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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Professor Oak's Hint
- XY: Evolutions
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 25, 2016
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1
Expanded: 1
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Today is the only other card this
week, and if you want my thoughts on Zapdos, he
is...well, he's a thing that exists, but the cons
outweigh the pros in my opinion on him, so let's talk
about another card whose cons outweigh its pros
(spoilers, we're reviewing it today) PROFESSOR OAK'S
Much like the old Professor Oak,
this card can let you draw 7 cards. Unlike the old
Professor Oak, it's got nothing to do with the recycled
effect that's been used on other Professors like Juniper
and Sycamore as of late. Instead, Oak only lets you draw
up to 7 cards, which is a bit of a downgrade but also
expands on his usability. After all, maybe you don't
want to scrap the rest of your hand - you've got a key
card in there you want to save for later - so his Hint
might help you out a bit!
Except there's this one little tiny
teensy weensy itty bitty detail on the card: IT ENDS
You play this, your turn is over.
End of story.
That little bit kills any chance of
this card seeing the light of day, let alone regular
play. Sure you'll get all the resources you need, maybe,
but you lose out on playing any of those cards,
especially if you really need to use them. It also kills
any chance of you ATTACKING, which is kind of a big
deal. So no, consider this a rip-off in every sense of
the word.
...kinda like how many Black Friday
sales are just an excuse for stores to get rid of merch-I
mean, whaaaaa, no it isn't, what're you talking about,
go fill your garage up!
Standard: 1/5 (there are other
better draw options that won't end your turn)
Expanded: 1/5 (that's pretty much
the bottom line)
Limited: 1/5 (...I mean really,
what else needs to be said?)
Arora Notealus: I suppose they
couldn't just recycle the Oak effect, either because
it's been in the format for years anyway or because
they're planning on having it cycle out anyway. Who
knows? It is a mystery~
...like why people torture
themselves by running into stores simply to get TEH
Weekend Thought:...nah, nope, be
thankful and stuff, that's all. GOOD NIGHT

Otaku |
For those who don’t know, this is “Black Friday” in the
United States of America, as well as a few other places
where the practice is catching on and is staying
on the same day (other places have similar events but on
different days). Black Friday is a day where most
stores have massive sales; you can research the
specifics yourself, I’m just using it as a fancy
introduction for today’s card. You see, while you
can find some fantastic deals this time of year, you can
also find a lot of less-than-impressive ones alongside
them, often presented as if they were the same bargains.
In that spirit, I give you Professor Oak’s Hint (XY:
Evolutions 84/108), our subject for today’s review.
Professor Oak’s Hint is a Trainer, specifically
a Supporter. Its effect is that you draw until you
have seven cards in hand, and then your turn ends.
Some people may think this sounds good, probably because
it is the effect of the rather rare Stadium card
Tropical Beach. I’ve seen others defend it
because it is a better Bianca, or because
Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 77/108,
106/108). I assume most of these were people who
really aren’t good at the game, or that I utterly failed
to detect their sarcasm. Evaluations such as those
are why I go into so much detail that it can become
bothersome for competent players that are well aware of
the basics of the game. For newer players who need
the assist, please don’t think I am mad at this, I am
just explaining why this review isn’t just something
along the lines of “Hint: Don’t use this card!”
followed by very low scores.
Trainer cards are potent; they have been since the game
began. Supporter cards are usually quite strong,
and they have to be as you only get to use one each
turn. Stadium cards are also once per turn,
but Tropical Beach worked so well because it was
assumed your Supporter usage for the turn was already
going towards your setup (or else an important effect).
Plus even before the current first turn rules, the idea
was that you were using Tropical Beach when your
deck either couldn’t attack, or couldn’t attack well
enough to be worth more than drawing until you had seven
cards in hand. The “Draw until…” mechanic hasn’t
proven that great in Supporter form. We have
Bianca, and long before her we had the original
Professor Birch card, which had the exact same
effect. The issue is that even in formats where
most decks are already great at thinning out hands,
Bianca saw only a tiny bit of competitive play
before later releases outclassed her. With cards
like this, once the hand becomes too large something
like Cheren and Tierno begin to show it
up. If you have four other cards in hand, then
Professor Oak’s Hint is a Cheren (or
Tierno if you prefer) that ends your turn. Shaymin-EX
and its Set Up Ability have been so strong because like
Tropical Beach you could use it in addition to
using your Supporter for the turn, and unlike the other
options you could even use Set Up multiple times via
bounce effects or additional copies of Shaymin-EX.
