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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Sceptile EX
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
September 29, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.40
Expanded: 3.75
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Anyone remember my comments about
Sceptile-EX from the M Sceptile-EX review?
"Of course, a good Mega EX deserves a good EX, and
Sceptile-EX is worked up to be probably one of the more
powerful and dangerous EX to come out. Sceptile-EX can
take care of opponent's in a simple 2-turn maneuver with
Sleep Poison causing Sleep AND Poison for 1 (with a coin
toss and an extra 10 damage for trying), and Unseen
Claw, which will deal an extra 70 damage on top of its
60 damage if the opposing Pokemon's affected by a Status
Condition - all for 2 Energy. Not too shabby, really,
and it combos insanely well with Ariados from earlier. "
Yeah, that hasn't changed much. Sceptile-EX is fairly
solid, and knowing that he can quickly evolve into M
Sceptile-EX, it's understandable that he might get
overlooked. But he really shouldn't, cause he's a fairly
powerful Pokemon-EX in his own right! Like I said, Sleep
Poison can cause, well, Sleep and Poison! Sure, it
requires a coin flip, but even trying for it is worth
it. And Unseen Claw works so well with Ariados, there's
no real reason NOT to at least be running the two
alongside each other!
If you're running M Sceptile-EX,
obviously this is a must, since the only other Sceptile-EX
I'm aware of being legal is the promo, and while it too
has a chance at falling behind on a coin flip (since
it's using Agility), this Sceptile-EX can benefit off of
some combos more than the promo version can. That's not
to say the other Sceptile-EX doesn't have to necessarily
see play though - I can imagine using Strong Slash from
the promo could be a reliable means of striking down an
opponent, though Unseen Claw does the same thing for
less Energy, only needs 1 Grass Energy and another
Energy to be used, and does the damage if the opponent
has a Special Condition, again easily done with Ariados
- have I mentioned Unseen Claw can be used two turns in
a row?
So all-in-all, play this one. It's
Standard: 3/5 (the coin flip can
hurt its chances, but Ariados alone can make up for
that, and that means Sceptile-EX can smack around for
130 pretty early!)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (with HTL here, it
becomes even EASIER to inflict a Status Condition - and
you don't even have to get Poisoned yourself!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (high HP, decent
first attack to threaten a super-strong second attack -
what's not to like?)
Arora Notealus: Sceptile remains
one of the coolest Pokemon of all time, and in fact, I
dare say that Gen III had the best line-up of starters.
It didn't really matter which starter you picked between
Torchic, Treecko, or Mudkip, you managed to get a
cool-looking Pokemon - and better yet, a cool-looking
Mega Evo in ORAS - that would stick by your side for
life! Of course, Blaziken has always stood out the most,
but Sceptile and Swampert shouldn't be shunned just
cause they're not Blaziken - they're cool in their own
Next Time:

Otaku |
Our second Card
of the Day this week has given me some trouble. Oh, not
talking about while playing: I just had an epic memory
failure and accidentally wrote and submitted a review
for tomorrow’s pick instead of today’s. I didn’t catch
it until after I asked Pojo to post a revised version of
the same (incorrect) CotD and then somehow really goofed
things up, leading to four month old review of Wally
to go up instead! So is Sceptile-EX (XY:
Ancient Origins 7/98, 84/98) as impressive as the
series of mistakes that occurred before I wrote this
review? Let’s find out.
Sceptile-EX is a Grass-Type and you’re going to
get tired of hearing me rehash why this is a good,
solid-Type (possibly one of the better ones to be) right
now. The big thing is that the Grass-Type just got a
key piece of support this set called Forest of Giant
Plants and I’ll probably be mentioning it in almost
every review this week. This Stadium allows Grass-Types
to Evolve immediately, including multiple times in a
single turn and on the first turn a Grass-Type is in
play (even the very first turn of the game). So with
Sceptile Spirit Link you can instantly go from
Sceptile-EX to M Sceptile-EX. This makes
Sceptile-EX less important than it might otherwise
have been and will affect the rest of the review.
Otherwise being a Grass-Type allows Sceptile-EX
to hit Weakness on at least a few key cards: exactly how
many is still uncertain with the current data because
things are still in flux. You never have to worry about
Resistance though there are a few anti-Grass-Type cards:
neither are big deals.
