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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 96
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 1, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.40
Expanded: 2.76
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Hmmmm, Ribombee's starting to look
a little better and a little worse in different ways...
Like the last version of Ribombee
from Sun and Moon, you're not using this Stage 1 70 HP
one for it's 1-for-20 vanilla Pollen Shot. You'd be
using it for the Ability, and this Ability is...actually
pretty neat. Honey Gather retrieves two Basic Energy
from your deck and adds them to your hand. Not bad,
actually, but is it any better than before?
...well, actually, yeah. The main
draw to Ribombee, aside from having the ability to thin
out your deck space, is to combine it with Gardevoir-GX.
In tandem with each other, you get access to playing out
at least 2 basic Fairy Energy from your deck each turn.
Use Honey Gather to grab the Fairy Energy, play one down
normally, and the other you play with Gardevoir-GX's own
Ability. Pretty good stuff right there!
But is that all Ribombee's good
for? Well, in immediate application, that might be the
best. But go to Expanded, and there's Deluge and Inferno
Fandango decks that could pull off the same thing even
better! It's a free Professor's Letter every turn that
Ribombee's in play, and that's pretty nifty. In the
right hands, Ribombee could see more play than...well,
Ribombee (SM). It might even be a potent enough Pokemon
to see play in the best decks.
Give Ribombee a shot if you've got
room for it - it's better to play a 1-1 line-up that
thins your deck out multiple times than to use 4 cards
that thin it out once apiece and are susceptible to
Standard: 3/5 (for quick Energy
access, Ribombee may even become the standard)
Expanded: 3/5 (but its usage will
strongly depend on Garbodor's presence)
Limited: 4/5 (with him, she's
powerful; without him, she's less likely to see play)
Arora Notealus: Ribombee's the card
with potential, but it's definitely a huge target. Guzma
can draw it out, and it's an easy Prize having only a
little more HP than most evolving Basics. Be careful and
be aware of the risks as well as the great benefits you
have with Ribombee!
Weekend Thought: Do you see
potential in these cards? Are they going to see play in
your decks? Think one of these should've made the list?
Think one of these is really good? Think these aren't
that great?

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 96/147) receives a new
incarnation in the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A frail 70 HP Stage 1 Pokemon,
Ribombee will
probably see use because of its ability
Honey Gather,
which allows you to search your deck for two Basic
energy and put them in your hand once per turn.
Notice that I used the future tense in the
previous sentence – I haven’t seen
anyone use this card yet.
In pre-release analysis, I figured it’d go into
every Gardevoir GX (Burning Shadows, 93/147) deck as a 1-1 line at
a minimum, but I haven’t seen anyone use it yet.
Not even mention it!
I refuse to believe that no one has tried it –
there’s no way that everyone has completely whiffed and
missed on this, it must not be worth the two card slots,
maybe there just isn’t room for it on the bench, but I
figured it’d see at least
some play.
I mean, think about all the times you’ve played
Professor Sycamore
(Steam Siege, 114/114) and completely whiffed on
energy. With
that’s never a concern.
Plus, you can use
Honey Gather
and then use
Secret Spring to attach
both those
However, I don’t think that
usefulness is limited solely to
Gardevoir GX
though. I
would guess that Volcanion EX (Steam Siege, 26/114) and
Greninja Break (Breakpoint, 41/122) could use it, although
Starmie (Evolutions,
31/108) is probably the better tech in.
And for any deck, the guarantee of getting energy
is a strong argument for
Ribombee (you
could probably run a lower count of Basic energy), and
it also provides the secondary side effect of helping to
thin out your deck.
You can use it to put energy in your hand,
thereby increasing your probability of top decking a
Supporter, Item card, or other Pokemon that can help you
So I decided to try this out in
an old favorite, the first Pokemon I ever built a deck
around: Ho-Oh EX (Breakpoint, 92/122).
