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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 SM: Burning Shadows Cards
#2 - Acerola
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 112
Date Reviewed:
August 24, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.15
Expanded: 4.07
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
What can a quirky girl on your
adventures do for you? Well that's ideally what Acerola
here can answer for us, and it seems like quite a lot!
In the last rotation before this
one, where we lost out on the first few XY sets, we lost
the powerful Az card, which could return a Pokemon to
your hand at the cost of discarding all the cards
attached to it. He had some niche use, but in the end he
did see a bit of play for quickly denying a KO. Acerola
will see very similar use, but she's got a lot more
range, since she can return the Pokemon and all the
cards attached to it to your hand, making for a lot of
reuse on Tools, Energy, etc.
The only real catch is that the
Pokemon needs to be damaged first. That's not a hard
factor all things considered, but it does limit you from
scooping up completely random Pokemon - or at least,
Pokemon that your opponent might easily be able to OHKO.
Bulky GX don't have to worry about it at least -
Golisopod-GX even likes this card, since you can get
your Active out of there so he can rush in with First
Impression - but smaller evolving Pokemon will have a
rough time sticking around if they have to deal with a
fully set-up team on the other end.
That being said, it's not as
restrictive as you think, and I'm sure Acerola will see
a lot of play in different decks. Golisopod-GX in
particular will likely be running Acerola a lot, though
perhaps nowhere near as much as the #1 card that
everyone will be running. Acerola will find her own spot
here and there.
Standard: 4.5/5 (pretty solid
overall, useful for denying KOs)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (and she can
retrieve resources!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (just be wary that
you need damage down and what resources you get back)
Arora Notealus: Man, orphan, last
of royalty, a Trial Captain, an Elite Four member - I
mean, what isn't Acerola? Adorable? Nope, wait, she got
that too. Yeah, she's a pretty solid character in the
Pokemon world, helping you complete your trials and
track down the actions of Team Skull. Pretty neat
Ghost-type trainer too!
Next Time: Speaking of the #1 of
Team Skull...

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 112/147) debuts in the Pokemon
TCG in the Burning Shadows expansion set.
This card allows you to pick up ANY Pokemon on
your side of the board and put it and ALL cards attached
to it back into your hand.
The only caveat: you have to have at least a single
damage counter on that Pokemon.
That’s about as tough as trying to climb over a
fence that’s six inches high.
Five of the top eight decks in the Masters Division at
worlds this past weekend ran at least one copy of
Acerola –
it’s not right for every deck.
Gardevoir GX (Burning Shadows, 93/147) as an
Gardevoir GX
requires a lot of energy attached to it to do a lot of
damage – and it’s a Stage 2 Pokemon.
If you use
Acerola on
Gardevoir GX, you have to pick up the whole Pokemon
and re-evolve it.
Now if you already have a
Kirlia (Burning
Shadows, 92/147) on the bench, that’s not such a big
deal, and you do get the energy back in your hand so you
can use Secret
Spring to attach an extra energy, but that’s
probably the major weakness we saw this past weekend
with Gardevoir GX
– it sometimes doesn’t hit for enough damage because the
energy count between the active Pokemon isn’t high
enough to KO the opponent’s active Pokemon.
For Basic and Stage 1 Pokemon – especially those that
are single energy or two attachment attackers –
Acerola is an
invaluable card.
I’ve frequently used it with
Golisopod GX
(Burning Shadows, 17/147) to help pick up the
active Golly
and get a new one up top.
I’ve also seen it used a lot with
Tapu Koko GX
(Guardians Rising, 47/145) and
Tapu Bulu GX
(SM Promo 32).
Last weekend at worlds, we saw the tactic of
employing Rainbow
Energy (Sun & Moon, 137/149) simply to ensure
that you’d be able to pick up a Pokemon with
We saw this with
Decidueye GX
(Sun & Moon, 12/149) because then you’d be able
to pick Decidueye
GX up and, if you had
Forest of Giant
Plants (Ancient Origins, 74/98) in play, put
it all back down again and use its
Feather Arrow
ability again.
