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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost to Set Rotation
#10 - Mega Turbo
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 31, 2017
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
Hello, readers! As you know from the front page
announcement and some of the other reviews, this week
begins our countdown of the top 10 cards leaving
Standard Format play as of September 1st, 2017, when the
oldest releases rotate out. All five active
Pokémon CotD crew members submitted a list - 21times,
aroramage, Vince, Zach Carmichael, and myself - from
which the official Pojo site’s list was crafted.
Cards with legal 2017-2018 Standard Format reprints (if
known at the time) are not eligible for this
list, though cards with similar replacements are
because we aren’t just concerned with the future but the
past and present with this list. It was left to
each reviewer to decide the specifics with which they
were concerned. You know me; I like to be
very precise (especially with 21times happily going
beyond even my efforts!) but I made some bad
calls in managing my time, so once I was down to a few
dozen cards, I had to mostly eyeball it.
Our tenth place finisher is Mega Turbo (XY:
Roaring Skies 86/108), a Trainer-Item that attaches
a basic Energy from your discard pile to one of your
Mega Evolution Pokémon in play. We’ve reviewed it
twice before, first as our
number five pick
from XY: Roaring Skies and then again as our
number nine pick
for all of 2015. The quick recap of those reviews
is that being a Trainer is typically useful, being an
Item is great except when anti-Item effects are
prominent in the metagame, and while there is no cost to
use this card the two conditions are something specific
in your discard pile and something else specific on your
field. Anti-Item effects have been a big
deal for most of the Standard Format lifespan of Mega
Turbo, and most decks do not run both Mega
Evolutions and basic Energy (though the combination is
also not rare). This card is quality Mega
Evolution support and helped make (arguably break)
multiple Mega Evolution focused or supported decks.
Energy acceleration tends to be potent in the
Pokémon TCG, usually only failing where badly overpriced
or poorly timed. Some Mega Evolutions relied
heavily upon Mega Turbo to set up just one or
two durable attackers. Others took
advantage of it for a quick speed boost throughout the
game because they only needed one or two Energy. A
third group split the difference, just needing it for a
speedy start with either another form of Energy
acceleration or manual Energy attachments maintaining
the field afterward. There is a fourth group of
miscellaneous uses that defy the other categories as
well, such as attaching to a Bench-sitter to fuel
another effect or only being needed for a particular
power play.
Rotation is removing many Mega Evolutions from
competitive play, which shouldn’t come as a surprise
because Pokémon-EX are now the “old guard”, being
replaced by Pokémon-GX as the premier gimmick. So
it was only natural that they and their support would be
heavily hit by this rotation. We aren’t losing all
of them, but only those with effective alternatives are
not diminished by the loss of Mega Turbo;
it wasn’t a staple for Mega Evolution focused decks
but it was always nice to know it was an option.
So, what are the effective alternatives? You’ve
got to Evolve your Mega Evolution from a Basic
Pokémon-EX, so Max Elixir is a serious
consideration, paralleling many of the requirements for
a good Mega Turbo candidate. Water-Type
Mega Evolutions probably would have been using Aqua
Patch instead of Mega Turbo, anyway. Expect
Mega Turbo to continue to be a presence in
Expanded, though like most older cards, its days of
relevance are numbered; what are the odds a similar Item
doesn’t replace it, Pokémon-GX or another future gimmick
mechanic don’t finally render Mega Evolutions obsolete
(even the “good” ones), and the opposite extreme is a
problem as well since we know older cards are more
likely to get banned if something “breaks” them via
If you’re going to the lengths required to play a
Limited Format game using Mega Turbo now,
it probably won’t do you much good. You’ll need a
Mega Evolution, its Basic Pokémon-EX counterpart, and
a means of getting basic Energy into the discard pile;
much trickier than in Constructed Format play. Ultra
Ball is an Uncommon in this expansion, so it
isn’t hopeless for the +39 route, but odds are you’ll
have to run a fleshed out deck so that basic Energy can
hit the discard pile from retreating and other Pokémon
being KO’d. Either way, you also still need to
get your Mega Evolution into play and have this
card when you need the Energy. Most of the
time, Mega Turbo ends up as a dead card you can
only use as pure filler, I guess since it might allow
you to bluff. Even when you get the minimum
required to use it, the timing has to be correct.
So, even though I scored it quite high before, I’ve got
to significantly lower it this time; Mega Turbo
is brilliant when you pull it and a Mega Evolution line
plus get it before that Mega Evolution is already
powered up but doing this requires a lot of luck, both
in pulls from packs and draws from your deck. This
results in the clunky aggregate score since it’s usually
useless, sometimes nice, and sometimes amazing.
