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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 SM: Burning Shadows Cards
#4 -
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 88
Date Reviewed:
August 22, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.88
Expanded: 4.33
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Now Darkrai-GX is a really
interesting Pokemon in this too, and I would say he
might even be one of the best GX printed in the set at
the least. It will definitely be something to keep an
eye on at the very least.
The reason mainly stems from his
Ability, Restoration. Basically if Darkrai-GX is in your
discard pile, you can put him on your Bench and attach a
Darkness Energy to him from your discard pile. That's a
pretty powerful Ability to have, since it instantly
summons out a 180 HP GX to your field that's already
partially powered-up to his moves. This also means that
your opponent can't really get rid of Darkrai-GX, since
he can just come back at any time.
Dark Cleave is the only attack he's
got aside from his GX Attack, and at 3-for-130 it's a
pretty powerful move. On its own, it can 2HKO anything
in the game, and on top of that it's not affected by
Resistance. Not even Fairy-types can really stop him!
It's a pretty solid attack in its own right, to be sure.
But then there's his GX move, and this one can really
turn things around on your opponent.
Dead End GX costs the same as Dark
Cleave, but it does absolutely no damage. Why? Because
it can instantly KO the opponent's Pokemon, provided
it's affected by some Status Condition. Unfortunately,
there aren't many ways to actively affect your opponent
free of charge in Standard - the one that comes to mind
with any consistency would be Hypno (BKP) and his
"Goodnight, Babies" Ability. Combined with the Stadium
All-Night Party, that's the easiest build-up to Dead End
GX, but it really doesn't seem like it's worth it after
you've used the GX move. At that point, you'd probably
wanna just switch to Darkrai-EX from the same set to
capitalize on the Sleep condition, which makes Darkrai-GX
more of an emergency back-up.
That may be the only combination in
Standard, but Expanded looks to open up a few doors with
Darkrai-GX with things like HTL and Dark Patch floating
around. Perhaps the hype surrounding him will focus more
on this format than in Standard for the time being.
Still, Restoration will probably make Darkrai-GX an
important threat to the format, so keep that in mind as
his presence lingers.
Standard: 4/5 (a built-in comeback
ability is always nice)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (but I'm sure he'll
love the support far more)
Limited: 5/5 (and with his Dark
Cleave, it'll be hard to stop him)
Arora Notealus: Darkrai-GX is a
powerful force in the game, just from his presence. He
might not be the answer to things like Garbodor (GRI),
but he is nothing to snuff at.
Next Time: Another GX? But this
time an evolving one...

21times |
Darkrai GX
(Burning Shadows, 88/147) surreptitiously
undulates into the meta from the Burning Shadows
expansion set.
A 180 HP Basic Pokemon, it has two attacks, both
of which cost two Dark and one Colorless energy.
Cleave does 130 damage, and
Dead End-GX
automatically KO’s the opponent’s active Pokemon if it
is affected by a Special Condition.
The Special Condition part doesn’t pose much difficulty.
The Pokemon I’ve seen most commonly paired with
Darkrai GX
for this so far is
Salazzle (Guardians
Rising, 16/145).
will make Dead
End-GX possible, but it also adds just a little
extra damage so that
Dark Cleave
will instead do 160 or possibly even more.
Darkrai GX
also has an ability (Restoration)
that allows it you to pull a
Darkrai GX
out of the discard pile and put it on your bench.
Then you can also attach a Dark energy from the
discard pile to that
Darkrai GX.
This can help accelerate
Darkrai GX’s
three attachment cost, and it has good synergy with
Darkrai EX’s
(Breakpoint, 118/122)
Dark Pulse
Unfortunately for
Darkrai GX, it seems to play second fiddle to
Darkrai EX.
I found that in most matches I was just using
Darkrai GX
for its
Restoration ability, and, if I tried to make it an
attacker, that I was generally trying to force it as
Darkrai EX
was usually doing more damage.
I did manage to use
Dead End a
couple of times, and that is a very strong GX attack.
However, overall,
Darkrai GX
was more of a tech in support Pokemon than the feature,
main attacker
Darkrai EX is.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
Back in January,
Darkrai GX would have seen significantly more usage.
It can consistently hit for 130 damage, and it
can fairly easily OHKO any Pokemon in the game with its
GX attack.
In today’s meta, however, that just doesn’t quite cut
it. I went
3 W 3 L in the six matches I played with it, and the two
combine to make a decent deck, but it just isn’t top
tier by any means.

Vince |
Darkrai, our 4th place finisher, is one of my favorite
legendary Pokémon for quite a long time because of what
has been represented in the Pokémon franchise in terms
of the video games, TCG, and amine. But this is the TCG
that I'm about to review and I'm going to stick to it.
