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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Primal Groudon-EX
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 8, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.08
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 1.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Alright, so now we've come around
to Primal Groudon-EX...again.
He's pretty much the exact same as
before, except now he's SHINY!! Oooooh~
And his Ancient Trait has changed.
So we're gonna look primarily at the change and see if
it makes Primal Groudon-EX here better or worse than his
original non-Shiny counterpart. In fact, really, we
should just be reviewing all three of them at once,
since that's effectively what I'm gonna do here.
The Ancient Trait in question is
Theta Max, which only appears on the Shiny Weather Trio
in this set. Theta Max replaces whatever other Ancient
Trait they may have had before and gives them something
even better!...or worse, depending on how you look at
it. Theta Max is effectively an on-Evolution Max Potion
that heals off all the damage from the Pokemon the
moment it becomes the Pokemon with Theta Max, i.e.
Groudon-EX becomes Primal Groudon-EX, Kyogre-EX becomes
Primal Kyogre-EX, and Rayquaza-EX becomes Mega Rayquaza-EX.
It's not a bad Ancient Trait by any
means, and honestly it should have been printed on other
cards to exercise its ability more! But on the Theta
Reprints of the weather trio, they're...well, inferior.
The thing is, the Theta Reprints, while shiny and
beautiful in Full Art, take away a major advantage that
the originals have just to have some longevity. Primal
Kyogre-EX should NEVER use Theta Max because, again, his
primary means of attack REVOLVES around his original
Ancient Trait, Alpha Growth - the two were made to
compliment each other, and taking that away for a
potentially extra 170 HP isn't going to be worth it.
Mega Rayquaza-EX could conceivably work with Theta Max,
but he'll lose out on his speedy Delta Evolution, which
allows for rapid plays and lets him come out far quicker
than any other Mega in the game (outside of any Grass
Mega thanks to Forest of Giant Plants). There's not a
good enough reason to run his Theta Max form over his
Delta Evolution form. And then there's Primal Groudon-EX,
who could conceivably benefit from all of this, but
again, he loses out on the protection that Omega Barrier
provides him - something that could ultimately win the
game for your opponent.
Gaia Volcano is still a good if
expensive attack in this format due to all the Stadium
play, so stick with the original Primal Groudon-EX and
maybe keep one of these versions handy in case you need
it, but don't expect any big favors when a sudden
Lysandre switches out to a weaker Pokemon of yours.
Standard: 3/5 (he's not a bad card
by any means - and indeed, Primal Groudon-EX is the best
of the Theta Reprints in my opinion - but his original
counterpart is superior because of the added protection
he gets)
Expanded: 3/5 (the longevity
provided may or may not outweigh the protection Omega
Barrier provides - again, it's debatable, but just know
you're more vulnerable to a lot of stuff without that
Omega Barrier)
Limited: 1/5 (...well, you're very
lucky to have pulled him, but unless they stuck a
Groudon-EX in your booster without you looking, he's
actually dead weight here)
Arora Notealus: I'm not sure why
Primal Groudon's shiny form is so...dark? I guess it's
like how Kyogre and Rayquaza's look dark, but...I dunno,
I guess it just really looks good on Rayquaza and not so
much the other two. Then again, Groudon's just golden
normally, and Kyogre's...purple. Guess I just like their
regular designs better!
...except Shiny Rayquaza, he's cool
Next Time: You saw him once
already, and now you'll see him again! But this time,
he's different...

Otaku |
Primal Groudon-EX (XY: Ancient Origins 97/98) is
a confusing beast because it is technically not a
reprint. As is often the case the art and various
“little things” like the card ID are different, but what
makes it most unusual is that the game relevant text is
all the same as XY: Primal Clash 86/160 and
151/160 except for its Ancient Trait. So even
though it is so similar, it is not actually a
reprint and that meant it was fair game for our Top 15
list for XY: Ancient Origins, which it almost
made as our 16th place pick with seven points (tying
with our 15th place pick), though it didn’t make my own
personal list. So normally this information is
something I would use in the summary but this time it
seemed relevant enough to open the review. We are going
to discuss both versions a lot and yes, that means I’m
going to pour through this card even though almost all
of it is the same as its predecessor… after all an
update is warranted because the
previous CotD to cover a Primal Groudon
lowballed it.
