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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Alolan Ninetales
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 28
Date Reviewed:
August 28, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Expanded: 3.55
Limited: 3.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Winding down from the large list of
great cards in the set, we start coming to some of the
pretty good to alright cards, starting with Alolan
Ninetales which may be the latest "Safeguard" Pokemon.
Naturally, I don't say that cause
of the vanilla 3-for-80 Aurora Beam. It's good though,
don't get me wrong, it can do some serious damage on its
own. Just needs a little boost to get those magic
numbers though. But really it's the Ability Luminous
Barrier that really seals the deal. It blocks off all
the attacks from Pokemon-EX and GX, including the damage
and the effects, which is really solid.
It might not do much against things
like Garbodor (GRI) or Volcanion (the non-EX STS), but
it can do its fair share again the upcoming wave of GX
Pokemon. On top of that, because of its phrasing, it's
actually suitable to tackle on the likes of Rayquaza-EX
and Mewtwo-EX in Expanded, something that the Safeguard
Pokemon can only fend off the EX but not the GX (just
because they were printed in a different time).
Alolan Ninetales will probably see
some play here and there, but I don't expect it to be as
prominent as things like Sigilyph (DEX) were in their
heyday. Mainly that's cause Sigilyph came out in a time
where much of the format was dominated by Pokemon-EX,
and there weren't many other Pokemon that could feasibly
be set-up and attack in as quick a timespan as these
behemoths. Nowadays, we've got Night March,
Vengeance-style decks, and now Item-based power that is
viable enough to prove as its own decks, alongside BREAK
Evolution decks that take a little longer but also don't
have to worry about falling victim to a Safeguard
Alolan Ninetales's impact will be
primarily based on whether or not GX are prominent in
Standard, cause I think in Expanded, the format's
diverse enough that Alolan Ninetales may not show up as
Standard: 3/5 (pretty good counter
to GX, but that might be the extent of its Ability)
Expanded: 3/5 (otherwise, there's
enough diversity that it won't matter much)
Limited: 3.5/5 (at least Aurora
Beam's still a good move)
Arora Notealus: Alolan Ninetales is
an amazing change-up to the Vulpix line-up. Though it
does make me wonder how they're going to keep regional
variants a thing in later installments? Will there be
other region-specific changes, like in a jungle
environment? At least with Alola, they had the advantage
of diversifying an archipelago, but it might be harder
to argue the same thing with branches off of Unova or
Kalos or further extensions to the original four
Next Time: Man, this place is a
little rundown, don't you think?

21times |
Alolan Ninetales’
(Burning Shadows, 28/147) non-GX form enters the
meta from the Burning Shadows expansion set. A
110 HP, Stage 1 Water Pokemon, it brings us something
that we have not seen since the inception of GX Pokemon:
an anti-GX ability.
Alolan Ninetales’ ability
Luminous Barrier prevents all damage and effects of
attacks from your opponent’s GX or EX Pokemon.
Aside from
Choice Band (Guardians Rising, 121/145), this
is the first time we’ve seen a card present any sort of
GX hate, and the fact that it has been built into a
Pokemon that evolves from
Alolan Vulpix
(Guardians Rising, 21/145) makes it that much
All of us have discovered the
functionality of
Alolan Vulpix’s Beacon attack.
Many decks use
Beacon to
replace any of the various search balls that they might
have previously used to go get Pokemon out of your deck,
so it’s not a stretch to tech in an extra baby
Ninetales even if you don’t have any Water energy to attack with
just so you can possibly stall or derail your opponent’s
offensive strategy.
But can you actually get a win just because you
have Alolan
I put together a deck that
only had
Luminous Barrier Ninetales
(well, that and
Talonflame (Steam Siege, 96/114) and jumped
on the ladder to see if I could squeak out a win or two
just by trolling my opponents and punishing them if they
don’t have an effective (or
any) non-EX or
non-GX attacker.
