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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 38
Date Reviewed:
July 14, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.43
Expanded: 2.00
Limited: 3.92
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Okay, I've been waiting to review
this guy for a while.
Remember when I jokingly made a
comment about the Sun&Moon Wishiwashi and how the
Wishiwashi-GX that comes out will be the bane of us all?
Well, Wishiwashi-GX came out...and it is definitely not
the bane of us all.
To really appreciate Wishiwashi-GX,
let's take a quick look at the Wishiwashi of this set.
It's only got 30 HP, like the last one, and its one
attack Sharpshooting only does 10 damage to one Pokemon.
LAAAAAAAAAME!! But then there's his Ability, Schooling,
which during your turn allows you to swap out Wishiwashi
for a Wishiwashi-GX in your hand, putting all the stuff
that was affecting Wishiwashi like Statuses, Energy, and
other effects onto the new Wishiwashi-GX. Oh, and
damage, but that's not gonna be a whole lot - either
your opponent has KO'd this Wishiwashi or they've done a
terrible disservice to themselves by letting you keep
...but then why would you run the
little guy when you've got the big guy as a Basic?
Yeah, Wishiwashi-GX is, of course,
a Basic, and that already subverts the idea that you
need the small Wishiwashi...cause you can just put him
down onto your Bench and get a lot more out of him
immediately. At the very least, though, it's a nice
shout-out to the in-game Ability that Wishiwashi has
normally, so I suppose props for creativity there. So
now that we've established that the other guy is...well,
unnecessary, let's take a look at Wishiwashi-GX himself
and see how much more powerful he is!
...spoilers, he's more powerful but
not that great.
Let's start with Water Gun, a
1-for-20 vanilla move. Question: why this attack? Sure,
it's to keep consistency with the original Wishiwashi in
this set, such that when you swap he'll have at least 1
Energy...but since you're not running the original, this
attack is severely underpowered, even as a GX. But
WAIT!! There's more!! In fact, two more attacks, to no
one's surprise - and they are both REALLY WAY TOO
If Water Gun is underpowered,
Torrential Vortex is overcosted. At a tremendous 5
Energy, the attack only deals 120 damage and discards a
Special Energy from the opponent's Active. Don't get me
wrong, that is really useful, but without any form of
acceleration, this move is dead in the water for 4 turns
AFTER Water Gun. That means you're poking at your
opponent with a 1-for-20 move over the course of 4 turns
to eventually get to this move, that only deals 120
damage. The Special Energy discard is good, and it's
probably the best part of this guy, but on an attack
that's 5 Energy? Nuh-uh, at its worst it should have 4
Energy, and at its best it ought to have been 3.
And then we come to the last move,
the mighty Blue Surge GX. Once again at 5 Energy, THIS
attack does a whopping 220 damage - NOW THAT'S
IMPRESSIVE!! But for a once per game move? Hmmmm, maybe
not that great. And it doesn't get much better with the
effect - you are required, upon using this move, to
throw all of Wishiwashi-GX's Energy onto your Benched
Pokemon. As you see fit.
...this move is bad.
Frankly, I find Wishiwashi-GX to be
a major disappointment. There was an opportunity to make
him at least powerful and usable, but for some reason
the developers thought that maybe he'd be juuuuuuuust a
little too powerful, so they NERFED the HECK outta him.
Water Gun and Torrential Vortex are underpowered moves,
and Blue Surge GX is hardly worth the once per game GX
slot. You'd be better off with attacks like Primarina-GX
and Incineroar-GX - at least they have their uses! Sure,
you'll power up your Bench, but then Wishiwashi-GX is
stuck with his little Water Gun move!
Fun fact: it'll take Wishiwashi-GX,
with his Water Gun and a Choice Band, at least 4 turns
to KO a Basic EX or GX in most cases.
Forget about Wishiwashi-GX. Keep
him in the binder, but know that he is nowhere near
enough impressive to be used in most games.
Standard: 1.5/5 (his moves are way
too costly to be usable, and Water Gun on its own does
not a threat make)
Expanded: 1/5 (if you can Turbo
him, great, but outside of that, he's gonna be pretty
washed up)
Limited: 3/5 (his only redemption
might be in a format where the output is lower...but
keep in mind that he'll still take a loooooong time to
charge up)
Arora Notealus: I really wanted
Wishiwashi-GX to be good - not even like
tournament-worthy or anything, but like just good.
Better than what we got. I couldn't begin to express my
disappointment when I first saw the reveal. I hope that
they'll come back to Wishiwashi in this form and give it
better attacks that'll at least be reasonably useful.
Heck, if it'll even make the Wishiwashi in this set
playable? Even better!
Weekend Thought: What did you think
of this week's cards? Think there's potential in some?
Think that some are just too powerful? Maybe there's a
way to put them into your strategy! Or maybe they're
better off as siding options.

