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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Vespiquen #11
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 1, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.50
Expanded: 1.33
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
And yes, we ARE reviewing another
Vespiquen! Cause I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear
about Combee and his 1-for-10 Bug Bite.
Surprisingly, the Vespiquen with
the Ancient Trait isn't so fascinating - or as good - as
its non-Ancient Trait-wielding counterpart, something
that I've begun to notice is a bit of a theme with the
unfortunate majority of Ancient Trait-wielding Pokemon.
What's more unfortunate is that Vespiquen's Trait is
Theta Double, a trait that is already being used to
greater effect by M Tyranitar-EX. You know, the one that
crushes everything?
Here's the thing about Vespiquen:
its attacks cost the same as Vespiquen (10)'s, but they
are far worse. Rather than drawing cards, Bee Drain does
a little more damage and heals Vespiquen for the same
amount, which really doesn't do much when she's only got
90 HP to begin with. 90's been a magic number forever -
if anything, I wouldn't be surprised if it got bumped up
to 120 to match the Mega Pokemon's highest stat of 240
HP - so having the ability to heal off a part of that is
And don't even get me started on
Fury Swipes. Spoiler alert: an attack that flips coins
to maybe deal 90 damage isn't going to outdo an attack
that can do that same damage with 7 Pokemon in the
discard pile - and then KEEP doing MORE damage for EACH
NEW ONE. And if you're thinking that maybe having two
copies of Muscle Band will make up for that, there is
that possibility that you won't flip any heads at all -
and then where are you?
Needless to say, you don't want the
rare Vespiquen - you want the uncommon one.
Standard: 1.5/5 (really a bit of a
waste of an Ancient Trait)
Expanded: 1/5 (NOPE)
Limited: 2/5 (...okay, if you get
two copies of Lucky Helmet and attach them both to
Vespiquen, then yeah, I think it'll be hilarious to see
your opponent giving you four cards...for the price of
four cards.)
Arora Notealus: Seriously, where's
my Beedrill-EX/M Beedrill-EX combo?
Next Time: THEY'RE IN MY
EYEEEEEEES-nah, just kidding, it's a majestic deer!

Otaku |
Today we
officially look at the other Vespiquen (XY:
Ancient Origins 11/98). Continuing the common theme
for the week, this is a Grass-Type which means it enjoys
hitting at least a few noteworthy cards for double
damage because of Weakness (more in Expanded), doesn’t
have to worry about Resistance, doesn’t have to worry
the few anti-Grass-Type cards because they just aren’t
that good and enjoys some good Type support, the main
relevant bit being Forest of Giant Plants… again.
That would be because this is a Stage 1 that Evolves
from a Basic Grass-Type (more on that later) so
Forest of Giant Plants offsets the turn delay a
Stage 1 normally must deal with (though you still need
two cards versus one for a Basic). 90 HP is a probable
OHKO for your opponent, the main exceptions being a very
incomplete offensive set up or a deck not focused on
dealing a lot of damage in the first place. The Fire
Weakness may not matter too much; thanks to Flareon
(XY: Ancient Origins 13/98) there may be several
exceptions to what I am about to say, but most decks
using a Fire-Type are going to at least be trying to hit
harder than 90 damage in one turn… which is already a
OHKO. Might save them some resources though. No
Resistance is typical and with 90 HP, it’s kind of iffy
about whether it would have helped or not. A Retreat
Cost of [C] helps; while not as good as being free it is
still easy to pay and to recover from most of the time.
Vespiquen has an Ancient Trait and two attacks.
“Θ Double” allows Vespiquen to have two Pokémon
Tools attached at the same time. This can lead to
something straightforward like slapping on two Muscle
Band to hit for +40 or two Hard Charm to soak
40 damage or two different Pokémon Tools when doubling
something up isn’t a worthwhile pursuit. The first
attack is “Bee Drain” for [G] and it does 20 damage,
then heals Vespiquen by an amount equal to the
damage done. “Fury Swipes” is the second attack,
requiring [CC]: it has you flip three coins and does 30
damage per “heads”. Possible results are no damage (one
out of eight), 30 damage (three out of eight), 60 damage
(three out of eight) and 90 damage (one out of eight).
So minimum damage zero, maximum damage 90, with mean,
median and mode damage being an awkward 45 because
you’re equally likely to hit for 30 or 60. So how do
these attacks stack up?
