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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Rotom Dex
- Sun & Moon
Date Reviewed:
April 18, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.62
Expanded: 1.38
Limited: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Man, I love the Rotom Dex. The idea
of Rotom being this electrical ghost that can inhabit
anything and then putting him into a Pokedex? It just
makes sense, ya know? Funny that it took em 3
generations after Rotom's introduction to come up with
...come to think of it, where's my
Rotom Bulldozer? And Rotom Hammer?
Anyways, Rotom Dex is basically
your Prize reshuffler. You count up your remaining Prize
cards, and then shuffle them back into the deck. Once
you're done with that, you replace your shuffled Prize
cards with new ones from the top of your deck. This can
be useful in case you run a one-of card that ended up
getting stuck in your Prizes at the beginning of the
game, and when you went to look for it with some search
card or just happened to notice while searching for
another card, it wasn't there!
The only thing is...Rotom Dex feels
like one of those one-of cards. There's no real
functional use for it other than maybe getting the card
you want back, but there is also a slight chance that
you'll end up reshuffling it back into the Prizes again.
And even then, what exactly does Rotom Dex do otherwise
for you other than maybe get you the card you want...in
your deck?
It's a pretty basic card that
probably won't see play simply because there are just so
many other cards to play over it. A one-of card most of
the time is only run because it helps out the deck or it
forms a specific counter against another - it shouldn't
be actively relied upon in most cases, which means Rotom
Dex's one utility is weakened a bit, and so is his
status as a one-of potential retriever.
Standard: 1.5/5 (he's got some
utility, but compared to most other cards, not so much)
Expanded: 1/5 (he'll probably end
up getting shafted for another card)
Limited: 3/5 (at least 9 times out
of 10)
Arora Notealus: At the very least,
I'd expect Rotom Dex to see some play in Limited if only
because the majority of cards in your possession will
probably be one-ofs for the most part, and having any
crucial piece stuck in Prizes is no good. Hopefully
though Rotom Dex himself won't be part of your Prize
collection in those matches.
...also my Rotom TV when
Next Time: Straight from Kanto,
it's a new makeover for this feline!

21times |
Rotom Dex
(Sun & Moon, 131/149) allows you to take your
prize cards and shuffle them into your deck.
Then you replace the amount of prize cards you
had with cards from the top of your deck.
So I had completed my review for this a little
bit in advance, was satisfied in totally writing this
card off, and emailed it to the Pojo crew happy that I
had finished this ahead of time.
Then I went and had an exchange
of emails with MarquisEXB (the Youtuber who does
Discount Pokemon Decks), and he turned my analysis of
this card completely upside down.
I had originally written about how
Rotom Dex
would greatly benefit you if you had a number of key
cards buried in your prizes – for example, if you have
two of the same stage of Pokemon prized in an
evolutionary chain, you could get those back into your
deck. After
the conversation I had with MarquisEXB, though, I
realized I had totally missed the boat with
Rotom Dex.
Rotom Dex
isn’t for getting cards you have prized back into your
deck, it’s about getting cards in your deck into your
Getting cards into your prizes?
Yes, that’s what I thought as well, until I
realized that Marquis was using
Rotom Dex in
conjunction with
Greedy Dice (Steam Siege, 102/114).
If Greedy Dice is in your prize cards and you take it as one of your
prizes, you flip a coin.
If heads, you can take an additional prize card.
Greedy Dice
is a bad card.
Pojo has previously reviewed this card on August
30th, 2016.
Otaku’s review on this is especially good.
This is a bad card because it allows you to take
a prize card if
you are lucky.
Greedy Dice inherently promotes luck over skill.
Compare it to the game of chess: at any point in
the game of chess do I get to take an extra piece by
flipping a coin?
Compare it to American football: what if a team
scored a touchdown and then got to flip a coin to see if
they would get an extra touchdown?
I’m not going to go on any further about
Greedy Dice
being bad for the game – but I could.
Now, having said all that, I
had previously calculated
Greedy Dice at
about a 17% chance of getting you an extra prize card.
However, with
Rotom Dex, you have the potential of significantly improving that
Without going into probability calculations, here’s the
big picture:
IF – and this is a big IF – you
could somehow get through, say, half your deck, and not
have discarded
any Greedy
Dice or have any in your hand, you would
significantly improve your chances of putting MULTIPLE
Greedy Dice in
your prize cards.