So, once again, I stumbled in PokeBeach to check out
latest stuff, and this card got me the most attention.
Darkrai-GX! Just like EX, it gives away two prizes if
KOed. Both Darkrai-EX has seen sporadic plays: One had a
great ability and a good attack (Dark Cloak and Night
Spear); Another had two decent attacks that gave us
ideas on how to use it (Dark Pulse and Dark Head). How
will the new Darkrai fare?
This card has the same 180 HP, Fighting Weakness,
Psychic resistance, and retreat of 2. It has an ability,
a decent attack, and a ridiculous GX attack. Restoration
allows you to grab this card from the discard to your
bench AND grab a dark energy to be attached to
Darkrai-GX! This makes cards that make you discard cards
from your hand such as Ultra Ball and Dowsing Machine
inconsequential! Battle Compressor also helps a lot as
well so that you don't have to draw into those cards via
top decking. Dark Cleave cost DDC for 130 damage while
bypassing resistance; Fairies won't get the damage
reduction from this monster! 130 is the new magic number
for 2HKOs due to GXs having 250 HP so far. Dead End is
Lunar Fall on steroids (lot easier to use and slightly
less restrictive) because it takes only a special
condition in order to OHKO the defending Pokémon. The
scary thing is that you can employ Pokémon or item cards
during your turn to inflict status conditions such as
Ariados (Ancient Origins) or Hypnotoxic Laser!
So how do we run Darkrai-GX? Since Darkrai-GX has a
different name than Darkrai-EX, you can have up to four
of each card if you like (this could be 8 Darkrai
cards!). Darkrai-EX (Dark Exolorers) has a
free-retreating ability and a decent attack doing 90 and
30 snipe for DDC. The other Darkrai (BreakPoint) has a
bigger impact the more you load up darkness energies on
your Pokémon as well as doing 160 if the defending
Pokémon is asleep due to HTL or Hypno (BreakPoint). Both
can complement the new Darkrai-GX as it can retreat for
free if it's in trouble or help load up dark energies
for Dark Pulse in the other Darkrai. Dark Patch (BW Dark
Explorers) is an item card that fuels dark energy from
the discard (Aqua Patch from SM Guardians Rising does
the same job for attaching water energies from the
discard to one of your benched Water Pokémon), so you
could actually power your Darkrai cards from zero energy
into attacking with 3 energies! The fun doesn't stop
there! Reverse Valley and Dark Claw/Muscle Band/Fighting
Fury Belt can ramp up the damage where KOs can actually
matter! Hydreigon Dark Trance can conserve Dark energies
so that you can flush all damage away with Max Potion.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't advise putting all of these
mentioned cards in one deck, since it could slow your
deck down tremendously, so I would choose a path.
This card doesn't even have to be limited to dark
decks, since it can be used for other applications, such
as sending Darkrai from the bench to the discard by M
Gardevoir's Despair Ray in order to do 10 more damage
(as well as avoiding KOs due to discarding Darkrai,
along with any damage it has taken). With Exeggcute (BW
Plasma Freeze) to do the discard as well, Gardevoir can
actually consistently do 190 damage every time it outs 4
Darkrai-GX and 4 Exeggcutes to the discard because both
Pokémon has methods to bring themselves out from the
discard to being in play (Exeggcute’s Propagation and
Darkrai-GX’s Restoration), ready to be discarded again!
You must have Sky Field to achieve this, however.
I just realize that this is a lot of cards to mention
about that works greatly.......in Expanded. In Standard,
there's not many cards that can do ridiculous things for
Darkrai-GX, even though there's still Darkrai from
BreakPoint, FFB, and Reverse Valley. And a method of
free retreat is Float Stone. This card is great for
Limited, since you can deliver a solid hit with Dark
Cleave that can 2HKO the Burning Shadows set, although
you probably won't be able to take advantage of an
instant KO with its GX attack. I don't know how many
fighting Pokémon are in this set, but that may pose some
problems for the +39 deck.
Overall, Darkrai-GX has impressed me once again just
like its previous EX forms and I will definitely get as
many of this card as I can!
Standard (pre-rotation): 4.5/5
Standard (post-rotation): 4.5/5
Expanded: 4.9/5 (Yes, I'm overrating it!)
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Much like Darkrai-EX (Dark Explorers), this
GX is more than the sum of its parts and you would
probably see this card almost everywhere. Besides having
a deck that specifically counters this card such as
fighting weakness and ability lock, try to find other
shortcomings to keep it in check, or you may be starting
to struggle every time. If you can't read some
paragraphs, the short story of my review is that it
works great in dark decks and M Gardevoir. If I can
think of other strategies and ideas, I may update my
review later.

