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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Enhanced Hammer
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 162
Date Reviewed:
July 20, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.38
Expanded: 3.83
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
It's good.
Standard: 4/5 (...what you thought
that wasn't gonna be the review?)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (...you really
think I need to talk more about this guy?)
Limited: 3/5 (...he's been reviewed
3 times, I don't have to review him)
Arora Notealus: Even I've reviewed
the card twice already, this is the 3rd time I'd be
reviewing it out of the 4 times it's been reviewed! I
don't have to tell you by this point that getting rid of
a Special Energy from your opponent's Pokemon is a great
boon for many decks, especially since there are so many
Special Energy running around these days. DCE is a
staple in the game to this day, and that's just one
example! There's also Strong Energy, Burning Energy,
Splash Energy, Rainbow Energy, and that's all just in
Standard!! There's Double Dragon Energy, Blend Energy
GFPD and WLFM, Prism Energy, Plasma Energy, Double Aqua
and Double Magma Energy, Herbal Energy, Flash Energy,
Shield Energy, Wonder Energy - the list goes on and on
and on!! I know lately that the S&M sets haven't done
too much with Special Energy as of yet, but I'm pretty
sure that if it becomes more relevant, than this card
will definitely see play against it. It's been good
enough to see play before, it'll be good enough to see
play again.
...aaaaaaaand I just basically gave
my review for this card in the description, didn't I?

21times |
Enhanced Hammer
(Guardians Rising, 162/145) got a really, really,
really cool full art reprint in the Guardians Rising
This Item card allows you to discard any Special energy
from any of your opponent’s Pokemon.
So there seems to be a
dichotomy going on in the game right now, and it
involves Enhanced
Hammer… or rather the fact that there is no
Enhanced Hammer. In the
last four major tournaments, no top eight deck has run
even a single copy of
E Hammer
(Masters Division).
However, the vast majority of these decks run
Special energy (Seattle 7/8, Birmingham 5/8, Madison
5/8, Indy 7/8 decks carried at least one SPE).
You would think that more of us would be teching
in at least a copy or two of
E Hammer – I
even took it out of my
Sylveon GX (Guardians
Rising, 92/145)
deck that I took to NAIC.
I found I wasn’t using it.
In my testing (and I played over two hundred
matches with
Sylveon in June), I tracked every card I played.
I kept detailed notes of how many of each card I
played in every match, and I found that I was only
playing E Hammer
about 20% of the time.
In July, I’m coming across decks that run SPE 57%
of the time (in June the number was 58%).
If I’m coming across decks with
SPE every three out of five matches, why was I only
playing it one out of every five games?
Why was I playing
E Hammer so infrequently?
Why did I take it out of my NAIC tournament deck,
and why am I not running a copy of
Enhanced Hammer
in all of my decks?
Why not two?
I even have a full art
E Hammer on PTCGO, I might as well show it off, right?
So I decided to do some testing and run a deck
with E Hammer
and without for twenty matches each.
I chose to play
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 142/145)
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) since it is a very popular deck and
it’s won two of the four major tournaments since the
release of GUR.
Here’s the list I used:
* 4 Drampa-GX GRI 115
* 4 Trubbish GRI 50
* 4 Garbodor GRI 51
* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 4 Hala GRI 126
* 4 Choice Band GRI 121
* 2 Olympia GEN 66
* 2 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 1 Special Charge STS 105
* 4 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 N NVI 92
* 2 Team Magma's Secret Base DCR 32
* 4 Crushing Hammer SUM 115
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 2 Lysandre FLF 104
* 4 Rainbow Energy SUM 137
* 4 Double Colorless Energy EVO 90
* 3 Psychic Energy SUM 162
I played without the
E Hammer
first, and then I pulled a
Field Blower
and a Psychic energy to fit in two
E Hammers.
The results:
Grampa No E Hammer
Grampa w/ E Hammer
Record when using E Hammer
Opp. Had Advantage
Neither Had Advantage
I Had Advantage
Vs. Top 8 Decks
Record Against Top 8 Decks
Opp. Deck Ran SPE
So I don’t know what to tell
you. My
logical brain says that the
E Hammer deck
should have been the deck that won two more games.
The non-E
Hammer deck clearly had the tougher opponents, and
it still won two more games.
And I only used
E Hammer six
times in twenty matchups, even though fourteen of my
opponents (significantly above average) ran SPE.
