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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost to Set Rotation
#2 - Forest of Giant Plants
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
August 10, 2017
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
It's a bit of a testament to a card
when you find it on multiple Top X Lists, but what
really defines this card is the fact that they BANNED it
from Expanded play.
That's right, today we're taking a
look at Forest of Giant Plants, a card with an effect so
powerful, they banned an otherwise mediocre card with a
decent Ability for it. Funny enough, Shiftry (NXD) is
coming back because this card is getting banned, so you
can see how that all worked out for him in the long run.
Forest of Giant Plants has a very
simple effect, granting all of your Grass Pokemon the
ability to evolve in the same turn they're played - or
your first turn, if you happen to put this down then.
It's an effect that wouldn't have garnered so much
attention if there weren't incredible amounts of
potential, especially in this day and age, for Pokemon
evolutions to spark from it. As I mentioned before,
Shiftry (NXD) became banned for a time because of this
card granting Nuzleaf the ability to evolve right into
it, which then allowed it to use its Ability Giant Fan
to blow Pokemon away. Combined with devolution powers,
and even if you failed the coin flip, you had a strong
chance of donking your opponent with the combination.
Course Shiftry wasn't the only one
benefited. Vileplume (AOR) wouldn't have seen as much
play if it hadn't been for this card, granted a quick
lockdown on the opponent with its Ability. And now
recently we've had Decidueye-GX, who can get out damage
much faster when you can evolve right into it on Turn 1.
It's incredible what was being done with Forest of Giant
Plants, and when you take a look at all the designs for
Grass Pokemon coming after its release...you start to
notice that they rarely designed without keeping it in
Think about it. One old card got
broken, and two other cards were dominant because of it,
but what about the other reasons it got banned? The
quick access to healing with Serperior (BLW), or the
major boost to evolving with Leavanny (EPO)'s Nurturing?
Amonguss (NXD)'s Sporprise was probably abused, or even
Venusaur (DEX)'s Floral Scent for searching out Pokemon
with ease. It becomes a lot harder to beat Accelgor
(DEX) when he can Deck and Cover but then be immediately
pulled out next turn for another swipe! Roserade (DRX)
suddenly becomes appealing with Le Parfum adding ANY
card you want upon evolution. And Dustox (DRX) can take
advantage of a Grass-type Cascoon to hop out easily and
unleash its Hazardous Scales to start taking a toll on
the opponent.
And I haven't even gotten to
Boundaries Crossed or BEYOND that yet! We're still 5+
years what's happening now, let alone 3+ years before
the release of Ancient Origins when this came out.
Forest of Giant Plants may not
break every card in existence, but it opens up the
playing field to make what may otherwise be a mediocre
or somewhat decent card into something that dominates
the field. And that alone should warrant it getting
looked at and watched. It seems that the Pokemon Company
saw something amidst all these different possible
combinations, because they decided that it was for the
best to ban the card rather than risk designing
something like a broken Grass-type.
Side note, you notice how there
weren't really any crazy Grass-type Pokemon BREAK? Crazy
Standard: N/A (Forest of Giant
Plants enables a lot)
Expanded: Banned (and in a format
with a lot of cards, that's a LOT of enabling)
Limited: 5/5 (that's probably why
it wasn't banned in Standard during its lifespan, since
it wasn't enabling anything that was game-breaking)
Arora Notealus: Truly it was the
Forest of Broken Plants.
Next Time: And the #1 card being
lost to rotation...is gonna have to search for something

21times |
Forest of Giant Plants
(Ancient Origins, 74/98) snuck up on us a little
bit earlier this year with the release of the Sun &
Moon base set.
This card serves as an excellent example of how
you can know
something and yet not completely understand it.
We all knew what
FoGP could do,
we knew what the words on the card meant – we just never
realized how completely broken the card was, though,
until it actually got some potent Pokemon to partner
with it.
Prior to SUM, the best Grass Pokemon we had to
work with were
Serperior (Fates Collide, 7/124) and
Mega Sceptile
(Ancient Origins, 85/98).