Sceptile-EX has 170 HP, the lower of the two
commonly seen amounts on Basic Pokémon-EX, which is
still likely to survive a hit but a little more
vulnerable than the other common score of 180 or the
larger scores seen on a handful of other Basics and on
all Mega Evolutions. The Fire Weakness means the
typical Fire-Type attackers are all but guaranteed a
OHKO so long as they are using their “big” or “main”
attack. Thanks to Flareon (XY: Ancient
Origins 13/98) this Weakness is a bit worse than it
once was because hypothetically any Stage 1 can be its
own Type plus Fire. No Resistance is the worst and yet
isn’t that bad because it is also the most common; being
able to soak 20 damage from one Type would have been a
nice little bonus, but it isn’t a necessity and the
difference is rarely dramatic. The Retreat Cost of [C]
is very good; it isn’t the best but it is very easy to
pay and yet recover from paying and if you’ve got any
sort of Retreat Cost decreasing trick (like Skyarrow
Bridge though that isn’t a recommendation) it will
become a perfect free Retreat Cost.
Sceptile-EX has no Ability or Ancient Trait but
the usual two attacks. The first attack (Sleep Poison)
requires [G] to hit for 10 damage with a coin flip based
effect: “heads” means you inflict both Sleep and Poison
on the opponent’s Active while “tails” means just the
base 10 damage. For [GC] the second attack (Unseen
Claw) does 60 damage, but states it does another 70 (130
total) if the opponent’s Active is affected by a Special
Condition. Sleep Poison is nice and inexpensive, and if
you inflict Sleep and it sticks around it can buy you
time to Mega Evolve or avoid being damaged while you
move onto Unseen Claw. The Poison can also drop a few
more targets into 2HKO range, but if you want to take
out anything major you’re going to need additional
buffs. Sleep Poison fails to deliver either Special
Condition half the time (give or take “luck”) which
means Unseen Claw would need other support if you want
it to be your go-to-attack.
You have
another Sceptile-EX to consider as well as the
aforementioned M Sceptile-EX and Sceptile
Spirit Link. Sceptile-EX (XY Black Star
Promo XY53) was reviewed
here the week before we did our Top 15 for
XY: Ancient Origins. It is very similar to
today’s card, with the only game relevant text
differences being the two attacks. The first (Agility)
requires [G] to hit for 20 and if you get “heads” on the
required coin flip it will protect Sceptile-EX
from all effects of attacks (including damage) done to
Sceptile-EX during your opponent’s next turn
(“tails” just means the base 20 damage). For [GGG] the
second attack (Strong Slash) scores 130 damage, but its
effect states it cannot be used during your next turn
(benching, bouncing and/or Mega Evolution can reset that
effect). This is actually a solid Pokémon in its own
right: Agility also can buy time to Mega Evolve or help
set-up for a 2HKO (needing a little help against most
Pokémon-EX), but it is harder to fuel Strong Slash and
you can easily use Strong Slash twice in a row.
M Sceptile-EX was reviewed here as our
fourth place pick for this set.
It is a Grass-Type Mega Evolution with 220 HP, Fire
Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat Cost of [CC], no
Ability, an Ancient Trait and a single attack. The
Ancient Trait is Θ Stop, which prevents all effects of
the Abilities of opponent’s Pokémon done to M
Sceptile-EX, while the attack is Jagged Saber which
costs [GC] and hits for 100 damage with the option of
attaching zero, one or two [G] Energy from hand
(currently only basic Grass Energy is an option)
to your Benched Pokémon. You can attach two Energy to a
single target or one apiece to two targets. If that
wasn’t enough, the effect does more; the Pokémon to
which the Energy is attached have all their damage
healed. My final conclusion hasn’t changed; if your
deck can’t score a OHKO or otherwise mess with the game
plan of the typical M Sceptile-EX deck you’re in
trouble. “Messing with the game plan” can include
disruption or simply having enough Pokémon just outside
of the 2HKO (for Pokémon-EX) or OHKO (for
non-Pokémon-EX) range. This brings us to our first use
for today’s Sceptile-EX.
Of course you
can Mega Evolve it, but it also acts as a back-up
attacker to help stall while setting up if you whiff on
what you need (with Forest of Giant Plants and
Mega Turbo, you may be able to access Jagged Saber
immediately) or delivering a slightly strong hit if the
opponent’s Active is already afflicted with a Special
Condition. Ariados (XY: Ancient Origins
6/98), our
ninth place pick for this set,
has an Ability that allows you to Poison non-Grass-Type
Active Pokémon from the Bench, though it hits both
Actives. While it does require some extra space, it
shores up the damage of Jagged Saber as well and allows
you to fall back onto Sceptile-EX and its Unseen
Claw. Especially in Expanded, you may instead
focus on Sceptile-EX itself as the main attacker;
you can run Virbank City Gym, Hypnotoxic Laser
and Muscle Band so that Unseen Claw does an
effective 180 damage before Weakness, Resistance and
other effects. For two Energy and being a Basic
Pokémon-EX, that is actually a solid deal. You might be
able to the same in Standard, except you’ll lack
Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym; I’m
not sure if sure if suitable replacements exist.