Going into this, I really
thought that I’d be lucky to get more than two wins in
ten matches with this deck.
I was sure this was going to be another 1-5 or
0-6 deck testing session.
Boy, was I surprised when I won nine out of the
twenty matches I played.
And I could have probably won a tenth match but I
horribly misplayed in one game against
Volcanion (Steam Siege, 25/114) which is pretty embarrassing
because this deck requires less brain power than any
deck I have ever played period.
Seriously, if you want an easy deck to play, this
is it. It is
VERY simple.
I’m telling you, if you need to climb the ladder but
also want to watch the game or do homework or write a
Pojo review, this is the deck to do that with.
Basically, in many matches, you will simply
concede early on.
If your opponent turns up a
Froakie (Breakpoint,
38/122) or a
Grubbin (Sun & Moon, 13/149) or a
Beldum (Guardians
Rising, 83/145), just throw in the towel and hit the
concede button.
However, I was genuinely surprised at the number
of decks that simply didn’t have a non-EX or non-GX
attacker (or an effective non-EX or non-GX attacker).
And I built the list to be as devoid of item
cards as possible so
Garbodor’s (Guardians
Rising, 51/145)
attack would be very, if not completely, ineffective.
I did add
Field Blower (Guardians Rising, 125/145) to
counter the other
Garbodor’s (Breakpoint, 57/122)
but, really, it’s the most basic of all strategies.
I just try to get two or three
Alolan Ninetales
set up with energy as quickly as possible.
That’s all there is to it.
It’s obviously better if you start
but there are no tricks or special tactics, just go get
Ninetales and
go get energy.
When you do get them set up, that’s when you use
the trolly cards Delinquent (Breakpoint, 98/122),
Team Rocket’s Handiwork (Fates Collide, 112/124), and Team
Skull Grunt (Sun & Moon, 133/149).
You do need to attack at times, but sometimes all
you have to do is hang out and make sure you don’t go
through your cards faster than your opponent.
That’s a big key – keeping an eye on how many
cards your opponent has to burn through to find their
non-EX or non-GX attacker.
So knowing that I could win a
fair number of games simply with baby
Ninetales, I
decided to get greedy and see what would happen if I
brought the GX version back into the deck.
For reference, let me remind you, dear reader,
that when I previously reviewed
Alolan Ninetales
GX back on May 18th, I had mediocre
success with it, and I honestly haven’t tried it since
then, but I know that it won the Seniors division at
worlds, so this is probably a good opportunity to
revisit it.
Unfortunately, I had only a little more success with
adding the GX
Ninetales: 12 W and 8 L.
However, I would guess that you, dear readers,
would put together a much superior
Ninetales deck
to mine. I
don’t know why, but I just can’t get my head wrapped
around this deck.
I’ve posted both deck lists here:
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
Alolan Ninetales’
Luminous Barrier
will definitely punish the unbalanced deck.
If you’re cutting corners and trying to
streamline a deck by not including a good non-GX or
non-EX attacker, this will make you pay.
It’s keeping us honest and making sure that we
are building our decks properly.
However, as I’ve demonstrated in my testing, if
you put four
Luminous Barrier Ninetales in a deck and walk into
your next tournament thinking that you’re going to wipe
everyone out by walling them, you might want to think
twice about that.
If you want to sleepwalk up the ladder without
having to put a lot of mental energy into it and don’t
care if your win percentage is most likely below your
average, then you might want to give this a shot.

Vince |
Monday: Alolan Ninetales
Tuesday: Po Town
Wednesday: Ho-oh GX
Thursday: Super Scoop Up
Friday: Ribombee
With September around the corner, I no longer need to score two
separate formats; It will now be just Standard without
having to put pre- and post- before it, though I’d be
concerned about people who still worry about the last
couple days of the previous format. Let’s put the
past aside and explore the future!