21times |
Wishiwashi GX
(Guardians Rising, 38/145) washes into the meta
in the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A whopping 210 HP Basic Water Pokemon, it has
three attacks.
For one Water energy,
Water Gun does
an unimpressive twenty damage.
Vortex does one hundred twenty damage
and discards a
special energy off your opponent’s active Pokemon, but
it has a daunting five energy cost (three Water, 2
For the same three Water and two Colorless energy,
Blue Surge GX
does 220 damage.
It also has the advantage / disadvantage of
forcing you to move all of the energy (Water and
Colorless, Basic and Special, it doesn’t matter) to your
benched Pokemon.
Fortunately, you can move the energy in any way
you like.
This can benefit you if the
that plays Blue
Surge gets damaged or KO’d.
Obviously, it works against you if that active
does not get KO’d because now you have to either get it
out of the active or find some way to get five more
energy on it really quickly.
To aid in moving Pokemon in and
out of the active position, you’ll want to play
Manaphy EX (Breakpoint,
32/122). I
had a couple of times where I played
Blue Surge GX,
and then the following turn just put a Water energy on
the active and retreated it out and brought up another
fully powered Wishiwashi. I also ran
Palkia EX (Breakpoint,
31/122), a Pokemon I had actually never teched into a
deck before.
I have to say I was extremely surprised at how quickly
Aqua Turbo
helped to get Water energy on the board.
Palkia, Max Elixirs (Breakpoint, 102/122),
Aqua Patch (Guardians
Rising, 119/145), and
Energy Loto (Guardians
Rising, 122/145) all worked together to help me get
a TON of energy on my Pokemon.
I rarely had any problem getting five energy on
and I always had energy to spread around to other
Pokemon as well.
And I did a whole lot better
than I had expected – I actually went 5-5 in ten
matches. I
will definitely say that this deck has absolutely NO
chance of beating
Garbodor (Guardians Rising, 51/145).
It decidedly lost both matches I played against
Garb, and I
also lost a match to
Tapu Koko GX (Guardians
Rising, 47/145) –
Wishiwashi is
weak to Lightning – and a couple to
Decidueye GX (Sun
& Moon, 12/149) variants (Palkia and Manaphy are
weak to Grass).
Its signature win was against
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 115/145)
Zoroark Break
(Breakthrough, 92/162) deck.
It did also beat
Lycanroc GX (Guardians
Rising, 74/145) a couple of times, a
Volcanion EX (Steam
Siege, 26/114) deck, and a
Lunala GX (Sun
& Moon, 66/149) deck.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
It’s not even close to the best
Water decks in the format today.
It’s not as good as
Lapras GX (Sun
& Moon, 35/149) or
Alolan Ninetales
GX (Guardians Rising, 132/145), but it is a
lot better than I thought it would be.
It’s actually somewhat competitive.
I think, however, that I’m going to try to tech
it into a
Primarina GX (Sun & Moon, 42/149) deck
because I’ve actually run across a couple
Primarina GX
decks recently and I’ve been really impressed with how
good Bubble Beat
can be.
I think a one of tech in of
Wishiwashi GX
might be a good fit because
Primarina’s GX
attack is very lacking.
I played
Blue Surge in every match, and it was usually the
first attack I played.
Put a
Choice Band (Guardians Rising, 121/145) on
Wishiwashi and
Blue Surge
will OHKO every Pokemon in the game.

Otaku |
I learned of the impending September 1, 2017 Standard
Format rotation to XY: BREAKthrough-On not long
before writing this review; while I’ll try to forecast
for it, I not only have done no testing but
little study and research. That’ll change soon,
We end this week
with Wishiwashi-GX (SM: Guardians Rising
38/145, 133/145, 151/145). This is a Water-Type
Basic Pokémon-GX with 210 HP, Lightning Weakness, no
Resistance, Retreat Cost [CCC], two regular attacks and
one GX-attack. For a liquid, being a Water-Type is
quite solid in terms of support and exploiting Weakness,
while only having to deal with so-so or incidental
Type-based counters and Resistance only showing up in
Expanded and Unlimited Format play. Being a Basic
is still the best, and being a Pokémon-GX ain’t bad
either as the pros (increased HP, two effects plus a
GX-attack) outweigh the cons (worth an extra Prize when
KO’d, vulnerable to certain counters). 210 HP sets the
record for Basic Pokémon-GX and means it to survive an
attack most of the time, possibly more than one.
Like most Pokémon, Weakness provides an exception to
that; Lightning Weakness is a bit of a surprise because
it seemed like the designers were trying to stick to
Grass Weakness for TCG Water-Types which were only or
primarily VG Water-Types. Probably an advantage
right now as I’m more worried about being hit by
Grass-Type attacks than Lightning-Type, but the former
is on the rise and no Weakness is really safe.