Lurantis GX (Sun & Moon, 15/149) and
Decidueye GX (Sun
& Moon, 12/149) came on the scene, we all recognized
the true potency of
Especially now that we could pair
Vileplume (Ancient
Origins, 3/98) with good attacking Grass Pokemon,
most of 2017 has been the golden age of Grass decks.
And the highlights (yes, this
isn’t a complete list, just the top placements) of decks
that ran FoGP since SUM include St. Louis 2nd, Oceania 2nd,
Salt Lake City 3rd, Brazil 1st,
Virginia 4th and 5th, Toronto 1st,
Madison 1st, NAIC 2nd.
Expanded or Standard, the top eight of virtually
every major tournament this year are littered with decks
that run FoGP.
Prior to SUM?
Only one top eight placement (2nd in
This makes me wonder: what will
happen to Grass decks in a post-FoGP
Forest is not only leaving Standard but the game altogether as it
has been banned from Expanded as well.
Certainly, Grass decks aren’t solely reliant upon
Vileplume – I won 21 of the 26 matches I played last month with my
Decidueye GX
Lurantis GX deck.
How will these titans of the Pokemon universe do
in a meta that doesn’t allow them to evolve quickly into
their highest Stages?
Only time will tell, Theorymon can only guess.
Standard: 4 out of 5
Although tempted to give it a 5
out of 5 rating, because it only helps one type of
Pokemon, I had to downgrade it at least a little bit.
One of the most “broken” Pokemon of the past
three years, we have only in the past few months seen it
achieve its full potential.
With the banning of the card as well, I doubt
we’ll see a card that allows free evolutionary
acceleration for a long time … if ever again.

Otaku |
Our second place finish is Forest of Giant Plants
(XY: Ancient Origins 74/98), a Stadium now famous
for allowing the turn player to Evolve his or her [G]
Pokémon as soon as they hit the field (including first
turn), which includes Evolving more than once if the
Evolution that was just played is also a [G]
Type. I’m a bit surprised that it doesn’t specify
“before your attack…”, though I suppose there isn’t an
effect where that would matter. Then again, I’m
also surprised that Stadium cards don’t include the rule
about how you may only play one Stadium from your hand
during your turn. Forest of Giant Plants only
12th place
on our Top 15 countdown for XY: Ancient Origins
but jumped all the way to
fourth place
for the Top 10 of 2015 countdown. This card has
been a tremendous boon to Pokémon which can Evolve from
all Grass-Type lower Stages (it doesn’t help much if one
of said lower Stages isn’t a Grass-Type).
Evolutions often struggle to keep pace with Basics, and
the higher the Stage of Evolution the rougher it tends
to be; Basics require less time and resources to hit the
field, so even you give Evolutions more HP, better
attacks, etc. it may not be enough. However, I
come not to praise Forest of Giant Plants, but to
bury it.
After realizing that an abridged version of the article
on how and why we ought to balance out the Types and
Stages of Pokémon would still be massive, I must once
again apologize for my failure to get something written
up in a semi-official manner (I’ve often explained it on
message boards and the like). What I can
point out is how this kind of Evolution acceleration
guarantees failure when it comes to card
balance. This does not preclude it enabling
phenomenal decks; you have things like Decidueye-GX,
Vileplume (XY: Ancient Origins 3/98) or
the deck built around the banned Shiftry (BW:
Next Destinies 72/99) to prove that it does do
amazing things with so many Pokémon, but competitive
success does not prove a card produces properly balanced
gameplay… depressingly, for most (all?) of the game’s
history, it suggests the opposite. Whether you
take my approach, where the designers finally start
Slowing down
fully Evolved Basic Pokémon so that -
unless designed for aiding opening setup
- they aren’t immediately awesome,
allowing Evolutions time to hit the
Front-loading HP scores so Evolving
Basics and Stage 1 cards aren’t so
fragile (this isn’t the video game,
where you almost literally pick your
Evolving Pokémon have better effects so
that they contribute to the success of
the entire Evolution line, keeping the
final Stage from needing to be extra
awesome to cover for them being mere
stepping stones
or don’t care at all about the Stages being balanced