Theoretically, you have much better odds of
putting one or two copies back in your prizes, and this
greatly improves your chances of pulling a
Greedy Dice, especially if you’ve already taken a prize or two.
this is why Rotom Dex
exists – to increase the chances of pulling a
Greedy Dice out of your prizes.
Ok so before you start grabbing
all of your copies of
Greedy Dice
and throwing them and
Rotom Dex into
every deck you own, here’s my list of why this still
won’t work:
It’s statistically improbable that you can go through
half of your deck and not discard any
Greedy Dice or
have any in your hand.
Honestly, you’ll probably have discarded or be
holding multiple copies of
Greedy Dice.
You have to actually take prize cards.
Sometimes this isn’t easily done.
Opponents frequently concede shortly into the game
before you even take a prize card.
Greedy Dice and
Rotom Dex are
essentially five dead cards – that’s almost ten percent
of your deck that’s completely worthless in helping you
get Pokemon out, find draw support, add energy to your
hand, etc.
You could tech in a wide variety of cards that would
help you each and every game.
It’s still a coin flip, even if you do pull
Greedy Dice
out of your prizes.
But to prove all of that, I
went and tested it in twelve matches.
I plugged
Greedy Dice and
Rotom Dex into a Lycanroc GX
(SM14) hammers deck.
I pulled out four
Puzzle of Time
(Breakpoint, 109/122) and a
Team Flare Grunt
(Generations, 73/83) to make room.
I went 8 and 4 in those twelve matches.
Although this is approximately 67%, this is a
little less than the 72% (18 and 7) I was running with
the previous version of this deck.
However, I had the advantage in 8 of the 12
matches and my opponent had the advantage only two
times. Also,
many of the decks I played would not be considered top
tier decks, and I played a couple of decks that were
weak to me.
I only pulled
Greedy Dice one time… and that was in a match where I donked my
opponent early and he only had one Pokemon out, so even
though I pulled
Greedy Dice as my prize card, I didn’t even get to
flip a coin to see if I got to take an extra prize card.
I prized one
Greedy Dice three times, and I played
Rotom Dex only twice.
Most of the time when I came across
Rotom Dex, I
had already been forced to discard a
Greedy Dice or
two. I will
say that in three of the four matches I lost, I probably
would have lost with the non-Greedy
Dice / Rotom Dex version of this deck, but there was definitely one match
where I was sure I would have won if I had an extra
hammer or two.
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
Rotom Dex
doesn’t see any play at any of the major tournaments.
It’s a gimmicky card that probably won’t do
anything to increase your win percentage.
You’re much better off using that deck space for
Town Map (Breakthrough, 150/162) in your deck instead of
Rotom Dex to
see what cards are prized.
If you want to try it with
Greedy Dice,
go for it, but in twelve matches I only pulled it once.
There’s very little doubt in my mind that the
five card slots Greedy Dice and Rotom Dex
would take up could be used for cards that will
definitely help you win more than they would.

Otaku |
Dear readers, it is
time for a change. I don’t normally time myself,
but I rarely write one of these in less than 30
minutes. I usually sit down for 45 minutes to
three hours to write my reviews and if that was my job,
that’d be great. It isn’t and frankly, I’d be
underqualified if it was, so it is time I try to
research and write these reviews in 20-30 minutes, so I
can just take a single afternoon to cover the entire
week’s material in a single afternoon. For some,
this should be an improvement, as I tend to go on at
length. For those that prefer my longer reviews,
feel free to write in and let us know. It is a bit
easier to justify this time being spent if I know
a lot of folks are looking forward to my card
Today we look at
Rotom Dex (Sun & Moon 131/149, 159/149), an
Item that allows you to mess with your Prizes.
This could be a very potent or very pointless effect, as
we have seen from the handful of cards over the years
with this specialization. Rotom Dex specifically
has you count how many Prize cards you have in play,
then makes you shuffle them into your deck.