You completely erase the damage your opponent did in the
previous turn by playing
Acerola, and,
in many cases, you can easily continue your offensive
strategy without losing any tempo.
wastes your opponent’s attack and, maybe more
importantly, the surprising suddenness of this card can
psychologically demoralize them as well.
Standard: 4.5 out of 5
As I mentioned, this card may not work for every deck,
but for the decks that are able to take advantage of it,
it’s got to be at
least a two of if not even a four of.
VS Seeker
(Roaring Skies, 110/108) will no longer be
available to us, and
Puzzle of Time
(Breakpoint, 109/122) has worked inconsistently
for me in the past week or two of testing, so I think
the best way to way to get to
Acerola when
you need it will be to run multiple copies and use
Tapu Lele GX
(Guardians Rising, 60/145) to access any copies
that are still remaining in your deck.
But I could easily see this and
Super Scoop Up
(Burning Shadows, 124/147) combining to drive up
the median damage amounts from attacks.
I could definitely see people running more
Pokemon that have higher damage ceilings so they can do
more OHKO’s, as
Acerola will definitely turn two hit KO’s into three
if not even four hit KO’s in the new meta.

Otaku |
The second best card of this expansion is Acerola
(SM: Burning Shadows 112/147, 142/147)!
This Trainer-Supporter allows you to return one of your
Pokémon and all cards attached to it to your hand
but the target must have at least one damage
counter on it. Not a lot of effects care about a
card being a Trainer, but there are a few like
Dowsing Machine and Trainers’ Mail.
Those two are helpful, though the former is an
Expanded-only Ace Spec and the latter is an Item that
soon will be Expanded only and has fallen out
of favor as a general usage card thanks to the
prominence of various anti-Item card effects.
There are some general anti-Trainer card effects but
thankfully they remain obscure because they have not
proven competitive. Being a Supporter puts
Acerola up against steep competition just due
to the core mechanic: you may only use them once during
your turn, so any you’re not immediately using
are dead cards. Supporter cards are usually the
most potent Trainer cards to compensate for this, so you
do not want to waste your Supporter usage for the
turn. This balance makes it important to run
neither too few nor too many of them.
Anti-Supporter effects are as or more obscure and
ineffective than general anti-Trainer effects, but
Supporter support is well-known thanks to Tapu Lele-GX
and VS Seeker. These two really
helped open up Supporter usage, in addition to the
various bits of non-Supporter draw power. If you
didn’t play during the correct past format (or even
periods in a format), the game runs a bit differently
when you pretty much must use your Supporter on a
card like N, Professor Juniper,
Professor Sycamore, or even a less effective draw or
search card.
Some may wonder why you’d want to return one of
your own Pokémon from the Active or a Bench slot (no
other place where it can have damage counters on it),
especially something with a lot of cards attached to
it; barring acceleration, Evolutions and/or Energy laden
Pokémon require multiple turns of prep. Even
with acceleration, it is a concern unless
said acceleration is reusable like Forest of Giant
Plants for Evolving Grass-Types or Magnezone
(XY: BREAKthrough 54/162) for attaching basic
Lightning Energy cards. Most already know why,
however, as this is a mechanic with a good history in
the Pokémon and even most other TCG’s I’ve played.
Perhaps the most obvious, especially given the
targeting restriction, is to act as a form of healing.
Got something in play that has nearly been KO’d?
Bounce it to deny your opponent the Prize(s) they had
almost earned and recycle the cards that went into it.
If it was just a Basic, it can then simply be played to
your Bench again. If it has affordable enough
attacks, you may even be able to get it back up front
and attacking that same turn, allowing Acerola to
deal with damage and attack effects. Though it is
a more involved process than that sentence implies as
you need a big, Basic Pokémon serving as your attacker,
one with Energy costs that a single manual Energy
attachment can cover, your manual Energy attachment
itself, and a way of getting it from the Bench to the
Active position (like Switch). If it didn’t
have it when you bounced it in the first place, you’ll
also need the Energy for it to attack. You can
still do that with Evolutions but it will take
more to get them back up and running, and usually
won’t happen the same turn you bounced them.