In isolation,
all of these are at least “adequate” with the Ancient
Trait being the most impressive. Θ Double has the
positive note that the two examples of “simple” tricks I
gave can actually be pretty impressive… but not with the
attacks on the card. In fact, with Pokémon Tools you
have to read the waxing and waning of the metagame
because we have a fantastic, hard counter that any deck
not running Pokémon Tool F can easily incorporate -
Startling Megaphone - except we have dozens
of similar, potent counter-cards for a variety of
circumstances and only enough room to run one in the
typical deck, if that. So when Tool usage is down
elsewhere, you can risk running more Pokémon Tools so
you can do things like slap both Trick Coin and
Muscle Band onto Vespiquen to improve the
damage from Fury Swipes. Even then there isn’t much you
can do to avoid being a OHKO and that might be the
biggest problem; your opponent doesn’t need Startling
Megaphone when they can just take a quick OHKO.
Even doubling up on Hard Charm isn’t going to
make Vespiquen overly durable; 130 damage attacks
aren’t as easy to hit your opponent with rapidly,
reliably and repeatedly for all decks, but plenty of
decks already do it or could if it meant rapid, reliable
and repeated OHKOs.
The attacks, as
stated, don’t live up to the Ancient Trait but they
aren’t worthless. Bee Drain is, however, ill-suited to
something so small; healing when you’re a probable OHKO
a waste because you’ll lack damage to heal the first
time you attack and then you won’t survive getting
damaged to attack again. If this was a hypothetical “Vespiquen-EX”
the typical HP of Basic Pokémon-EX, this might work, but
as a 90 HP you would require an outlandish (resource
intensive, complicated and fragile) combo to both bump
up this card’s HP and damage at the same time… and there
would still be opposing decks that can manage the OHKO.
Fury Swipes has sufficient damage for the Energy
involved, or at least it does half the time. The really
obvious plan of using Forest of Giant Plants plus
a Double Colorless Energy to get Vespiquen
into play and attacking in a single turn, then slapping
two Muscle Band onto her to go for fast damage?
Even when you pull it off, before all the things your
opponent might be running to mess it up, 12.5% of those
assaults will score zero damage if you experience
“average” luck. 37.5% are going to be 70, which would
be nice except we just invested a Special Energy card,
Stadium, a Basic and Stage 1 Pokémon and two copies of
the same Pokémon Tool. Even the 100 or 130 damage on
the “happy” half of the results aren’t all that
impressive then. Trick Coin can replace a
Muscle Band to improve your odds a little, but as
the “main” attack is falls very, very short. At least
the Energy cost is nice and low for both of these.
Does the
extended card family make a difference? Combee
has one Expanded-only option - BW: Plasma Storm
4/135 - and one good for Standard or Expanded play -
XY: Ancient Origins 9/98. We have a repeat with the
other options for Vespiquen with BW: Plasma
Storm 5/135 and XY: Ancient Origins 10/98.
All are Grass-Types with Fire Weakness, no Resistance,
no Abilities and no Ancient Traits. Both Combee
are Basic Pokémon with a Retreat Cost of [C], lack an
Ancient Trait and have a single attack that costs [G]:
BW: Plasma Storm 4/135 does 30 damage and then
shuffles itself and all cards attached into your deck
(and also only has 30 HP) while XY: Ancient Origins
9/98 just hits for 10 damage (while having the
marginally better 40 HP). Even if you’re not trying to
instantly Evolve via Forest of Giant Plants go
with whichever you prefer as there are times when that
30 damage (even with drawbacks) or 10 more HP will
actually matter.
Both of the
other Vespiquen are Stage 1 Pokémon with two
attacks. BW: Plasma Storm 5/135 has 100 HP,
which sometimes will make a difference but most often
will still be a OHKO for your opponent. She has a
Retreat Cost of [C] like today’s card as well as a
similar [G] cost for its first attack “Gather Order”
which allows you to search your deck for as many
Combee as you like and Bench them. That isn’t as
impressive as it might sound: besides the fact that
outside of extenuating circumstances you’ll at most be
getting three Combee out of the deal, with
Forest of Giant Plants (told you it was important to
Grass-Types) and the low HP of Combee, you are
likely better off using effects that leave you time to
Evolve before your opponent gets a chance to swing away.
“Damage Beat” (the second attack) requires [GC] to hit
for 20 damage times the number of damage counters on the
opponent’s Active; that isn’t bad as when combined with
damage counter placing effects you could should for a
OHKO but the attack does no damage itself (and
neither did Gathering Order) so even when shooting for a
2HKO you need a combo partner, at just 20 per damage
counter you need something a third of the way KOed (60
damage isn’t that easy to supply outside of attacking)
and that [GC] cost isn’t easy enough to pay in a
single turn and depressingly, the pacing of the game is
so fast that yes this needs to be a single turn set up
even if you are using a different attacker to spread
damage the turn before. Maybe that is why this card was
reviewed on April Fool’s Day when she was a
more recent release (but probably not).
