aroramage |
So what can be said about All-Night
Party? I mean, it was a promo card in Japanese, and it's
all about waking up and healing damage.
...that's...really about it.
Again, Hypno combos really well
with this card as pseudo-Rough Seas for your Active
Pokemon, but your opponent can also benefit off of this
effect, so you need to act fast and furious to take
advantage of your opponent's exposure. Either that or
take advantage of the Sleep condition you put on your
opponent somehow.
...or get rid of All-Night Party.
Really, it's casual at best otherwise.
Standard: 1.5/5 (a counter to one
status...and some healing, does not a good card make)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (there's really not
much else to say about this card)
Limited: 1.5/5 (...yep)
Arora Notealus: At least this is a
cool card! I mean, Hypno puts you to sleep, this card
invites your Pokemon out for a night on the town...

Otaku |
All-Night Party
(XY: BREAKpoint 96/122) is the second in the
blatant three card combo we are covering here on
Pojo.com. It is a Stadium that allows you, once
per turn, to remove the Sleep Special Condition from
your Active Pokémon (no other Special Conditions are
affected). If you do, then you also heal 30 damage
from that Pokémon. There are plenty of ways to
remove all Special Conditions in both Standard and
Expanded, usually with a switching card to either a
spare attacker or something with a free Retreat; if it
is a Pokémon like Keldeo-EX with its “Rush In”
Ability and a Float Stone attached, it can do the
entire trick on its own. Healing is a bit less
common, though Pokémon Center Lady could remove
all the Special Conditions on your Active as well as
heal 60 damage, while Audino (BW: Boundaries
Crossed 126/149) can remove one Special Condition
(your choice if there is more than one) and heal 10
damage from your Active if you discard it from your hand
via its “Busy Body” Ability. With low Energy,
Basic (or worth re-Evolving) attackers, AZ or
Super Scoop Up are also an option.
All-Night Party
exists to create a combo between itself, Hypno (XY:
BREAKpoint 51/122) which was reviewed yesterday, and
tomorrow’s subject Darkrai-EX (XY: BREAKpoint
74/122, 118/122). The former has an Ability
(Goodnight, Baby) that leaves both Active Pokémon (yours
and your opponent’s) Asleep when you use it while said
Darkrai-EX has an attack (Dark Head) that for
[DCC] does 80+80 damage. A Muscle Band
extends that into OHKO range for nearly all Basic
Pokémon-EX and almost every non-Pokémon-EX that lacks
built in protection. If you score a OHKO, it
doesn’t matter that you are providing a way to deal with
Sleep, but not only do you solve your own Problem, you
might extend the lifespan of Darkrai-EX. In
Expanded, you are better off using Hypnotoxic Laser
to try and inflict Sleep and taking advantage of
multiple fallback options (like prepping and retreating
to a Yveltal-EX, made easy thanks to Dark
Patch) should your opponent remain awake. Even
Dark Head hits pretty good (still 80 damage plus any
bonuses from stuff like Muscle Band) should
Hypnotoxic Laser fail you.
Standard, Zoroark (XY: BREAKthrough
91/162) with Float Stone subs for Keldeo-EX
with Float Stone, plus is a great backup
attacker. Even here All-Night Party isn’t
the be-all-end-all Stadium for this deck; I would
include it (after all Abilities or Pokémon Tools may be
blocked), but possibly with Reverse Valley as an
alternate. After all, another +10 damage could
come in handy; even if you encounter nothing with 190
HP, it allows Dark Head to still hit 180 against
something Asleep when Darkrai-EX has Fighting
Fury Belt attached instead of Muscle Band.
Definitely run All-Night Party for Limited, but
be careful not to drop it prematurely in case your
opponent has Delinquent, their own stadium, or
Hypno waiting to hit the field.
As a general Stadium pick it is weak but functional, but
in certain decks it can be quite useful; the net result
is something I believe is a little below average, but
the reason I include a summary is because sometimes
scores are best with an explanation. In other
words, still get a few of these and experiment with them
if you are trying out Hypno/Darkrai-EX in
Standard. Maybe even in Expanded.
Hypno, All-Night Party didn’t make my
personal Top 10 or 15, nor the site’s collective Top 10,
15 or 20. At least it is a festive looking card
with niche use.