Falling back on
my usual formula, Primal Groudon-EX enjoys being
a Fighting-Type, one of (if not the) strongest Type in
the game right now. Please note that being the
strongest Type does not mean the strongest
deck will contain said Type; if something else is
stronger than the best Fighting-Type even after having
access to abundant Weakness (most Colorless, Darkness
and Lightning-Types) and fantastic support (like
Fighting Stadium, Korrina and Strong
Energy), it still wins. There are some drawbacks to
being a Fighting-Type; while “no Resistance” is the most
common, after that Fighting Resistance is one of (if not
the) next most abundant. At least one
anti-Fighting-Type card exists (possibly more which I
have forgotten about) but they aren’t that good so if I
could easily format a footnote into these reviews, this
sentence wouldn’t likely even be in the main body of the
review. Almost as obvious as the Type is that this is a
“Primal Reversion”, a subset of Mega Evolutions which
are a subset of Pokémon-EX. Nothing so far has
specifically referenced Primal Reversions, but there are
both support and counter cards for Mega Evolutions.
Being a Mega Evolution also has the usual drawbacks of
being a Pokémon-EX (gives up an extra Prize when KOed,
can’t use certain pieces of support, targeted by certain
counter-cards) with the added issue of your turn ending
when you Mega Evolve one of your Pokémon: this card can
use Groudon Spirit Link or Maxie’s Hidden Ball
Trick to bypass that problem.
Primal Groudon-EX has 240 HP, just 10 shy of the current
printed maximum of 250 found on Wailord-EX. No
HP score is safe from being OHKOed, but 240 HP is highly
resilient, with few decks being capable of hitting it
rapidly, reliably and repeatedly multiple times, which
is fantastic. Weakness provides the usual exceptions
and unlike when the previous version of Primal
Groudon-EX was reviewed, the Grass-Type got a major
boost. With just a trickle of information about the
results for results from last weekend’s Fall Regional
Championships I don’t know how strong or weak a showing
they made, but in the immediate future I would assume
people would still be trying to make them work even if
they fell totally flat, whether due to stubbornness,
ignorance or actually knowing how to make them perform
well. OHKOing a 240 HP isn’t going to be automatic for
most of these decks but when they get set-up and
working, these newer Grass-Type decks plus the old
standby of VirGen can still do the deed. There is no
Resistance on this card (again, the most common state)
and while it would have potentially been handy, its lack
isn’t a serious detriment either. The Retreat Cost of
[CCCC] can be though; it will almost always be too
expensive to pay unless you’re in a very tight spot
or so ridiculously far ahead of your opponent that
you can actually afford to pay and to recover from
having paid it. I wouldn’t count on that, so prepare to
go down swinging/sitting there like a lump if you can’t
power up or make room for some cards to lower the
cost/change out your Active without manually retreating.
So now for the
Ancient Trait; XY: Ancient Origins 97/98 has “Θ
Max”, which is a home videocassette technology
(developed by Sony) that lost out to VHS videocassettes
in the big to become the dominant format for home media
back in… no that is “betamax”, not “theta max”. Θ Max
triggers when you Mega Evolve something into (this)
Primal Groudon-EX; it heals all damage from that
Pokémon. This can very from absolutely useless (you
Mega Evolve a Groudon-EX that has no damage or
want to use Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick) to amazing
as you heal a massive amount of damage without (for
example) losing all your attached Energy as you would
with Max Potion. The attack (Gaia Volcano)
requires a daunting [FFFC] to use and only does 100
damage if you can’t trigger the bonus clause, but with
said effect you can swing for +100 damage (so 200) if
there is a Stadium in play and (whether you want to or
not) then discard said Stadium. 200 for four Energy on
a Type known for damage buffs can be well worth it,
OHKOing anything in the game, though most Mega
Evolutions and certain “protected” Pokémon will require
additional help to pull it off, but it can be done with
a reasonable investment.
