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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Entei #15
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
October 9, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.40
Expanded: 3.58
Limited: 4.08
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
And now to wrap up this week, we're
finishing off with the other copy of Entei, and from the
look of things...he's not terrible. I mean, considering
he's an Ancient Trait wielder.
Okay, so he's no M Tyranitar-EX,
but who can be? He's still got Theta Double, which means
he'll be able to sport that double-branding of Muscle
Band. Or maybe a Lucky Helmet or something like that, I
don't think there's too many Tools one runs outside of
Spirit Links and Muscle Band.
In any case, Entei has two fairly
decent attacks. Flame Screen is an okay 2-for-30 strike
that reduces the damage Entei takes by 30 after
Weakness/Resistance. I've always said reduction is
better than healing, and 30 is a fair chunk of Entei's
130 HP, so your opponent has to hit him with at least
160 damage after a Flame Screen in order to KO him.
Doesn't outright prevent damage from touching Entei
entirely like Safeguard, but that's pretty sturdy stuff.
Maybe even add on a Hard Charm, and suddenly Entei's a
beefy customer.
Of course, the 30 damage is like
that for a reason. Entei also has to deal with his own
Heat Tackle, with a 4-for-130 damaging blow which, while
hefty, is a pretty solid bit of damage! Throw on Muscle
Band onto Entei, and together with Flame Screen, he
could take down any regular Pokemon-EX! If you're
feeling ballsy, you could forego Flame Screen in favor
of another Heat Tackle to guarantee a devastating blow
against a Mega too - though you might wanna be careful,
since Heat Tackle's got a coin flip to see if Entei
takes 30 damage or not from the attack.
All things considered, Entei here
is pretty tough with the right set-up, so it's
definitely worth noting that running him isn't a bad
idea. If anything, the trickiest part is making sure
he's got all the right pieces to work - cause if he
doesn't, he'll still be in for a rough time, and so will
Standard: 3/5 (another solid Theta
Double user that gets better with Tools rather than have
bad attacks to make them not worth using!)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (being a Basic has
its own advantages, and more Tools means more mayhem!)
Limited: 3.5/5 (not too many Tools
that Entei can take advantage of, save for Lucky Helmet,
but his attacks are solid enough on their own)
Arora Notealus: Roaring around at
the speed of sound,
it's way too late for me, gotta stop staying up till
Weekend Thought: All things
considered, this wasn't a bad week for cards, huh? Got
some interesting new ones that may or may not see play,
and hey, maybe that's just what we need, right? Really,
we just need more solid sets that introduce reasonably
powerful cards, don't we? Ya know, excluding Forest of
Broken Plants...actually, I like calling it that now!

Otaku |
We began the
week with one
Entei and now we end with the other,
XY: Ancient Origins 15/98. The Fire-Type seems
pretty solid right now; as a Type it hits nearly all
Grass-Types and Metal-Types for Weakness, never has to
worry about Resistance, has some useful (though not the
greatest) support and either doesn't have to deal with
any anti-Fire cards or else I missed them, suggesting
they aren't worth noticing. It is a Basic, making it
the fastest Stage to get into play and the one that
needs the least cards (one card yields one Entei),
which is great. 130 HP is as good as it gets for Basic
Pokémon unless they are something like a Pokémon-EX; it
can still be OHKOed, but taking it down rapidly,
reliably and repeatedly isn't an option for at least
some competitive decks. The Water Weakness is a bit
awkward because as I finally remembered,
Vaporeon (XY: Ancient Origins 22/98) is can
make any Stage 1 count as a Water-Type via its Ability;
this could make for some surprising "bad" match-ups.
Otherwise it tends to be a problem because it allows
Seismitoad-EX to do 60 for [CC] while locking down
Items instead of 30 (100 and 50, respectively, if
Muscle Band is included). So this probably isn't
good but I don't know how bad it actually is. The lack
of Resistance is typical so while it would have been
useful, we'll make do without it. The Retreat Cost of
[CC] is pretty typical and is low enough you'll often be
able to pay it and slightly less often be able to
effectively recover from being down two Energy.
This Entei
sports the Ancient Trait "Θ Double", allowing you to
outfit it with two Pokémon Tools instead of the usual
one. This has shown up on a few other cards and most of
them don't seem to have attacks that lend themselves to
having double Tools. In isolation though it looks solid
to potentially strong. The first attack (Flame Screen)
requires [RC] to use and does 30 damage, plus places an
effect on itself that reduces damage done to it by 30
points after applying Weakness and/or Resistance.
