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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
November 5, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.9
Expanded: 2.9
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
There are times when Pokémon really, really reminds me
of Transformers. Normally it’s something I
joke about but this time I’m going to explain it a bit.
The molds used for creating the Transformers toys
are pricey, which is why many mold are used multiple
times to create different characters; sometimes the
molds are tweaked, sometimes it is as simple as a new
coloration that helps distinguish one character from
another or having a spot in the transformation where
instead of positioning something one way you are able to
reverse it or skip it for a more distinct look.
Often more than one of these apply at the same time,
including all three. In an odd way this seems
realistic, as for all the differences we humans notice
between each other, we are actually a pretty homogeneous
bunch, especially when details are reduced to typical
“action figure” levels. Besides being a fiscal
necessity, especially for the higher quality molds, fans
like me have learned this often creates a particular
figure we enjoy more than the original, whether because
the mold was improved, the new character is more
interesting or we simply enjoy the new color scheme.
We are talking about an Eeveelution today, and in
a way it is quite like the practice we see with
Transformers toys. Jolteon (XY: Ancient
Origins 26/98) is very clearly in the same “mold” as
Flareon (XY: Ancient Origins 13/98) and
Vaporeon (XY: Ancient Origins 22/98),
respectively. It is a Lightning-Type as befits a
Jolteon; the Lightning-Type has some solid
support, though some of that is Expanded only while
other bits of it are compatible with other Types.
Probably the most important thing right now is that
Lightning Weakness is so profitable to exploit: Lugia-EX
(XY: Ancient Origins 68/98, 94/98), M Rayquaza-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 76/108, 105/108), Shaymin-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 77/108; 106/108) and
Yveltal-EX are involved in a lot of the metagame,
with Shaymin-EX being almost omnipresent support
while the other three are either main or supporting
attackers in multiple decks. You will encounter
some Lightning Resistance, but it once again (yes, this
has happened before) been phased out of the latest (XY)
sets, so you’ll only encounter it in Expanded (on BW-era
cards). M Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
61/108) seems to be the only thing that has a negative
effect on Lightning-Types (its Ancient Trait drops the
damage done by Lightning-Types as well as three other
Types by 20). Thanks to exploiting Weakness, being
a Lightning-Type is most useful.
Being a Stage 1 is adequate; it as good as being a Basic
but it really is easier than the other Stages. It
occurs to me I ought to be consistent and label the
XY: Ancient Origins Eeveelutions as “Stage 1”
support, and indeed that also helps compensate a little
for needing more time/cards to get into play as compared
to Basic Pokémon (granted Basics have some literal Stage
support as well, go figure). 90 HP is enough not to be
exceptionally fragile; it is a probable OHKO with the
exceptions coming from early/incomplete set-ups or
attackers being used for effect and not damage but it
could be worse (and some cards with less HP or the same
but worth two Prizes have seen successful, competitive
play). It makes this a legal Level Ball
target which a nice “pro” within the “con” and getting
back into my opening, keeps it in line with the other
Eeveelutions of this set. Its Fighting
Weakness is one of the worst a card can have right now
because Fighting-Types are great at hitting hard, fast
and reliably… at least relative to the resource
investment. Metal Resistance is appreciated though
I am uncertain as to how much good it will do; also
notable because once again it is something the designers
had shied away from in the BW-era but returned to now.
The free Retreat Cost is perfect, better than most other
cards (let alone Eeveelutions) and as we’ll
discuss, really helps Jolteon.
So completing the trio of Gen 1 Eeveelutions in
XY: Ancient Origins Jolteon follows the
pattern by having an Ability that causes your Stage 1
Pokémon in play to count as an additional Type (this
time it is “Electric Effect” adding Lightning Typing)
and an attack for three Energy that is mostly Colorless
(this time “Thunder Blast” for [LCC], doing 80 damage
and requiring a single Energy discard from Jolteon).
Unlike the other Types, there aren’t any pieces of
Lightning-Type support that affect Pokémon not in play,
so while there aren’t any cool tricks like Archie’s
Ace in the Hole or Dive Ball, what is
available applies, unlike… Archie’s Ace in the Hole
or Dive Ball. The big sell though is
hitting for double damage against the cards listed
above, especially Shaymin-EX and Yveltal-EX;
with the former it is less necessary (though some decks
don’t hit as hard or can use a less costly attack than
otherwise required) but taking the latter down in one
hit, especially with a non-Pokémon-EX is still a big
deal. If you’ve got access to appropriate Energy
Types and acceleration, then Thunder Blast is adequate;
keep in mind I am being generous because the Ability is
clearly supposed to be the main draw (surprised the
attack wasn’t horribly nerfed).
