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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 XY: Evolutions Cards
#10 - Hitmonchan
- XY: Evolutions
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 7, 2016
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.08
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
And now we're here, finally looking
at our grand list for the latest set, Evolutions! Kinda
like the spiritual successor to Generations or more akin
to Legendary Treasures, this set is composed almost
entirely of reprints...kinda. It's actually a bunch of
Pokemon cards from wayyyyy back in the day that have
been reprinted and updated to fit into today's game
alongside a few new cards. Some cards have been given
minor fixes, other cards have been completely reworked.
So let's start with not only an
iconic one but one of the examples of the former:
Hitmonchan. Originally in Base Set, he was a 70 HP Basic
(back when that really meant something) with two
attacks, the 1-for-20 vanilla Jab and the 3-for-40
vanilla Special Punch. Here, he's a 90 HP Basic with two
attacks, the 1-for-30 vanilla Jab and the 3-for-90
vanilla Special Punch.
...you might have noticed there's a
slight change.
Now does that mean Hitmonchan is as
big a force to be reckoned with as he once was? Well,
not really. Nowadays, we've got a lot of stuff to
contend with, most notably Pokemon-EX, who have HP
scores upwards of over 200 in the case of Megas. So
Hitmonchan doesn't punch as hard, even with the slight
boost in power. That being said, don't be fooled in
thinking he's useless - as a Fighting-type Pokemon, he
does gain a lot of advantage, such as support from
Strong Energy and Carbink BREAK.
The good news is he's got a lot
more support these days. The bad news is everything's
gotten stronger for it, but in the end, he'll still make
a pretty good hit in some decks, so feel free to tech
him in and give him a whirl!
Standard: 3/5 (simple, effective,
not a bad start with the right hand)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (considering with
the right cards, he can deal upwards of 70-90 damage
with just his Jab)
Limited: 4.5/5 (he's a strong
contender, even if he's not the perfect 5/5 he once was)
Arora Notealus: It goes to show how
far the game has come since its early days, where a card
like Hitmonchan becomes largely irrelevant and looks
relatively weak compared to some of the newer cards.
Heck, you'd rather run this Hitmonchan over the Base Set
one now, and that's only cause he got purely buffed!
Next Time: The return of the

Otaku |
Time to countdown the Top 10 Picks of XY: Evolutions
(or whatever the Pojosama decides to call it).
Yes, just a week after we wrapped up our Top 20 Lost To
Rotation countdown and less than two months before we’ll
probably do a Top 10 list for the entire year of 2016;
life happens, so that Top 20 kept being pushed back, and
since we started doing countdown lists for individual
sets, the final set of the year has always fallen a bit
close to the end of year countdown as well. XY:
Evolutions is a misleading set; it isn’t a reprint
set but it often resembles one. We have a few
actual reprints of the cards from the original Base
Set, several that would be reprints albeit for a
small change, some which appear to be “remixes” of the
original cards, and finally a few that are there because
they vaguely resemble something from the Base Set,
enough to keep this nostalgia train on track. No
actual reprints were allowed for this countdown, but
some of the ones with small but significant game changes
were indeed permitted picks.
Which brings us to the tenth place finisher,
Hitmonchan (XY: Evolutions 62/108), the
updated version of the original Hitmonchan (Base
Set 7/102; Base Set 2 8/130; Best of Game
2; Platinum 129/127). Though they are
nearly identical, the differences present change the
card enough that either they’ll count as completely
different versions of Hitmonchan, or else this
will be considered a reprint but one so different
that (barring an errata) the earlier versions will not
be legal. If you’re curious the Pojo crew has
reviewed the predecessor to today’s Hitmonchan
So does XY: Evolutions 62/108 only rank this high
for nostalgia, or because most of the rest of the set
was that unimpressive? Mostly yes, still we’ll run
through its stats and effects quick to show there is a
little something here beyond warm fuzzies and lackluster
competition. To begin with it is a Fighting Type,
and I often praise it because of its capacity for
hitting Weakness (Many Colorless Types, nearly all
Darkness and Lightning Types), Type specific support (Korrina,
Strong Energy, etc.), and Type-ish support
(strong stable of attackers that work better on Type
than off). There are some anti-Fighting effects,
but they aren’t very good; the bigger concern is
Fighting Resistance mostly because it is numerous and
can easily mess up a play if you miss it, as the
Fighting Type is known for stacking damage bonuses to
hit key KOs. This Typing is unchanged from the its
Base Set counterpart.
