendary Treasures 68/113) or more
accurately its “Garbotoxin” Ability cannot affect
Golurk… which itself matters because Golurk
has an Ability. “Double Type” works how you might
expect, allowing Golurk to simultaneously count
as being both its native Psychic-Type as well as being a
Fighting-Type (the two types that correspond to its
video game Types). The Fighting-Type is one of the
best in the game right now due to hitting Weakness
against a good chunk of the Colorless-Type as well as
most Darkness- and Lightning-Types, though Fighting
Resistance is quite common as well. It also means
Golurk can access things like Strong Energy
and Focus Sash. All in all, pretty sweet. Golurk
also sports a single attack, named “Superpower”.
It requires a hefty [CCCC] and only hits for 80 damage
against the opponent’s Active, but it has an effect that
states you may make Superpower do another 40 damage
against the opponent’s Active if you elect to have it do
20 damage to Golurk itself. This is a good
attack made potentially great by the rest of the card,
such as how while Double Type is in effect, the card’s
own Resistance will block the self-damage, giving you a
great 120 damage for four.
has five options for its lower Stage “Golett”, at
least in Expanded: BW: Noble Victories 71/101,
BW: Dragons Exalted 58/124, BW: Plasma Blast
45/101, XY: Furious Fists 42/111 and XY:
Ancient Origins 34/98. For Standard, only
those last two are allowed. As a reminder,
Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick isn’t an option because
Golurk isn’t a Fighting-Type while not in play.
All Golett are Basic Pokémon with at least 80 HP,
a Retreat Cost of [CCC], no Ancient Trait or Ability and
all but BW: Noble Victories 71/101 are
Psychic-Types with Darkness Weakness. BW: Noble
Victories 71/101 is an 80 HP Fighting-Type with
Water Weakness, Lightning Resistance and a single attack
- “Dynamic Punch” - that costs [FC] and does 20+ damage,
where the “plus” is a mandatory coin flip that results
in an extra 20 damage and Confusion being done to the
opponent’s Active. BW: Dragons Exalted 58/124
has 90 HP, no Resistance and two attacks: “Nap” for [CC]
which heals 40 damage from itself and “Pound” for [PCC]
that hits for a flat 40 damage. BW: Plasma Blast
45/101 drops back down to 80 HP, also has no Resistance
and two attacks. The first (Beat) does 10 damage
for [C] while the second (Mega Punch) does 50 for [PPC].
Moving onto the Standard legal options, we have XY:
Furious Fists 42/111 and it is back up to 90 HP, but
with Fighting Resistance. It still has two
attacks: “Pound” for [PC] and doing 20 damage as well as
Rock Smash for [PCC] which does 30 damage plus has you
flip a coin, doing another 30 (so 60 total) on “heads”
(still does just 30 on “tails”). XY: Ancient Origins
34/98 keeps up the 90 HP with Fighting Resistance but
has just one attack - Smash Punch - for [CC] which does
30 damage but requires a coin flip and “tails fails”.
Which one you use depends on which format and what
approach you’re taking with the deck. If you
really want to tap Fighting support, BW: Noble
Victories 71/101 it is (unless it is Standard, in
which case consider a different aspect to evaluate).
None of them have particularly good attacks so mostly
this boils down to HP; I am thinking either XY:
Furious Fists 42/111 and XY: Ancient Origins
34/98 works because of the 90 HP and Fighting
Resistance, even for Expanded. If you really can’t
decide which to run, you can mix them or consider how
likely you are to be able to afford attack costs; if
going without a source of [P] Energy, XY: Ancient
Origins 34/98 clearly wins even though it is
unreliable at attacking.
There are six other Golurk to consider, though
two are alternate versions of the same card: BW:
Noble Victories 72/101, BW: Dragons Exalted
59/124 (reprinted as BW: Boundaries Crossed
150/149), BW: Plasma Blast 46/101, XY: Furious
Fists 43/111 and XY: Ancient Origins 41/98.
Only the last two are Standard legal, but all are Stage
1 Pokémon with 130 HP, Retreat Cost [CCCC] and two
attacks. BW: Noble Victories 72/101 has Water
Weakness, Lightning Resistance, “Hammer Arm” for [FFC]
doing 60 damage and discarding the top card of your
opponent’s deck and “Hurricane Punch” for [FFFC] which
has you flip four coins and does 50 damage per “heads”.
BW: Dragons Exalted 59/124 (and BW:
Boundaries Crossed 150/149) have Darkness Weakness
and no Resistance. The first attack (Devolution Punch)
costs [CCC] to do 60 damage and sure enough Devolves the
Defending Pokémon (the highest Stage Evolution card
returns to the opponent’s hand). The second attack
(Ghost Hammer) requires [PPCC] to hit for 90 damage
while removing Weakness from Golurk (that is,
itself) during your opponent’s next turn. BW: Plasma
Blast 46/101 also is Darkness Weak with no
Resistance. Its first attack has the awesome name “Iron
Fist of Justice” and needs [CC] to hit for 60 damage but
does nothing if you have any Team Plasma Pokémon in play
while the second (Shadow Punch) needs [PPCC] to hit for
90 damage while ignoring Resistance.
