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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 SM: Burning Shadows Cards
#3 -
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 93
Date Reviewed:
August 23, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.13
Expanded: 4.20
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Probably the most hyped Pokemon of
the set, and with pretty good reason. Gardevoir-GX may
be a Stage 2 GX with only 230 HP instead of pushing on
the bar of 250, but like Decidueye-GX before her, she's
got a powerful Ability on her side - plus a couple of
good attacks - that could really turn the tides in her
Starting off with the Ability
Secret Spring, Gardevoir-GX already has a pretty solid
opening. It's a once-per-turn version of what you've
seen as Deluge and Inferno Fandango, allowing Fairy
Energy to rain down on your Pokemon...once per turn.
Makes it a bit slower overall, but no less effective!
Never mind that both of her other attacks only need that
1 Fairy Energy - but feel free to consider running more!
Infinite Force is arguably the best
"X Ball clone" since X Ball. It costs 1 Energy and does
30 damage for each Energy card attached to both Active
Pokemon. That makes it cheaper AND more powerful than
the original X Ball. How bout that? Keep in mind though
that the more Energy you put on Gardevoir-GX...the more
susceptible she'll be to GARDEVOIR-GX!!!!
There's also the GX attack,
Twilight GX, which is pretty nice. It shuffles back 10
cards into your deck...yayyyyyyyyy. Recovery's pretty
nice and all, but there's more utility nowadays for this
attack than you might think! You can get back Fairy
Energy to use for Secret Spring later, sure, but you
could also unload all the Items you've used in your
discard pile to make Garbodor a much less immediate
threat - really messing with that balance, eh?
Gardevoir-GX is a strong competitor
to be sure, though I do feel there will be some
struggles being a Stage 2. It's just an inherent part of
their design, but with the game gradually shifting into
more evolutionary-based territory - and as seen with
powered-down Abilities like Secret Spring - there will
come a slower format where Gardevoir-GX may even prove
to be wildly dominant. For now, she'll have a strong
presence and have a nice built-in counter to the popular
Garbodor deck.
...Arceus help you if there's a way
to combine the two.
Standard: 4.5/5 (a flexible set of
moves and a powerful Ability on a Stage 2)
Expanded: 4/5 (definitely a strong
force to be reckoned with)
Limited: 5/5 (and probably going to
be one of the best Pokemon in the format)
Arora Notealus: Gardevoir-GX is
definitely a powerhouse, and I can only see it improving
with the right rotations. All we really need now is some
form of Evolution acceleration for decks, and we're
practically staring at the next crazy format. But I
doubt we're going to hit anything that hard that
fast...wait, Diancie exists in this format with a quick
evolution attack...ohhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo...
Next Time: But what decks are
complete without powerful Supporters?

21times |
Gardevoir GX
(Burning Shadows, 93/147), as expected, won the
Masters’ division World Championship this past weekend.
A 230 HP, Stage 2 Fairy Pokemon, the people who
designed this card built it to win.
GX’s ability
Secret Spring allows you to attach an extra Fairy
energy in your hand to any of your Pokemon.
Its main attack,
Infinite Force, mirrors the dominant
Psychic Infinity attack of
Mega Mewtwo EX (Breakthrough, 64/162), and
its GX attack Twilight-GX
virtually guarantees victory over
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) decks.
Heralded early on by many as the BDIF,
Gardevoir GX lived up to its potential and proved that all of the
Theorymon had not overhyped it.
Gardevoir GX
does have some weaknesses, though.
Break (Breakpoint, 41/122) gives it trouble –
and Golisopod GX
(Burning Shadows, 17/147)
should also be
a tough matchup – because they are single energy
attachment attackers.
Necrozma GX (Burning Shadows, 63/147) and
Alolan Ninetales
GX (Guardians Rising, 22/145) both discard
energy immediately after attacking, thereby reducing the
amount of damage
Gardevoir GX does to them.