is a Basic Pokémon because the-powers-that-be
unfortunately didn’t take advantage of the break between
releases of Hitmonchan cards that occurred
between Gen IV and Gen V to reintroduce it as a Stage 1
which Evolves from Tyrogue. Most folks
won’t care about such a thing, but should care that
being a Basic is still the best Stage as it
requires the least deck space, the least time, enables a
Pokémon to open the game for you, has a natural synergy
with many card effects, and can make use of potent Basic
Stage support like Fighting Fury Belt. The
only drawback to being a Basic Pokémon is how there are
some strong anti-Basic card effects. Hitmonchan
has 90 HP, up 20 from its earlier printings other than
Best of Game 2 (which was misprinted as having
only 60 HP). In terms of HP scores seen on
“regular” Basic Pokémon that’s a decent update, but
actually considering the pace of the metagame, it falls
short. Whereas before Hitmonchan was tricky
for fellow Basics to OHKO, most competitive attackers
(Basic or Evolution) should be able to hit 90 turn after
turn. We aren’t talking a major amount of setup
required either. Psychic Weakness is mostly a
danger because there are some other prominent Pokémon
with it running around, plus we’ve got a decent amount
of splashable Psychic Type attackers. Lack of
Resistance isn’t devastating, though even one slightly
more favorable match-up would have been handy. The
Retreat Cost of [CC] is low enough the typical deck can
afford to pay it up front, but it hurts in the long run.
If your strategy can’t afford a stranded Hitmonchan,
you’ll need a little something to help with retreating.
keeps things simple with two attacks, neither of which
has any effect text. The first is “Jab” for [F],
and originally this did 20 damage but now it does 30.
This isn’t on par with something like Landorus-EX,
Lucario-EX, or Zygarde-EX but those are
three Pokémon-EX so it shouldn’t be; 30-for-one is a
good return for a Basic Pokémon and with a Strong
Energy it becomes 50, a Muscle Band makes it
70, and a Fighting Stadium (against Pokémon-EX)
makes it 90. Silver Bangle and Fighting Fury
Belt can further tweak the numbers. All in
all, Jab is good, so what about the second attack?
[FFC] pays for “Special Punch”, and this version hits
for 90 damage (the original did just 40 for the same
cost).90-for-three is solid; if it had been priced as
[FCC] then I’d have considered it a good attack, but
even needing two sources of [F] there are decks that can
work with it. Which we’ll discuss but first, what
about other Hitmonchan cards?
Only Hitmonchan (XY: Furious Fists 48/111;
Generations 48/83) is legal for Standard or
Expanded play. Same Stage, Type, HP, Weakness, and
two attacks plus the same lack of Resistance, Ability,
and Ancient Trait. This version only needs to pay
[C] to retreat and its attack costs feature more [C]
Energy requirements, allowing it to utilize Double
Colorless Energy and/or work better in mixed Energy
decks. For [CC] its first attack is “Bullet Punch”
which does 20 damage plus has you flip two coins, each
good for +20 damage per “heads”. 20 for [CC] is poor,
60 for [CC] is good, while 40 for [CC] is decent; being
unreliable can be a real turn off, however, and
obviously needing two Energy means it isn’t as handy as
the single that Jab needs, even if Jab requires [F] and
not [C]. “Mach Cross” is the big attack and its [FCC]
Energy cost is noticeably easier to pay, however the
damage is noticeably lower at just 60. So this is
not a rival for XY: Evolutions 62/108; that comes
in the form of other Pokémon. Landorus-EX,
Lucario-EX, and Zygarde-EX I mentioned; they
have more HP and have better attacks but are
Pokémon-EX so having a single Prize attacker that can
hit for 30 gives us a niche. Carbink BREAK can
do 20 for [F] while attaching two Energy cards from the
discard pile to one of your [F] Pokémon. Hawlucha
(XY: Furious Fists 63/111 can do 60 for [F] but
only to Pokémon-EX (and no Weakness or Resistance while
Abilities are working). Even with all of those,
there may be a niche for Hitmonchan in both
Standard and Expanded. Enjoy it quite thoroughly
in Limited play; there are Psychic Type attackers and
Fighting Resistance on certain cards really hurts, but
even with these two negatives the rest of the card is
quite appealing here.
