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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 5, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.45
Expanded: 2.08
Limited: 4.08
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
So this week is a bit of a mix of
Fire and Fighting, so I guess it wouldn't be
inappropriate to call this Lava Week! Or would it be
Magma Week? Either way, we've got cards to review! And
we're starting the week off with a look at Entei!
...well, one Entei at least.
This one is a bit of a mixed bag,
depending on what deck you're running. His first attack,
Burning Roar, only costs 1 Energy, but it does something
a little different than what you'd expect from most
Pokemon in general. Instead of dealing damage or Burning
the opponent, Burning Roar discards the top 4 cards of
your deck to check for Fire Energies, which can then be
attached to your Pokemon any way you like.
Off the top of my head, I can't say
there are too many decks that would benefit from having
4 cards tossed into the discard pile aside from
Vengeance and Night March decks, and even then I'd think
they'd rather run Battle Compressor to guarantee that
the cards they send are, in fact, Pokemon - not just any
4 cards willy-nilly. Still, it's something if not a form
of Energy acceleration, and if you build a deck well
enough, you could get instantaneous Energy to use on
Vespiquen or Joltik or whoever you're running.
Combat Blaze is okay; at 2 Energy,
it only deals 20 damage, with an additional 20 damage
for each Pokemon on your opponent's Bench. Most of the
time, this maxes out at 120 damage, a fairly sizable
amount, but it could also gain and extra 60 damage if
you're facing off against a deck running Sky Field,
hitting that powerful 180 damage instead. 120 is the
magic number for 2HKOing Megas, and 180 is the amount to
KO most any regular EX, so it's a neat trick to pull out
in a pinch; the fact that it relies on your opponent's
plays, though, means they can play around it, so you'd
have to be crafty about putting Entei down.
Overall, he's pretty much an okay
support and secondary attacker for Fire/Vengeance decks.
I imagine the latter will pass up on Burning Roar if
only because Battle Compressor does it better with less
risk of losing out on valuable Supporters and other
Trainers, and I can't imagine running Entei solely on
Combat Blaze. It's a bit tough to work him in, but I can
imagine the right deck build could accommodate his
assets and let him truly shine.
Standard: 2.5/5 (modest Energy
acceleration and self-milling alongside an attack meant
to counter one of the more prominent archetypes as of
late make Entei an interesting card to play around with)
Expanded: 2/5 (of course, there may
be better options to work with in the first place)
Limited: 3.5/5 (and in smaller
formats, he could be both powerful and dangerous, so use
him wisely!)
Arora Notealus: I can see what they
were going for with Entei, but I think Combat Blaze
could have benefitted from being a tad stronger - say,
tacking on an extra 30 damage for each Benched Pokemon.
That'd be 170 damage for a full Bench normally, while
also being 260 damage on a full Bench on Sky Field - it
would have made Entei extremely powerful against these
kinds of decks and a powerful addition to any Fire deck!
Though perhaps they didn't want to make him so
noteworthy, knowing it could have potentially gone crazy
like that. In which case, maybe boosting the base damage
of it before the additional 20 per Bench - making it,
say, 50 damage at 2, for 150 on a full normally and 210
at max. Then again, who wouldn't run a 2-for-50 non-EX
Next Time: Amidst the desert sands,
a secret code gives access to...

Otaku |
Welcome to another week of reviews here at Pojo. As you
would expect, we’ve knocked out the Grass-Types remotely
worth discussing this set so now onto some Fire-Types,
right? Right, though I’m telling you now that this
won’t be a mono-Fire week because “reasons”. First up
is Entei (XY: Ancient Origins 14/98), or
the “plain” Entei (as the other one is an Ancient
Trait and thus has expanded artwork beyond the usual
borders). As stated this is a Fire-Type, but what does
that mean right now? Metal-Types were doing reasonably
well at the end of the last format and Grass-Types just
got a boost recently, so at least in the short run
hitting it should be a real boon to the Fire-Type as
most members of these two Types are Fire Weak. There is
nothing Fire Resistant and if there are anti-Fire-Type
cards in the current cardpool, they have escaped my
notice. Fire-Type is getting its own Energy in the next
Japanese set… but that is just some bonus information
because it doesn’t affect them right now. What
does matter is the exclusive Fire-Type support does
exist and while it seemed to flame out shortly after it
was introduced, we’ve seen a spark of effectiveness more
recently, due to both Fire-Type and general additional
support (more on that later).
