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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Vespiquen #10
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
September 30, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.5
Expanded: 3.53
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Tired of playing the same old Night
March deck? Already missing Flareon and his thirst for
Vengeance? Need something to fill in that hole in your
deck that has access to a powerful growth Stadium in
Forest of Giant Plants? Well look no further than
Vespiquen, or as I'm sure she'll be called, Flareon
Vespiquen and Flareon have a few
major differences that may change how you play it, and
needless to say Vespiquen will probably end up playing
very differently from Flareon. One of the bigger
differences would be their attacks; sure, Bee Revenge is
effectively just Vengeance reskinned to be more thematic
with Vespiquen, dealing 20 damage plus an extra 10 for
each Pokemon in the discard pile - BUT, Vespiquen has a
cheaper attack than Flareon's Heat Tackle that's got its
own uses in Intelligence Gathering, a 1-for-10 strike
that lets you draw until you've got 6 cards.
...oh, right, you're not ever going
to use that.
Effectively the highlight of
Vespiquen is Bee Revenge, and while she's got a little
less HP than Flareon did (not to mention Combee in
general have lower HP than Eevee, at the moment), she
does have that Free Retreat Cost which is better than
Flareon's 2-Energy worth. On top of that, she's also
Grass-typed, which means if need be, you can evolve
straight from a Combee into her with Forest of Giant
Plants! In that regard, they may be competing for the
spot of whichever one is better - and technically,
Flareon would win due to Vespiquen's Fire Weakness.
......eehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Needless to say, the Vengeance deck
was an interesting idea that won a few tourneys, so
expect the bee queen to rise to the challenge and take
Standard back to the vengeful days of old!
Standard: 3.5/5 (a very solid - if
not better - revenge killer for the Vengeful decks out
Expanded: 3.5/5 (Flareon will still
be in for a rough time, or maybe those Eeveelutions can
help the deck even more...)
Limited: 3.5/5 (there's not really
a fast way of getting Pokemon into the discard, but
luckily the damage output's low enough that Vespiquen's
Intelligence Gathering can go off a few times)
Arora Notealus: I think Vespiquen
is a cool concept for a Pokemon - the classic bee queen
to the hive of bees that are the Combee. It's like if
Beedrill had a female variant that was...okay. And
didn't have a Mega Evo. And was just meh.
Next Time: NOT THE

Otaku |
If you missed yesterday… I goofed. I misread the
schedule (even though I selected the cards) and
submitted a review of today’s subject instead of
Tuesday’s actual Card of the Day. Then through another
mix-up, a four month old review went up instead! If it
isn’t there already, shortly after this review goes up,
the correct previous CotD should as well.
So today is Vespiquen (XY: Ancient Origins
10/98): no surprise we are still dealing with a
Grass-Type. That means it enjoys hitting at least a few
key cards for a massive damage bonus (via Weakness),
never needs to worry about Resistance, enjoys some solid
support like Forest of Giant Plants and while
there are some “anti-Grass” cards, they see little-to-no
competitive play. Being a Stage 1 is a bit of a
drawback (twice the space requirement as a Basic) but
the aforementioned Stadium means a successful setup can
still be as fast as a Basic Pokémon. The 90 HP should
be a OHKO for your opponent, though the usual exceptions
apply: incomplete setup or an attack that isn’t being
used for its damage. The Fire Weakness is odd because
of the HP; simply put it might fall into the sweet spot
where the weakest Fire-Type attacks just barely whiff
while most would be a OHKO before Weakness anyway. No
Resistance which is the worst but also so common it
doesn’t detract from the card and no Retreat Cost which
is the best and is not that common thus being a nice
has no Ancient Trait or Ability but two attacks. For
[C] it can use “Intelligence Gathering” for 10 damage,
but more importantly this attack also allows you to draw
until you have six cards in hand. The second attack
merely costs [CC] and is “Bee Revenge”; it does 20
damage plus 10 more per Pokémon in your discard pile.
