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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 3
Date Reviewed:
July 10, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.90
Expanded: 2.15
Limited: 3.55
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Well gee, it's been a while since
we've seen a Victreebel card around! To think the last
one came out in Furious Fists, so we haven't even had
one in Standard for a while.
His first attack, Pollen Hazard,
doesn't seem like much at first. It's a 1-for-20 hit,
which isn't that spectacular, but as is the case with
such small attacks from a fully-evolved Stage 2, looks
can be deceiving. Pollen Hazard also ends up inflicting
not one, not two, but THREE Status Conditions on the
opponent's Active - Poison, Burn, and Confusion! That
means with one fell swoop, you'll inflict another
guaranteed 30 damage between turns, making this more of
a 1-for-50 on the first strike, and then if your
opponent tries to attack, Confusion can keep them from
hitting you and take even MORE damage! On their own,
these statuses aren't too threatening - they can
certainly stack on the damage in the right situation,
but none is an absolute guarantee aside from Poison -
but combined all together, it's a devastating
combination with only a few solutions.
...like switching.
In fact, that's probably why he's
got his other attack, Stick and Absorb. It's aptly
named, and at 3-for-80, it's not great but not terrible
either. It's in that nice range where an extra 30 damage
here and there could go a long way for it. It also heals
off 20 damage from Victreebel and prevents the
opponent's Pokemon from retreating during his next turn
- it Absorbs health and Sticks the opponent! Go figure.
All that being said, this is a
combination that could potentially deal out 130 damage
minimum over the course of 2 turns, healing off 20.
It'll still be over the course of 2 turns regardless,
and while 20 damage is an okay amount to heal, it won't
keep Victreebel around for too long with his 140 HP. But
maybe you could use APCA to hold off a good chunk of it!
JUST KIDDING, APCA don't work with
this guy since he's a Stage 2.
I'm sure Victreebel will see play
in some decks as long as Forest of Giant Plants remains
in Standard, so keep a wary eye out for it.
Standard: 2.5/5 (a solid pair of
attacks, but it'll take time to make them work)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (and time will not
always be on your side)
Limited: 3.5/5 (definitely
something to keep an eye on though - it does inflict 3
Arora Notealus: Victreebel needs
some loving, right? Like he's arguably one of the more
iconic Pokemon in the franchise cause of his association
with James from Team Rocket, so maybe he could have a
Mega Evolution! Though I guess I don't know what you'd
do with that...oh! How about an Alolan form? Though I
guess that just makes him, like, bigger...hmmmm...what
could you do with Victreebel to pump him up?
Next Time: Slushies are great!
Snow's alright. And then there's flurries!

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 3/145) returns to the meta in
the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A Stage 2, 140 HP Grass Pokemon, it has two
Pollen Hazard, for a single Grass energy, does twenty damage
and your
opponent’s active Pokemon is Burned, Poisoned,
and Confused.
Stick and
Absorb does eighty damage, heals twenty damage from
your active
Victreebel, and gives the small spif of preventing
the opponent’s active Pokemon from retreating during the
next turn.
I first paired
Victreebel with Vileplume
(Ancient Origins, 3/98) and threw in a
Shiinotic (Sun & Moon, 17/149) as well since we’ve got some
pretty good evidence that
helps improve win percentage in decks with a ton of
Grass Pokemon (see March 21’s review for reference).
After going one
win and two losses in three matches, though, I decided
to switch to
Decidueye GX (Sun & Moon, 12/149), but I had
even less success losing all three matches I played with
that pairing.
I felt that it underperformed a little bit – I
figured it would at least be somewhat competitive – but
it seemed like it just didn’t do enough damage and took
too long to get
Victreebels out, even with
Forest of Giant
Plants (Ancient Origins, 74/98).
And, of course,
Forest will
rotate out in just a little more than a month from now,
and then all Grass types will lose the major advantage
they have over all other types and will become much less
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
Granted I didn’t have a whole
lot of time to play test this deck this weekend, but I
felt that compared to other Pokemon I have paired with
Vileplume and
Decidueye GX –
for example,
Lurantis GX (Sun & Moon, 15/149) or
Tauros GX
(100/149) –
Victreebel falls way short of their competitiveness.
Maybe if I had played some more matches or made
more adjustments to the decklists, my win percentage
with Victreebel
would improve, but I doubt that the conditions exist
where it would ever win half of its matches with the
meta as competitive as it is right now.

Vince |
Dang, Victreebel! You just love inflicting special
conditions, aren’t you?
Welcome to another week’s worth of reviews filled with
cards from the guardian rising set and, of course, a
card from Throwback Thursdays. Today’s card is
Victreebel from the Guardians Rising set. From EX
Legend Maker onwards, Victreebel cards tend to have an
attack or an ability that inflicts at least two special
conditions. For today’s card, it has no abilities,
so let’s get on to the attacks.
Pollen Hazard costs a grass energy that does 20 damage
and it causes the defending Pokemon to be Burned,
Confused, and Poisoned! Like Salazzle, Burn and
Poison ensures that the defending Pokemon will take
three damage counters between turns (2 from burn and 1
from poison), and if the affected Pokemon doesn’t switch
out, that Pokemon continues to take damage between
turns. Confusion can even help you place three
damage counters if the opponent flipped tails as well as
being invulnerable for that turn because the defending
Pokemon has hit itself in confusion, causing the attack
to fail. The damage adds up pretty fast for
opponents who think they can stay in hoping to take a
chance of attacking while confused. Stick and
Absorb costs a grass and two colorless energy that does
80 damage and the defending Pokémon cannot retreat.
Special conditions do not last forever because the
opponent has methods of getting the affected Pokémon out
of the active spot. That includes manually
retreating, using cards related to switching, or flat
out block special conditions. Because of that
effect being played around, I don’t see Pollen Hazard
worth using. And neither does Stick and Absorb
since this card has some sort of design flaw.
These two attacks try to synergize well, but these
attacks seem to forget that the opponent has answers to
ruin this strategy on their next turn.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 2/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Notes: The format is so brutal, but Victreebel’s legacy
of inflicting multiple specials conditions shall
continue, until the designers stop giving such an
Coming up: You look familiar, yet you’re covered in ice!