So before we
get to the comparison, I may as well run through the
options for Groudon-EX: BW: Dark Explorers
54/108 (also available as BW: Dark Explorers
106/108) and XY: Primal Clash 85/160 (also
available as XY: Primal Clash 150/160 or XY:
Black Star Promo XY42). Both are Fighting-Type
Basic Pokémon-EX with 180 HP, a Retreat Cost of [CCCC],
no Ancient Traits, Abilities but two attacks. BW:
Dark Explorers 54/108 has Water Weakness and
Lightning Resistance, while for [FC] it can use “Tromp”
to hit for 20 to the opponent’s Active plus 10 to each
of his or her Benched Pokémon and for [FFC] it can use
“Giant Claw” to hit for 80+, where the “plus” is an
additional 40 damage if the Defending Pokémon has at
least two damage counters on it. XY: Primal Clash
85/160 has Grass Weakness and no Resistance (like
Primal Groudon-EX). Its first attack - Rip Claw -
needs [FC] and hits for 30 damage plus gives you a coin
flip to discard an Energy attached to your opponent’s
Active while the second - Massive Rend - needs the same
massive [FFFC] as Primal Groudon-EX to attack,
but hits for a flat 130. BW: Dark Explorers
54/108 (and its other printings) are only Expanded legal
in the first place, and it is mostly a question of
metagame as to whether or not it is better than XY:
Primal Clash 85/160; the attacks on the latter seem
better but sometimes Bench hits (or a slightly less
expensive “big” attack) can come in handy, likewise
differentiating your own Weakness.
So XY:
Primal Clash 86/160 is the exact same as today’s
version except is has “Ω Barrier” instead of Θ
Max, which prevents an opponent’s Trainer cards (except
for Stadiums and Pokémon Tools) from affecting Primal
Groudon-EX. This slightly older version of
Primal Groudon-EX more than exceeded the
expectations of my fellow reviewers and myself; it
didn’t just form a deck but a strong deck. It didn’t
win any division but it had overall strong performance
before and at the World Championships, was the Runner-Up
for the Junior Age Bracket and will soon be released as
one of the 2015 World Championship Decks. Its current
status is still unknown to me as we haven’t had enough
events for reliable data (we’ve seen something dominate
one weekend but flop the next and vice versa). Ω
Barrier has been a big part of that; parking a
Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom Forces 36/119) up
front to hobble your opponent’s set-up and protect
Primal Groudon-EX from even more threats is not
uncommon. This buys time to attach multiple Strong
Energy and/or get the correct Stadium into play;
Scorching Earth for added draw (and setting up
Fighting Energy for Mega Turbo), Fighting
Stadium when you are facing a Pokémon-EX and need
another 20 damage as well as Silent Lab so you
can smash through protective Abilities (at least on
So does XY:
Primal Clash 86/160 play nice with XY: Ancient
Origins 97/98? I think enough to justify a single
copy. There are decks that can still damage a Benched
Groudon-EX and before it Mega Evolves a
Lysandre easily forces it Active, but after Mega
Evolving you’ve got Mega Turbo to potentially
take it from “zero” to “attacking” in a single turn. If
you’re about to attack anyway, you have fewer Trainers
to fear so Mega Evolving while shedding all damage
becomes a smart play. Most of the time though
you’ll want to rely on the Ω Barrier version. Primal
Groudon-EX decks may or may not bother with
Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick (Alejandro
Ng-Guzman’s list didn’t); if they do (or should they use it in the future), remember that
Θ Max becomes worthless. Something that was in his list
that could prove useful with Θ Max is Focus Sash
- a Groudon-EX with 170 damage on it from
surviving what should have been a OHKO will
suddenly have an open Tool slot again (Focus Sash
is discarded after it triggers) so you can drop
Groudon Spirit Link, Mega Evolve and Θ Max all the
damage away! This goes for Standard or (as far as I
know) Expanded. Where you should not bother with this
card is Limited; no Groudon-EX in its own set!
Technically a Limited event can use more than one
expansions’ boosters, but the most common Limited event
is the Pre-Release; use the old Limited rating if a set
with Groudon-EX is included.