When I first started playing, this was the only
Pokemon that I had two EX’s of, so I started using this
Pokemon and played (and lost) with it a lot.
didn’t help it a whole lot.
I went 5 W 5 L, and
definitely helped, but it’s still not a particularly
competitive deck.
Whenever I finally get some
Gardevoir GX’s,
I’ll try Ribombee
with them.
Until then, it’s just my Theorymon that thinks
that Ribombee
is the perfect tech in to
Gardy decks.
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
This is another one that (in my
brain) should be seeing more use than it is.
It seems to me that being able to grab two energy
guaranteed every turn would be a GREAT ability, I’m not
sure why Ribombee
isn’t seeing more use.
I actually had this listed as eighth on my list.
By the way, Happy Rotation Day!
I’ve posted the Pojo 2017 top ten lost to
rotation and the 2016 lost to rotation lists in the
forums as well as below… I actually don’t think that
this year’s rotation is nearly as impactful as last
year’s, but maybe you disagree?
It’d be interesting to get your input on if you
think this year’s or last year’s rotation was worse.
Let me know what you think here:
1. VS Seeker
1. Battle Compressor
2. Forest of Giant Plants
2. Seismatoad EX
3. Shaymin EX
3. Muscle Band
4. Hex Maniac
4. The Night March Crew
5. Trainer’s Mail
5. Startling Megaphone
6. Lysandre
6. Trevenant
7. Vileplume
7. Dimension Valley
8. Teammates
8. Korrina
9. Double Dragon Energy
9. Az
10. Mega Turbo
10. Blacksmith

Otaku |
Our final runner-up this week
*hint hint*
Burning Shadows
96/147), a Stage 1 Fairy-Type Pokémon with 70 HP, Metal
Weakness, Darkness Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], the
Ability “Honey Gather”, and the attack “Pollen Shot”.
Honey Gather allows you to add up to two basic Energy
cards from your deck to your hand, once per turn before
you attack. Pollen Shot costs [C] and does 30
damage. Being a Stage 1 is adequate; Basics are
better, but it beats out all other Evolutions in terms
of space efficiency and ease of use. Being a
Fairy-Type is actually not that great; while they have
some things going for them,
strong Fairy-Type cards are the focus of their own
decks, and exploiting Fairy Weakness isn’t (currently) a
big deal. 70 HP is
not only is an easy OHKO when Active, but this means
snipe might OHKO it and spread/moving damage counters
might take it out with just a few turns. Metal
Weakness and Darkness Resistance don’t matter much with
the HP, while the Retreat Cost of one is serviceable.
Pollen Shot is handy if your deck needs a steady flow of
basic Energy; emphasis on “steady”. If you just
need a periodic influx of basic Energy or need
of basic Energy all at once, you’re better off focusing
on Trainers, maybe even just raw draw power. If it
wasn’t for anti-Item effects,
Professor’s Letter
would be the obvious, better choice. Pollen Shot
is - and pardon me for reusing the term - decent filler;
you shouldn’t be attacking with this card, but if you
have to, a single Energy delivers 30 damage. The
now established
Choice Band
Professor Kukui
combo won’t OHKO anything that isn’t both Fairy Weak and
modestly sized, but at least it easily sets up a 2HKO.
Being able to use any Type of Energy with both the
Ability and the attack helps
be splashable.