Finally, you put the same amount of face down cards from
the top of your deck into your Prize area, to become
your new Prizes cards. This means you have a
chance of getting something important out of
your Prizes and put into your deck. Not bad for an
Item, but I am uncertain as to how good it actually is,
either. The Prize mechanic can be a significant
source of variance - ya know, luck - in the
Pokémon TCG. No matter how well you build and play
your deck, if you have any significantly
important cards in it (like a competitive deck
would), up to six of them can be locked away in your
Prizes when you need them, and one card you’ll
never get a chance to use! If I haven’t made
it clear before, I really think the designers
ought to balance the TCG against the inherent variance
that cannot easily be eliminated from any TCG:
the luck of the draw, and the luck of the match-up.
I doubt the powers-that-be would ever eliminate the
Prize mechanic, but at least allowing you to select
which cards are in your Prizes would be nice…
…but I am getting
off topic. If you have a strong, aggressive deck
that worries about key cards being locked away in your
Prizes, Town Map still remains your best option.
It will allow you to see which Prize is what, and so
long as you aren’t truly crippled by what you
find, you can just focus on taking the Prizes you need
most. It is also an Item, so it retains the
easy to play nature of Rotom Dex, at least when
both aren’t being shut down by the popular Item
lock effects. If knowing your Prizes while facing
Item lock is a real concern, then you’ll have to try and
make Here Comes Team Rocket! work, as it is a
Supporter. Now, there is a use for Rotom
Dex, but it is more specialized than Town Map.
You see, most decks take Prizes so Town Map
is better, but when you have decks trying to win
through an alternate means like running the opponent out
of cards, or at least taking all Prizes after a long
setup, Rotom Dex is going to be superior to
Town Map. I haven’t used it in a few months,
but I was partial to BRaH decks, those focused around
(but not limited to) Bunnelby (XY: Primal
Clash 121/160), Raticate (XY: Evolutions
67/108), and Houndoom-EX. It was a mill
based deck with a lot of low count cards, and those
cards it maxed out were rarely spares but needed.
It could only take Prizes easily late game, and against
certain match-ups, so most of the time if something was
Prized, I was out of luck. With Rotom Dex I
could hope to get lucky and free something
valuable from my Prize cards while replacing it with
something I could spare.
My wording was
meant to demonstrate the real problem with this card.
While it is an Item, and thus so inexpensive to use, for
a card meant to combat bad luck, it seems so unreliable.
While there are no coin flips, you shuffle all
your Prize cards into your deck, even any you don’t mind
or even prefer (because they aren’t needed this
match-up) being Prized. Since you count, shuffle
away, and then place your new Prize cards, it is
possible that this card will only shuffle your deck.
Improbable, unless you have very few cards left in your
deck, but the more Prize cards you shuffle back into
your deck and the smaller your remaining deck, the
better the odds are that at least one Prize card
will end up being the same. Most of the time, you
won’t need to replace all six cards, but will
just need to switch out one or two. As this is all
blind shuffling and placing, you might not change out
the ones you need. You might put something else
valuable into your Prize cards. You might even do
both. Pardon the Create-a-Card moment, but
this would have been much better if it allowed you to
swap even just one Prize card with a card from
your hand. Sure, you might have nothing
safe to spare from your hand, but you’d know.
Even if you could only target facedown cards (no
comboing with Town Map), it would be better.
As is, this is a niche card that a few decks might be
desperate enough to run (I’m still considering it for
BRaH), but it probably should be ignored for everything
else, both for Standard and Expanded play. In
Limited play, go ahead and run it; even with the smaller
deck size (40 instead of 60), you’ll probably have only
a few really good pulls and the rest mostly filler,
which means you don’t want the good stuff Prized.
Rotom Dex
isn’t without its uses, but they are very, very
niche because it just doesn’t do its job very well. Most
decks worry about something important being locked away
in the Prizes, where even a deck that wins by taking
KO’s might have a problem because it can’t start
to take KO’s without that card. So even though
you’re no Prizes ahead, freeing something from their
grasp can be very valuable. Unfortunately,
Rotom Dex makes it all luck based; you may not need
to flip for the effect, but it is all Prizes (not
just the ones you want to change out), you risk
some or even all of your new Prize cards being the same
as your old, and even if you get all the stuff out of
your Prizes that you wanted to, there is a pretty
sizable risk you’ll just be adding something else
you needed to your Prize cards. Even for an Item,
the net result just seems to weak.
For those
wondering, this review still took me an hour.