The use of bounce that rivals pseudo-healing for
being the most obvious is reusing
coming-into-play effects. Acerola allows you to
bounce a Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
77/108, 106/108) for some draw power, Crobat (XY:
Phantom Forces 33/119) and/or Golbat (XY:
Phantom Forces 32/119; Generations 31/83) to
place damage counters on your opponent’s side of the
field, etc. These two uses overlap with Acerola
acting as an emergency switching card, clearing out
clutter from the Bench, reusing things like Special
Energy and Tools, and probably a few more that I’m
forgetting. I said bounce has quite the history,
so let’s run through the Trainer-based portion of it.
We’ll start with fellow Supporters. AZ (still
legal in Expanded play) returns one of your Pokémon from
the field to your hand but all cards attached are
discarded. Note that all Stages of Evolution
that are treated as part of the Pokémon for this
purpose; use it on a Crobat and both Golbat
and Zubat go along for the ride, but not an
attached Energy or Tool. AZ was (and in
Expanded, still is) a loose staple, boding well for
Acerola. Cassius - also Expanded only -
tweaks the formula by shuffling the Pokémon and all
cards attached to it back into your deck. It only
saw niche play, as it takes more work to re-ready the
card(s) in question. Going back just a little
further - so that it isn’t legal for Expanded play but
is for the Legacy Format - we have Seeker,
which forces both players to bounce a Pokémon
with all cards attached from the Bench to the hand.
Each player selects which of his or her Benched Pokémon
are bounced and the player using Seeker
goes first (unless he or she lacks a Bench). This
was another potent card, though more for deck specific
combos than general play. Going back a lot
further, into Unlimited-only territory, Mr. Briney’s
Compassion provides the same total bounce as
Acerola but instead of requiring the target
be damaged, it just required it not be a
Pokémon-ex (the ancestors of Pokémon-GX). Not
something that saw a lot of general usage but great
for certain competitive decks.
Shifting to Item cards, first up is Scoop Up Cyclone,
an Ace Spec that allows you to return one of your
Pokémon (and all cards attached) from the field to your
hand. Competition among Ace Spec Trainers was (and
still is) fierce, and Scoop Up Cyclone is
almost as good as stuff like Computer Search
and Dowsing Machine; if that doesn’t sound
impressive, go look up those two. Team Galactic’s
Invention G-105 Poké Turn also provides full bounce
(the Pokémon and all cards attached), but for one of
your Pokémon SP (an old special gimmick). Pokémon
SP were pretty amazing while they were legal, both due
to themselves and support like this. Available
now but actually released all the way back in the
December of 2000 is Super Scoop Up; again this
provides full bounce but its drawback is that it
requires a coin flip and “tails fails”. This card
didn’t see a huge amount of play in the early days, but
it seems like we find another cool trick for it every
few years… or at least a new dance partner for old
tricks. Finally, we get to the original bounce
card, Scoop Up. It could target any
Pokémon you had in play but not only did you have
to discard all attached cards, Scoop Up only
returns the Basic Stage of the Pokémon. Yet it was
a mighty card way back when, and it might be broken even
now; as mentioned for Acerola, you can bounce big
Basic Pokémon with good-but-low-cost attacks. So…
even if you have to discard the attached Energy, if it
is just one or two, and especially if you can
play, re-power, and promote it, it becomes a cure all
forcing your opponent to shoot for OHKO’s. At
least until you lack a Scoop Up.
looks to be a great card, as history seems to
demonstrate with its predecessors but it is
important to remember that the target needs to
have at least one damage counter on it. Not an
issue if you’re running Team Magma’s Secret Base
or (with Evolutions) the new Po Town, or if
you’re running something beefy and not facing a
bad matchup, but remember things like bouncing
Shaymin-EX? Not as easy since you need it to
be damaged but with 110 HP, surviving an attack is iffy.
