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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Lucky Helmet
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
September 22, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.05
Expanded: 2.80
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Hope you enjoyed the extra-long
break! I know we did, cause we got LUCKY!! :D
...with our helmet...cause our
helmet's lucky...it's a lucky helme-
So what does Lucky Helmet do? Well,
it's not unlike the Rocky Helmet we've come to know
and...well, know. Rocky Helmet would usually trigger
whenever the Pokemon it was attached to was damaged by
an opponent's attack, dealing 20 damage back. This would
usually combine well with anything that could deal
damage on its own back to the opponent, such as
Druddigon (NVI/LTR's Rough Skin. There was also the ACE
SPEC Rock Guard, which functionally worked just like
Rocky Helmet, only dealing 60 damage rather than just
Lucky Helmet works similarly but
does something entirely different. Instead of damaging
an opponent, Lucky Helmet will instead nab you two cards
when the Pokemon it's attached to takes damage. So now
your opponent has a bit of a tough time dealing with
your Pokemon, since every time he attacks, you're
gaining resources. If you're smart, you'll benefit with
a fairly even trade (draw 2 cards at the cost of Lucky
Helmet and the Pokemon it's attached to if it's OHKO),
but beyond that the trades become bigger. A 2HKO will
nab you 4 cards, and if you can drag out how long it
takes for your opponent to KO you, you can get even more
But that's about where all the
advantages stop. Lucky Helmet is, after all, still a
Tool, meaning you lose out on having an additional Tool
attached to it outside of anything with Theta Double,
and even then you'd rather be using that for other
things like, for instance, Muscle Band or a Spirit Link
if you're M Tyranitar-EX. On top of that, it doesn't
really benefit you right away nor does it give you an
immediate plus like some other draw cards would - like
Unown is a 1-for-1, but stuff like the Ace-in-the-Holes
draw 5 cards and brings back a Pokemon! And don't even
get me started on Sycaper again.
Lucky Helmet's not a terrible card
by any means though - at the end of the attack, you're
still benefiting from its effects. Just don't think
you're gonna go crazy rich with this card - it's at
least good for an even trade (minus Energies, but
hopefully you're not attaching this to an attacker), and
it can make most decks go faster. Of course, with all
the draw power available to us, is anyone going to
really need Lucky Helmet?
Standard: 3/5 (a fairly decent tool
that can get a lot of draw power off if the opponent is
careless...or that you've got room for it)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (I doubt with more
draw power, you really need something like this)
Limited: 5/5 (at first, this might
seem really high for a card that's otherwise mediocre,
but draw power is draw power, and Lucky Helmet gets you
draw power)
Arora Notealus: I imagine if Lucky
Helmet were transferred into the games somehow, it would
probably end up being a protective tool against Status
Conditions - like the hold item version of Safeguard!
Which, ya know, would probably make it just as useful
there as it is here, what with all the Magic Bouncing,
Lum Berries, other anti-status items and moves, etc.
Next Time: And now it's time to get
a little messy!

Otaku |
We now return
to our regularly scheduled Card of the Day reviews!
First up for this shortened week is Lucky Helmet
(XY: Ancient Origins 77/98), a new Pokémon Tool
from the latest set. While attached to your Active
Pokémon, you get to draw two cards any time your
opponent’s attacks damage said Pokémon. I shall now
demonstrate how such a simple effect can actually be
rather complicated if you want to understand “why”
Lucky Helmet is as good or bad as it seems. I’ll
dissect it as usual for both my own understanding and to
help explain where this review will go in the end.
The most broad
aspect of the card is its classification: Pokémon Tools
are a subclass of Items which in turn are a subclass of
Trainers. If something affects one of the higher ups in
the card taxonomy, so too does it affect those below.
This is a serious benefit when you’ve got a versatile
effect like how Skyla allows you to search for
and add any one Trainer card to your deck, but is
problematic when one of the various Item lock strategies
blocks out not just useful “regular” Items like Ultra
Ball and VS Seeker but also all your Pokémon
Tools. Pokémon Tool counters also seem to be more
effective than their support; Startling Megaphone
isn’t quite as easy to TecH into Standard decks as it
once was nor does it seem quite worth the space but
it is a lot closer than Elesa or Eco-Arm
in nearly all decks. In fact it could pretty easily
regain its “deck staple” status.
Though not as
bad as Ace Spec cards, Pokémon Tools are also in direct
competition with each other because for most Pokémon,
you may only attach one Pokémon Tool at a time. Yes
this set gave us multiple exceptions that can have more
than one Pokémon Tool attached at a time (and aren’t
even the first such cards), but that feat is still rare
in the Standard and Expanded card pools and even more so
when looking at the history of the game since Pokémon
Tools were added. Tools can be dealt with not only
through effects which discard them, but also by KOing
the Pokémon to which they are attached is KOed. Yes,
that is another obvious aspect but consider it in
comparison to a Stadium which also remains in play, but
is only worried about effects that specifically discard
Stadiums or Trainers from play, plus the general
mechanic of being replaced by a different Stadium. If
you field a lot of Pokémon at once it gives you more
“slots” in play that can use Pokémon Tools, but more
Pokémon means more resources in the first place, likely
leaving less room in your deck for additional Pokémon
Easing into
more card specific territory, Lucky Helmet has a
“passive” effect; you play it and your opponent will
always have a chance to find a workaround because the
draw effect doesn’t trigger on your own turn. Something
like Muscle Band or Float Stone can
benefit you immediately, be kept for future use or even
both but Lucky Helmet has to wait on your
opponent before it can benefit you due to anything
inherent to itself. Lucky Helmet is explicit on
what will trigger its own effect; it has to be damage
from your opponent’s attack, not your own and not damage
counters or damage from other effects, and also won’t
work when your Pokémon with Lucky Helmet is on
your Bench. These aren’t unique restrictions and
considering how overpowering Lucky Helmet could
become if your own attacks could trigger it, I don’t
object to the draw effect only working due to the
opponent’s actions, but I do wish it worked while on the
Bench. I can see no benefit for game balance in
preventing Lucky Helmet from triggering while it
(and the Pokémon with it) are on the Bench that the
clause about the damage needing to come from your
opponent doesn’t also cover.
