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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 64
Date Reviewed:
July 18, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.88
Expanded: 2.88
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Cross Chop's not that great, MOVING
Machoke has one good thing going
for him that we're all interested in: Daunting Pose.
This is another "Bench Barrier" type of Ability, but
it's actually a lot better than older variants. With
Daunting Pose, not only does he block off damage from
ATTACKS, but he ALSO prevents your opponent from just
PLACING counters on your Pokemon via attacks or
Abilities. This is actually an important addition, as
this gets around a few noteworthy moves and Abilities -
I can immediately think of Trevenant BREAK's Silent
Fear, which will probably remain present for a little
while longer.
There are still a lot of other
moves though that can snipe the Bench - such as Solgaleo
from yesterday or Alolan Ninetales-GX, so don't think
that Machoke's only use is against a Stage 2 BREAK
Evolution. He might be a tech option for most decks,
being a Stage 1 himself, but if you've got some stuff on
your Bench you need to keep safe from damage, he's
absolutely your #1 best bet.
Standard: 3/5 (course considering
his potential is relatively niche, you gotta keep an eye
on what's popular)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (and what's really
popular is Garbodor wrecking everything)
Limited: 3/5 (although if you use
this with Garbodor, you don't have to worry about
Benched Garbodor taking damage...)
Arora Notealus: Machoke. He flexes
Next Time: This guy...he dances.

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 64/145) got another
incarnation in the Guardians Rising expansion
set, and this one has an ability that seemed to have
been purposefully designed to counter
Decidueye GX (Sun
& Moon, 12/149).
Pose prevents your opponent from doing
any damage –
whether from an ability or an attack – to benched
Many of us thought this was created in response to
Decidueye GX which took the meta by storm shortly after its initial
release in Sun & Moon base set.
And we’re still waiting for an
effective counter.
Machoke has seen very little play, and even if it is used, it
doesn’t protect the active Pokemon.
Just the other night I came across it when
playing Greninja Break (Breakpoint, 41/122).
I Lysandred
(Ancient Origins, 78/98) it up and KO’d it with a
Shuriken and a Shadow Stitch.
Even if I didn’t
Lysandre it though, I still could have dropped all of my
Shurikens on
the active Pokemon, I was just up against an opponent
with a number of low HP Pokemon on the bench, and I
wanted to be able to pick them off with single
In the four major tournaments
since it’s become Standard legal,
Machoke has
seen use in only one top eight deck – at Birmingham, it
was run in the 1st place
Gyarados (Ancient
Origins, 21/98) deck.
It hasn’t seen play in any other top eight deck
since its release.
Standard: 2 out of 5
I can’t argue that it has had
at least a little bit of success in helping a
Gyarados deck
win a major regional tournament, and there are a number
of bench snipers (Umbreon
GX (Sun & Moon, 80/149),
Tapu Koko (SM
Promo 31), or
Espeon GX’s (Sun & Moon, 61/149)
Divide GX) out
there in the meta today.
Protecting your benched Pokemon from these
snipers is essential for some decks, but it takes up a
spot on your bench and two slots in your decklist.
Considering it’s probably going to sit on your
bench and do nothing or sit in your discard and do
nothing, I just can’t recommend this card for usage in
most situations.