The scary thing is, that
SM: Burning Shadows
seems to have
the Evolution line when compared to its
Sun & Moon
iteration. Let’s look at these cards to see what I
& Moon
Burning Shadows
95/147), and
& Moon
93/149). Both
are Basic, Fairy-Type Pokémon with 30 HP, Metal
Weakness, Darkness Resistance, and just one attack. Cutiefly
& Moon
92/149) has Retreat Cost [C] and the attack “Fly Around”
for [Y], which does 10 damage and allows you to flip a
coin if it is attacked the next turn (“heads” prevents
any damage from being done). Cutiefly
Burning Shadows
95/147) has a free Retreat Cost and the attack “Fairy
Wind” for [C], doing 10 damage. 30 HP is
the lowest printed amount for an actual Pokémon and so
easy to OHKO that it might be taken out with bonus Bench
damage or spread attacks. It makes Weakness and
Resistance almost totally meaningless. Seems to
earn the free Retreat Cost, making me dislike the
normally fairly good single Energy Retreat Cost of the
older version. Fly Around suffers a bit for
requiring [Y] versus [C] to use, but at least it tries
to preserve
long enough to help it Evolve. In the end, though,
both are bad but I value that free Retreat Cost more. Ribombee
& Moon
93/149) has almost the same exact stats as today’s
Burning Shadows
96/147), but that isn’t a good thing as the one
difference is 10
HP (so 60 HP). It also has a
once-per-turn-before-you-attack Ability and a single
Energy attack. “Curative Pollen” allows you to heal 20
damage from one of your Pokémon while Fairy Wind shows
up again, this time requiring [Y] to do 30. Not
competition for today’s card, but looking at it reminds
me I
Looking at this card, it seems like it would make sense
in a deck like
to help claim Energy from your deck
having to worry about Item-lock blocking it for
Guardians Rising
51/145) and its “Trashalanche” attack punishing you.
I don’t think this works all that well, though; not only
are you dealing with a
very fragile
Stage 1 line (so two slots, minimum)
usually is backed by
57/122)... so you’ll need an Item (Field
handy or some good luck to even access Abilities that
turn. Seems like you might as well run
Professor’s Letter
simply run a little extra draw power or a little extra
Energy. I know
31/108) has proven competitive, but it enables you to
reuse Energy from the discard (even if you’ve got to
discard a card from your hand)
simply had better timing in terms of its
if this had been our
Sun & Moon
it may have enjoyed some time being worthwhile for
Standard Format play. See our review of it
for more details. I think things are worse for it
in Expanded Format play, where your non-Item option can
basic Energy
Hypnotoxic Laser
with either two
Black Star Promos
SM: Burning Shadows
Hypnotoxic Laser
allow a player to donk you should
be your opening Active. On the other hand, it
look good for Limited Format play, where having the
correct basic Energy cards in hand is trickier.
Conclusion & Top 10 Background
I can see why some expected
to be important, but I think we are getting to a point
where fragile Bench-sitters are a risk even when they
are worth just one Prize
when we’ve just got too many
options for getting basic Energy cards into hand,
whether from the deck or the discard pile.
finished in what would have been 14th place by showing
up on one reviewer’s personal list high enough to earn
three voting points. If I hadn’t been so
wishy-washy with many of my own reviews, it might be
obvious that it didn’t come close to making my own list.
In fact, I reviewed it a hair more favorable than I
expected, as I awarded it only a single star with my
first two passes through the set. Remember, that’s
the minimal score I allowed myself to award.

Vince |
Today, we’re looking at Ribombee from Burning Shadows.
This 70 HP Pokemon (which, although small, needs 2 uses
of Giant Water Shurikens instead of one and 4 Feather
Arrows instead of three to KO it, meaning more resources
is needed from the opponent) doesn’t have much to
offer……………….aside from its ability Honey Gather.
This function the same as Professor’s Letter, but as an
ability instead of an item. Plus,
it stacks, as
well as continues to function on every turn! This
is a good alternative since it doesn’t fuel
Trashalanche’s damage output, but Oricorio’s
Supernatural Dance’s damage output will rise if Ribombee
gets KOed. The opposite will hold true for
Professor’s Letter, conversely.
should never have to attack with Ribombee, though Pollen
Shot does 20 damage for a single colorless energy.