Lack of Resistance is typical but a little more
significant than normal; it is still a matter of missed
opportunity rather than an actual deficit, as 210 HP
plus some Water-Type tricks (like Rough Seas)
could leverage Resistance unless it was to a
badly underused Type. That Retreat Cost of [CCC]
requires your deck pack assists or alternatives
to manually retreating and makes Wishiwashi-GX a
legal Heavy Ball target.
The first attack on
Wishiwashi-GX is a simple 20 for [W] called
“Water Gun”. Ignoring what I think the game needs
for balance, for this specific Pokémon to be more
effective, hitting for 30 or having a small bonus
effect would have been nice. I don’t want to
complain too loudly though as if it were built in the
manner I think is more balanced and how past
examples (like Wailord-EX) of extra-large Basics
have prepared us, it wouldn’t have any inexpensive
attacks. After all, both remaining attacks
cost [WWWCC]! Five Energy is a massive investment
and will require Energy acceleration, preferably two
Types or one easily reused one that works more than once
per turn. Having a GX-attack with the same cost as
the bigger of the two regular attacks is normally a
positive, as it means you won’t have to go above and
beyond for a one-time trick but five Energy is
already above and beyond. So the second (and
final) regular attack is “Torrential Vortex” and it does
120 damage while discarding a Special Energy of your
choice (if one is present) from the opponent’s Active
Pokémon. Past experience leads me to prefer
disruptive effects on faster attacks focus on
disruption, as by the time I’m paying for something big,
I need to be creating a literal or effective win
condition: scoring KO’s, mass discard from the
opponent’s hand or deck, locks, etc. The damage is
for somewhat reliable 2HKO’s instead, though discarding
Special Energy can be handy and improve the odds of
Wishiwashi-GX surviving to land that second blow.
The GX-attack is “Blue Surge-GX” and does 220 damage
while requiring you move all Energy from Wishiwashi-GX
itself to your Benched Pokémon. Exactly who gets
what is up to you, but this leaves your Active
Wishiwashi-GX starting from scratch again. It
also opens up some nice tricks, but it can be hard to
justify (for example) a heavy Switch and Max
Potion count to take advantage of this when it is a
one-time trick. With a Choice Band, though,
Blue Surge-GX should deliver a OHKO again
anything lacking defensive buffs.
There are no other
Wishiwashi-GX, but there is a regular
Wishiwashi that references today’s card. Wishiwashi
(SM: Guardians Rising 37/145) is a Basic
Water-Type Pokémon with 30 HP, Lightning Weakness, no
Resistance, free Retreat Cost, Ability, and one attack.
The Ability allows you to swap it with a Wishiwashi-GX
from your hand: attached cards, effects, damage
counters, etc. all transfer from the Wishiwashi
to the Wishiwashi-GX when you do this. The
effect states it may only be used once during your turn
but leaving the field resets such effects, and
multiple copies can definitely be used in the
same turn. For [W], its “Sharpshooting” attack
allows you to place one damage counter on your
opponent’s Pokémon. 30 HP is as low as it gets for
actual Pokémon in the Pokémon HP (a few Trainers that
behave like Pokémon have had less); this is so fragile
that bonus Bench damage is often enough to score the
OHKO, which can enable a multi-OHKO for an opponent.
In short, this is really bad. The rest of the card
isn’t much of a problem, but other than the free Retreat
Cost, it isn’t a bonus either. Sharpshooting is
filler, though at least it is decent filler. While
the Ability is a nice way to connect these cards to
their video game counterparts, where Wishiwashi of Level
20+ can use an Ability called “Schooling” under certain
conditions, going from chump to champ in terms of stats,
the execution in the TCG doesn’t help out much.
This could change
if we get some Energy acceleration that excludes
Pokémon-GX or something that prevents Pokémon-GX from
hitting the field in the normal way, but for now,
Wishiwashi-GX wishes this effect worked the other
way and/or during your opponent’s turn. Surprising
an opponent by changing a 30 HP Pokémon into a 210 HP
one on their turn or getting a nearly KO’d
Wishiwashi-GX off the field for one Prize (instead
of the two your opponent was about to take) might have
been nice… but enough Create-A-Card daydreaming.
What about actually using Wishiwashi-GX? I
don’t have any decks for it right now but it
might pull a Wailord-EX and become the new meat
shield of choice in the future. Wailord-EX is
leaving the Standard Format come rotation, while most of
the tricks that helped it are sticking around. I
wouldn’t expect something with 40 less HP to pull off
the Wailord-EX stall/mill strategy, but there
are a few decks that used it in a more supporting role.
It also could go on the offensive a bit, if you can
spare room for some Energy, thanks to Water Gun; 20 per
turn is pathetic under normal circumstances, but if your
opponent is effectively doing zero per turn and
you’ve got more HP, it could work. Still, I’m not
expecting much in Standard and even less in Expanded.