Intelligence Gathering is a nice fallback for when your
deck stalls out but the important one is Bee Revenge;
for the price of a Double Colorless Energy and
(admittedly) a lot of Pokémon in your discard
pile, Vespiquen achieves “glass cannon” status as
it can OHKO theoretically anything in the game right
now, though in practice you’ll probably be getting more
of a 2HKO for the larger things that are (fortunately)
worth two Prizes to just one for Vespiquen
might be able to Evolve instantly, but we should still
look at our options for Combee: BW: Plasma
Storm 4/135 (Expanded only) and XY: Ancient
Origins 9/98. Both are Basic Grass-Type Pokémon
with Fire Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], no
Ability, no Ancient Trait and just a single attack. BW:
Plasma Storm 4/135 has just 30 HP and for [G] can
use “Sting Missile” to hit for 30 damage before
shuffling itself into your deck. XY: Ancient Origins
9/98 has 40 HP and for [G] it can use “Bug Bite” for a
flat 10 damage. While Sting Missile is interesting, if
you’re trying to get to Vespiquen you probably
should go with XY: Ancient Origins 9/98. There
are two other Vespiquen to consider: BW:
Plasma Storm 5/135 (Expanded only) and XY:
Ancient Origins 11/98. Both are Stage 1 Grass-Types
with Fire Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], no
Abilities and two attacks. BW: Plasma Storm
5/135 has 100 HP; for [G] it can use “Gather Order” to
search your deck for as many Combee as you like
and put them onto your Bench or for [GC] it can use
“Damage Beat” to hit for 20 damage times the number of
damage counters on the opponent’s Active. XY:
Ancient Origins 11/98 has 90 HP and the Ancient
Trait “Θ Double” which allows it to have two Pokémon
Tools attached at the same time. For [G] it can use
“Bee Drain” to hit for 20 damage and heal itself by an
amount equal to the damage. For [CC] it can use the
classic “Fury Swipes” attack to flip three coins, good
for 30 damage per “heads”.
Both other Vespiquen have been reviewed, or
rather BW: Plasma Storm 5/135 was reviewed
while XY: Ancient Origins 11/98 is tomorrow’s
review. The former suffers because while getting three
Basics from your deck is handy, it probably isn’t worth
it as an attack on a Stage 1 card, while its “big”
attack requires a target already damaged and
doesn’t do any base damage itself (so you need a
combo to get it to work) and its cost doesn’t allow you
to simply rely on a Double Colorless Energy
(unlike today’s version). I don’t want to get too much
into tomorrow’s card, but it might be “okay” if you want
something different to lead with, but players have
already found better “opening” attack options for
Vespiquen (XY: Ancient Origins 10/98) decks
that won’t force you to run less of it.
So Vespiquen has been showing up as either an
alternative or and addition to Night March decks; use a
similar approach to fill your discard pile with Pokémon
with each successive Vespiquen hitting a bit
harder because of the ones that fell prior. It takes a
lot to ramp up the damage to OHKO level against
typical Basic Pokémon-EX: even with a Muscle Band
you are talking 14 Pokémon in the discard pile. That is
why when used alongside Night March it is saved as a
sweeper (or for hitting Grass Weak targets). On its own
players have been trying it with Flareon (XY:
Ancient Origins 13/98), Jolteon (XY:
Ancient Origins 26/98) and Vaporeon (XY:
Ancient Origins 22/98) so that you can hit for four
different forms of Weakness (with the unneeded Eeveelutions
for a particular match used as fodder). Hitting for
Weakness (of course) roughly halves the amount of
Pokémon needed for your discard pile. You might even be
able to splash Vespiquen into certain decks as a
Grass-Type attacker (it doesn’t have to use Forest of
Giant Plants and it can use any Energy): the
downside is that it won’t hit hard enough to matter
until you’ve filled your discard pile a bit.