You also had the chance to use what you drew right away,
let alone still attack.
If it isn’t clear, ending your turn is usually a
crippling effect; Tropical Beach has been one of
the few exceptions. So don’t use this card in
Standard or Expanded. It isn’t even worth a slot
to try and fool your opponent into thinking you’re a not
dangerous. In Limited play, this card benefits
from the dearth of Trainers you experience. Enough
that in general, you will actually run it. Just
don’t expect it to do much; hand sizes can stay large
and get stuck there even while you’re losing horribly as
it is more likely you’ll have Pokémon and/or Energy
cards in hand you just cannot play down quickly enough.
Before we go onto ratings though, I’ve got to explain
why this card isn’t just bad, but insulting.
It uses the artwork from Professor Oak (Base
Set 88/102; Base Set 2 116/130). It has
the familiar “Discard your hand, then draw 7 cards.”
effect we currently enjoy via Professor Juniper
and Professor Sycamore. The Supporter
mechanic was implemented a few years after Professor
Oak released; when the game began everything was a
“normal” Trainer, what would eventually become “Item”
cards. Older normal Trainers are still played as
if they were Items in the Unlimited Format.
Obviously re-releasing Professor Oak as an Item
would have been a horrible idea, but there were three
other options that would not have hurt the game, and
may in fact have helped it. You know, besides just
coming up with at least a slightly better still new
effect. Please indulge me here, and know that all
three assume use of the touched up art from the original
Professor Oak, that was actually used for
Professor Oak’s Hint.
Option 1
is simple; use another card. The options are
robust if we just pick another preexisting card that,
whether it had anything to do with Professor Oak before,
we slap his face and name onto it. So instead,
we’ll narrow it down further to cards that already do
feature Professor Oak’s name and likeness, which doesn’t
include the “Impostor” cards since the point of
those is that they are not actually Professor Oak
but someone pretending to be him (and because I don’t
want to cite them in detail). So we have
Professor Oak’s Research (Expedition 149/165;
EX: FireRed/LeafGreen 98/112; EX: Dragon
Frontiers 80/101), Professor Oak’s Visit (DP:
Secret Wonders 122/132; PL: Arceus 90/99),
and Professor Oak’s New Theory (HeartGold/SoulSilver
101/124; Call of Legends 83/95). Professor
Oak’s Research has the same effect as Shauna;
as Shauna hasn’t proven particularly good it
would most likely end up handled the same as Cheren
and Tierno with players being allowed to use
both. While not great, this would still be an
improvement over Professor Oak’s Hint as
Shauna is mediocre, not actually bad. Professor
Oak’s Visit is a weaker version of Cheren
(and TIerno), but again still better than what we
actually got. Professor Oak’s New Theory has the
opposite problem; it shuffles and draws six cards
which has made it a staple in the PTCGO’s “Legacy”
format, as detailed in the recent
we did of it.
Option 2
is only complicated in that the current rule about only
being allowed either Professor Juniper or
Professor Sycamore in a deck would need a mild
revision: they ought to have released a Supporter named
Professor Oak and its classic “Discard your hand,
then draw 7 cards.” effect. So just make it so
that the rule now prevents you from having Professor
Juniper and/or Professor Sycamore and/or
Professor Oak in the same deck. The Unlimited
Format would probably feel it as this would mean older
copies of Professor Oak would no longer be legal
due to the significant change in the card’s game
relevant text (being a Supporter instead of an Item), or
if an errata was issued for the older copies,
functioning as a Supporter in general. I would
welcome such a change, but then again I haven’t played
using the Unlimited Format in a while; last I saw it was
kind of a mess but sometimes new releases create an odd
sort of balance as something broken gets countered or
someone figures out a new trick to solve an old problem.