Today, we’re looking at Alolan Ninetales. It has an ability
and an attack. Luminous Barrier
blocks all damage
from your opponent’s EX or GX Pokemon. This is
another “Safeguard” variant seen on Sigilyph (BW Dragons
Exalted), Suicune (BW Plasma Blast), and Carbink (XY
Fates Collide). Unlike those three, they are
outdated; GX Pokemon will strike them with ease.
Aurora Beam costs WCC for 80 damage, which is mostly
Alolan Ninetales may give EXs and GXs a hard time, but there are
other good one-prize attackers that’ll cause trouble for
Ninetales. As for which Alolan Vulpix to use, I
say the Guardians Rising version is the best one; Beacon
searches for 2 Pokemon without needing an energy to
attack. You could search for your other evolving
pieces or even get your own Ninetales evolutionary line,
such as this card and the GX version.
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 3.6/5
Limited: 4/5
We have another modernized Safeguard user with a good evolving
Basic on top of it. However, countering a
particular category is only some fraction of other
categories that don’t care about this ability.

Retro |
Alolan Ninetales
(Luminous Barrier)
So, pretty much the world had been very impressed
by the existence of Alolan Ninetales as a viable
competitive Pokemon. In Worlds, we see a Focus Sash
support Alolan Ninetales with Icy Wind and Aurora Veil
that took part in the team of the 2nd place finisher,
and also as a whole, Alolan Ninetales GX is really doing
its job well as a sniper and a nuker all in one. Not to
mention its Ice Path GX which can turn games around,
making it a viable wall as well. But its not exactly a
wall to its literal sense, and thus for a pure wall we
need to look elsewhere. And now we have a new wall, and
its....... Alolan Ninetales from the recent SM Burning
Shadows expansion!
Alolan Ninetales is a Stage 1 Water type Pokemon
with 110 HP, with a Weakness to Metal. This is big,
since Metagross-GX is still big, and also some of the
Ultra Beast Pokemon-GXs are confirmed to be Metal types,
such as Kartana. A retreat cost of 1 is also
uninspiring, but it is cheap to execute. Being a Water
type, it does have lots of supports available; it has
Aqua Patch (SM
Guardians Rising) to accelerate Water energy from
the discard pile, Manaphy-EX (XY
BREAKpoint) that gives every Pokemon on your side
free Retreat when they have a Water energy attached, and
of course, its pre-evolution in Alolan Vulpix (SM Guardians Rising) which has a free energy move in Beacon to
search for 2 Pokemon from your deck, which is amazing.
In short, it is very good.
This Alolan Ninetales has an ability and an
attack, but mostly the ability is the talk of town, so
let’s clear up the really unimpressive part; the attack.
Aurora Beam is your vanilla attack that for a Water and
2 Colorless energies deals 80 damage. Well, 80 damage is
rather good, considering the meta now. You can attach a
Choice Band (SM
Guardians Rising) to hit for 110 against Pokemon-EX
and Pokemon-GXs, which is nice, and adding a Professor
Kukui (SM Base Set)
will bump it up to 130, which can 2 shot any meta
Pokemon with no doubt. But the attack, again, is not why
Alolan Ninetales is so high up the ladder.
The reason why is that it has a powerful ability
in Luminous Barrier. It says ”Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon
by Pokemon-EX or Pokemon-GX”. Sounds familiar? Well,
its because its a enhanced reprint of Sigilyph (BW
Dragons Exalted), Suicune (BW
Plasma Blast), and Carbink (XY
Fates Collide), with all of them sharing the same
theme; its the Safeguard-style ability. Back in their
days, they are fantastic walls in which you can just
chuck in the Active position while you setup your main
attacker. Alolan Ninetales is expected to be better than
those, just because look at the meta! We have such
prominent Pokemon like Drampa-GX, Turtonator-GX,
Volcanion-EX, Gardevoir-GX, Mega Gardevoir-EX,
Golisopod-GX, and so on, and so forth. And they
all get walled by this Alolan Ninetales just because of
its ability! And being a Stage 1, the only Pokemon that
can help them get past you is only by using Garbodor (XY
BREAKpoint), due to Garbotoxin or by using a non EX
or GX attacker, as Alolan Muk (SM
Base Set) cannot wall you! And it also gets easy
setup despite being an evolution because of the
afformentioned Alolan Vulpix which has Beacon!