This specific example is almost a non-issue given that
so many folks have switched to the post-September 1st
Standard Format guidelines already but it does
create at least a small hurdle. Until September
1st, your opponent can use this alongside Forest of
Giant Plants; fail to OHKO a Decidueye-GX,
Golisopod-GX, Vileplume (XY: Ancient
Origins 3/98), etc. and your opponent can bounce it
up then drop it back down. The three named
examples all carry fringe benefits. I’m not
completely certain, but I believe this resets the
“Feather Arrow” Ability on Decidueye-GX, allowing
you to use it again; perhaps not worth your Supporter
alone, but if you are also shedding a lot of
damage, quite nice. Golisopod-GX can get out of
the Active position, maybe even return needed Energy so
that another Golisopod-GX can be promoted
and hit hard with its “First Impression” attack.
Not only can you get a stranded, injured
Vileplume out of the Active position but
until you play the entire line back down - and barring
other Item-locking effects - you’ll have access to your
own Item cards but can still lock them back down
in time for your opponent’s turn.
So Acerola has a few slick tricks she’ll
officially lose on September 1st but some good,
nearly universal plays even after then. This
applies to both the Expanded and Standard Formats but
the latter has more competition, counters, and
complementary effects, so I’m inclined to score them
numerically the same while emphasizing that the
actual results will play out differently. Unless
you’re running a +39 build (only one Basic Pokémon),
this is a must for Limited Format play. Less
emphasis on the fancy combos here (as they’ll probably
be absent), more focus on healing, changing out
your Active, and/or recycling resources (before
they hit the discard pile). I almost forgot that
you get a single Acerola in the “Rock Steady”
Theme deck! Why is that exciting? I don’t
expect Acerola to be that hard to obtain through
booster pulls or the secondary market, so it isn’t
because this provides a reliable primary market means of
obtaining it (though that is nice). I haven’t been
using it must competitively in the PTCGO Theme Format
(yet) but I was able to grind through the Trainer
Challenge for my bonus booster pack pretty easily.
Like any Theme Deck, Rock Steady misfires a bit
too often, but it was built to make good use of
Acerola. You’ve got a couple decently sized
Basic Pokémon and also Evolutions, you need an extra
option to move around some of the Pokémon with a
chunkier Retreat Cost, and there are two
coming into play Abilities in the deck: Lucario
(SM: Burning Shadows 71/147) and Rhyperior
(SM: Burning Shadows 67/147).
is the new bounce Supporter, and while you’ve got to
remember she may only target something injured, the fact
that she returns all attached cards in addition
to the Pokémon opens up some amazing combos.
Expect most decks to try and slip in at least one
unless most Pokémon are intended to be disposable
or some of the alternatives better fit the specifics
of the deck (more a concern for Expanded than Standard
play). Based on her showing up in several of the
Top 8 Masters Division Decks from the 2017 World
Championships - including the first and second place
earned 36 voting points and made all five of our
personal Top 10’s. She beat out yesterday’s
Gardevoir-GX by six voting points and missed tying
for first by 12 voting points. Which might seem
like a lot but not when you realize what
tomorrow’s card obviously must be… While I know I
personally low-balled Gardevoir-GX, the recent
World Championships weren’t enough to convince me it
should have beaten out Acerola. The next
few months could change my mind, of course. Acerola
took second place on my own list, and I remain as firmly
convinced she deserves it as a flip flopper like myself
probably can be.

Vince |
Our runner up card for the Burning Shadows Top 10 is
Acerola. She is a Supporter card that allows one of your
Pokemon with any damage counters on it to put this
Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your hand.
This is a great way to deny the opponent the KO and
conserve resources. Acerola doesn’t require a coin flip,
unlike Super Scoop Up, which got reprinted in Burning
Unfortunately, that bit of text saying that the
Pokemon has to have damage keeps Acerola from being
broken. It fails to bounce a Pokemon that is healthy (no
damage), and even Pokemon with full HP can still be
OHKOed by variety of means. I can see Acerola being used
with Pokemon that manipulates their own damage so that
it can be flushed away. Something like Reuniclus Damage
Swap that moves one damage counter from one to another
of your Pokemon.