3.5/5 (soon to be N/A)
1.75/5 (aggregate)
Mega Turbo
is a key piece of Mega Evolution support and most of the
remaining Mega Evolutions in the soon-to-be Standard
Format will suffer for its loss. As the game gives
way to Pokémon-GX, though, this becomes less and less a
concern. The narrow focus means this card impacts
only certain decks deeply, explaining why it occurs here
and not later in the countdown. Eventually, all
Mega Evolution cards will leave Standard play, and
Mega Turbo would cease to matter even if present.
Mega Turbo
has taken 10th place with 10 voting points, finishing
two voting points ahead of a tie we had for 11th and
12th place, and three voting points below tomorrow’s 9th
place finisher. Had the card placed identically on
all our lists with 10 voting points, it would have been
everyone’s ninth place finisher but it only
actually made three of our five lists. It did,
however, place 9th on my personal list; I am not
disappointed it placed one below where I had it as there
were many similar cards that seemed to be of equal
importance being lost to the rotation. It was so
close, I even forgot that I had this had made
my final top 10!

aroramage |
Well, it's that time of year again!
Another year, another set of rotations to account for,
which means another Top 10 of cards lost to said
rotation. It's fortunate that we didn't end up going
down to just the Sun&Moon sets, as some folks were
predicting, but that would also have been wildly
uncharacteristic for the Pokemon people to do, don't you
The main sets we're losing are
going from Primal Clash to Ancient Origin - overall, not
too big a loss. At least, that's what it might seem like
on the surface. But a lot can happen in just 3 sets, and
these 3 in particular were very impactful in their own
ways. In fact, we came up with a full list of around 23
cards that were so important! We may not have exactly
agreed on which cards were more important, but to give
an idea of the ones that didn't make the Top 10:
-M Rayquaza-EX, with its Delta
Evolution trait that provided an amazingly quick and
effective evolution on a Mega-EX
-Rough Seas, the Stadium that
allowed Water decks to continuously sustain for longer
than many other decks
-Regice, the king of stalling out
against Pokemon-EX
-Vespiquen, the queen of the
Vengeance strategy
-Archie's/Maxie's whcih both opened
up combinations that were too hard to pull off otherwise
And that's just a sampling! But
let's not dwell on what didn't make the list - we're
talking about what made the cut! And the first card at
#10 is Mega Turbo!
If you were to ask anyone who plays
Expanded how you go about building around a Mega-EX,
chances are they'll tell you that in most cases, Mega
Turbo is a must-run. It's the Item that accelerates
Energy out of the discard for every Mega in existence,
and as such it should definitely be run in these decks.
Unless your Mega is something like M Manectric-EX (PHF)
who has a cheap attack and charges others pretty easily.
But for the most part, if you ran a Mega-EX deck, you
ran Mega Turbo.
Course this reliance on such an
Item in addition to a reliance on Spirit Links - which
are themselves Items - is probably one of the reasons
Mega decks won't be popular in the rotating format -
simply because of the presence of Garbodor (GRI). It's
hard to believe that a card that came out 2 years later
is going to impact a card that came out only 2 years
ago, but that's the truth about the impact a card like
that can have on an Expanded format. Never mind that
running it in non-Mega-EX decks is...well, just plain
silly, really.
Mega Turbo is going to probably
find its home in any Mega deck, and you can expect that
the few remaining Megas in Standard are going to miss it
Standard: N/A (once September comes
around, this card's not allowed)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (although I guess
since the season started on July 10th, you can start to
look for workarounds)
Limited: 4/5 (if you get a Mega in
this format, you run this card - otherwise, don't
Arora Notealus: Mega Turbo helped
make Mega decks more viable, alongside the Spirit Link
cards. Without it, a lot of Mega decks would have been
too slow or too expensive to deal with, and they might
not have had as big of an impact as they did. Though I
can imagine this card hitting for far more if they had
made it ANY Energy instead of just basic.
Next Time: I'm seeing not one, but
TWO!! Two things rotating out!!

21times |
Mega Turbo
(Roaring Skies, 86/108) begins our countdown of
the top ten cards lost to rotation.
A four of in most Mega Pokemon decks,
Mega Turbo
allows you to attach a Basic energy card from your
discard pile to one of your Mega Pokemon in play.
I still remember seeing this card played against
me for the first time and thinking, “Wow I didn’t even
know that card existed.”