Moving onto Standard legal options, XY: Furious Fists
43/111 has Darkness Weakness but also Fighting
Resistance. Its first attack is “Wreck” which
requires [PCC] and does 60 damage, plus another
60 damage if there is a Stadium in play, which the
attack then discards. For [PCCC] it can use “Golurk
Hammer” to hit for 100 damage. Finally we come to
XY: Ancient Origins 41/98) which is Grass Weak
and has no Resistance. Its first attack is Dig Out
for [C], which hits for 20 damage and has you discard
the top card from your own deck, though if it is a [F]
Energy card then you may attach it to Golurk.
For [FCCC] it can use “Double Lariat” to flip two coins
and score 90 damage per “heads”. BW: Dragons Exalted
59/124 was originally reviewed
then its reprint BW: Boundaries Crossed 150/149
a review
and finally BW: Plasma Blast 46/101 was reviewed
Halloween of 2013.
Some of them have a solid trick or two, but none of them
ever panned out; it is unlikely they would be a major
help to today’s option as none provide an inexpensive
attack that is also “good”.
So the big idea for running Golurk (XY:
Ancient Origins 35/98) is to combine the best of
Psychic Fighting support, though again the Fighting
support must exclude effects that work on Fighting-Types
in the hand, deck or discard pile. Thanks to
Dimension Valley and/or Double Colorless Energy
(usually both) you can get swinging at a reasonable pace
and hit a good chunk of cards for Weakness. I’ve
seen (and even played) some versions that also run
Flareon (XY: Ancient Origins 13/98,
Jolteon (XY: Ancient Origins 26/98) and
Vaporeon (XY: Ancient Origins 22/98) so that
Golurk can hit five different Weaknesses all on
its own, and I even tried a build that included
Vespiquen (XY: Ancient Origins 10/98) to also
hit Grass Weakness as I thought it needed it. So
far, I haven’t had any luck with any of these as while
they are amazing when they work, they tend to need so
many cards that I can’t get them to reliably work, let
alone quickly. If any of these placed in the
recent Autumn Regional Championships I’m drawing a
blank. As such the best place to enjoy this card
is probably in Limited play where it can work into any
deck other than a +39 deck built around a single Basic
I really do like this card, but it as stated I haven’t
been able to work, hence the actual scores. I
don’t think Expanded adds or loses enough to really
alter the score, mostly because I can’t find room for
Heavy Ball alongside everything else (it works all
available Golett and Golurk).
Limited only suffers because it is a Stage 1 and thus a
bit trickier to pull. If someone knows how to
streamline this deck, they’ll have a formidable weapon.
Until then, mostly something to play for fun.

Emma Starr |
Golurk is a pretty interesting
Pokemon, and not only because he’s some sort of ghost
robot, either! With his ability, Double Type, he gains
the ability to have access to both of his typings in the
game, which not many Pokemon get to take advantage of,
here in the TCG! Being a Ghost-Ground type in the games,
he certainly has one of the most unique typings in the
series so far, and the TCG has realized this too, and
decided to pay homage to it!
130 HP is pretty okay for a Stage
1, though that Dark weakness should be enough to cause
him to shy away from all the Pokemon from last week.
That Retreat Cost is just…terrifying, though. He does
have a rather nice Ancient Trait, though!
Omega Stop stops your opponent’s
Pokemon’s abilities from working on Golurk! The best
uses for this I can find is stopping Garbodor’s
Garbotoxin or Wobbuffet’s Bide Barricade from cancelling
out Golurk’s ability (which I’ll get to next), but
really, there aren’t that many abilities out there that
are focused on hurting Stage 1 Pokemon…perhaps it may be
beneficial to you in a very specific way, but don’t
count on it becoming relevant in too many matches,
especially because Hex Maniac still works.
Double Type, Golurk’s redeeming
Ability, lets Golurk be the Psychic and Fighting type he
was truly born to be! Along with that, comes all the fun
boosts that all Fighting types get – Fighting Stadium,
Strong Energy, and Machamp – just note that Golurk has
to be in play for the Ability to activate, so you can’t
search him out of the deck with Korrina.
Being the fighting type he was
destined to become, he can use Superpower, which for
four Colorless(!) energy, he can do either 80, or even
120, but at the cost of doing 20 to itself. Splashabilty
is key, as any deck can play this, and with it’s
dual-typing, it’ll be hitting a lot of Fighting and
Electric types hard. The question is, although this
thing can do all kinds of damage (especially with the
help of Strong Energy!), is it worth it just for the
potential to hit two different types for Weakness?
…Probably not, honestly. Sure, Fighting types and Mega
Manectric and Mega Ampharos EX are pretty big threats,
but you’re still relying on your opponent running these,
and if they aren’t, you’re just running (at least) 2
cards taking space in your deck that could have been
used for either cheaper attack-costing EXs, or Pokemon
with better abilities. Golurk is a novel-concept at
least, and the attack honestly isn’t that horrible, but
I question the mileage he can bring to the table.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 2.5/5 (Hitting Mewtwo EX
can be quite fun!)
Limited: 3/5 (Splashability can be fun, and so is
hitting Ampharos EX, Tyranitar EX, and many others for
Weakness! Kill two types with one Pokemon!)