And Metal Pokemon such as
Magearna EX (Steam
Siege, 110/114) and
Metagross GX (Guardians
Rising, 85/145) one shot
Gardevoir GX
as it has Metal weakness.
And the meta of the world
championship facilitated
Gardevoir GX’s
Very few players chose to play Metal Pokemon or
Greninja Break.
I know I saw a breakdown of the day 2 decks at
worlds, the majority of the decks played there were
Gardevoir GX and
Garbodor, and I think there were five
Greninja Break decks and no
Metagross GX decks, but I couldn’t find that slide
when I went back and watched the stream again.
While Golisopod GX was very common, the most common pairing with
Golisopod GX
was Garbodor (Breakpoint, 57/122), but by using this pairing your
strategy relies on using the three attachment attacks of
Golisopod GX
as frequently (if not more) than the single attachment
attack, First
This strategy just makes it easier for
Gardevoir GX
to reach the 210 damage needed to OHKO
Golisopod GX.
The better build for
Golisopod GX
against Gardevoir
GX involves
Zoroark (Breakthrough, 91/162) or
Wishiwashi (Sun
& Moon, 44/149) to help you do acrobatics to
continually get Golisopod GX into the active in the current turn to repeatedly use
First Impression
so as to avoid piling up energy on
Golisopod GX.
And my overarching, broad
analysis here could be wrong – after all, there were
only two Gardevoir GX decks in the top eight as opposed to the six
variants. I
just thought there would be more decks there that would
be hard counters to
Gardevoir GX.
Standard: 4.5 out of 5
Gardevoir GX
dominated the meta this past weekend at the world
championship, and I would expect it to continue its
sovereignty over the first couple months of the next
season… at least until the Ultra Beasts come out in

Vince |
Today we’re looking at Gardevoir-GX, our third best
card of Burning Shadows. Upon looking at this card, I
think this is a feature Pokemon that could be on its own
deck. I would like to cover this Pokemon as well as
other Pokemon that are related to each other (at least
in Expanded). But sometimes, depending on the card pool,
it may be clogging up the review. So, I’ll just go over
some related cards that are worth consideration to be
used alongside today’s card.
Gardevoir-GX is a Fairy Type with 230 HP, Metal
weakness, resist Dark types, and a retreat of two. It
has an ability and two attacks. Secret Spring lets you
attach one fairy energy to one of your Pokemon. This is
not the same as Deluge, Magnetic Circuit, or the like
since it states that Secret Spring works once per turn,
not “as often as you like”. Even then, extra energy
attachments, even once per turn, is still giving you a
step ahead on your objective. It also stacks! So, if you
have 4 Gardevoir-GXs in play, you could be attaching
four more fairy energies to your Pokemon. Infinite Force
costs Y and it does 30 damage times the amount of energy
on both active Pokemon. Sounds familiar? This attack
resembles Mega Mewtwo Y’s Psychic Infinity, albeit doing
10 more damage than Infinite Force. This attack is
ridiculous!!! You can punish your opponent’s active
Pokemon for investing too much energy and/or you
continue to build up the pressure on your opponent by
loading up your own Gardevoir with lots of energy. It
takes 9 energies total to OHKO anything in the game
(before factoring damage boosting items such as Choice
Band)! Twilight GX costs Y and it shuffles 10 cards from
the discard back to you deck. There are no restrictions
as to what kind of card, so you can retrieve Pokemon,
energy, and trainer cards! To some extent, you could get
back resources that you’ve just exhausted. If it weren’t
for being a GX attack, Twilight would’ve been broken if
you could keep spamming it!