So in Standard give it a try either on its own or with
Night March. In Expanded, it is a little less certain
because you still have access to Flareon (BW:
Plasma Freeze 12/116); I’ve got to admit that I
don’t know if people are sticking with Flareon
[Plasma] for a reason or just going with what they’ve
been running as I don’t exactly have a lot of data from
which to draw conclusions. In Limited this is a great
pull; unless you’re running a +39 deck (where you run a
single Basic Pokémon so that you always start with it)
this is a must run, and the kind that will almost always
come in handy unless all your Combee get KO'd
before you can Evolve (or you don’t pull any Combee
at all of course). Not for Bee Revenge though, at least
without both lucky pulls and game states; I don’t recall
this set having a lot of effects to discard Pokémon, so
you’re probably just getting a solid 50 for two if you
manage to bring Vespiquen in as your final
attacker. Instead Intelligence Gathering, the free
retreat and being only an Uncommon make it a good deal
Vespiquen brings a familiar tactic back into
Standard, but with a twist given the different Typing
and other recent support. On the PTCGO I run into it
often enough but I’ve seen the deck seem near
unstoppable and I’ve seen it fail utterly; personally I
end up with the latter result but I also never had much
luck with Night March. In the end I think it is going
to be a presence that neither dominates nor vanishes
from competitive play, at least until the next major

Emma Starr |
Today, we start talking about two cards talking
about the much underrated Vespiquen! Well, underrated in
the video games at least. This card has already seen
quite a good amount of play already, and to be honest, I
have no idea how this didn’t make our Top 15 anywhere,
considering I see so many more people running this than
say…Hoopa EX. And I don’t think it’s just because
Vespiquen is an uncommon, either…
Being a Stage 1 Grass Type, Vespiquen can make
lots of use of many tools to get out very quickly,
despite being a Stage 1 – Forest of Giant Plants or
Wally can really help get her out on Turn 1 or 2, and
for just 1 Colorless Energy, she can use Intelligence
Gathering to let you draw cards until you have six in
your hand! That’s great and all, and decent if you don’t
start off with a Double Colorless Energy, but Vespiquen
is no Shaymin EX (ROS 77), so her real bread and butter
is her second attack…
For only two Colorless (!) Bee Revenge does 20 +
10 more damage for each Pokemon in your discard pile!
And how could you possibly get that many into your
discard pile, you ask? Battle Compressor (PHF 92), Ultra
Ball, and Unown (30), baby! Since Battle Compressor lets
you discard any 3 Pokemon from your deck, Ultra Ball can
let you discard two cards from your hand as usual, while
making it easier to find more Unown, and, of course,
Unown can discard itself (and let you draw a card to
boot!). Using these great cards, you can get tons of
Pokemon into your discard pile without your opponent
ever taking a prize!
With all of this discarding though, Vespiquen
also begs to be the center of her own deck. Since you’ll
want all of your Pokemon to be in your discard pile,
there’s not much they can be able to do once they’re in
it (although Ho-Oh EX could save you if Vespiquen goes
down, but only in Expanded). Revives or Max Revives
would just take up space in a deck like this, and it may
be best to always run another Vespiquen or two on your
bench, in case your attacking one goes down. Just make
sure it has enough energy for when this time comes! For
that reason, I’d run at least 3 Sycipers just to get
that needed draw power, to quickly find all of your
Double Colorlesses, since with only 90 HP, Vespiquen
isn’t going to survive a full-powered hit from most EXs.
So, although it may be tempting to discard some Combees
and Vespiquens in your discarding spree, it may be best
to keep some safe on your bench instead, and if you run
into a Fire Deck, you could run into quite a few
problems too. BUT, I can see Vespiquen working wonders
when being included in one of those annoying Night March
decks, which also run on your discarded Pokemon, but
your Joltiks (PHF 26) may start competing with your
Vespiquens for your Double Colorlesses, and with no way
currently to retrieve them from your discard pile, it
could become a problem, and of course, where there’s a
Special Energy, most decks have a Team Plasma Grunt
ready to retaliate, so I’d definitely run some normal
energies in a deck like Vepiquen’s, though it may slow
her up in some situations. Intelligence Gathering is
pretty useful in a deck like this too of course, but
just try not to deck out! Well, enough with me pointing
out the flaws and advantages of using a Vespiquen deck,
let’s head to my ratings!
Standard: 3.5/5 (Only belongs in her own deck,
not a general Grass one, but if you build it right,
maybe using some of the tips I mention in that huge
paragraph above, you may be able to use Vespiquen much
more effectively, though it still rely on a little luck
at times, which some people may not prefer.)
Expanded: 3.8/5 (You have the Ho-Oh EX I
mentioned here, which could save you from emergencies,
but that Retreat Cost of, you guessed it…two, can be
bothersome, especially in this deck. Thankully, you also
have Float Stones, which could really help your
Vespiquens which I didn’t actually mention anywhere in
the review. Good thing you read both parts of my review,
huh? ;) )
Limited: 2/5 (Well, it’s splashable, and you have
Unown. That’s all you have, aside from normal discards,
though. It could help you very late game, but with only
4 Prizes, that time may come sooner than you’d want it