A bit expensive, but this card does have enough HP that
this may be the difference between surviving and being
KOed. The second attack (Heat Tackle) requires [RRCC]
and does 130 damage, with an effect that requires you
flip a coin; if "heads" this attack works as normal but
if "tails" this attack does 30 damage to Entei
itself. These attacks are priced so that a
Blacksmith plus Double Colorless Energy can
take you straight to Heat Tackle, but a Blacksmith
on its own will still get you to Flame Screen. They
also seem to be the kind of attacks that Θ Double was
meant for: you can double up on Muscle Band
and/or Silver Bangle for more damage, double up
on Hard Charm or Eviolite to soak more
damage, or try for some less standard tricks like (but
not limited to) adding in some Rocky Helmet so
that whatever hits you notices it.
As already
mentioned, we covered Entei (XY: Ancient
Origins 14/98) on Monday. Differences between
today's Entei and itself are that it has 10 less
HP, no Ancient Trait and two different attacks. The
first is "Burning Roar" for [C], which discards the top
four cards of your own deck but attaches any [R] Energy
cards discarded in this manner to your Pokémon as you
wish. For [RR] its "Combat Blaze" does 20 damage plus
another 20 per Pokémon on your opponent's Bench. This
means as little as 20 (when your opponent has no Bench)
to currently a maximum of 180 if your opponent has eight
Benched Pokémon through the effect of Sky Field.
It seems to be more of a back-up attacker because you
can't easily force your opponent to fill his or her
Bench, though most decks are naturally prone to it. It
can be run alongside today's version, though you can't
exceed for copies; if both are secondary attackers, this
isn't a big deal but if XY: Ancient Origins 15/98
(today's version) is a focus, its Pokémon Tool needs may
force you to run only itself or leave room for only a
single copy of XY: Ancient Origins 14/98. The
opposite may be true: running a lot of extra
Pokémon Tools can bog a deck down so splitting the focus
may be a necessity and not an option
So for
Standard, this is one of the few big, Basic Fire-Type
attackers you can use that are not Pokémon-EX.
In Expanded it has more competition but is still in the
running. In Limited play, if you're rather brazen you
could try to run it as your only Basic Pokémon (a "+39"
deck since decks are 40 cards in this format). It seems
too risky to me, but it is possible that Flame Screen is
enough to take KOs and stay alive so that you can risk a
Heat Tackle finish. If your opponent's offense is quite
weak and/or your luck with coin flips is quite strong,
you might even risk multiple Heat Tackles. Remember
though, you have to survive even your last Heat Tackle
for a clean win. As such it is probably best worked
into a deck alongside whatever else you run; for a
single copy you'd probably want at least five Energy so
you draw into it in a timely manner and have a few
spares in case you have to attach some elsewhere, but
you don't need a monotype deck at least.
Standard: 3.35/5
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 4.75/5
Summary: Another solid Fire-Type attacker for
the stable, I doubt this Entei or the other will
revolutionize the game but I think they can support some
other attackers quite well, and it was support that was
needed in Standard play.

Emma Starr |
If you start your week with an
Entei, may as well finish your week with an Entei…?
Whatever the case, you can never have too many Enteis,
since they’re always really cool Pokemon!
For one Fire Energy and one Colorless, Entei can use Flame
Screen, which does 30, and lowers the damage Entei
receives next turn by 30 as well, meaning he cannot be
OHKOed unless the damage is 160 or greater, and with a
Water weakness, it would be 80 damage or higher. The
effect is kind of nice, at least to buffer damage until
he’s powered up to use the main attack…
Heat Tackle! For two Fire Energies and two Colorless, it does
a very impressive 130 damage, with a coin flip of a
possible 30 damage to itself. The recoil may counter the
buffer from the first attack if you’re unlucky, but fear
not, as Entei has an Ancient Trait that deals with this,
as well!
Omega Double lets you hold two Tool Cards, which actually can
open up a number of possibilities! You could equip the
obvious Trick Coin, and maybe a Muscle Band, but wait -
what if you attach two Muscle Bands to it? Then Heat
Tackle is doing a devastating 170 damage; enough to OHKO
some EXs! In Expanded, you could increase its HP to a
more EX-level using Giant Cape, or you could even use
various Ace Specs with it, such as Life Dew, to
completely deny your opponent a prize for taking down
poor Entei! As usual, Omega Double opens up many
possibilities, and for once, Entei actually does have
the raw power to be usable by some mainstream Fire decks
today, all without giving up two Prizes, as well!
Standard: 3.9/5 (Fire Types already have a lot of great
attackers, but don’t count Entei out, as his damage
output is equal to some EXs, and his Ancient Trait may
just give him the edge he needs!)
Expanded: 4/5 (Ace Specs = more options!)
Limited: 4/5 (Not only can he combo nicely with the Entei
from earlier this week, but you also get EX power
without the double-Prize giving! He can also make a
great draw engine with dual Lucky Helmets, too!)