An old favorite that was once king, then fell out of
use, makes a return hitting just hard enough it might
matter. Don’t think Hitmonchan will be kind
of the ring once again, but for an aggressive opener it
is seems decent, and slightly less so in Expanded where
you have more options from which to pick. Hitmonchan
scored four voting points from our individual Top 10
lists; two of those came from my own, where I had it in
ninth place. I don’t disagree with it being 10th
though as not only is it just one place difference, but
the bottom few cards on my list seemed very close based
on my cursory examination. Hitmonchan beat out
what would have been the 11th place pick by just one

Zach Carmichael |
Today we kick off yet another Top
10 list, this time for the new Evolutions expansion.
Released just in time for the 20th
anniversary of the franchise, the set pays homage to a
number of older Pokémon from the original games and is,
in some ways, a reprint of the Base Set from the 90s.
Today we are looking at Hitmonchan, the iconic Punching
Pokémon that dominated in the infamous “Haymaker” deck
back at the start of the TCG. It has received a bump in
stats, but is this enough for it to compete with the
power creep that has ensued since Pokémon-EX entered the
format once again?
Hitmonchan now 90 HP versus its
original 70 HP counterpart in the Base Set. Its Weakness
and Retreat Cost remain the same. It has two attacks:
Jab and Special Punch. Both are rather basic, with the
first attack doing a clean 30 damage for a single
Fighting Energy, while the latter does 90 damage for 3
Energy. Because it is a Fighting-type, Hitmonchan can
take advantage of Strong Energy, as well as Regirock-EX’s
“Regi Power” Ability to boost its damage output
considerably. Combine these with a Fighting Fury Belt,
and this Hitmonchan is now in a different league
compared to the original. With a Fighting Fury Belt +
Strong Energy, and 4 Regirock-EX in play, its Jab attack
does 100 damage for a single Energy, and Hitmonchan now
sits at a comfortable 130 HP. Unfortunately, I don’t
think Hitmonchan will see much play because it is
limited by a number of factors. First, the “Regi Power”
Ability can easily be shut off by Garbodor’s “Garbotoxin”
and Hex Maniac. Also, Strong Energy can easily be
knocked off with things like Enhanced Hammer and Team
Flare Grunt. Lastly, the card will struggle against
Yveltal decks due to Fighting resistance. I like the
fact that Hitmonchan is a single-prize attacker and hits
for only 1 Energy, but that’s really all I can say about
In Expanded, Hitmonchan gains
Fighting Stadium for another damage boost. It also gets
Korrina, completing the Fighting engine and making it a
bit more consistent. Unfortunately, the meta-game in
Expanded is largely dominated by both Trevenant and
Yveltal decks, both of which give Hitmonchan a straight
auto-loss. While Garbodor may not be too relevant, Hex
Maniac is still a staple in most decks, as well as Tool
removal cards like Tool Scrapper and Xerosic.
Standard: 1.5/5
Expanded: 1/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Summary: It’s a shame that
Pokémon did not put a bit more effort into the
Evolutions set, which is probably one of the worst
expansions we’ve seen in terms of card playability. Few
cards in the set will see play in the competitive scene,
and Hitmonchan is no exception here. While it is a
single-prize attacker capable of hitting for solid
damage, it is easily countered by a number of popular
cards in both Standard and Expanded.