There are actually fewer options for Eevee than I
expected, but that is because some have been printed as
much as four times. Normally I would still list
them all and go through them but due to extenuating
circumstances, I am once again going to focus on the two
I believe are the superior choices: BW: Plasma Freeze
90/116 and XY: Furious Fists 80/111. Both
are Basic, Colorless-Type Pokémon with Fighting
Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C] and no Ancient
Trait. BW: Plasma Freeze 90/116 has 60 HP and
two attack but no Ability; the first attack is “Signs of
Evolution” for [C] and it allows you to search your deck
for three Pokémon that Evolve from Eevee and add them to
hand, though they must be different Types. While
it will probably be a sacrificial play unless your
opponent is having issues, it can be useful for setting
up. Its second attack is “Bite” for [CCC], doing
30 damage; unless you’re desperate it is just filler. XY:
Furious Fists 80/111 has 50 HP, one Ability and one
attack; the former is “Energy Evolution” and it triggers
when you attach a Basic Energy card from hand to this
Eevee, allowing you to search your deck for a
Pokémon of the same Type as the Basic Energy and
immediately Evolve Eevee into it. Many
decks don’t run a lot of Basic Energy but in addition to
the benefits of built in search this can both eliminate
waiting a turn to Evolve and does it from the deck,
getting around Evolution blocking effects.
Including all the options in Expanded play, there are
many Espeon, Flareon, Glaceon,
Leafeon, Sylveon, Umbreon and
Vaporeon from which to choose, in addition to other
Jolteon. As stated earlier I am focused on
set mates Flareon (XY: Ancient Origins
13/98) and Vaporeon (XY: Ancient Origins
22/98); again I’m not going to go into detail (yes, it
bothers me as well) but just state that with all three
of them a deck can attempt to exploit Fire, Lightning
and Water Weakness, possibly trying to also capitalize
upon the available support for those Types as well,
though that takes up more deck space. The mixed
blessing of being a branching Evolution line is that you
probably can only get so many Eeveelutions in
play at once, but that because you share a Basic Stage
when you only need to hit a particular Type this
match-up, you can toss everything but the needed
Eevee and Eeveelution.
If there were more “cheats” for getting the other
Eeveelutions into play (a few are naturally
compatible with Archie’s Ace in the Hole), a
purely Eeveelution based deck, give or take some
attackers to cover the few Types Eeveelutions
miss (Dragon, Fighting and Metal), would be tempting.
There are some other notable attackers among the
Eeveelutions and one of them is Flareon (BW:
Plasma Freeze 12/116); obviously it doesn’t need
Flareon (XY: Ancient Origins 13/98) but is
used for its “Vengeance” attack that costs only [CC] and
does 20 damage plus 10 more for each Pokémon in your
discard pile. That makes it tempting to try and
exploit Water Weakness and Lightning Weakness to (not
quite) halve the amount of Pokémon needed in the discard
pile to score OHKOs, with whatever “spare” Eeveelutions
serving as discard fodder. Seems like that is
unnecessary though, as Flareon [Plasma] is strong
enough without the trick, and the space is better spent
on other cards that support its strategy. The free
Retreat Cost actually does matter, though only if the
deck already lacks a “pivot” Pokémon to promote any time
you just need something up front you can then quickly
get out of the way, such as after something is KOed
going into your turn.
This Jolteon has some real potential in either
Expanded or Standard, and has had some success in
official tournament play… just not enough to eliminate
nagging doubts (some Flareon [Plasma] decks did
include it with at least one making top cut at a recent
Regional Championship). In Limited I would think
it a valuable pull so long as you
Pull at least one Eevee to go with it
Preferably pull a few other Stage 1 (and related Basic)
Don’t pull something like a Pokémon-EX far better suited
to being your only Basic Pokémon in the entire deck,
precluding you running Jolteon at all.
In Limited play, the attack should prove much more
useful, same for the Ability, and even the Retreat Cost
to the point that either (and not just “both”)
can justify working Jolteon into a deck, even as
a 1-1.
As you can tell by the repetitiveness of the review
(even though I resisted going into as much depth as I
prefer), Jolteon probably should have been paired
up with Flareon and Vaporeon as a “triple”
review; unless one does go into my level of detail it
isn’t overwhelming because the Eeveelutions of
XY: Ancient Origins are all the same basic core,
with the only major difference being what Type
the Ability adds to Stage 1 Pokémon, though a few of the
minor ones are also likely to prove relevant.