120 HP is just 10 below the maximum we’ve seen printed
on “regular” (lacking special mechanics like being a
Pokémon-EX) Basic Pokémon. Nothing is safe from being
OHKOed, so the real question is “How rapidly, reliably
and repeatedly can this Pokémon be OHKOed?” and in the
case of this Entei, your opponent will need a
full set-up to do all three, though only decks not
focused on damage output are going to lack an option
that meets only two or three of the criteria listed.
Water-Types are the exception as Water Weakness turns
your 120 HP into an effective 60: if you’re lucky
something like Seismitoad-EX will fail to get all
of its damage buffs so that it still whiffs on the OHKO
but most everything else doesn’t need them to finish the
job. Lack of Resistance is common but a bit of a
disappointment; a 120 HP Basic Pokémon tends to be near
the “sweet spot” where it matters. The Retreat Cost of
[CC] is average; I don’t know what the mathematical mean
is for the entire card pool but for the currently
printed Retreat Costs of “None” through “[CCCC], two is
the mean and the median value. More relevant though is
that it is average in terms of functionality; high
enough that sometimes you’ll be hard pressed to both
supply the Energy and recover from having discarded it
but more often you should be able to afford it both as
an upfront cost and long term investment. Still, pack
some alternatives to manually retreating at full price
if you have the deck space.
This Entei has neither an Ability nor an Ancient
Trait, so on to the attacks. First up is “Burning Roar”
for [C], which discards the top four cards of your deck
and allows you to attach any [R] Energy discarded in
this manner to your Pokémon in any way that you like.
Second is “Combat Blaze”, good for 20 damage plus
another 20 per Pokémon on your opponent’s Bench and at a
cost of [RR]. These attacks weren’t good enough to get
it a spot in our Top 15 but overall they seem solid; the
self-mill can backfire horribly and to get a good return
out of it requires running a more Fire Energy
heavy build plus some luck (there isn’t a good stacking
effect with which to combo) but it attaches to anything
and upwards of four Energy. Combat Blaze is puny
against a lean Bench, amazing against something
dependent upon Sky Field and solid against those
which are in between.
You do have one other option for an Entei right
now, XY: Ancient Origins 15/98: yes we are going
to review it but no it won’t be tomorrow. I’ll still
only touch upon it briefly though since we only need to
consider how well it works with (or against) today’s
version. XY: Ancient Origins 15/98 has the same
Type, Stage, Weakness, lack of Resistance and Retreat
Cost as today’s version, but 10 more HP (so a perfect
130, though that isn’t much more durable than 120) and
an Ancient Trait in addition to two attacks. The
Ancient Trait is “Θ Double” allowing it to equip two
Pokémon Tools at a time. If the attacks can make good
use of it, this can be a potent trick. The first attack
(Flame Screen) requires [RC] to hit for 30 while
reducing the damage done to itself from attacks during
your opponent’s next turn by 30. The second (Heat
Tackle) requires a hefty [RRCC] but delivers 130 damage
with minor drawback of flipping a coin and doing 30
damage to itself if the result is “tails”: you do the
130 damage to the opponent either way. The Ancient
Trait and attacks do appear to work together but what is
relevant here is that nothing about this card seems to
scream “You must use me instead of the other version.”;
in fact they look quite compatible overall, allowing
this to be at least a small bonus for today’s card
instead of detracting from it.
So how would you use Entei (XY: Ancient
Origins 14/98)? You could go for a Fire Energy
heavy build and try to use it more for its Energy
acceleration, but the main purpose is probably as a
solid backup attacker. Combat Blaze doesn’t strike me
as hitting hard enough, reliably enough to be your main
attacker but with its speed (Blacksmith readies
it at once, manual attachments in two turns) it should
be a suitable backup/alternate attacker. Speaking of
Blacksmith, what I was alluding to earlier is that
cards like Blacksmith, Fiery Torch and the
more recent Scorched Earth seem to finally be
“working” for Fire-Types. There appear to be a few
reasons for this. Battle Compressor plus VS
Seeker has been around for a bit, but while Item
lock strategies are still quite strong they don’t have
quite the stranglehold they did last format. Burning
your Supporter on something other than draw power or
Lysandre is a bit easier due to Shaymin-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) picking up the draw
power slack. These metagame shifts aren’t unique to the
Fire-Type, but perhaps were bigger hurdles for them to
overcome. I’m not sure how Flareon (XY:
Ancient Origins 13/98) factors in; on one hand since
it allows any Stage 1 to function as a Fire-Type, you
don’t need to work in another actual Fire-Type to
exploit Weakness but if you’re trying to also
take advantage of Blacksmith… why not?