We reviewed
XY: Ancient Origins 10/98
yesterday and if you skipped it, here is a brief
recap. While she still only has 90 HP she enjoys a free
Retreat Cost and two “Colorless” attacks. For [C] she
can use “Intelligence Gathering” to hit for just 10
damage but more importantly to draw until you have six
cards in hand. Not something to rely on, but nice to
have and since it still does 10 damage, it can be
boosted should it prove worthwhile to do so. The second
attack is “Bee Revenge” and it needs only [CC] to hit
for 20 plus 10 per Pokémon in your discard pile. I am
so used to using cards like Battle Compressor,
Professor Sycamore and Ultra Ball to both
speed through my deck and toss Night March Pokémon
(among others) into the discard pile that I didn’t even
bother naming them (no really, I wasn’t only
being lazy, though it was that as well). It takes a lot
of work to get into the OHKO range for Pokémon-EX
(especially Mega Evolutions) but as a cleaner late game
it is pretty sweet and it compliments both some existing
and some recent strategies.
As is painfully
obvious by now, if you’re running a Vespiquen in
Standard or Expanded, stick to XY: Ancient Origins
10/98. Even as a one-of just to use before you get your
discard pile fully stocked, I can’t recommend today’s
version (XY: Ancient Origins 11/98). If our Bee
Revenge option didn’t exist in the format, I still
wouldn’t be too keen on the Ancient Trait version; some
good pieces go into it but the whole is less than the
sum of its parts. The one place to enjoy her is in
Limited. The usual things apply; the HP lasts longer
and the attacks are more impressive because of the lower
average HP and damage yields caused by only being able
to run what you pull with most Evolutions lacking their
lower Stages to be run or a properly fleshed out line
and the deck resources to get into play reliably. Vespiquen
is fortunate that her Uncommon counterpart makes it
easier to get said fleshed out line (and thus at least
one of them out) plus all three are Level Ball
legal targets, and Level Ball is in this set.
Only one Pokémon Tool that is not a Spirit
Link card, so Θ Double probably won’t matter, but
both Bee Drain and Fury Swipes should serve you well
here and the single [G] in their costs will allow
Vespiquen to fit into most decks.
Standard: 1.5/5
Expanded: 1.25/5
Limited: 3.75/5
Summary: Perhaps Vespiquen (XY:
Ancient Origins 11/98) will be fortunate and either
the other reviewers know something I don’t or a later
release will make her worthwhile, but this seems to be
one of the examples where the “fancier” Ancient Trait
version of two Pokémon in the set is the lesser option,
and by a sizable margin. The individual aspects of the
card vary from “okay” to “good” and even the fragile 90
HP isn’t so bad since we have Level Ball to help
whether one is a supporting Pokémon or glass cannon, but
the package deal isn’t worth the asking price (in terms
of game resources - I don’t know for how much this

Emma Starr |
Today, we have the not-so-exciting version of
Vespiquen, who was lucky enough to get a full-ish art
card because…got to impress the casual collectors with
it somehow? How this warranted Vespiquen getting two
cards in one set, I don’t think we’ll ever know, but
poor Vespiquen from yesterday, getting her full-ish art
stolen by this jealous bee…
For one Grass Energy, Vespiquen can use Bee
Drain, which deals 20, and heals 20 from her as well.
Um…got to get rid of that Poison damage somehow? With 90
HP and Fire Weakness, Vespiquen won’t be sticking around
very long anyway, especially with this Base Set-esque
For two Colorless, Vespiquen can use Fury Swipes,
which lets you flip 3 coins, with each heads letting you
do 30 damage, for a maximum of an unimpressive 90
damage, if you’re that lucky. More often than not,
you’ll most likely actually be doing 60 or 30. You COULD
use a Trick Coin with her, but I think that Ancient
Trait of hers could be used in a better way than with
this awful attack.
Omega Double, her Ancient Trait, lets her wield
two Tool Cards. How can you make the best of this
otherwise-awful attacker? Simply attach two Lucky
Helmets to her, and draw 4 cards, even if she is Knocked
Out! Is this worth giving your opponent a prize? Well,
maybe, especially if you know she can actually take 2 or
more hits. This could be a liable, but risky strategy in
Limited, especially with only having a maximum of 4
Prize Cards. With a 40 card deck though, with not as
much draw power, it could be worth considering. In
Expanded, you could try using a Rock Guard and Rocky
Helmet for an 80 damage counter-attack, but I prefer
using Rock Guard on someone who I think will be in play
longer, such as most EXs. All in all, with Omega Double,
she could pull off some craziness, but play her with
Standard: 1.5/5 (Although she may be easily
replaced by other Omega Double Pokemon…at least Fury
Swipes only costs two Colorlesses?)
Expanded: 1.65/5 (You have more Tool Cards here,
such as Rock Guard, Rocky Helmet, or even Life Dew, to
prevent your opponent from taking any Prizes for KOing
this Pokemon…)
Limited: 2.5/5 (The strategy from the last
paragraph may give you the drawing power you need to