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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Dangerous Energy
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
September 24, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.5
Expanded: 3.0
Limited: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
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Otaku |
Today we review
Dangerous Energy (XY: Ancient Origins
82/98), which has the hilarious (and perhaps
appropriate) name of “Bad Energy” in Japanese; either
way, you can still justify making all sorts of fun
(obnoxious?) Michael Jackson references because both
“Bad” and “Dangerous” are names of one of his albums and
songs. Hopefully this card offers a bit more than that.
Energy is a Special Energy card that provides
[D] Energy while attached to your Active Darkness-Type
Pokémon; this is worded as an effect unlike say
Darkness Energy (either the basic Energy or
awkwardly named Special Energy card that preceded it)
which counts as [D] no matter its location. Dangerous
Energy can only be attached to Darkness-Type
Pokémon and if it somehow ends up on something else, it
has a built in clause to discard itself. These are a
lot of restrictions for the card, but the rest of its
effect is that the Pokémon to which Dangerous Energy
is attached is attacked and damaged by an opponent’s
Pokémon-EX, you place two damage counters on said
Pokémon-EX. The effect does stack, so if you have two
copies of Dangerous Energy attached, the
Pokémon-EX would have four damage counters placed upon
it. As the damage is placed after the opponent
attacked, the only way your opponent can heal it (before
it can be potentially exploited) is through the few
healing effects that trigger between turns (I’m not sure
if there are any that work during your opponent’s turn).
In total
isolation, forcing the opponent to damage his or her own
Pokémon is good. Damage counter placement also means
multiple protective effects won’t be triggered, though
you miss out on damage boosting effects as well. What
leaves me less than impressed with the package is that
this is the Darkness-Types entry into the modern
Type-specific Special Energy cards, with its incredibly
restrictive template (only works for that Type, only
provides that Type of Energy while attached, etc.)
coupled by only Pokémon-EX being affected on the
opponent’s side of things. I’ve often pointed out (on
message boards if not here) that contrary to popular
belief, Pokémon-EX are not a problem. They are the
dominant force in the format, but only because they are
more prone to receiving overpowered entries than
non-Pokémon-EX. There are an abundance of powerful
non-Pokémon-EX that still see successful, competitive
play and multiple anti-Pokémon-EX cards to give
incentive above and beyond the inherent benefit of
attacking with a non-Pokémon-EX. So I believe that
Dangerous Energy should have placed damage counters
on whatever is doing the attacking and wherever
the Pokémon being attacked is positioned (Active or
Energy is helped and hurt by the current pace
of the game; I don’t have actual numbers but from what I
personally see, a decent number of Pokémon fall just
short of a OHKO (or being OHKOed) by 10 or 20 points of
damage, including more common damage buffs. When it is
a Darkness-Type attacking or being attacked by something
that is in this range, clearly Dangerous Energy
is useful because it speeds up a KO. At the same time
this pacing is why Dangerous Energy is likely to
only trigger once or twice; few Pokémon survive more
than one hit. Strong Energy seems overpowered
for the +20 damage it grants… but that largely comes
from what it is boosting: hard hitting, often low Energy
requiring Fighting-Types that can stack additional
damage buffs and have a high probability of hitting
Weakness. The two damage counters received while being
attacked is probably the more balanced version of the
damage buff… except for being restricted to Pokémon-EX.
So where should
you use this? I’d say Darkness-Type decks that can’t
make better use of a different Special Energy card, can
handle being very vulnerable to anti-Special Energy
tactics or specifically combo with Dangerous Energy.
I’m drawing a blank on examples for those first two (if
there are any) but we were spoonfed a combo for that
last one and we reviewed it
here: M Tyranitar-EX. It has a lot
of HP and an attack (Destroyer King) that needs [DDCC]
to hit for 110+ damage, where the “plus” is an
additional 60 points of damage for each damage counter
on your opponent’s Active Pokémon. So if M Tyranitar-EX
or a Tyranitar-EX you intend to Mega Evolve are
other Darkness-Type you want to leave up front to soak a
hit have Dangerous Energy attached and are
attacked by an opponent’s Pokémon-EX for damage,
Destroyer King is set up to hit for 210/230/460 points
of damage (Resistant/Neutral/Weak). Slightly less
obvious is giving you some damage counters to play
around with for Absol (XY: Roaring Skies
40/108) and its “Cursed Eyes” Ability.
