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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- XY BREAKpoint
Date Reviewed:
March 25, 2016
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.50
Expanded: 1.20
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ahhhh, what can be said about
Cloyster? He hasn't had too many cards, but there has
been a big common thread between most of them:
Paralysis. Somehow, most every Cloyster card is
guaranteed to have either damage reduction of some kind,
coin flip attacks for days, or a move that invokes
Paralysis, and this Cloyster is no different!
...well, except in the way he does
it. Most Cloyster tend to use coin flips for the
Paralysis, but this one doesn't for whatever reason.
Actually, there is one reason, and that was to give it a
gimmick that made him great on one turn and completely
useless afterwards. Cloyster's gimmick is called Sudden
Grip, a 1-for-10 attack that says if Cloyster evolved
from a Shellder this turn, Sudden Grip gets to Paralyze
the opponent's Active Pokemon. Sure, the damage could
have been higher so it could be used on later turns, but
arguing against Paralysis is a tough case. I just wish
they didn't keep it so restrictive.
I mean, evolving Shellder won't be
too hard. Since Cloyster's a Stage 1, Evosoda and even
Wally will do wonders for him, but once the turn's over,
Sudden Grip is pretty useless. And don't even get me
started on Surf, a 3-for-70 vanilla strike. Once Sudden
Grip is done and used, Cloyster's expendable at that
point, which really begs the question: why would you run
him in the first place?
A Stage 1 line-up for a single
attack that does pitiful amounts of damage and really
only stalls out for one turn isn't a good investment,
competitively or otherwise. If Cloyster had a better
secondary attack to lead up into, he might have seen
play, but as is? Don't bother with him. He can't even be
used alongside Archie's, which is pretty much a deal
breaker for any Water Pokemon these days.
Standard: 1.5/5 (there's almost no
reason to even run Cloyster, and that's a shame)
Expanded: 1/5 (the only reason TO
run him isn't even enough to make things work; unless
you're stalling for a turn that you'd need, then maybe
you could run him)
Limited: 3/5 (course, Devolution
Spray might actually help out the strategy, but at what
Arora Notealus: You know, I can
imagine Cloyster making for a good EX card. I mean,
doesn't he just feel like he should have a Cloyster-EX?
Admit it, you'd wanna see that!
Weekend Thought: What are your
thoughts on this week's collection of Pokemon? Do you
think there are Pokemon deserving of the BREAK Evolution
or the EX treatment more than others? You think BREAK
Evos need a lot more support? I know I do. Seriously, we
need better stuff for them than just, "Oh hey, a new
Evolution to put down on top of this guy!"

Otaku |
We finish the week
with Cloyster (XY: BREAKpoint 24/122).
This is a Water-Type again; so enjoy hitting nearly all
Fire-Types and some Fighting-Types for double damage
thanks to Weakness while only having to deal with Water
Resistance on most BW-era Grass-Types. There are
some anti-Water-Type cards but none are particularly
relevant to competitive play, while the Water-Type has
some brilliant support, be it Type specific like
Archie’s Ace in the Hole, basic Synergy with other
Water-Types like Keldeo-EX, or oddballs like
Rough Seas that are specific but to more than one
Type. Being a Stage 1 isn’t easy, but it isn’t bad
either; being a Basic is the best but one extra card and
one turn of waiting (barring Wally or Archie’s
Ace in the Hole) is something many decks have
managed to make work. The 100 HP is low enough
that a OHKO is most likely but not guaranteed.
Grass-Types are all but guaranteed a OHKO though thanks
to Weakness. There is no Resistance, and that is
the most common option so we’ll just move onto the
Retreat Cost of [CC]; not bad for a bivalve as while
you’ll want a way to avoid paying it (either at all or
at least the full price), it is low enough you will
likely be able to afford it those times when you must
pay it.
has two attacks and they have a nice, staggered cost -
[W] for the first and [WCC] for the second - means two
turns powers it up completely with two manual Energy
attachments (one being a Double Colorless Energy)
or in a single turn with something like a Double
Colorless Energy and a Max Elixir. Up
first is “Sudden Grip”, which only does 10 damage but if
Cloyster Evolved from Shellder the same
turn you use the attack, it Paralyzes the opponent’s
Active automatically. Automatic Paralysis can be
pretty nasty, though the low damage and various means of
ditching Special Conditions keeps it from looking too
effective. The second attack is “Surf” and it does
a vanilla 70 damage. A small boost puts most of
the metagame into 2HKO range, so it isn’t completely
worthless, but it is not something around which
you build an entire deck. That first attack might
be, though.
Before that we
should consider Shellder options as well other
Cloyster. Surprisingly, this Evolution line
took a break in the BW sets so all of these are Standard
and Expanded legal. For Shellder we can
pick between XY 31/146 (reprinted as
Generations 19/83), XY: BREAKpoint 22/122,
and XY: BREAKpoint 23/122. Yes, two in this
set, which is a solid bonus for Limited play. All
Shellder are Basic Water-Type Pokémon with 60 HP,
Grass Weakness, no Resistance, no Ancient Trait, no
Ability and a single attack. XY 31/146 has a
Retreat Cost of [C] and at a cost of [WC] it can use
“Rain Splash” to hit for 20 damage. XY: BREAKpoint
22/122 has a Retreat Cost of [CC] and at a cost of [W]
it can use “Razor Shell” to do 10 damage plus flip a
coin; if “heads” the attack does 10+10 damage, on
“tails” just the base 10 damage. XY: BREAKpoint
23/122 has a Retreat Cost of [C] and at a cost of [WC]
it can use “Clamp” to do 30 and Paralyze the opponent’s
Active but only on “heads”; “tails” means the attack
does nothing. Only one other Cloyster (XY
32/146; Generations 20/83) is available, unless
you’re playing Unlimited. It has the same
attributes as today’s version except for a Retreat Cost
of [CCC] with its own two attacks: “Clamp Crush” and
“Spike Cannon”. The former costs [WC] and does 30
damage plus has you flip a coin: “heads” means you
discard an Energy from and Paralyze the opponent’s
Active, “tails” just does the base damage. Spike
Cannon has you flip five coins, good for 30 per “heads”.
It was reviewed
and… yeah, not good.
So which should you
use for serious play? Probably neither. If
you insist or if you just want to mess with Cloyster
for fun, I optimizing what can be done with either
Cloyster requires focusing upon it, but you might
include a single copy of the other version when running
four total Cloyster, as a fallback option.
They do both have one thing in common; you’ll want to
shut down either Trainers or Abilities because
Cloyster because the “big” attacks don’t hit
reliably hard enough to be worth running as your main
attacker. Focusing on today’s Cloyster, you
could use cards like AZ or Super Scoop Up
or Devolution Spray to repeatedly use Sudden Grip
to very, very, very slowly take Prizes while
hoping your opponent doesn’t eventually draw into a
counter for this tactic. Unless you get incredibly
complicated and also run Dusknoir (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 63/149; BW: Plasma Blast
104/101) or slightly less complicated but a little more
lucky by spamming Energy removing cards or timing Poison
effects, your opponent eventually gets a shot in anyway.
With 100 HP on Cloyster or a complicated set-up,
one attack may be all it takes. Cloyster on the
other hand is a good pull for Limited play; Paralysis is
likely to stick while the HP, damage output and attack
costs friendly to multiple Energy Types are more
valuable. Multiple Shellder in the set also
make it easier to get a more robust Evolution line.
Enjoy Cloyster in Limited, but it barring some
clever combo I completely missed, Cloyster
doesn’t do enough to justify it for competitive play.