I just don’t know what to tell you, sometimes
this game makes no sense, these results are backwards
from what I would have expected to see.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
I love doing this, analyzing
the results of an experiment on two very slightly
different test groups.
I don’t love that the results don’t necessarily
make sense, but the facts are what they are.
Maybe I need a larger sample size, maybe twenty
matches weren’t enough, but what I will say is that the
results of this test bear out what the best players in
the game have maybe instinctually already known:
E Hammer by
itself just isn’t good enough / used enough to increase
your win percentage.
That’s why none of the top 8 decks in the last
two months have run
E Hammer even
though the meta is filled with SPE decks.
As a brief post-script to this
review, if you want to make this deck list post-rotation
compatible, I’d recommend swapping out the two
Secret Bases
for Damage Remover
(Shining Legends), but it doesn’t come out until
Po Town (Burning
Shadows) might have to suffice until then.
Also, Guzma
(Burning Shadows) would have supplanted
Lysandre (Ancient
Origins, 78/98) even if it weren’t being rotated
out. If you
don’t want to have to worry about switching your active,
though, then you could also run
Pokemon Catcher (Sun & Moon, 126/149).

Otaku |
This is actually the second version of this review;
missing the forest for the trees, I neglected to discuss
Enhanced Hammer in the Unlimited and Legacy
Formats. My apologies for this oversight, and my
thanks to the other reviewers as - even without
discussing it directly - they were thorough enough to
remind me of such things. Great job, guys. :)
Enhanced Hammer
gets the nod this Throwback Thursday. Its first
printing is BW: Dark Explorers 94/108, dating
back to May 9, 2012, based on the expansions official
release date. It was then reprinted as XY:
Phantom Forces 94/119, with an official release date
of November 5, 2014, which means we actually had a few
months with no Enhanced Hammer near the
beginning of the 2014-2015 (or BW: Boundaries Crossed-On)
Standard Format. Since then, we haven’t had any
gaps as XY: Primal Clash 162/160 officially
released February 4, 2015, the set after XY: Phantom
Forces and starting point for the current
(nearly gone) Standard Format. The latest
printings are SM: Guardians Rising 124/145 and
162/145, released May 5, 2017, about four months before
the 2017-2018 rotation that would have otherwise axed
the XY: Primal Clash printing (and thus all older
ones). Just to make things official, Enhanced
Hammer is a Trainer-Item that allows you to discard
a Special Energy from one opposing Pokémon of your
choice. During the last five years, this card has
seen a lot of fluctuation in its usage. As
it has no built in cost to play and is an easy-to-spam
Item, Enhanced Hammer trades well with Special
Energy, which normally are limited to a once-per-turn
attachment and remain in play until discarded by
(or for) something else. Looking at it in a
vacuum, Enhanced Hammer seems unbalanced; a
once-per-turn resource taken down by an “as many as you
can and want” resource. We’ve already looked at
this card as
the ninth best
card of BW: Dark Explorers,
the seventh best card lost to the 2014-2015 rotation,
as one of the cards that would have made the XY: Phantom
Forces top 10 except they were ineligible
the nature of the game means this potent card has a
highly variable role in the competitive scene. The
current metagame undermines its usage in a few (not
always obvious) ways. The most fundamental is why
should you discard Energy via another card effect when
you could just KO the Pokémon to which it is
attached? At times, there have been
reasons, even somewhat common ones like when you can KO
a valuable Bench-sitter while simultaneously stripping
Energy off your opponent attacker, but most of the time
if the same card slot can go towards improving your pace
for KO’s, that’s going to prove more relevant.
There are also rivals that also mess with your
opponent’s Energy but in a slightly or significantly
different manner. Quite a few, really. Crushing
Hammer to discards an Energy (basic or Special) from
any of the opponent’s Pokémon, though it requires a coin
flip to work. Team Flare Grunt discards any one
Energy from the opponent’s Active but it is a
Supporter. Team Skull Grunt is also a Supporter,
and it discards two Energy from your opponent’s hand
(instead of in play); your opponent isn’t out an Energy
attachment for the turn per Energy discarded, but
you also get to see his or her hand. Xerosic can
discard a Special Energy or Pokémon Tool from Pokémon on
either side of the field, so while it is a Supporter
that is only doing the job (or part of the job) of
various Items, there is more likely to be a relevant
target in play. Though some decks will wish to run
more than one form of Energy denial, Enhanced Hammer
has to compete with all of these plus other
Sometimes the
metagame is just lacking in relevant targets.