Standard: 3.25/5
Expanded: 3.25/5
Limited: 1/5
Summary: Not sure if I want the-powers-that-be
to pull a stunt like this with other cards, but at least
this time Primal Groudon-EX (XY: Ancient
Origins 97/98) can prove worthwhile in an
established deck as a single alongside the older Ω
Barrier version; the option to heal when a Groudon-EX
is already primed to attack post Mega Evolving won’t be
needed all the time but when it is you’ll be glad you
had it.

Emma Starr |
Today we review the lean, mean, Stadium
destroying machine, Primal Groudon EX! Infamous for
looking downright awesome, will he be able to obliterate
anyone in his path? Let’s find out!
210 HP is right where most Megas seem to sit,
with some having 220 HP, but that’s not too big of a
deal. A Retreat Cost of four IS a big deal though, as
he’s putting the fact that he’s the heaviest Pokemon out
there to good use! So, if he wants to Retreat, make sure
you have a Switch or some other form of escape handy, or
else you’ll be paying his whole attack cost just to
retreat! Speaking of his attack…
Gaia Volcano costs three Fighting and one
Colorless, and normally does 100 damage, which would be
pitiful for any self-respecting Mega (or Primal) card
out there! Fortunately, if there is a Stadium Card on
the field, you get to completely get rid of it, and the
damage of this attack gets boosted to a much more
respectable 200 damage. But there lies an issue already
– although you can OHKO anything (except other Megas or
Wailord EX) if there is a Stadium in play, you’ll only
be able to do this once, then hope you have a Stadium
Card handy again, hopefully in your hand. If not, you
COULD use Skyla to quickly find another from your deck,
but she is only legal in Expanded now, sadly. And if
your opponent has any sort of noggin, unless having a
Stadium out is paramount to their strategy (which
hopefully it isn’t, as they can be easily replaced or
destroyed), nobody is going to set another Stadium out
on their next turn, unless they are 100% certain they
can KO Primal Groudon on that turn as well. So, it’s
kind of sad that you’ll be relying on your own Stadiums
to keep having Primal Groudon pumping out that crazy 200
damage, but on the plus side, he does get those
wonderful Fighting type boosts! Strong Energy will power
up his 100 damage Gaia Volcano to 120, with 20 more for
any extra Strong Energies you can attach to him. Machamp
(FuF) can provide 20 more for each one you get in play,
and Landorus (FuF) can accelerate some energies to him
while he’s still on the bench getting powered up. On one
final note, Fighting Stadium CAN help Primal Groudon do
220 damage, and OHKO any Mega or EX (barring Mega
Rayquaza EX (RoS 61) (the Dragon type one) or Wailord
EX), but be aware you’ll still be discarding the Stadium
as usual.
Before I forget, a very nice partner for Primal
Groudon could be Regirock (XY49) that we reviewed here.
With its Land Maker attack, it can quickly get two of
your discarded Stadiums to your hand. This combo will
definitely require some Switches though, since
Regirock’s Retreat Cost of three isn’t too pretty
Okay, so something on this card actually changed
since Primal Clash, and possibly for the worst. Primal
Groudon EX may have become shiny now, but let’s face it,
it’s old Ancient Trait, Omega Barrier prevented any
Trainer (non-Tool/Stadium) card from affecting him,
which meant no Lysandres dragging him out, or any Team
Flare Grunts or Hammers messing with his Energy.
Needless to say, this is probably one of the best
Ancient Traits to have. With the SR version however, it
got Theta Max, which heals all damage from it whenever
it Mega Evolves. While this may be handy if Groudon EX
took a beating, if it was just sitting on the bench the
whole time, however, it now loses the awesome protection
of Omega Barrier, but to be fair, Primal Groudon wasn’t
meant to be a bench sitter anyway, so maybe it’s for the
best in some cases…but if you’re using Maxie’s Hidden
Ball Trick to get him in play, this Ancient Trait is
pretty much useless deadweight.
Standard: 3/5 (Use your Stadiums wisely, but
remember Primal Groudon always has access to those handy
Fighting type boosts! But, unless you want to brag about
your flashy shiny card, stick with the first print.)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (Skyla makes Primal Groudon’s
life so much easier…)
Limited: 1/5 (You may have pulled one of the
prettiest cards in the set, but it won’t do anything for
you until after you go home…)