Otaku |
Last week was
abridged, in that it was only three days of reviews
instead of five due to Tuesday having been Independence
Day here in the U.S.A. This week will also be
abridged, but in a much different way; I’m going to try
to really shorten my review style because my
options are to do that or not review. Don’t worry:
this only applies to me and everyone else can do their
normal thing.
(SM: Guardians Rising 3/145). It is a
Grass-Type Stage 2 Pokémon with 140 HP, Fire Weakness,
no Resistance, Retreat Cost [CC], and two attacks.
Whether you use Bellsprout (XY: Furious Fists
1/111), Bellsprout (SM: Guardians Rising
1/145), Weepinbell (XY: Furious Fists
2/111), and Weepinbell (SM: Guardians Rising
2/145), you can employ Forest of Giant Plants to
speed things up, sparring you these filler lower Stage;
the only other notable thing about them is by all having
under 90 HP, they can be searched out via Level Ball
in addition to being easily OHKO’d. Remember,
while you can compensate for the (lack of) speed, you’re
still on the hook for the massive resource investment of
running a Stage 2. Being a Grass-Type might help
in exploiting Weakness as well, and it never has to
worry about Resistance as we aren’t worried about
Unlimited Format play. Anti-Type effects rarely
work out, but you’ll have a few cards like Parallel
City that are good for something else but
also contain an anti-Grass-Type effect, or Bouffalant
(XY: Primal Clash 119/160) that might have been
worth it if the Grass-Type and Special Energy focused
deck in the metagame didn’t also make it hard to set-up
a three Energy attacker. Fire Weakness is not
happy as we’ve got Volcanion-EX and a few others
to worry about, especially as they are bucking the older
trend of Fire-Types being Energy intensive. You’ll
still need basic Fire Energy cards to discard for
its “Steam Up” Ability, but various low-cost attackers
should easily manage a OHKO. Lack of Resistance is
typical, and its presence is usually just a small bonus,
but I still wish it was here. The Retreat Cost of
[CC] is awkward; low enough you can probably pay it once
or twice, but high enough you can’t afford it more than
that and won’t even want to pay it the first time.
This Victreebel
can use “Pollen Hazard” for [G], which does 20 damage
and afflicts the opponent’s Active with Burn, Confusion,
and Poison. 20 damage for one Energy is as low as you
want to see without a truly stellar effect; three
Special Conditions at once isn’t quite enough. On
a historical note, it might have been enough if
the old Confusion rules for retreating applied, when you
had to flip a coin before you attempted to retreat.
Still, you’ll get an effective 50 damage (base 20 + two
counters from Burn + one counter from Poison) and
frustration for your opponent from the deal, or 70 if
Weakness is applied. Backed up by something like
Vileplume (XY: Ancient Origins 3/98), and
this could get really annoying for your opponent.
For [GCC] Victreebel can use “Stick and Absorb”
to do 80 damage to the opponent’s Active while healing
20 from itself and preventing the Defending
Pokémon from retreating. Two minorly beneficial
attacks and just slightly subpar damage for a Double
Colorless Energy compliant [GCC] seems okay in
theory, and I never got to see it in actual practice.
My concern is the total package seems wanting. You
can speed Victreebel into play and shoot for a T2
Pollen Hazard, then shift to Stick And Absorb. If
your opponent doesn’t shake the Special Conditions, that
is a Two-turn-total of 100 damage plus six damage
counters; any added buff should put most Pokémon shy of
Mega Evolutions and Evolved Pokémon-GX into 2HKO range.
Sounds good, right?
Until your opponent
shakes the Special Conditions, and/or goes for a OHKO
against Victreebel. 140 might be enough for that
20 healing to sometimes matter, but it isn’t like
this is a 250 HP Stage 2 Pokémon-GX such as Decidueye-GX.
Given that is is the premiere partner for Vileplume
and a fellow Stage 2 Grass-Type, it only makes sense to
measure Victreebel against it, and Victreebel
comes up short. Pollen Hazard really needed to be
an Ability, I think. Go ahead and lose the 20
damage, make it once per turn while Active, or even only
when Evolving into Victreebel… it just needs to
happen the same turn you can pull off another attack.
If you are a Victreebel fan, go ahead and give it
a try; in the Expanded Format you could use
Victreebel (XY: Furious Fists 3/111) to back
up our latest version; it does inflict Special
Conditions via its Ability, but said Ability requires
you discard a [G] Energy from it (which means you need
one attached in the first place) and only
inflicts Confusion and Poison. For Limited play,
Victreebel becomes a good deal, not unlike most
Stage 2 lines if you can pull them in their entirety.
I wish I could
score it better, because frankly, I’m biased in favor of
a successful, attacking Stage 2 (even though I shouldn’t
be). The individual “pieces” of Victreebel
seem adequate, but when you put them together they have
minimal synergy and have to compete against
Decidueye-GX as a partner for Vileplume.
Even apart from Decidueye-GX, there are several
other potential Vileplume partners. In the
end, that makes Victreebel go from maybe adequate
to barely mediocre.