Being Colorless on attacks mean it could fit in any
deck. The damage can be improved with Choice Band,
making it 50 for C on EX/GX Pokemon (before factoring
weakness). This could potentially 2HKO Giratina-EX
and/or Noivern GX! If you are able to land KOs on
those Pokemon, then your opponent must have serious
problems! Something to have in mind for surprise
My only
complaint is the retreat cost. At 124 base speed
(faster than Greninja), I would expect to have free
retreat, but then that’ll make Ribombee double itself as
a weak pivot attacker and supporter.
Standard: 2.75/5
Expanded: 2.8/5
ability plus a cheap vanilla attack helps Ribombee being
able to contribute to the deck. As always, ability
denial will make it helpless and its survivability
leaves a lot to be desired.

Retro |
Card: Ribombee
Well, Ribombee. One of the more memorable Pokémon
from the aspect of Alola’s hidden gems. It has a good
offensive typing in Bug/Fairy, it is blindingly fast
with its 124 base Speed, a wide movepool, and access to
the best setup move ever; Quiver Dance. But its TCG
forms are far from speedy, good chip attackers. Instead,
they are more support than carry, which is weird. Just
like this Ribombee we have now!
Now the new Ribombee is a Stage 1 Fairy type with
70 HP, which is really low. It has a weakness to Steel,
which is unfortunate, but again, 70 HP is low for a
start, so it’s not meant to take hits. Resistance to
Dark types are rather good, but I’m not really obliged
to take type matchups to account unless that Pokémon has
at least 150 HP. A retreat cost of 1 is also
unfortunate, which means that if it’s captured in the
Active slot you need energy to retreat it, and it being
a support Pokemon, it’s not the type where you are
willing to commit energy to.
So where do we start? Well, there’s the attack,
Pollen Shot which deals 20 damage for 1 Colorless
energy. Well, the fact that it has a 1 Colorless energy
cost instead of 1 Fairy is nice, which means Ribombee
can be used in any deck without problems. But again, 20
damage is very low that it’s basically useless. And
unlike that other 1 energy for 20 damage attack like
Diamond Gift (Carbink BREAK,
XY Fates Collide),
this attack has no side effect.
So we have established that the attack is
basically trashed out. But when you see the ability, all
is forgiven. Its ability, Honey Gather, searches your
deck for 2 basic Energy cards and put them in your hand,
after revealing them first of course. It’s a Professor’s
Letter as an Ability. And best of all, this ability
stacks. So if you have 2 Ribombees, you can search for 4
basic Energy total, and that is really good.
Where I can see this little bees be useful is in
decks that needs lots
of energies or decks that needs weird energy
costs. Such decks like Gardevoir-GX (SM
Burning Shadows) that needs lots of Fairy energy to
accelerate the damage for Infinite Force, or like the
way I made it and use them in my Kommo-o GX (SM
Guardians Rising) deck for post rotation, or pretty
much all Dragon decks after Double Dragon Energy (XY
Roaring Skies) is rotated. Most of these Dragon
decks have weird multi colored energy cost attacks, and
being able to search the specific Energy type I want
without getting extra 20 damage to Garbodor’s
Trashalance attack to help set them up reliably is nice.
But then we hit the elephant in the room. You
see, Ribombee performs energy acceleration via Ability
and it puts them in your hand, not directly to the
Pokemon. This means that you can deny the ability with
something like Garbodor (XY
BREAKpoint), or just deny their energy gains with N
(XY Fates Collide)
or Judge (XY
BREAKthrough) by whiffing back their energy to their
deck. But then there exists counterplays to these, so
it’s not exactly the worst thing ever.
In short, Ribombee is a nice tech for specific
decks just to improve setup by energy acceleration, and
that alone is nice for some decks. But it’s just not
meta defining enough; and that is my biggest fear with
this card; it’s not good enough to cut it with the
3/5 (might be good for Dragons or decks that have ways
of speeding energy)
4/5 (there are many Pokémon that can accelerate energy
from your hand such as Deluge Blastoise, so it’s worth a
4.2/5 (the best energy search Pokemon, or the only
energy search Pokemon in the format. It’s a cool gimmick
in this format)