A good, concise review can hit all of that because so
much of everything else is the same, or at least close
enough too it.
is an interesting addition to the game; maybe it will
break something later on, maybe it is enjoying as much
success as it will ever know, but it is definitely
something to snag and experiment with, at least when it
is convenient.

Emma Starr |
Today, we have a look at Jolteon, but we’ll also
take a look at something else that really needs to be
re-evaluated by TPCI. I’m sure many of you know what
this will be about, but either way, reviewing Jolteon
will come first.
Just like Flareon and Vaporeon from this same
set, Jolteon’s ability, Electric Effect, lets all of
your Stage 1 Pokemon become Electric types, inaddition
to the ones they already are. As such, this is obviously
a nice way to deal with Shaymin EX, if you can drag it
off the bench with say, Lysandre. Jolteon could even
take it down himself, with his attack, Thunder Blast.
Thunder Blast does 80 damage for one Electric,
and Two Colorless, so a Lightning and DCE will get the
job done, but really, you won’t want to use this unless
you really need a way to get Shaymin EX or some other
Lightning-weak Pokemon knocked out, while you have no
other Electric types…or Stage 1s…ready to deal with the
situation. It isn’t awful, as if he’s equipped with a
Muscle Band it can 2HKO any non-Mega, non-Wailord
Pokemon, but that energy discard can be rather pesky. As
with the other Eeveelutions in this set, it also can
work well with a Vespiquen deck, giving Vespiquen more
typings, to be able to hit for weakness more, or just to
be nice discard-fodder.
Standard: 2.5/5 (Neat effect, but you’re not only
relying on one Stage 1, but possibly many. Speciffic
decks such as Vespiquen can make good use of it though,
but sadly, the effect doesn’t apply to Stage 2s…)
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 1.5/5 (Can work in a Vespiquen deck,
though it would obviously be much harder to make
successful in this format…the only other good Electric
Pokemon in this set are the Mega/Ampharos EX line, and
the only good Stage 1 card that comes to mind is
Volcarona (17/98). Not many things are weak to Electric
…Alright, I don’t know if the other reviewers are
going to bring up the elephant in the room, but I
suppose I will. Many of you know that the PTCGO got an
update. A rather major one. And it’s already
universally-hated. I mean, just check the PTCGO reddit
page. I didn’t read one good thing about it last night,
but the devs are still saying only positive things about
it, only to get down-voted into oblivion. What’s so bad,
you ask? Well…
The new card animations take way too long, are
unskippable, and are unable to be turned off! This slows
the game down to a crawl, and not from any sort of lag
either. In fact, even though I’m complaining, I actually
kept the animations on before the update, since they
didn’t actually slow down the game at all. This,
however, is pretty bad, as most people can agree.
Surprisingly though, this is not my biggest gripe of the
update, though.
The UI got trashed. You can see your energies,
but not lined up alongside your Pokemon, like they used
to be. They are now just icons under your Pokemon. It
gets the job done, but I don’t prefer it. An even more
common grievance is that the Prize piles are now stacked
in a single stack. …Yeah, let me know if that ever flies
in an official event! I never ran Town Map, but I’m sure
this would stop anyone from wanting to run it any more.
What is in place of the Prize area? Your deck box. Now
we know why there was an event for the Mega Gengar deck
box last week, I guess…
These gripes, though really bad, aren’t my main
complaint, amazingly. Once you log in, you’ll see that
you have a new Special Challenge: Defeat 12 Trainer
Challenge trainers for 2 AO packs. Not bad, so far. I
decide to get cracking on it, but then I realize – these
new animations take FOREVER. Not only that, but I kid
you not, the game stopped. Not froze, just stopped. In a
single-player mode. The CPU wouldn’t do anything, I
couldn’t concede, and I left the game up for 10 minutes,
waiting for the CPU to do something. It didn’t. So, I
had to manually get out of the PTCGO program and
externally close it.
What can we do about this? Simple – don’t log on.
Show the TPCI that we want a UI rollback. I have a
feeling that if they don’t do anything in a week, they
may actually leave the game like this, and keep the UI
the same as it is, and continue to ignore EVERYONE’S
opinions as usual, and lose out on probably tons of
money in the long run, especially with Breakthrough just
coming out, and buying the massively-inflated packs to
potentially trade or open online. So, for everyone’s
sake, if possible, avoid logging on, even for the daily
bonus, for everyone’s sake. Play another video game or
something. It’ll take less long to make progress, I can
almost guarantee you that.