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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


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Date Reviewed:
Sep. 6, 2016

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Standard: 2.5
Expanded: 2.0
Limited: 3.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.  3 ... average.  5 is awesome.

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Is it weird that this is the second Avalugg card printed ever? I think it's a little weird. 

He comes in and gives us a Happy Labor Day "AAAAAHHHHHH" with his 2-for-30 Crunch attack, coming in with a coin flip for Energy snacking goodness. That's pretty decent, and the effect is balanced out by the fact that it can target any Energy instead of just say Basic or Special. I could see him getting played for that a little in casual decks, though nothing really mainstream will want it.

Nothing mainstream, that is, but DECKOUT!! 

Avalugg also comes in with Melting Floe, which costs 3 Energy. And what does it do? Well, it self-mills 3 cards from your deck, and for each one of those that was a Water Energy, it mills out 3 cards from your opponent's deck. You can sorta see the basis of the deck - throw out as many cards as you can to crush your opponent's deck into nothingness. Course Night March is now no longer in Standard, so that's one less deck to worry about - but it won't help against the likes of any Vespiquen decks! 

Avalugg will probably end up getting used in some deckout builds as an attempt to go rogue, but it won't end up anywhere neatly. The fact is that it relies on you having lots of Energy in the deck to mill, and it requires you to be milling out your opponent faster than they're, say, KOing your Pokemon. And trust me, it's a lot easier to go through 6 cards than it is to go through 20+ cards. 

Cause you're gonna need to mill that much to keep up, the way I figure. 


Standard: 2.5/5 (not exactly a high profile deckout option) 

Expanded: 2/5 (but Crunch does give some viability to him) 

Limited: 3.5/5 (if anything, the two compliment each other in a strange way) 

Arora Notealus: Basically Avalugg's main purpose is disintegrating the Energy on your opponent's Active Pokemon and milling out their resources until they've got nothing left. The problem is that both attacks are chancy in their own right, what with Crunch's coin flip and Melting Floe's self-mill proponent, but if it all comes together, there are gonna be some salty foes everywhere. 

Next Time: Sometimes you just gotta get the right tool for the job...and the right Pokemon to get the right Tool for the job...

Coming Soon.

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