Otaku |
(SM: Guardians Rising 64/145) is an Evolving
Stage 1 Fighting-Type Pokémon with 100 HP, Psychic
Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [CCC], Ability,
and attack. The Ability is “Daunting Pose” which
has a two part effect:
Preventing all damage done to your
Benched Pokémon by your opponent’s
Preventing all damage counter placement
done to your Benched Pokémon by your
opponent’s Abilities and attacks.
The attack is
“Cross Chop” for [FF], doing 30 damage and having you
flip a coin; if “tails”, the attack does 30+30 (or 60)
damage. Being a Fighting-Type is handy for
exploiting Weakness and having some decent support (even
some shared with the Water-Type), but it comes with a
pretty common Resistance and some anti-Type specific
cards. The only things likely to matter here is
the Fighting-Type support, as Machoke is a sub
par attacker, though not entirely useless. Being a
Stage 1 is okay; Basics are still the best, but this
isn’t crippling… and being an Evolving Stage 1
means you could go all out and run it with Machamp,
but if it works on its own, plenty of decks manage to
work in a 2-2 Stage 1 line in a supporting role. 100 HP
is relatively fragile; we’ve seen worse, but it will
probably suffice if you keep it Benched or are planning
on Evolving it further. One almost wishes it had
10 less for Level Ball, but I believe that is
currently slated to rotate out so it probably won’t
matter much more. Psychic Weakness is pretty
dangerous, and just ensures that 100 HP won’t last; lack
of Resistance is typical, so I won’t hold it against
Machoke. The Retreat Cost is chunky, so you’ll
want some alternatives to manually retreating at full
price, though if Heavy Ball works for the deck,
it makes Machoke a legal option.
Daunting Pose
offers impressive Bench protection and is why this card
is receiving its own review. “Bench Barrier”, the
Ability on both Mr. Mime (BW: Plasma Freeze
47/116) and Mr. Mime (XY: BREAKthrough
97/162; Generations 52/83), protects only against
damage from attacks but it works against your own
attack damage as well and of course it is a Basic
Pokémon (easier to run). Bronzong (XY: Fates
Collide 61/124) is also a Stage 1, and its “Metal
Fortress” protects your Benched Pokémon from both damage
and effects of your opponent’s attacks, but hasn’t seen
much play. A big difference, though, is
Decidueye-GX and its “Feather Arrow” Ability.
If things like this remain common, suddenly Daunting
Pose could be a lifesaver. Cross Chop, as stated,
is underpowered or overpriced: 30 for two Energy (other
than [CC]) is poor, while 60 for two (other than [CC] is
merely “okay”. If you have a deck that easily
meets this cost, you might consider using it (especially
if Strong Energy is attached), but most of the
time, I wouldn’t worry about using Machoke as an
Evolves from Machop and can Evolve into
Machamp, and we even have Machamp BREAK in
the format but… I’m not actually worried about covering
those. The Machop don’t look like they’ll
make much of a difference, and sadly, I don’t expect the
Machamp or Machamp BREAK to matter,
either. If we get a good Machamp or
Machamp-GX, it’ll be that much better for having
access to this Machoke. If your deck
needs to protect its Bench - no questions asked -
and you’re not worried about Abilities being shut off,
try to squeeze Machoke into your deck. This
holds true for Expanded or Standard. You should
make it work as at least a Bench-sitter in Limited play.
You probably won’t encounter something that hits the
Bench, but if you do and Machoke hits the field
first, it becomes a huge benefit for you.
is a good example of how the design team ought to
be approaching Evolving Stage 1 Pokémon (and Evolving
Basics) as well; give them something to do so that the
final Stage doesn’t have to carry the entire
Evolution line. A little more HP, a little better
of an attack, and it would be a great example.
At the same time, it might be just a bit too bulky to
fit into the decks that need it, especially when facing
competition like Garbodor (XY: BREAKpoint
57/122); it won’t protect against attack damage, but
shutting down Abilities is likely a better way to
protect against Feather Arrow and the like.

Vince |
Today’s card is Machoke from the Guardian’s Rising set.
This Pokemon brings an interesting ability which I
think, after reading the ability’s effect, would be a
much-improved Bench Barrier. Its attack isn’t bad
either, with Cross Chop doing 30 plus 30 more if flipped
heads (and before factoring damage buffs such as Strong
Energy and Choice Band). However, I feel that most
of my review is going to be about the ability.
Daunting Pose prevents all damage to your Benched
Pokemon, just like Bench Barrier Mr. Mime. In
addition, your opponent’s attacks and abilities cannot
put damage counters on your benched Pokemon. What
does this mean? Greninja BREAK’s Giant Water
Shuriken won’t be able to damage benched Pokemon while
the ability can still hit the active. Trevenant BREAK’s
Silent Fear will only place three damage counters on the
opponent’s active, excluding the bench. Other
forms of spread damage will be rendered useless.
With spread and damage counter placements still a viable
strategy, Machoke provides an answer against certain
decks that manipulate damage counters, and will make
sure their attacks will be directed to your active
Pokemon. Probably the answer against Machoke is
dragging it to the active spot and being KOed or having
its ability shut down.
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 3.3/5
Limited: 4/5
Notes: Machoke is one of those Pokemon in the TCG that
doesn’t need to evolve because it has a useful effect.
Coming Up: I thought I reviewed this Pokemon before!