But folks, that is where things started to go
wrong. You see, the reason why the first 3 Safeguard
walls are good in their days is because of one fact;
they are Basic Pokemon which you can just chuck in the
Active slot for some good walling. Alolan Ninetales
isn’t a Basic, but an Evolution Pokemon. It is also
really weak to Ability-lock; besides the aformentioned
Garbodor, you also have Hex Maniac (XY
Ancient Origins) in Expanded. But it does fit in its
surrounding meta; the format that it will thrive upon
are based on evolution-heavy, and thus needs several
turns to setup. With that in consideration, actually
Luminous Barrier is pretty solid at the job of walling
the more prominent threats in the form of Pokemon-GXs,
but against the faster Pokemon-EXs, I fear it may not
stood a chance. It does has more HP to compensate and
you get to use the Alolan Vulpix, which is a bonus.
Overall, I think to get just that extra setup and
walling, Alolan Ninetales is a good one-off or two-off
in most decks just for the ability, and that alone can
help you win games.
Standard: 4/5 (does its job really well, and it can beat
the more prominent Pokemon-GXs to oblivion)
Expanded: 2.8/5 (gets fierce competition from the other
Safeguard walls, especially Suicune, since its faster
and more chuckable)
Limited: 4.2/5 (lots of playable Pokemon-GXs in this set
boosts Alolan Ninetales’ playability)
P.S. Seeing the Ultra Beast
Pokemon-GXs does make me scared because it gets outsped
in setup speed by being an Evolution, so this will come
into considerations later.
Next Time on SM Burning Shadows:
Time to
raid a visit to the base of memes worldwide.
With our Top 10
countdown for the latest expansion complete, what to do?
Time for runners-up! We’ll start with the card
that would have been our 11th place finisher if
we’d taken more than two weeks for the countdown:
Alolan Ninetales (SM: Burning Shadows
28/147)! This is a Stage 1 Water-Type Pokémon with
110 HP, Metal Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C],
the Ability “Luminous Barrier”, and the attack “Aurora
Beam”. Luminous Barrier prevents all damage or
effects of attacks done to Alolan Ninetales by
your opponent’s Pokémon-EX and Pokémon-GX. Aurora
Beam costs [WCC] and does 80 damage. So… what does
all of this mean? Being a Stage 1 is better than
being any other Stage except being a Basic
Pokémon, which still forms the baseline. Being a
Water-Type is definitely a net positive; good
Type support, solid pool of Pokémon (both supporting and
attacking), and a good chance of exploiting Weakness
(nearly all Fire-Types and some Fighting-Types) with
just less and less relevant Resistance in the Expanded
Format and Type-specific counters I only mention because
they are on the lesser used half of Parallel City.
110 HP is a probable OHKO… at least before the Ability.
Metal Weakness could become a problem - Gardevoir-GX
provides a heavy incentive run the Type - but most
Metal-Types aren’t known for hitting hard and fast
without the kind of support that would lead to a OHKO
anyway. No Resistance is the worst, but also the
most common; -20 damage with 110 HP would help even
against a single matchup, but not enough for me to dock
Alolan Ninetales for it. The Retreat Cost
is good; easy to pay most of the time, though you’ll
feel it if you have to pay it turn after turn.