against each other, Evolution acceleration only makes
sense on a card-specific basis. Just by existing,
Forest of Giant Plants forces the developers into
a bind. Either they pre-nerf everything to
preserve game balance or they just accept that
eventually, something is going to be overly potent
thanks to the Evolution acceleration. Actually,
that is underselling it; eventually, Forest of
Giant Plants will break something by your
standards, whatever they are, unless you think
nothing can be broken. Given that Forest of
Giant Plants will be banned from Expanded play
as of September 1st (same day as rotation) and
Shiftry will return, either the powers-that-be seem
to agree. Soon, the only place you’ll be able to
enjoy Forest of Giant Plants is in the Unlimited
and Limited Formats. I’ve long since lost track of
what does and does not work in the Unlimited Format, but
barring dramatic change, Forest of Giant Plants
has only one hope; that a lock or first-turn-win deck
built around Evolutions that Evolve from Grass-Types is
a thing. If not, Broken Time-Space is the
obvious choice because it would work for all your
Evolutions, not just the Grass-Types. If you’re
able to arrange a Limited Format event with XY:
Ancient Origins booster packs, then the heavy amount
of Grass-Types will likely make Forest of Giant
Plants a useful pull. Just remember, all those
Grass-Types also make it likely your opponent can
use it as well.
3.75/5 (Soon to be N/A)
3.75/5 (Soon to be N/A)
I keep ranting about how problematic and potent
Broken Vine-Space a.k.a. Forest of Giant Plants
is but I didn’t even score it as a
four-out-of-five? What gives? The one upside
of a card like this is that, as Evolution and
Type support, its potency depends even more on the
cardpool than most other cards. Right now, it has
some great partners, even more than when it first
released, even though the powers-that-be designed those
cards knowing this was lurking in the metagame.
That is why I scored it higher than I did in previous
Forest of Giant Plants
secured second place with 34 voting points, beating out
third place’s
Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 77/108,
106/108) by five points but losing to tomorrow’s first
place finisher by a five point margin as well. It
appeared on all five of our personal lists. On my
list, Forest of Giant Plants was 10th place.
Why so low? The answers lie in what I said above:
it is a catalyst that causes broken reactions, so it
must share credit with other cards for its success,
and its pending ban would almost certainly have
applied to the Standard Format as well, if not for
rotation having already effectively banned it.

Vince |
Our runner up is Forest of Giant Plants from XY Ancient Origins.
It took 12th place on the top 10 cards of XY
Ancient Origins and 5th place on the top 10
cards of 2015. It also gets its own nickname such
as Forest of Broken Plants or Broken Vine Space.
This is a stadium which breaks the rule regarding
evolutions for Grass Pokemon. We might have
mentioned it in our Broken Time Space review on
Throwback Thursdays. Being able to evolve
instantly destroys the purpose of evolution cards that
are meant to take some time before it eventually becomes
the final stage. It might have helped grass
Pokemon to get a Stage 2/Break Evolutions/Mega
Evolutions into play right away, but invited crazy
combos that may be too much for the opponent to handle.
Some grass Pokemon that gave players a hard time include
Vileplume’s Allergic Pollen (item lock), Decidueye’s
Feather Arrow (damage counter placements), and Shiftry’s
Giant Fan (blows one of your opponent Pokemon away from
With Forest of Giant Plants gone, we don’t have to deal with the
ridiculousness of grass Pokemon and their crazy tactics.
In case you haven’t noticed, Forest of Giant Plants
will be banned
for Expanded play starting September. So enjoy
the last month of the rotation until the ban takes into
effect. In limited, this is a must run if you
pulled any worthwhile Stage 1/2 grass Pokemon to use in
Standard: 5/5 (Enjoy while it lasts!)
Expanded: 5/5 (Well, it’s about to be banned soon, so N/A would’ve
been reasonable.)
Limited: 5/5 (If you pulled any grass Pokemon, why not?)
Notes: Seeing a card that’s about to be banned would be ranked
considerably higher. My personal list had Forest
of Giant Plants at number four.