This card benefited every Mega Pokemon,
accelerating their attacks or allowing them to recover
energy from a Mega that was just KO’d.
I think the most creative use of
Mega Turbo
was in a Mega
Rayquaza EX (Roaring Skies, 76/108) decklist
that played
Volcanion EX (Steam Siege, 26/114) for the
sole purpose of ensuring that a Basic Fire energy card
got into the discard so that the
player could then use
Mega Turbo to
attach that Basic energy and then manually attach the
Double Colorless
Energy (Sun & Moon, 136/149) so they could
attack as early as turn one.
So this gives me a good opportunity to explain my
thinking behind some of the choices I made in
determining my list of top ten cards lost.
Mega Turbo
didn’t even make my top twenty.
It was a great card for most of its existence
and, like I said, a four of in many Mega decks.
But it’s not a top card lost to rotation …
because it’s already been lost for other reasons.
Here’s my reasoning – right or wrong, agree or disagree:
a card can’t be lost to rotation if it’s already not
seeing play because of some other reason.
Mega Turbo
is the perfect example of this.
Since GUR became Standard legal, no Mega
Pokemon has placed in the top eight of any of the four
major tournaments since then (Masters Division).
Mega Pokemon have virtually disappeared from the
meta, and, naturally,
Mega Turbo
has vanished with them.
I just couldn’t put
Mega Turbo on
my lost to rotation list because it’s already been lost
because of the dominance of the new GX Pokemon.
And you can tell me I’m out in right field on this one –
certainly, if you come from the perspective of how
prevalent a card has been over the term of its
existence, I wouldn’t argue with you that for most of
the past three years,
Mega Turbo
has been a great card.
Times have changed though, and, from a forward
looking perspective, this card has simply lost its
relevance in the meta today.
Standard: 2 out of 5
Here’s my litmus test: when was the last time you played
Mega Turbo?
When was the last time you played a Mega Pokemon
deck? Maybe
I’m wrong, maybe you got nostalgic and played
Mega Gardevoir EX
(Steam Siege, 79/114) or
Mega Rayquaza EX
recently, but you’re in the minority then.
In 316 matches in July, I’ve faced only 19 Mega
Pokemon, which means
Mega Turbo
has fallen to a peripheral role in our current meta.
One year ago,
Mega Turbo
was probably a 4 or 4.5 out of 5; today, I might be
gracious in giving it a 2.

Vince |
Hello readers! It’s that time again as we dive in to our fourth
anniversary of the top ten cards lost to rotation.
Rotation happens every September, taking out couple
Pokemon TCG expansions, forcing players to make
adjustments to their existing archetypes or to play a
different kind of deck. Expansions about to leave
include XY Primal Clash, Double Crisis, XY Roaring
Skies, XY Ancient Origins, and some XY promos up to
XY66. So, unless you’re playing Expanded, you will
never get to use those cards anymore unless the
designers decide to reprint a card or reintroduce a
feature under a different Pokemon or Trainer cards.
Some cards in our countdown may or may not involve
multiple cards that are related to each other, so there
may be more than 10 cards involved! I will still
give a score for Standard since we still have one month
left to enjoy using those cards in Standard before
September rolls.
Staring with the 10th card is Mega Turbo from XY Roaring
Skies. This card grabs a basic Energy card from
the discard to one of your Mega Evolution Pokemon.
This is a supplemental piece of support as it
accelerates energy to fuel their attack cost.
Having a full four would mean you’ll be able to get your
Mega Evolution Pokemon to attack right away, even with
four or five energy attack costs.
Mega Turbo may be leaving rotation, but there are various Pokemon
whose attacks or abilities would allow multiple energy
attachments (usually involves a single type). It
wasn’t mandatory in every deck, but it provided a nice
bonus for when no other energy accelerators are
available. Some Mega Evolution Pokemon didn’t even
need Mega Turbo if their attacks were colorless friendly
such as a Double Colorless Energy for Mega Mewtwo’s
Psychic Infinity attack. Overall, this is a card
that will be missed.
Standard: 3.8/5 (Cards that involve energy acceleration warrants
another look.)
Expanded: 4/5 (Same here, with more Mega Evolutions in this
format’s card pool.)
Limited: 5/5 (If you have Mega Evolutions…………..that you pulled from
XY Roaring Skies; Both Mega Rayquazas, Mega Gallade, and
Mega Latios.)
Notes: I didn’t have Mega Turbo in my personal top 10 list.
I wish I have, but there’s no room for me to fit in the
crowd of other great cards in this countdown.
Coming Up: A Double Rainbow Energy wannabe………………….sort of.