Luminous Barrier is
why people are excited about this card, and it isn’t too
hard to see why; though there are many attackers
that are neither Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX, they are the
powerhouses of the format. Most decks will run at
least one such card in an attacking role, and several
focus on them; a wall they can’t breach is a serious
obstacle. Getting around Luminous Barrier
varies from easy to difficult, depending upon both
sides of the match up. The easiest way to bypass
it is to simply use an attacker that is not either a
Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX; just because a deck focuses on
one or the other doesn’t mean it can’t have at least one
attacker that is neither. It can be even easier
for certain Pokémon-GX, as Stage 1 and 2 Pokémon-GX
Evolve from “regular” Basic (or Basic and Stage 1)
Pokémon. If your opponent has anything worth
hitting on the Bench, then Guzma, Lysandre,
Bench-attacks, etc. all allow a player to effectively
ignore Luminous Barrier. Decks packing Garbodor
(XY: BREAKpoint 57/122) or Hex Maniac can
shut the Ability off, while certain attacks are able to
ignore effects on the Defending Pokémon. The first
is a pretty common situation, as it can be hard to field
just Alolan Ninetales; it is a huge risk
to just have one Active, and having multiple in play
takes more resources and some decks just don’t care
about Luminous Barrier. As for Aurora Beam, 80 for
three is a bit low, but [WCC] is somewhat friendly to
being splashed into off-Type decks and can take
advantage of Double Colorless Energy. When
on-Type, Aqua Patch also speeds things up.
With Choice Band and/or sometimes Professor
Kukui, you should score some solid 2HKO’s; as long
as Luminous Barrier is working, even 3HKO’s can be fast
Alolan Ninetales
Evolves from Alolan Vulpix, and we’ve got two
options there: SM: Guardians Rising 21/145 and
SM: Burning Shadows 27/147. Both are Basic,
Water-Type Pokémon with 60 HP, Metal Weakness, no
Resistance, Retreat Cost, [C], and two attacks, and this
time. SM: Guardians Rising 21/145 can use
“Beacon” for [0] to search your deck for up to two
Pokémon, add them to your hand, then shuffle your deck;
for [CC] it can use “Icy Snow” to do 20 damage. SM:
Burning Shadows 27/147 also has an attack for
[0], but this time it is “Powder Snow”, which puts the
opponent’s Active to Sleep if you get “heads” on a coin
flip and does nothing on “tails”; it can also use
Icy Snow, but its version costs [WW] and does 30 damage.
More than a few successful decks are using SM:
Guardians Rising 21/145 for its Beacon attack; they
set up slowly anyway and may also want to give up a
Prize (even two) to make use of cards like N and
Teammates. I haven’t used it much and when
I did, it failed terribly, but that was probably the
deck’s fault. A single copy of this Alolan
Vulpix was used in the Gardevoir-GX deck that
won the 2017 Worlds Championship in the Masters
Division, and several other decks have shown that I just
had either a bad list or bad luck. Both Icy Snow
attacks are filler, and Power Snow falls in between
Beacon and Icy Snow; only a 50% chance of doing
anything, and there’s a 50% chance that a Sleeping
Pokémon wakes up between turns. Together, that
means only a 25% chance of mattering before ways
your opponent can actively deal with Sleep! Better
than a weak, damaging attack, though.
There is also
Alolan Ninetales-GX, which was our
12th place
when we did a Top 15 countdown for SM: Guardians
Rising. I still have a half finished review
for that card on my to-do list, because I still haven’t
perfected shorter CotDs. I had it as my 14th place
pick on my personal Top 15, but we’ll run through it
really quickly since I never got an official review
up. Like today’s card, it is a Stage 1 Water-Type
with Metal Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat Cost of
[C} and which Evolves from Alolan Vulpix.
Being a Pokémon-GX not only means it gives up an extra
Prize when KO’d, has to deal with anti-Pokémon-GX
effects, should have better stats and effects, and has
three effects (one being a GX-attack) but also
means its name is different than that of regular
Alolan Ninetales; I wouldn’t recommend it, but you
could run four of each in a deck. Alolan Ninetales-GX
has 210 HP, 100 more than today’s Alolan Ninetales
and enough to frequently avoid being OHKO’d. The
Weakness and lack of Resistance hurt a bit worse here as
the HP makes them more relevant, though the lack of
Resistance is still mostly me just nitpicking. The
Stage, Typing, and Retreat Cost remain useful. Alolan
Ninetales-GX has three attacks. The first is
“Ice Blade” for [CC], which does 50 damage to one of
your opponent’s Pokémon; you pick, and
Weakness/Resistance won’t apply for Benched targets.
