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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 28, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.30
Expanded: 2.67
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...well, except without the whole
"destroyer king" bit.
All things considered, he's...well,
an okay EX. You're mostly aiming to get him into M
Tyranitar-EX, but if you do need some help (no Spirit
Link or more importantly no M Tyranitar-EX), we might as
well review what the original can do. Which doesn't
start off well when your first attack is a 3-for-60
vanilla strike. Yeah, Hammer In is hardly anything to
write home about - there are much cheaper attacks that
can do WAY more damage (see: Sceptile-EX, M Absol-EX,
etc.) or even have better effects to go along with it
Break Ground is really more of a
temper tantrum over how bad Hammer In is. Adding on
another Energy does gives you 130 damage, but it can
also damage your Benched Pokemon by 10 points - that's
10 less damage your opponent's Pokemon need to KO you!
Yeah, no thank you, I'll take that with a side of
Mountain Ring to prevent that from happening to me!
Maybe Mr. Mime if I'm working in Expanded, ya know?
Needless to say, your aim isn't
really to use Tyranitar-EX as much of a back-up attacker
- you're using him for the same way you'd use the newer
Groudon-EX or the newer Kyogre-EX: EVOLVE THEM TO THE
Standard: 2/5 (he gets outclassed
by a few other EXs, really he's better off evolving into
M Tyranitar-EX)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (...at least the
Dark support helps)
Limited: 4/5 (oh yeah, now HERE'S
where you can use him! more damage and a bulkier body
makes him worth using!)
Arora Notealus: Crushinating the
countryside, crushinating the peasants!
Next Time: And now for something
completely contrary.

Otaku |
“Godzilla” doesn’t say “Halloween” to you then… you’re
probably pretty normal, unlike myself. So film
production, Halloween, convention cosplay… same
difference. Today we look at Tyranitar-EX (XY:
Ancient Origins 42/98, 91/98). If you haven’t
been reading the last few CotDs, the Darkness-Type is
reasonably good, but mostly due to the power of
Yveltal-EX and a few pieces of older support (namely
Darkrai-EX and Dark Patch); it only hits
Weakness on a subset of the Psychic-Type, faces
Resistance on all currently released Fairy-Types
and there are also some anti-Darkness-Type cards (though
they aren’t particularly useful themselves). Being
a Pokémon-EX normally comes with no guaranteed benefits,
just the possibility of better attributes and effects
and the threefold burden of giving up an extra Prize,
inability to access certain beneficial effects and the
presence of certain Pokémon-EX counters (several of
which actually are quite useful). When the Pokémon
in question is normally an Evolution (like regular
Tyranitar are) then you get the bonus of being a
Basic Pokémon; Basic Pokémon are the dominant Stage
right now and have been for some time owing to being
faster and less demanding to run and put into play, a
natural synergy with various card effects due to the
previous and in Expanded there are even pieces of
Basic-only support like Prism Energy.
has 180 HP; 70 below the record setting Wailord-EX
but the higher of the two typical HP scores for Basic
Pokémon-EX and sturdy enough that most decks won’t be
scoring rapid, reliable, repeated OHKOs against it.
The exceptions will be decks designed to steamroll the
competition (either via raw damage or combos/effects) or
those exploiting Weakness, which is why the Fighting
Weakness is so dangerous. Powerhouses like
Landorus-EX and Lucario-EX can score a OHKO
for a single Strong Energy if they also have
Muscle Band and Fighting Stadium while
Landorus (XY: Furious Fists 58/111) or other
non-Pokémon-EX Fighting-Types that can do 20 for [F]
just have to swap in Silver Bangle for the
Muscle Band. While not perfect, if you don’t
need a different Stadium then Shadow Circle can
try to neutralize its Weakness. Tyranitar-EX
does have Resistance at least; -20 to the damage from
Psychic-Types isn’t in anyway equal to the danger caused
by the Weakness but it is better than the typical lack
of Resistance. The massive Retreat Cost of [CCCC]
means you either run something to lower the cost/bypass
manually retreating entirely or pack what you
need to help an Active Tyranitar-EX tank.
In Expanded, Darkrai-EX seems like a pretty
obvious help here.
keeps it simple: no Ancient Trait, no Ability, just two
attacks and the first one doesn’t even have any effect
text. “Hammer In” requires [DCC] to hit for 60 damage;
this is either overpriced or underpowered, perhaps even
both especially after you realize that you need at least
three Energy to attack at all! Needless to say, I
consider it a bad attack, though at least it still
clears the low, low bar of being better than nothing.
