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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 6, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.00
Limited: 3.42
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
So now the Regis have come back,
and for some reason I'd like to think the president of
Nintendo of America would be running them on his team of
Pokemon...darn you, brain, why do you think these
things, do you want me to laugh hysterically throughout
my review?!
Anyways, so Regirock (heehee) isn't
phenomenal. Obviously Rock Throw isn't worth the time of
day, being a 2-for-40 vanilla strike. Granted, we do
live in a world with Strong Energy and Fighting Stadium,
so it's not SO terrible - you could be hitting anywhere
from 40 to 100 with all that power, but you'd also be
using that ideally on something else and something
Something like Unyielding Rock.
Now normally, it's a 3-for-60
strike - not much better. And again, the aforementioned
cards can boost that up to 120-140, but wouldn't you use
it on something that'd be worth it? Well Unyielding Rock
promises to do more! If you hit a Pokemon-EX with
Regirock's...uh...rocks, it'll do an extra 60 damage! So
that 60 goes up to 120, and in turn that means it can
POTENTIALLY reach 180-200 damage! He might be able to
OHKO Pokemon-EX!!
...for way too much investment.
To make Regirock good, you need to
put a lot more effort into him than he's worth. You'd be
better working with Lucario-EX - wait, no, that's not a
fair comparison. It's more like stuff like Landorus,
Run Hawlucha. Don't run Regirock in
place of Hawlucha.
Standard: 1.5/5 (his only purpose
is to be an alternative to Hawlucha, but right now
Hawlucha does everything much MUCH better - the only
reason you'd use Regirock is perhaps because he can hit
for Weakness, but that's really about it)
Expanded: 1/5 (I like the promo
Limited: 3.5/5 (okay, MUCH better -
lower HP makes the higher damage worth it, and if you go
up against an EX, you can at least deal a fair chunk of
damage to them before Regirock kicks the bucket)
Arora Notealus: I'm just saying:
Next Time: Out of the fire, the
moth rises...wait, that's not how that's supposed to

Otaku |
Time to rock! Regirock
(XY: Ancient Origins 40/98) is our subject for
today. It is a Fighting-Type and that is still one of
the best (if not the best) Type to be. You’ll find many
Colorless as well as nearly all Darkness- and
Lightning-Types are Fighting Weak with Fighting-Type of
various stripes being quite strong. You will have to
deal with Fighting Resistance and anti-Fighting-Type
cards but while the Resistance is occasionally an issue,
the anti-Fighting-Type cards have (in my experience)
proven too specific and/or redundant to be especially
effective. Being a Basic is the best Stage, no room for
argument: minimum deck space, minimum effort to get into
play and while there are some anti-Basic cards, those
too haven’t proven all that effective (and Expanded even
contains some Basic Stage support to further tip the
120 HP is just
10 shy of the maximum 130 you see on regular Basic
Pokémon (such as those that are not Pokémon-EX);
it is still within OHKO range for most decks, but it is
high enough so as not to be rapidly, reliably and
repeatedly OHKOed by most decks; decent odds you’ll
survive a hit. Grass Weakness provides one of the
exceptions as you would expect with a mechanic that
doubles the damage taken. Not too great of timing for
this Weakness either, as XY: Ancient Origins gave
us new Grass-Type attackers plus Grass-Type support as
an excuse to try some of the older Grass-Types out
again. No Resistance is a bit disappointing but typical
so moving on we see a Retreat Cost of [CCC]; bulky
enough you’ll sometimes struggle to pay and/or recover
from having paid it, so try to include some outs to
manually retreating at full price. Slight upside is
that in Expanded it is a legal Heavy Ball target!
Regirock has neither an Ability nor an Ancient
Trait, though at least it does sport two attacks. For
[FC] it can use “Rock Throw” for a flat 40 damage while
for [FCC] it can regulate broadcast content… yeah I’m
surprised I haven’t used a joke that bad before now. So
of course that is the cost for the second attack
(Unyielding Rock) which does 60 damage, plus an
additional 60 damage if the target is a Pokémon-EX.
These attacks are a bit mediocre; in the case of
Unyielding Rock my only real complaint is that a 70/50
or 80/40 split would be preferable for obvious reasons,
and if the end damage had to be just a bit lower (say
70/110 or even 70/100) it might be better because this
just isn’t something you want to waste on “regular”
Pokémon. Having nothing that can be accessed for a
single Energy really hurts as Fighting-Types aren’t too
big on Energy acceleration. Still, thanks to the Typing
these aren’t bad attacks: Rock Throw can often get into
2HKO range against Weakness or from stacking bonuses
with the same being true of Unyielding Rock except
against Pokémon-EX. Yes, even against Mega Evolutions!
There is one
more Regirock available to use: XY: Black Star
Promo XY49. Differences are 10 less HP and besides
different attacks, an Ancient Trait. The Ancient Trait
is probably its most important feature because it is “Ω
Barrier” as it allows the card to sit almost totally
unmolested on the Bench as well as cards attached to it
like Pokémon Tools and Special Energy, at least by your
opponent’s Trainers that aren’t Stadiums or Pokémon
Tools. This makes it useful for decks that need Bench
filler and/or something to leave Energy on or that need
a particular Pokémon Tool to remain in play: the best
example is its usage in some Fairy Transfer decks. The
card’s “Land Maker” attack isn’t bad for [F] as it is
probably the easiest way to get two Stadiums back from
the discard pile (and there aren’t a lot of ways to get
even one Stadium back). Its second attack (Stone Edge)
is less impressive because it is very expensive: [FFFC]
is difficult to pay for without compatible acceleration
and that is one of the few things the Fighting-Types
lack. If you invest that much you only score 80 damage,
plus another 40 if you get “heads” on a mandatory coin
toss (no penalty for “tails”, just no extra damage).