This might be worth running solo in a +39 deck for
Limited play and certainly is worth including in all but
the most crowded decks otherwise. Even though this
format has you start with only four Prizes, the immense
HP and damage output are much better here as players
must make use of what they pull… and a lot of that will
be decks that lack the consistency, HP, and power of the
Constructed Formats.
could be Wailord-EX “2.0”; not quite as big
but with better attacks, including a weak but
affordable single Energy affair. I was more
optimistic with Wailord-EX
when we reviewed
and that actually surprised me, as I recall initially
having a dim impression of it: guessing someone
explained how it could be used to stall shortly before I
reviewed it. Even with that trick in mind here,
I’m not sure if Wishiwashi-GX is in the same

Vince |
Hello readers! Vince here, and before I enjoy my weekent,
I've took a look at Wishiwashi-GX. There's two forms: a
small Pokémon like Tynamo and its school form looks like
over one-half of the size of a Wailord (Wishiwashi
School form is almost 27 feet long while Wailord is 47
feet long). It the TCG, the school form tries to be some
sort of a Wailord wannabe by virtue of its HP and
overcosted attacks. So, the first impression I got was
to dismiss as a card nobody would use. However, I took
another look and I think this might be a good GX to use.
But let's go through the attributes of this card.
Wishiwashi-GX is a water type, tapping in various
support such as Rough Seas that heals HP between turns,
Splash Energy to put defeated Water Pokémon back to your
hand, Aqua Patch to fuel up energy for water Pokémon,
Manaphy-EX to make free retreat for Pokemon with water
energy, and Blastoise to attach multiple water energy
for other attackers. It has 210 HP, now the second
highest HP printed on a basic (Wailord-EX has 250 HP).
It is weak to Lightning (surprised because I though post
BW Boundaries Crossed had most water types weak to
grass, and Wishiwashi isn't a flying type). Retreat cost
of three is high, but you would be able to be searched
by Heavy Ball. Being a basic Pokémon is great for being
on the field and for a Pokémon that does not further
evolve, saving deck space and not worrying about filling
up necessary evolutionary stages.
Wishiwashi GX sports three attacks. Water Gun does 20
for W. Kind of a filler attack but cheap to begin with.
Torrential Vortex cost WWWCC for 120 and it forces a
special energy discard from your opponent's active
Pokémon. Extremely expensive, but it can still 2HKO
nearly anything and sets the opponent back a turn or two
as they see their Double Colorless Energies and Double
Dragon Energies being taken away. Blue Surge GX also
costs WWWCC for 220 damage and it moves all energy from
Wishiwashi GX to your benched Pokémon in any way you
like. This GX attack is great for when you know that
Wishiwashi is about to be knocked out next turn and you
want to conserve the energy in the field. 220 backed
with a Choice Band can reach OHKO levels against 250 HP
Stage 2 GXs. Wailord EX with Fighting Fury Belt can
survive, but the player can get rid of it with Field
So how do we use Wishiwashi-GX? Unlike Wailord-EX, not
only it can act as a meat shield, but it has two of
these 5 energy attacks that are better than Wailord-EX.
Wishiwashi can actually get its attacks from zero into
fully charged it you've used three Aqua Patches, have a
DCE in hand, and bring that GX onto the active spot. I
can't think of a deck idea to use it, but I'm sure it
may be somewhere. It may thrive in Standard and Expanded
in a similar role like Wailord-EX. In limited, it is a
great pull and you can even use one Wishiwashi-GX and 39
energy cards. Keep in mind that you're able to launch
big attacks on your fifth turn while you keep spamming
Water Gun until you eventually meet the attack costs of
Torrential Vortex and Blue Surge GX. Choice Band can
make Water Gun do 50 for W against GXs in limited, but
Field Blower is in the set, too, so don't expect your
Choice Band to hang around. Also, Max Potion is also in
that set so if Water Gun is your focus and not the other
two, then that'll greatly enhance its staying power.
Aether Paradise can render Water Gun useless, however,
since the reduction by 30 to basic grass and lightning
Pokémon can hinder its damage output.
Something to add after I imported this review that
there’s another card related to the GX: Wishiwashi
(Guardians Rising 37/145). It is a Basic Water
Type with 30 HP that has an ability and an attack.
The reason that I bring this up is the ability:
Schooling. This ability lets you swap a Wishiwashi
with a Wishiwashi GX from your hand, changing it from a
tiny 30 HP creature to a 210 HP monster. Since it
has to come from your hand, you’ll need search cards to
get that GX onto your hand and then swap them. If
it was from the deck, it would’ve been far easier. Oh
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Notes: As mentioned before, I previously dismissed
Wishiwashi-GX as an inferior Wailord-EX, but after
taking a second look, this card does some useful things
that will see moderate play.
Hope you all have a great weekend! |