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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 30, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.38
Expanded: 2.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
And now for the devious
MALAM-wait...I mixed up the schedules...SONUVA-
Well, guess I'll just review
Sableye instead.
Sableye is...well, very small. And
very weak. And very...uhm...dark. I dunno what else to
Furtive Drop is 2 Energy for 30
damage, essentially. It's...pretty bad. Like...why would
you use this? If it were more of a spread attack, then I
could imagine using it in conjunction with M Tyranitar-EX
to sweep...but...as is...no.
Well, I guess that's all the
interesting things about
Bewitching Eyes, now THERE'S an interesting attack!
Sableye once again plays to his playful nature and
utilizes stuff from the discard pile! Kinda like the
Dark Explorers version, only instead of getting Items
from your discard pile, he uses a Supporter from your
opponent's discard pile! That's pretty crazy!
...well, more accurately, he copies
its effect, but hey, that's still pretty cool! You could
have a fifth Sycamore in your deck cause of your
opponent, or a Lysandre to mess with your opponent's
formation! Buuuuuuut these are usually Supporters used
with the purpose of setting up...and no Supporter really
does damage...sooooooo...this is kinda "meh" at best.
Maybe if you really needed a means
for more support, but do you really need Sableye for
Standard: 2/5 (...I mean, maybe
there's something more to Bewitching Eyes?)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (I've really got no
Limited: 3/5 (well, there is Hex
Maniac to shut off Abilities during your opponent's
turn, Ace Trainer to benefit off of draw, and the
Lysandre reprint here, so maybe there is something to
all of this...)
Arora Notealus: SABLEYE IS COOL,
Weekend Thought: I mean, not that
Malamar's that great or anything, 2.5/5 imo, but there
ya go! What did you think of this week's cards? Also
what are you dressing up as for Halloween if you're
celebrating? Or maybe you're just passing out candy? Me,
I'm dressing up as a movie theater usher...cause I work
in the movie theater now. Goooooood times!

Otaku |
Our final card this week is Sableye (XY:
Ancient Origins 44/98). Why? Seemed
appropriate to review a Ghost-Type the day before
Halloween, and in the video games Sableye is
indeed a Dark/Ghost dual-Typed Pokémon. In the TCG
though this version is straight up a Darkness-Type.
No major revelations since I began this set of reviews;
the Darkness-Type is home to some very strong cards
including perhaps the overall best attacker in the
current card pool, Yveltal-EX. As a Type
though, it is merely “good” (perhaps something less in
Standard), riding on the lingering potency of some of
the older bits of support like Darkrai-EX and
Dark Patch, in addition to the muscle of
Yveltal-EX. Only Ghost-Type flavored TCG
Psychic-Types are Darkness Weak while all Fairy-Types
are Darkness Resistant. There are even some
anti-Darkness-Type cards though good for Darkness-Types
but bad for them, they aren’t very good at all.
This is still a solid package deal (especially in
Expanded) but it certainly doesn’t approach my usual
example for a top Type, Fighting.
can lay claim to being the best Stage because it is a
Basic: no waiting to Evolve or running additional cards
to get into play and many typical card effects just work
better because instead of needing to work with multiple
targets (like an Evolution line) Basics are one and
done. There are even Basic support cards like
Prism Energy in Expanded; I haven’t cited it the
rest of the week but I’ll cover my bases by mentioning
Revive. I didn’t miss it, I just was
thinking of it more along the lines of “cards that work
better for Basics” as getting the Basic Stage of an
Evolution back could help the line but… yeah, really
more like Basic support. Sableye has 70 HP; it
will only rarely survive a hit, either because the
opponent had an incomplete set-up or is running
something attacking for its effect and not damage like
Seismitoad-EX and its “Quaking Punch” (though
some Seismitoad-EX decks will have enough buffs
to still score an effective OHKO). Inverting the
usual situation, we have the best Weakness and worst
Resistance and they are the same: none! With its
low HP neither would have made much of a difference, but
I still appreciate the lack of Weakness (lack of
Resistance is typical, so it is what it is). The
Retreat Cost of [C] is not unusual for a small Basic and
is easy both to pay and recover from having paid; it
will only rarely be a problem.
has two attacks: for [D] you can use “Bewitching Eyes”
to choose an Supporter in your opponent’s discard pile
and the attack will copy its effect. It should be
noted that to copy something like Ace Trainer or
Archie’s Ace in the Hole you have to meet all
their usual requirements for playing them from hand,
save not worrying about how many Supporters you have
played that turn. This attack can be great for
letting you fake a second Supporter for the turn but it
does have the snag of being at the mercy of whatever
your opponent has used prior. For [DC] you may use
“Furtive Drop” to place three damage counters on the
opponent’s Active Pokémon. Pretty badly overpriced
for the amount of damage counters and inability to
select a specific target, but it still might be useful
under rare but not improbable circumstances.
Bewitching Eyes is the reason to consider running this
card, though.