So for Standard
play you may as well test with it but I only expect it
to fit into very few decks (I’m not even sure about
whatever deck is running M Tyranitar-EX).
Expanded doesn’t look much better; after all the big
advantage to Darkness-Types here is regaining access to
Dark Patch… which only works on basic Darkness
Energy cards. For Limited play it is nice to have
but only matters if you have a Darkness-Type worth
running. There are only seven Darkness-Types in the set
with two of them being Tyranitar-EX and M
Tyranitar-EX and their Full Arts. Inkay (XY:
Ancient Origins 45/98) and Malamar (XY:
Ancient Origins 46/98) are decent if you each of
them and both are Commons, while Sableye (XY:
Ancient Origins 44/98) is an Uncommon with two solid
attacks. Just remember that it only works against
Pokémon-EX so most games, it just won’t matter.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 1.95/5
Limited: 2/5
Summary: Dangerous Energy is indeed a
“bad Energy” card. It is far better than I realized; at
first I thought it was something I’d never consider
using but now it goes from “adequate” to “probably not”
because even with the abundance of attacking Pokémon-EX,
it isn’t enough to gain a sufficient return, especially
when you’ll often find a Special Energy like Double
Colorless Energy as or more valuable, such as with
Yveltal-EX. Yes I docked it for Expanded because
it doesn’t work with Dark Patch - while not
essential Dark Patch is still a great play for
Darkness-Type decks and with most decks needing to watch
their Energy counts, it really does hurt. Though I’m
not fond of this card, others regard it better:
Dangerous Energy actually scored four points from
voting for our Top 15 XY: Ancient Origins list,
coming in at 18th place.

Emma Starr |
Ever wish cool Pokemon like Yveltal EX, Darkrai
EX, and Malamar EX were around during the earlier days
of the TCG, where it could take advantage of the 10
damage boosts that Darkness Energy could provide? Well I
certainly don’t, because that would have made the game
awfully unbalanced! But now, in the era of
heavy-hitters, we have a new, and maybe even better
Dangerous Energy provides a single Dark Energy to
Dark Pokemon, but if that Dark Pokemon gets attacked by
an EX, the EX gets hit for 20 damage! Keep in mind, this
isn’t your usual 20-energy boost you see a lot these
days, like Strong Energy or Muscle Band – this one is
more like the protection you see from Rocky Helmet – it
relies on your opponent attacking you for it to get the
damage on it. Thus, it also relies on the attacking
Pokemon being an EX. And with EXs usually being
heavy-hitters, you’ll usually only get the chance to
inflict around 40 damage or so with it. There are some
nice combos you can try to do with this, that can easily
counter-act these hindrances, though!
Firstly, you could once again run Jamming Net (PF
98) to lower the opponent’s damage output by 20. Hey, if
you’re lucky, this alone could be enough to turn a 1HKO
or 2HKO into a 3HKO! Another option (in Expanded) you
could use is combining it with Rock Guard (PLF 108) to
do a whopping 80 damage without even hitting them! And
of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Mega
Tyranitar EX can do 230 damage with his attack if he
simply gets hit once before attacking. …Yeah, that will
take out any Mega, and if you attach a Muscle Band to
Mega Tyranitar, it can even take out Wailord-EX,
officially being able to take out anything. And with his
Ancient Trait, you could even attach a Lucky Helmet (or
two, if you’re not using the Muscle Band) to not only
potentially do 230 damage, but also drawing 4 cards as
well. But hey, we already reviewed Mega Tyranitar and
Lucky Helmet, this is Dangerous Energy’s time to
shine…or darken…
Modified: 3/5 (A must for Darkness decks…but
trash for everyone else.)
Expanded: 4/5 (Darkrai EX LOVES this card, since
him and his cronies get the effect, and thanks to the
wording of this card, this still acts as normal Dark
Energy, so Dark Cloak still applies to anyone this
Energy is attached to…but remember you can only attach
this to Dark type Pokemon, so keep that in mind.)
Limited: 4/5 (Running Tyranitar EX or his Mega?
Use this too! But if you don’t run Dark types, you
aren’t running this.)