What if the designers want to retire the effect of
cards like Professor Sycamore in the new Sun &
Moon era? Professor Sycamore was reprinted
as XY: Steam Siege 114/114, which would keep it
and all previous printings of it legal in any format
that didn’t exclude that set. We would have to see
a rotation to specifically XY: Evolutions and
later sets, cutting out all but this last XY-era set,
for it to happen.
Option 3
is similar to Option 2, but with a small and very
important difference. We get a new “Discard your
hand, then draw 7 cards.” Supporter featuring Professor
Oak in the art. However name the card simply “Professor”.
Issue an errata for Professor Juniper and
Professor Sycamore changing their names to “Professor”
as well (possibly doing the same for the original
Professor Oak). Now eliminate the
irritating rule about being unable to use Professor
Juniper and Professor Sycamore together,
because thanks to the errata, now you can only have a
combined total of four from all three of the
Professor cards. I find errata preferable to
special rules, and they don’t have to mess with the
Unlimited Format unless they really want to. Added
Bonus: The powers that be could quickly rush out
promos also named “Professor” but featuring art
of each of the other “professor” characters from Pokémon
lore, including more obscure works and side games.
It creates a useful promo for new players and something
I would think many fans would find fun. If we
get a “Discard your hand, then draw 7 cards.” card in
the Sun & Moon expansions, worst case scenario is they
make it someone who is not a “professor”
character and we go back to having that vexing (but
necessary) rule. If it is a professor
character, then it gets named “Professor” and
features the appropriate character in the artwork and
we don’t have to rush on those hypothetical promos.
Professor Oak’s Hint is insultingly bad. It
would have been mediocre even if it didn’t end your turn
when you use it, but it ends your turn when you use
it. Rubbing salt in the wound is how there
were several preferable options available. I know
it’s already cliché but Hint: Don’t Use This Card!
I guess we should be grateful they didn’t waste a Full
Art on it.

21times |
Note ... this last review is from
June 22, 2017:
Professor Oak’s Hint (Evolutions, 84/108), most recently
reprinted in last fall’s Evolutions expansion
set, allows you to draw until you have seven cards in
your hand – which most players would love and run at
least two if not four of in most decks… except that your
turn ends after you draw those cards.
And if your luck is anything like mine, your
opponent will follow that play up immediately with an
N (Fates
Collide, 105/124) to remove all of those cards from
your hand.
I honestly can’t recall
ever seeing this card in any matchup I’ve ever played on PTCGO.
I actually had forgotten that it was Standard
legal. It’s
such a bad card – if the designers had allowed you to
draw up to ten cards or if they just designed it so you
couldn’t attack but could still actually play the cards
you just drew, then maybe it’d be more useful.
But having your turn end after usually getting
something less than seven cards is simply less than
You just can’t play this card and expect to be
Especially with Lillie (Sun & Moon, 147/149) now available,
Professor Oak’s
Hint is absolutely unplayable.
So… since I’ve got a little extra space to
fill, how about we look forward a little bit to draw
Supporter cards that will be Standard legal assuming a
Breakthrough on format:
(Breakthrough, 143/162)
(Breakthrough, 148/162)
Misty’s Determination
(Breakpoint, 104/122)
Psychic’s Third Eye (Breakpoint, 108/122)
Professor Sycamore (Breakpoint, 107/122)
Lass’s Special (Fates Collide, 103/124)
(Fates Collide, 111/124)
Professor Oak’s Hint
Professor Kukui (Sun & Moon, 128/149)
(Sun & Moon, 121/149)
(Sun & Moon, 120/149)
(Guardians Rising, 126/145)
(Guardians Rising, 127/145)
(Guardians Rising, 144/145)
(Burning Shadows)
As you can see, pretty much every draw card
commonly found in the meta will still be available post-
rotation (assuming Rotationageddon does not occur and
we’re only left with SUM cards on).
The only card we’ll be losing that I’ll miss is
Professor Birch’s
Observations (Primal Clash, 134/160), and I
haven’t even been using it that much recently… and I
know that virtually everyone else used it far less than
I did.
Standard: 1 out of 5
If it had been designed differently, it
would probably see more use, but
Professor Oak’s
Hint is just about the worst draw Supporter that we
have in the format today.