In Standard it doesn’t have much in the way of
competition; the other Entei but again they seem
to partner together to cover different scenarios. Not
needing a lot of Energy (overall) and only two sources
of [R] Energy may open up some even more niche usage:
perhaps in a Fairy Transfer deck? Expanded gives us
some older, proven options, so Entei won’t score
quite as high. In Limited this is definitely not good
enough to run as a +39 deck (too low of damage output if
the opponent doesn’t rush to fill his or her Bench,
might not survive long enough even is he or she does)
but any deck that can run a good chunk of Fire Energy
should include it; remember that Burning Roar only cares
about the Energy Type and not the Pokémon Type so it can
accelerate to whatever else you’ve pulled, and unless
your luck is awful most Pokémon you run will have at
least one or two [C] requirements in the attack costs
(best case scenario is that they will be fully
compatible!). Almost anything you mill is as good as
gone but decks tend to be about half Energy here;
they also are only 40 cards so try not to deck out.
Entei (XY: Ancient Origins 14/98) looks
like a good addition to the current card pool, providing
Fire Energy using decks (or those that can fake
it) and while it depends upon your opponent having a big
Bench, that also happens to be exceedingly common in the
current metagame.

Emma Starr |
Alright, looks we’re starting off
with a Fire Type Week! And who doesn’t love Fire Types?
Well, I guess Bugs, Grass or Steel Types don’t,
but...hey look, an Entei!
For one Colorless, Burning Roar lets you discard the top four
cards of your deck, and if you come across any Fire
Energies, you can attach them to any of your Pokemon!
That may be nice if you’re running an energy-filled
deck, but otherwise, this may not cut it. Let’s look at
the type of deck that I personally like, that runs
~20ish energy. With that amount of energy, you’ll get 1
or 2 energies attached on average, but you also may end
up discarding some more important cards in your deck as
well, such as Supporters, and unless you have a way to
get them back (such as VS. Seeker), you may end up
losing in the long run, especially if they run Vileplume,
but that’s another story altogether. It may be helpful
if you run Pokemon like Lugia EX or Camerupt EX, but
Burning Roar is usually just too risky to rely on. The
fact that it deals no damage doesn’t help either. At
least with that Energy Cost, it is splashable, but it
won’t attach any Special Energies (until the next set,
at least), and they will get discarded with the bunch as
well, sadly.
Combat Blaze costs two Fire Energy, and does 20 plus 20 more
for each benched Pokemon your opponent has in play.
This, I feel, would have been a much more appropriate
card in the last set, Roaring Skies, due to all of the
Sky Field and Mega Rayquaza shenanigans that went on.
But would this even have been enough then? Without Sky
Field, this does a maximum of 100 damage, and with Sky
Field, it goes up to 160. Obviously it’ll be nice if
your opponent does capitalize on this, and the Energy
Cost is reasonable, but from what I’ve seen, Sky Field
and Mega Rayquaza just don’t seem to be very...popular.
This also makes it very deck-specific too, because most
times, your opponent won’t have their normal bench full
anyway, and if they see you put down this Entei, what’s
to stop them from putting even less Pokemon of their own
in play? Especially since it takes two Energies to power
it up, your opponent will have already seen it coming.
Not that he’s too much to worry about really, unless
your opponent is using Grass Types...or a Mega Rayquaza.
Standard: 1.5/5 (Being a Fire Type is good right now, and so
is energy-acceleration, no matter how risky it may be.
But he can’t hit too well, and relies on what your
opponent plays, as detailed above.)
Expanded: 1/5 (Emboar accelerates energy WAY better than than
Entei can!)
Limited: 4/5 (Since most of your deck WILL be energies, AND
he’s splashable, I’d play him just for these reasons,
but WHY wasn’t he in the last set?!)