“Blizzard Edge” costs [WWC] and allows Alolan
Ninetales-GX to do 160 damage while requiring you
discard two Energy from itself. The GX-attack is
“Ice Path-GX” and it costs [CC]; this attack allows
Alolan Ninetales-GX to move all damage counters from
itself to your opponent’s Active Pokémon. Though
not brilliant, these attacks are good or very good, with
Ice Path-GX only suffering because it eats up your
GX-attack for the game. In short, it’s a very
good, maybe even a great card.
Neither Alolan
Ninetales nor Alolan Ninetales-GX showed up
in the top eight decks of the Masters Division of the
2017 World Championships but that isn’t the full
story. Some players did do reasonably well
with Alolan Ninetales-GX decks in the age
bracket, with one managed a 12th place finish: still
impressive for the Masters Division of the World
Championships! Besides doing well in some of the
last few events prior to Worlds, Alolan Ninetales-GX
won the Senior Division with it while another
player took 5th. I am a bit surprised those decks
didn’t include at least one regular Alolan Ninetales,
as the card seems like a must run for Alolan
Ninetales-GX decks, or at least those running
a few sources of [W] Energy (some Alolan Ninetales-GX
decks use it only for Ice Blade and Ice Path-GX).
I’ve encountered some on the PTCGO running Alolan
Ninetales and while I’m not convinced you should
build an entire deck around it, if you did, I’d want to
include an Alolan Ninetales-GX just in case.
Otherwise, Alolan Ninetales remains a good, but
not great, card. It’s dead weight in some
matchups, a valuable wall (that can still attack) in
others, but will usually fall somewhere in between.
It faces some added competition in Standard play due to
more Pokémon that can wall against Pokémon-EX, but they
can’t stop Pokémon-GX so it is their other aspects (most
of them are Basic Pokémon) that enable them to remain
relevant. It is a nice card for the Limited
Format, where Arora Beam being mostly Colorless in its
cost lets it to slip into most any deck and deliver a
solid offense; you probably won’t be able to take
advantage of Luminous Barrier most matches, but when
your opponent does have a Pokémon-GX, they’ll
have to switch attackers. Assuming they can; this
is an added risk for Pokémon-GX in +39 builds.
This card is also found in the “Luminous Frost” Theme
deck; I don’t think any official Theme Decks have
a Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX in them, but it is still a
decent Stage 1 here, and if you’re doing the Trainer
Challenge, then the Ability can matter.
Conclusion & Top 10 Background
For now, merging
the two headings; once we get done with “runners-up”, it
will revert back to a simple “conclusion”. Alolan
Ninetales definitely has enough going for it
that I expect it to see competitive play; in fact, I’m
surprised no noteworthy deck managed to Top 8 with it at
Worlds, especially the Alolan Ninetales-GX
decks. Maybe being a Stage 1 just makes it too
slow/space consuming to work like the ol’ Safeguard
Pokémon, maybe attackers are too diverse for Luminous
Barrier to provide enough protection, or maybe it is
something else I missed, but I still think this is a
good (just not “very good”, let alone “great”) card.
Alolan Ninetales
earned 7 voting points and appeared on two personal top
10 lists plus it took 14th place on my runners-up
list, which Alolan Ninetales needed
because two other cards also earned 7 voting points.
The tie was broken in its favor because of luck; I
misread my own tiebreaking notes. Again.
Tomorrow’s 12th place finisher earned the same amount of
voting points, also shows up on two personal Top
10 lists but made both mine and another
reviewer’s extra-large lists. 13th place only made two
lists, so at least I got that part right. Still, a
reason for me to be glad this is an unofficial ranking.