Ralts evolutionary line splits for Stage 2. So
instead of evolving Kirlia to Gardevoir, you can evolve
it to Gallade. Probably the cards that can be used
alongside Gardevoir-GX is Gallade (BW Plasma Storm) and
Gallade (XY BreakThrough). Gallade (BW Plasma Storm) is
a Psychic type, has 140 HP, weak to Psychic and a
retreat cost of 2. Powerful Storm costs CC and does 20
damage times the amount of energy attached to all your
Pokemon. This attack synergizes very well with Secret
Spring since it is colorless friendly. Swift Lunge costs
PCC for 80 damage, with the opponent having to switch
their Active with one Pokemon from their Bench. If you
have Expanded and you still have this card, this is
worth consideration. Gallade (XY BreakThrough) is a
Fighting type with 150 HP, psychic weakness, and a
retreat of two. It’s ability, Premonition, allows you to
look at the top 5 cards from your deck and put them back
on top of your deck in any order. It functions the same
as Pokedex, but an ability instead of an item. This
helps you control what your next top draw would be if
you want to draw cards right away. Sensitive Blade costs
CC for 60 damage, plus 70 more if you played a supporter
during your turn. Ideally, I would use the ability
first, use Professor Kukui to get these cards, and swing
for 150 damage. I would also consider this card
alongside Gardevoir GX. Gallade was usually put into
play via Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick, but with Maxie
leaving rotation, Gallade doesn’t mind running with its
evolutionary line plus Rare Candy.
As I’ve said in the beginning, I’ll mention only
worthwile related cards instead of doing the whole
thing. The reason I consider those two Gallades, whether
Standard or Expanded, is because their attacks are
splashable. Powerful Storm can achieve big numbers if
you employ sufficient setup; potentially up to 3 secret
springs and a Double Colorless Energy manual attachment
can enable Gallade to swing for 100 right away, and it
gets even higher should Gallade & Gardevoir GX stays
intact! Powerful Storm also ensures that you don’t have
to worry about putting energies into one Pokemon, just
distribute them and you’ll still deal the same amount of
damage. Sensitive Blade can be powered up right away via
DCE or two uses of Secret Spring abilities.
So, it has come to my attention that Gardevoir-GX has
received lots of hype because this is a feature Pokemon.
The package deal is a bargain for one Pokemon even as a
Stage 2: good energy acceleration, scalable attack
similar to M Mewtwo Y, and a great once-per-game
recovery move. Throw in other Gardevoir or Gallade that
can hit a variety of Pokemon for weakness, such as
Fighting or Psychic types, and we might have a deck that
might give players a hard time. Expect to see Gardevoir
GX a lot on Standard and Expanded. In Limited, if you
have the complete evolutionary line, Gardevoir GX can
steamroll against most cards in the Burning Shadows set.
Standard (pre-rotation): 4.5/5
Standard (post-rotation): 4.5/5
Expanded: 4.6/5
Limited: 4/5
Summary: Gardevoir-GX has impressed me so much that I
would consider making a deck out of it. She secured
third place with 30 voting points, 6 under 2nd place,
and 2 above 4th place. I had mine at 3rd place on my
personal list.

Retro |
Gardevoir is that one Pokémon which has never
seen a bad card in at least one generation of TCG.
Herald back to Gen 3’s Gardevoir ex (EX Sandstorm),
Gardevoir (DP Secret Wonders) with its Telepass and
Psychic Lock combo, Gardevoir Lv.X (DP Secret Wonders)
with its Teleporation Poke-Power (it’s like Stand In)
and Bring Down which kills many support Pokémon at the
time like Uxie (DP Legends Awakened), Gardevoir (BW Next
Destinies) with its Psychic Mirage ability, making
attackers using Psychic energies much more amazing, and
the Fairy type Gardevoir EXs (XY Primal Clash, XY
Generations, XY Steam Siege), Mega Gardevoir EX
(Brilliant Arrow, XY Primal Clash and XY Generations)
and especially Mega Gardevoir EX (Despair Ray, XY Steam
Siege) which has seen multiple Worlds play. All these
Gardevoirs are amazing, but there is a new Gardevoir on
the block, and now it’s a GX. Can it do its forefathers
proud? And most importantly, as I am a fan of Gardevoir,
does it warrant a “play me” status?
Gardevoir GX is a Fairy type Stage 2 Pokémon-GX
with 230 HP, making it the least bulky Stage 2
Pokémon-GX in existence. But Gardevoir is never the type
to tank hits; think back to the old Mega Gardevoirs.