I’ve just given
you a lot of drawbacks and concerns about this card
but what about the effect of drawing two cards? It
contains a hidden risk of decking yourself out common to
all forms of draw power but unlike most of those, your
opponent can more readily manipulate this one. It isn’t
a huge risk, but the draw effect is not optional and
that is worth noting. Otherwise in spite of all this
baggage, drawing two cards from being damaged is a
great effect that might have become a deck staple…
except there are just better Pokémon Tools to run in
most decks. You’ve got Muscle Band for decks
where 20 more damage allows you to score a KO with one
less attack, Hard Charm for where taking 20 less
damage forces your opponent to take an extra turn to
score the KO, Float Stone (in Expanded) for
Pokémon that benefit significantly from a zeroed out
Retreat Cost and as we get more specific, we’ll find
more competition. Lucky Helmet actually fares
quite well against most of it, but Muscle Band is
almost impossible to beat as a general approach and a
few others join it when we get to more specific
So for Standard
and Expanded play, go ahead and consider Lucky Helmet,
but don’t be surprised when something else easily
eclipses it. The one deck specific example where
it is probably the best choice is when using
Metagross (XY: Ancient Origins 50/98; its
“Machine Gun Stomp” attack does 20 damage plus 10 more
for each card in your hand, at a cost of [CC]. It is an
odd deck in that without N (so Standard format
only) it can be hard to make room for a card that
shuffles your opponent’s hand away. This means if you
cannot steamroll your opponent before his or her hand
enlarges to a certain point, they steam roll you
instead. I don’t expect it to win major events but it
can be an effective foe on the PTCGO. For Limited play,
no surprise: this is a must run. While this set
contains several Pokémon Tools most are Spirit Link
cards that you’ll probably have no use for and even if
you do pull all three of a Pokémon-EX, its corresponding
Mega Evolution and its specific Spirit Link card,
you’d still also want to run Lucky Helmet. Draw
power in Limited play is just that precious.
Standard: 3.15/5
Expanded: 3.1/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Lucky Helmet is another good
card you won’t often use because of the steep
competition. That being said I’ve seen it work quite
often on the PTCGO in what seem to be “budget” decks,
which includes but isn’t limited to the earlier
referenced Metagross, decks which usually lack
access to as many copies of Muscle Band as would
normally be preferred. The fact that if you stick
Lucky Helmet into decks instead of something
non-critical, the decks will still function (sometimes
with more reliability at the cost of versatility or
specific potency) explains why this actually would have
made 19th place (with three points) had our Top 15 list
for this set been a Top 20.

Emma Starr |
Ever felt the need to wear a helmet when you felt
you needed to be lucky for a certain event, but you just
end up looking silly? Well, if someone wants to bonk you
on the head for wearing it, be prepared to find
something cool…maybe. At least, that’s what it does for
Pokemon who wear it.
Lucky Helmet has the nice effect of letting yo
draw 4 cards every time you’re attacked. So, if things
go great, you could end up being able to maintain a
slow, steady draw stream, while still relying on your
normal draw support too! ..At least, that’s what I would
say if this format didn’t have 1HKOers and 2HKOers
everywhere. In addition, you yourself are forgoing the
help of other Tools such as Muscle Band in the long run.
Despite its drawbacks though, it does seem to get
quite a bit of play on the PTCGO, and I feel it can
carry some weight, especially in the early game, when
not everyone has usually powered up as much. In
addition, I can also see a nice combo of using Jamming
Net (PF 98) with it – Jamming Net lowers the opponent’s
Pokemon’s damage by 20, letting you survive with
(hopefully) 20 more HP to spare. At the very least, it
can help counter out all the little 20-damage-boosts
that a lot of Fighting Decks have access to, thanks to
the likes of Strong Energy and Machamp (FuF 46). You
could also go the route of boosting your own HP, a Stage
1 or 2 Pokemon is using this – with Training Center (FuF
102), or heal yourself by 30 HP each turn with Rough
Seas (PC 137) if a wielding Pokemon is a Water or
Electric Type, but be aware of the many vulnerabilities
that Stadiums hold these days- being easily replaced,
and being Lugia EX bait.
All in all, there are lots of things you can do
to try to endure the myriad of hits you’ll receive, and
to stay in the game as long as possible, but most people
will probably still go for running Muscle Band over
this, though I think this Helmet could really come in
handy, especially if you only get one crappy non-EX
basic in your starting hand, and you know is going to
faint – just attach a Lucky Helmet to it, and get at
least 2 cards out of it for the price of one! …Or of
course, just be lazy and attach it to Wailord EX.
Modified: 3/5 (Second in terms of usefulness to
Muscle Band, but still worth bringing 1 or 2 to give
continual Draw support, though any more may end up
clogging your deck in most cases. I can see some decks
making good use of this though, such as Grass or
Vespiquen decks.)
Expanded: 2.8/5 (Draw support is just as good
here! You may want to use the room for your Ace Spec
here though, though you could still stick a few in here
to be adventurous, but the score reflects the space you
may need to make.)
Limited: 5/5 (Drawing=victory. …Okay, maybe not
quite, but it sure gets you much closer. You’ll probably
see your opponent running some of these as well)