So that’s what I can think of in Standard and
Expanded. Acerola doesn’t add fuel to Garbodor’s
Trashalanche while Super Scoop Up does due to being an
item. AZ doesn’t require Pokemon to be damaged, it can
bounce a healthy Pokemon, but with the unfortunate
drawback of discarding all cards attached to it; you
still keep the evolutionary line, I believe. In Limited,
this is a good card to bounce a damaged Pokemon to your
hand. However, do not run this on a +39 deck.
Standard (pre-rotation): 3/5
Standard (post-rotation): 3/5
Expanded: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Summary: Acerola brings back a method of bouncing
your Pokemon to your hand. But with Super Scoop Up
reprinted, one may decide if it’s worth using your
supporter on your turn or use an unreliable item that’ll
help Garbodor do more damage.

Retro |
Are you tired of Super Scoop Up? That prize
denial Item that allows you to retrieve a Pokemon from
your hand on the basis of a coin flip. However, such
methods are very unreliable to any game, and so we
received a number of cards that followed it that tries
to improve upon the faults of Super Scoop Up. There is
the Ace Spec card Scoop Up Cyclone (BW Plasma Blast)
which is an Item card that allows you to retrieve a
Pokemon plus all the cards attached to it without fail,
but it is an Ace Spec and you can only put 1 in a deck.
Using it means no Computer Search, no Dowsing Machine,
etc. Then we have AZ (XY Phantom Forces) that does scoop
up a Pokemon into your hand, but it discards all cards
attached to that Pokemon and it is your Supporter for
your turn. This could prove problematic when you try to
scoop cards that are part of a Stage 2 line such as
Crobat (XY Phantom Forces) or indeed any Mega Evolution
Pokemon-EXs, as you will discard the base Pokemon-EX.
But now there is a new Supporter in town; its Acerola,
the Ghost type Trial Captain. She is pretty much my
favorite Trial Captain because she is very kawaii, she’s
really strong, she has a mysterious background, and most
of all, she perseveres to train harder until she’s
accepted as one of the Elite Four of the Alola Region.
Now that’s real skills there!
You might see the link from the earlier
paragraph, and you can conclude that Acerola is a scoop
up Supporter. Well, Acerola is a mix of Scoop Up Cyclone
and AZ, but it is better than both. Because what Acerola
did is that it picks up a Pokemon and all cards attached
to it, but only if they have damage counters. This all
makes perfect sense, since you will mostly pick up
attackers that have damage counters on it, and then you
can put them down again, freshed and renewed in health,
acting as it is a new Pokémon in play. There are
instances where Scoop Up Cyclone is better, such as
being able to pick up an entire line of Pokemon without
using a Supporter and also without fail, and also
instances where AZ is better, such as picking up and
replaying a Pokemon with come into play abilities such
as Shaymin-EX and Tapu Lele-GX when they are in full
health, but for the most part Acerola provides stellar
utility for all decks in the fact where you can just
pick up a wounded Pokemon to “heal” them back.
In the context of the current Standard meta,
Acerola is extremely well resided in the meta. The meta
is full of big evolution Pokemon-GXs, and using
Acerola’s effect to pick up a wounded Decidueye or
Gardevoir and then replaying them again not only helps
heal them, but also free up a bench space for free. All
you need is just a supporter and not a Prize card. That
free bench space can be used in a multitude of ways;
play down another attacker, use support Pokemon, or just
keeping it empty for future use.
In short, this little kawaii Trial Captain is one
of the most useful recovery cards in the new format just
because of its unique properties alone; and that
warrants reason good enough for it to be a new staple
card in the format. Good show Acerola….
Standard: 4.5/5 (the most reliable way of reusing
Expanded: 4.5/5 (faces competition from Scoop Up Cyclone
and AZ, but for the most part it does settle well)
Limited: 4.8/5 (hands down the best healing card in the
Next Up on Burning Shadows reviews:
What else can I say? Just stay tuned.