“Break Ground” requires [DDCC], so at least the costs
are staggered as such that both can use something like
Double Colorless Energy and without making the
first attack easily skipped (which would make Hammer In
even less useful). Break Ground hits for 130
damage, which seems reasonable for a four Energy
investment. It has the drawback of hitting
everything on your own Bench for 10 damage; this is
fairly easily dealt with in Expanded through Mr. Mime
(BW: Plasma Freeze 47/116) and soon will be in
Standard with the pending release of Mr. Mime (XY:
BREAKThrough 97/162). Currently you could use
Mountain Ring but if you’re focusing on
Tyranitar-EX then I am assuming you’ll need to try
for a OHKO with Break Ground, at least against all but
the biggest targets (like Mega Evolutions). So
tack on a Muscle Band, Hypnotoxic Laser
and Virbank City Gym and you can hit the needed
180 damage, except against Resistance or those
unaffected by Poison.
course, there is M Tyranitar-EX (XY: Ancient
Origins 43/98, 92/98). It shares a lot in
common with regular Tyranitar-EX so we’ll focus
on the differences. As the different name
indicates it is a Mega Evolution; all the baggage of
being a Pokémon-EX carries over and is joined by having
to wait a turn to Mega Evolve plus your turn actually
ends the instant you Mega Evolve unless you had
Tyranitar Spirit Link equipped to the
Tyranitar-EX you used. There are also some
anti-Mega Evolution effects with which you’ll need to
contend. There is the potent Mega Evolution
support of Mega Turbo and it looks like M
Tyranitar-EX does cash in on the expected benefits
of Mega Evolving as it has 240 HP (maximum seen on a
Mega Evolution so far) and an Ancient Trait in addition
to a single, massive attack. “Θ Double” allows M
Tyranitar-EX to have two Pokémon Tools attached to
it at once; it is better here than on many other cards
simply because this allows you to have something
attached to it apart from the (by then unneeded)
Tyranitar Spirit Link, though otherwise it would be
a bit bittersweet; deck space is probably going to be
quite tight for a Mega Evolution that needs four Energy
to attack like it does. “Destroyer King” has the same
[DDCC] Energy cost as Break Ground but but only hits for
110 damage; a little less than I’d like but the attack
has an effect and this time it is a beneficial one.
For each damage counter already on the opponent’s
Active, Destroyer King does an extra 60 damage!
The only reason that is not more amazing is because past
two damage counters, you’re usually in overkill
reviewed M Tyranitar-EX
as our 13th place finisher for our Top 15 list based on
XY: Ancient Origins. I’m not sure how well
M Tyranitar-EX has lived up to that but it really
seems most likely that a deck built around M
Tyranitar-EX is where you’d see Tyranitar-EX;
after all even if you do focus on Break Ground you’re
going to require the level of resource investment that
makes many cards viable. The good news is that
some of the potential partners for M Tyranitar-EX
can assist regular Tyranitar-EX. Thanks to
Θ Double you might actually be running Muscle Band
already, Dark Patch may be run alongside or
instead of Mega Turbo (really not sure which is
best here, all things considered) and there are a few
options for placing damage counters via Abilities that
could replace the Hypnotoxic Laser/Virbank
City Gym combo (possibly even the need for Muscle
Band) when it comes to turning Break Ground into a
OHKO. So overall, I’d say Tyranitar-EX is
decent; even though you could try to base a deck around
it, it isn’t promising enough for that to seem
worthwhile to me, at least in Standard and Expanded
play. In Limited it is another story; the slow
build time for attacking makes me hesitant to recommend
it in a +39 build where it is your only Basic
Pokémon, but once you do reach four Energy attached
you’ll likely score rapidfire OHKOs. Certainly run
it in just about anything else; you’ll need to run a
third to half your Energy as Darkness Energy and
it might not show up in time to dance, but when it does
you’ll enjoy it. Just don’t forget you’re hitting
your own Bench as well.
Tyranitar-EX isn’t a great launching platform for
M Tyranitar-EX, but at least it could function as
a back-up attacker and Tyranitar Spirit Link
exists, so it isn’t too bad. Its Mega Evolution
has always struck me as “good but not great” and it
didn’t make any of the top cuts for the Autumn Regionals
that I recall, but that is still an improvement over the
previous two days so I’ll take it.

Emma Starr |
I think it’s safe to say many of us know how much
of a monster Mega Tyranitar EX is by now, especially
aided by Golbat and Crobat from PHF. However, it seems
we have neglected to take a proper look at his base
form, Tyranitar EX.
Just like the previous Absol’s Tyranitar is
cursed with Fighting weakness as well, meaning that just
one attack that will do 90+ damage from a Fighting type
will OHKO him…like Lucario EX’s Somersault Kick...oh
dear. Thankfully, Mega Tyranitar does have a Spirit
Link, which will help him survive that unfortunate
attack. But if you can’t get that all-important Spirit
Link, what else can Tyranitar EX do?
His first attack does a mediocre 3-for-60 damage,
which is just…meh. With a DCE you could use it on your
second turn, or first (if you go second) by using a Dark
Patch (DEX 93), but only in Expanded. His second attack,
Break Ground, does 130 damage, and costs 2 Dark and Two
Colorless, so thankfully, you can still make use of the
previously-mentioned DCE. However, it does do 10 damage
to each of your Pokemon, which may not be ideal, but can
help in some strategies (Mew EX and Shedinja come to
mind, but I’m sure there are others, too. Perhaps the
other reviewers may touch upon some?). Otherwise, 130
damage is pretty much par for the course in most EX’s
second attacks, so nothing too crazy here. Except his
Mega form.
Standard: 2.5/5 (Worth it at least for the Mega,
but he can hold his own if needed, as long as he doesn’t
stare down any Fighting types!)
Expanded: 3/5 (Again, older Dark support never
fails to help!)
Limited: 4/5 (Even normal EX power is good power
here. Just try not to let him get KOed! Thankfully,
there aren’t many Fighting types here…)