Here is what I
didn’t expect; in either case, I think you might need to
run a Sceptile-EX (XY: Black Star Promos
XY53), maybe even two if you’re focused on M Sceptile-EX.
Why? It could be a mistaken notion because of what I
am facing on the PTCGO, but a flat 130 is needed for
things like Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom Forces
36/119). It isn’t the only one, but it is probably the
best example of what messes up the strategies as it has
110 HP and shuts down the Abilities of non-Psychic-Type
Pokémon. You have to either have a totally separate
attacker or have a non-Ability or attack based method of
nailing Wobbuffet with a Special Condition for
Sceptile-EX (XY: Ancient Origins 7/98, 84/98)
to do the job. I haven’t found a good “totally separate
attacker” that fits in the available space and doesn’t
have other issues, so I am starting to think the promo
Sceptile-EX could be the answer, even if it needs
three Energy to attack. Special Conditions can also be
disabled apart from Abilities, so again Unseen Claw has
its limits… and so even in Expanded using a deck focused
on Unseen Claw you might want the promo as back-up.
M Sceptile-EX means you can find a good use for
today’s card in either Standard or Expanded and you
could try to use Sceptile-EX on its own (though
less promising for Standard). For Limited, it is a
great pull as the costs allow it to work off-Type so
long as you can still run some basic Grass Energy.
It also is strong enough to consider for “+39” status,
where the other 39 cards in your Limited deck are
anything other than Basic Pokémon, ensuring you open
with Sceptile-EX. Just remember that you also
are guaranteed to lose if Sceptile-EX is KOed and
you’ll only score OHKOs against targets with 60 HP or
less (2HKOs can take down those with 140 or less if they
can be affected by Special Conditions) and while there
isn’t a huge Fire presence in this set, what is there
could be a problem. So in Limited, only skip it if you
have such good other pulls that people are going to
think you cheated. ;)
Standard: 3.25/5
Expanded: 3.25/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Sceptile-EX (XY: Ancient
Origins 7/98, 84/98) is a good, solid foundation for
M Sceptile-EX, providing a back-up/alternate
attacker. It may even have enough potential for its own
deck, though I’m not sure if it is really worth
pursuing. It isn’t as far beyond Sceptile-EX (XY:
Black Star Promos XY53) as I thought and the latter
may still have a place in Sceptile-EX or M
Sceptile-EX decks.

Emma Starr |
Sceptile EX, one of the many feared Grass Pokemon
of this set, mainly due to his Mega, whom we already
discussed a few weeks back. But can his base form pack
on the hurt too?
For a mere one Grass Energy, Sleep Poison does 10
damage, but lets you flip a coin. If it lands heads, the
opponent gets Poisoned, and falls asleep! It’s almost
like a less accessible, and less reliable version of
Hypnotoxic Laser! As stated though, it’s less accessible
due to Sleep Poison being an attack, and not an
easily-useable Item (though I guess that can be good if
you’re getting Vile-locked), and less reliable, due to
the whole effect of the attack (minus the 10 damage)
being tails-fails. You could bring a Trick Coin, but
many Grass decks I’ve played with Sceptile EX just don’t
have enough room for it. If you really feel the need to
get a status down, I’d rather run a Hypnotoxic Laser
anyway, though in Standard, you’re best bet is probably
Ariados, whom we also already covered. In any way, if
you’re able to inflict the defending Pokemon with a
status, be prepared to really lay on the damage with the
next attack!
Unseen Claw (or the cooler ‘Assassin Claw’ in
Japanese) costs only one more Colorless in addition to
the Grass from the last attack (again…pretty cheap
energy costs!) does 60 damage, but if they’re afflicted
with ANY status, you add 70 more damage, which will
equate to 130 damage! Pretty nice for an attack you
could use on your second turn! Coupled with the poison
they’re probably still inflicted with, and perhaps a
Muscle Band, you could potentially even score a OHKO
with this!
Standard: 4/5 (Status-reliant, but even without
Hypnotoxic Laser, there are plenty of ways to inflict
status, even if Sleep Poison fails.)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank
City Gym provide even more support, allowing even better
odds on a OHKO!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (Got some nice Grass support? Run