There are four other Sableye: BW: Dark
Explorers 62/108, BW: Plasma Freeze 49/116,
BW:Legendary Treasures 61/113 and XY
68/146. All are Basic Pokémon with no Weakness, no
Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], no Ancient Trait and no
Ability, but a few have unique characteristics (for
Sableye) beyond the actual attacks: one (other than
today’s) being Standard legal (XY 68/146), having
70 HP (XY 68/146 again), being a Team Plasma
affiliated card (BW: Plasma Freeze 49/116) and
lacking a second attack (BW:Legendary Treasures
61/113). BW: Dark Explorers 62/108 is a
Darkness-Type with “Confuse Ray” for [C] which does 10
damage and with “heads” on a coin flip inflicts
Confusion, as well as “Junk Hunt” for [D] which allows
you to add two Item cards from your discard pile to your
hand. Sableye [Plasma] (BW: Plasma Freeze
49/116) is a Psychic-Type that has “Scratch” for [C]
which does 10 damage and “Shadow Cage” for [PC] which
does 20 damage as well as preventing the Defending
Pokémon from retreating during your opponent’s next
turn. BW:Legendary Treasures 61/113 is another
Psychic-Type and only has “Tight Jaws” for [PC], doing
30 damage and (if you get “heads” on the coin flip)
Paralyzing the opponent’s Active. XY 68/146 is
another Darkness-Type and for [C] can use “Filch” to
draw a card or “Rip Claw” for [DC] which does 30 and (if
you get “heads” on the coin flip” discards an Energy
from the opponent’s Active.
Out of these, BW: Dark Explorers 62/108 has been
reviewed three different times:
once regularly,
once as the #6 pick of 2012
once as #5 pick for the cards lost to rotation.
Only Sableye [Plasma] has even
a single review
among the others. Unsurprisingly, BW: Dark
Explorers 62/108 is any real competition then for
today’s card… and in fact is quite the competition.
While its attack doesn’t allow you to effectively play
an additional Supporter, it is like a double Junk Arm
sans any discards. Ending your turn prevents you
using the Items immediately but if your opponent doesn’t
shuffle away your hand, you’ll have two Items you
managed to make use of once before back again.
This proved so strong there actually have been
successful, competitive decks built around it. As
you can gain use the effect to reuse Items initially
used for set-up, it also means this Sableye
rivals today’s as an opening attacker. As such, if
Sableye (XY: Ancient Origins 44/98) has a
calling it is probably in Standard play. It is
great when your opponent has a Supporter in the discard
you wish to use, but early game options may be scant.
In Limited you may be able to copy Ace Trainer,
Hex Maniac or Steven; all fairly
specialized but still nice options to have, but not so
useful that I’d work Darkness Energy into my deck
just for Sableye.
Sableye has a useful trick in Bewitching Eyes but
not so good as to earn a place in most decks. It
comes close to having a place in competitive decks, but
ultimately that still means it falls a bit short.
Not sure if this counts as a trick or a treat, as at a
glance I thought better of it.

Emma Starr |
Today we look at Sableye, the troublemaker with
no eyes (well, normal eyes at least). With 70 HP, he
probably won’t be around very long, but what’s this? A
Pokemon with no weakness?!! It’s like Nintendo is trying
to apologize for the fact that he has a weakness now,
due to the addition of Fairy types, and wanted him to
remember how it felt to be in the two-Pokemon
no-Weakness club, along with his cohort, Spiritomb! …Or
they just knew he couldn’t afford a Weakness if he was
ever going to be viable in the TCG. So…is he viable?
Let’s see, shall we?
For one Dark Energy, he can use Bewitching Eyes
(I guess he can use those ‘eyes’ of his!) to use the
effect of any Supporter in your opponent’s discard pile!
Although dependent on what your opponent plays, with
this magical attack, you could legitimately use two
Supporters in one turn! Heck, there’s only maybe one
other card that lets you do anything like that, and
that’s Magnezone (PLS 46), which isn’t even legal in
Standard anymore! I’m actually pretty surprised that
Magnezone was overlooked as much as it was back then,
but of course, back then, we didn’t have access to cards
like Lysandre, Teammates, or Korrina. So, is this effect
still useful? Totally! Did you need to Syciper out your
hand, and finally get that crucial Wally you needed?
Well, too bad, because you only can use one Supporter
per turn. But wait, your opponent played Wally earlier!
Well, just use this attack, and get your Pyroar all
readied up, to avoid that terrifying EX! Although
situational, I think it can definitely find some use…in
Dark decks, at least.
It also has an attack called
Furtive Drop, which places three damage counters on your
opponent’s active Pokemon, but let’s face it…Sableye
ain’t no Crobat (PHF 33).
Standard: 2/5 (The Dark requirement
and lack of damage output hurt it, but it’s still a very
unique and sneaky Pokemon…)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (Dark type support
AND Skyla?! Sign me up!)
Limited: 2.5/5 (Could work with
Tyranitar EX in even a partial Dark deck…copying a
Lysnadre is always useful, and Hex Maniac shuts down
Giratina EX and the Eeveelutions. And Steven works too,
I guess.)