They have only 210 HP, the least amount of HP found in
Mega Pokémon EXs at the time. So it is not surprising to
discover this fact. Weakness to Metal is annoying, since
Metagross GX (SM Guardians Rising) is now HUGE at the
moment, especially during Worlds where all the
Volcanions are beaten by Water decks; it allows
Metagross GX to swiftly defeat Gardevoir. Resistance to
Dark, as ever is always welcome, as Darkrai has gained
traction lately. It also has a Retreat cost of 2, which
is vanilla, unless you run Fairy Garden (XY Base Set, XY
Fates Collide), in which case it can turn into a free
Looking at its attacks, it seems that it wants to
take the mantle of the old Mewtwo-EX (BW Next Destinies)
and applies pressure through big damage very, VERY
quickly. Its Secret Spring ability is the first heart
and soul of the card; it allows you to attach an extra
Fairy energy to your hand to one of your Pokémon. Now it
didn’t say that it is exclusive to a certain Pokemon or
basic Fairy energies; it can be anyone and anything. So
it not just boosts its own damage, but it can support
its teammates as well. Have a Pokémon you don’t want in
the Active? Attach that Fairy energy via the Ability and
retreat it to a Pokémon you want; or just beef up one
Active Gardevoir with multiple energies from your quota
for the turn and the ability. You can even use Wonder
Energy here, but I don’t think that’s neither viable,
nor legal in the future.
But it does offer you a protection against status
conditions, which is nice. Then you can use the second
heart and soul of the card; Infinte Force, for a minimum
of 1 Fairy energy, deals 30x the number of energies
attached to both Active Pokemon. It’s a better X Ball,
and an even better Evil Ball from Yveltal EX (XY Base
Set)! And just like the old Mewtwo, Gardevoir can use
Special Energies like Double Colorless Energy to beef up
the damage count even more! Gardevoir can find itself
abusing Secret Spring to get at most 4 Fairy energies
and a DCE, and it can swing for 180 afterwards, which is
like amazing.
But then, there’s the GX attack. Twilight GX. If
there are any problems with the old Mewtwo EX, is that
once the Mewtwo is defeated and most of your energies
are in that Mewtwo, it’s pretty much game there.
Twilight GX ensures that the same thing will not befall
Gardevoir; for just 1 Fairy energy you can shuffle back
TEN cards from your discard pile to your deck. This is
an amazing GX attack that not only allows it to recover
resources from the discard pile and also preventing deck
out from Gardevoir’s side, it also allows it to hard
counter Garbodor (SM Guardians Rising) by shuffling 10
Item cards from your discard pile. It’s like Lysandre’s
Trump Card (XY Phantom Forces) if you have exactly 10
cards in your discard pile, but it’s one sided. Very,
very amazing indeed.
If there are any weaknesses found in Gardevoir
GX, it is in the fact that it came out in an era where
Metagross GX is really big, and Gardevoir cannot easily
reach 250 damage in a single turn, while just with
Weakness alone Metagross GX finds an easy one shot
there. It also relies on Secret Spring to get damage, so
Ability shutdown options are a thing; but you don’t
always need a Secret Spring boost to get the big damage.
It’s also a Stage 2, which means that it needs time to
setup. But
apart from that slight little niggles; between the
massive damage it has, the good HP count, an anti deck
out option, plus a positive matchup to pretty much every
Pokémon in the format, Gardevoir is a potent threat and
should be the card to watch out in the format.
Standard: 4/5 (steamrolls everything except Metagross GX
it seems)
Expanded: 4/5 (faces competition from Mewtwo-EX, but you
can tech your own Mewtwo-EX if you need it)
Limited: 4.5/5 (Many good Pokemon in SM Burning Shadows
have high energy cost attacks, and Gardevoir makes quick
work of them).
Next Up on Burning Shadows reviews:
The kawaii makes another impression. This time, to stay
and annoy. |

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