Retro |
Why are chase Darkrai cards always good? There’s
that Darkrai EX (BW Dark Explorers) that sees a huge
amount of play during its entire lifetime for its Dark
Cloak ability to give everyone on your side with Dark
energies free Retreat; and there is another Darkrai EX
(XY BREAKpoint) that has the Dark Pulse attack which is
just a nuke, pure and simple, and it also sees a lot of
play thanks to its high reliability. The now legendary
Turbo Darkai deck is built around its powerful
potential. And now, there is a new chase Darkrai card
coming in this expansion. But this time, since it is
released in the Sun and Moon era, it is a Pokémon-GX.
But how does this one stack up to its other chase
Darkrai brethren? Is it any good as its older brothers?
Darkrai GX is a Basic Pokemon-GX, a Dark type
with 180 HP. So in terms of HP counts this new Darkrai
is basically the same as its other Darkrai friends,
which really is not something to shout about. Weakness
to Fighting means that it is severely threatened by
Marshadow-GX, which is predicted to come as the best
tech attacker to Basic decks, although you can use one
yourself to improve your mirror match. Resistance to
Psychic is also welcome to handle threats like Espeon-GX
and Garbodor (SM Guardians Rising) better. Retreat Cost
of 2 is a bit of a pain, because it needs more resources
to save itself, but the addition of the Stadium “Altar
of the Moone” (SM Guardians Rising) does give it free
Retreat because it uses Dark energies.
Like the Marshadow-GX review I’ve done before
this, Darkrai GX has an ability, one standard attack and
1 GX attack. And I’ll save the ability for last, as the
Ability here is what makes Darkrai. Dark Cleave is not
so much your vanilla attack; it may have cost 2 Dark and
1 Colorless energies, but it deals 130 damage, which is
a good stock number to hit, and also thanks to its
Ability, energy acceleration isn’t too much of an issue.
Slap a Choice Band (SM Guardians Rising) to it and you
are hitting 160 to Pokemon-EXs and Pokemon-GXs, beating
Marshadow-GX, and a Professor Kukui (SM Base Set) will
bring it to 180, enough to defeat the majority of Basic
EXs. But the best thing about it is that it ignores
Resistance, which means you can hit Dark-resistant
Pokemon, such as Fairy types for the full 130 damage.
That is a lot, as players facing Darkrai decks will
bring up a wounded Fairy type to tank hits, only to find
them stumped by the no Resistance factor of Dark Cleave.
Finally Dead End GX costs the same as Dark Cleave, and
it OHKOs the Active Pokemon with a Special Condition, or
the more commonly heard term; status conditions. We do
have a lot of options to apply status; examples include
Salazzle (SM Guardians Rising) for its Hot Poison
ability, and Hypnotoxic Laser (BW Plasma Storm) in
Expanded. However, this GX attack is more a game
finisher than anything else; it’s a complementary.
However, the main reason to use Darkrai GX, more
than anything else, is that its ability is mad.
Restoration essentially ensures a Darkrai GX have the
option to never stay in the discard pile; you can bring
it back to the Bench, along with a Dark energy attached
if possible. The first good thing here is Energy
efficiency and acceleration; you can ensure all your
unprized energies are in the game, incrasing efficiency,
and it also accelerates energy by getting one Dark
energy already in Darkrai GX. In its most obvious
pairing, such as Turbo Darkrai, this helps it to get
more energy to deal more damage with Dark Pulse to
opposing Pokemon, and against the less obvious partners,
like Mega Gardevoir EX (XY Steam Siege) you can
essentially keep having 10 more damage for each Darkrai
you can essentially recycle, making Despair Ray much
more potent in this regard, in the fact you can
consistently boost damage.
Despite all its unique qualities, it
unfortunately is still plagued by Ability lock options;
as Restoration is the heart and soul of Darkrai GX,
shutting it down will halt its march. Pokemon such as
Garbodor (XY BREAKpoint) , Alolan Muk (SM Base Set), as
well as Hex Maniac (XY Ancient Origins) before rotation,
Darkrai is notably weak to these distruption decks and
will need counterplays for it. But despite all that,
between its 2 good attacks, a mad ability in the fact
that it always recycle itself throughout the game means
that Darkrai GX is a solid card and should be watched
Standard: 3.5/5 (before rotation) / 4/5 (after
Expanded: 4/5 (a must for Mega Gardy and Turbo Dark
Limited: 4/5 (It can hold its own, because the only
real threat here is Machamp GX and there are lots of
counters to Machamp GX)
Next on SM Burning Shadows
Rosalina’s Avenging Angel is back for more. No more
games now.