For that much Energy, you should at least do 120 and
probably more (or else have a great effect). You can
see our review of it
This… is where
the review begins to break down. What do I mean? There
are cards that I look at and I think “Hey, that should
be seeing play?” but it isn’t? Well what about ones
where you realize something is wrong but a lot is right
and you’re not sure if people just haven’t discovered
its use or if those flaws (or the competition) are worse
than you realized? That is today’s subject; finding
decks that can handle the Energy cost and aren’t better
off with something else can be pretty tricky. This
thing can do some amazing damage when you power it up in
the tradition of dedicated Fighting-Type attackers that
are supported by cards like Fighting Stadium,
Korrina, Strong Energy, (maybe) Focus Sash,
etc. You can even get up to OHKO range against a 180 HP
Pokémon-EX that are not Weak to the
Fighting-Type. Once you get to three Energy (especially
as going that route means you probably need to eschew
Double Colorless Energy and power up with as much
Strong Energy as you can get) means you get
incredible damage output for a non-Pokémon-EX… at least
against Pokémon-EX but how do you do so quickly?
Landorus (XY: Furious Fists 58/111) is a
thought but then one has to ask “Do I still need
Regirock?” You won’t be OHKOing a Pokémon-EX that
isn’t Fighting Weak, but you’ll get a solid,
non-Pokémon-EX beatstick with a single Energy attack
that does damage while accelerating basic Energy from
the discard pile and a solid “big” attack that for three
Energy can do 90. If we look at something that needs
less Energy, there is Hawlucha (XY: Furious
Fists 63/111) that can do 60 for [F] to Pokémon-EX
and enjoys a free retreat: no damage if it isn’t a
Pokémon-X and to exploit Weakness requires shutting off
its Ability on a 70 HP frame. In Expanded, there is
still Terrakion (latest printing BW: Legendary
Treasures 84/113) with its Retaliate attack good for
30 (plus 60 if one of your Pokémon was KOed the turn
before) or 90 for a flat [FFC] again. Of course if you
did want to focus an entire deck around building it up,
then it would seem redundant with what should be the
main attacker: Primal Groudon-EX (XY: Roaring
Skies 86/160, 151/160), as with the right Stadium
and some Strong Energy it basically OHKOs
everything. With its Ω Barrier protecting it and
Mega Turbo for some extra speed, it was already a
proven quantity. So we get back to that odd niche;
decks that accelerate Energy to the point that a three
Energy cost is manageable but not one with more than one
[F] in the cost.
I personally
tried using this Regirock alongside set-mates
(and fell Regi trio members) Regice (XY:
Ancient Origins 24/98) and Registeel (XY:
Ancient Origins 51/98) but Regice seems to be
too good on its own (I was accelerating Energy via M
Manectric-EX) to justify including the others.
Perhaps if I only ran Regirock (no Registeel)
and just a single… but for now it seems like another
“no”. So for Standard play I suspect this has some use
but it’s pretty “fuzzy” with a lot riding on
Type-matching against Pokémon-EX. For Expanded it is
the same but with a little more competition. For
Limited, this is a great pull; when you need the
extra damage from Unyielding Rock it will thrill you,
the rest of the time you should be able to squeeze in a
few basic Fighting Energy cards and then enjoy
the still-worth-it-in-Limited 60 for three Energy
(thanks to the Typing and HP).
Standard: 2.75/5
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 4.75/5
Summary: Regirock
is suited to a narrow range of strategies than I would
like, especially as it isn’t overly Energy efficient.
Still it can clobber Pokémon-EX quite well and do
decently against the rest, with it falling under the
happy side of “average” due to existing competition in
decks on top of its own flaws.

Emma Starr |
Regirock, one of the very
underrated legendary trio (...or quartet). I guess some
people don’t like their designs, but I always found them
cool, especially with their patterns on their ‘faces’,
which is reminiscent to how you found them in Emerald.
First, the basics. With 120 HP and a Grass Weakness, any hit
from a Grass Pokemon for 60 damage or more will be
knocking it out.The Retreat Cost of three certainly is
not helping this issue either. However, although Grass
is certainly one of the better types to be right now,
Fighting types still have a lot of support on their side
as well! In addition, every Regi in this set is blessed
with the effect of damage boost in one way or another to
EX Pokemon, and Regirock is no different. So, let’s skip
the meaningless Rock Throw attack, and go straight to
the one you’ll actually want to use.
Unyielding Rock costs one Fighting and two Colorless (so you
COULD get this going on Turn 3), and does 60 damage, and
if the opponent is an EX, it does 60 more, for 120
damage. But let’s remember all the boosts that Fighting
types get, too: Strong Energy for 20, Fighting Stadium
for 20, Machamp for 20, and let’s not forget good ol’
Muscle Band for 20 as well! So, if all goes right, you
COULD be OHKOing every EX every turn if things go in
your favor! It may require set-up, and hope that your
opponent isn’t running any non-EXs, but the typing is
what really works in Regirock’s favor. Except with Grass
weakness, which could cause even Bellossom or Vileplume
to take you out. And let’s not even mention the bees
Standard: 2.5/5 (Requires the usual Fighting boosts for
OHKOs, but for some opponents, this could lead to their
very quick demise. Just be aware that Grass decks tend
to run at least some non-EXs, which are much more common
sight than in some other decks.)
Expanded: 2,5/5
Limited: 2/5 (I want to give it a higher rating, but Grass is
REALLY powerful in this set, and not all of the Grass
support are EXs, as you should know by now…)