Maybe there aren’t a lot of Special Energy being played,
or there is but only in decks that don’t have to worry
about Enhanced Hammer for various reasons, or
where the Special Energy is played, discarding it isn’t
going to make much of a difference. The only
Format where you don’t have to worry about Item lock at
least a little is Limited, and Garbodor (SM:
Guardians Rising 51/145) with its Trashalanche
attack is just the most high profile of the cards that
punish you for running Item cards. Item support
also matters, as Enhanced Hammer is more
appealing when you already have a reason to run cards
like Korrina, Skyla, and/or Sableye
(BW: Dark Explorers 62/108) that either make
searching out or reusing Items much easier.
Special Energy support also matters. Special
Charge allows the reliable recycling of Special
Energy and is both easy to use and to fit into many
decks. Puzzle of Time is trickier to use but has
a better payoff for card recycling (and not just for
Special Energy). Some decks that use Special
Energy have additional ways of attaching it, including
from the discard pile. Special Energy search also
matters, though raw draw power usually can compensate
when it is lacking.
Most of the time,
Enhanced Hammer is that card you want to
include in a deck but have to cut for something more
vital, whether it is a core part of your strategy or
just there to handle the occasional problem. That
has become a longer and longer list, though, especially
in Expanded. The Limited Format is a lot more
complicated. BW: Dark Explorers contains no
Special Energy, so it is a dead card there if not
combined with something else. XY: Phantom Forces
contains Double Colorless Energy and Mystery
Energy, so I’d say it is worth a slot. XY:
Primal Clash has Shield Energy and Wonder
Energy but Enhanced Hammer is a Secret
Rare, so if you don’t mind it getting damaged, I guess
run it. Finally, the latest releases in SM:
Guardians Rising may be a Common and Secret Rare,
but the only Special Energy is also a Secret Rare so…
probably not worth it. So the score below is an
aggregate of these situations. The Unlimited
Format makes this simple; even when we ignore that most
first turn win or lock decks won’t need to bother this
Energy discarding Trainers, you’ve got not one but
three clearly better Item cards to use: Energy
Removal, Lost Remover, and Super Energy
Removal. The Legacy Format also contains
Lost Remover, but you’ll see people using
Enhanced Hammer because of people who lack Lost
Remover. Sending the discarded Energy to the
Lost Zone (instead of the discard pile) only matters in
certain matchups, so settling for Enhanced Hammer
isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Enhanced Hammer
is a card that is actually a bit too good, as it
is the reason “passive” Special Energy cards like
Flash Energy aren’t worth it; if they ever become
good enough to notice, people just start running
Enhanced Hammer to discard them before their effects
can trigger. The main justification for
Enhanced Hammer as part of a healthy metagame is it
keeps cards like Double Colorless Energy
(somewhat) in line, but I think I’d rather the
powers-that-be stopped reprinting Double Colorless
Energy. Never forget about this card, as you
need to be prepared to squeeze it into most decks should
the need arise… unless you’re dealing with the Legacy or
Unlimited Formats, which have one (or more) better

Vince |
This Throwback Thursday’s card is Enhanced Hammer!
It has first appeared in BW Dark Explorers, and continue
to see print in Phantom Forces, Secret Rare Primal
Clash, and………………. Guardians Rising. So, it seems
that Enhanced Hammer won’t be going away from rotation
anytime soon, which is fine by me. So what does it
do? It discards a Special Energy card attached to
one of your opponent’s Pokemon without drawbacks.
How is this card good and does it still apply?
Back when Enhanced Hammer was released in BW Dark
Explorers, it didn’t see much play due to Lost Remover
(HS Call of Legends) being a better card than Enhanced
Hammer. Lost Remover not only get rid of a Special
Energy, but it sends that Special Energy to the Lost
Zone, removing the Special Energy from the game and
can’t be recovered by any means. Having a card
removed from play is a huge setback and the affected
player would have to deal with not having that energy
back. Once Lost Remover has rotated, Enhanced
Hammer took its place by doing the same job of
discarding Special Energies to the discard.
Before, there’s no way to get back special energies from
the discard unless they were messing with old cards in
casual play to get back said special energy.
Enhanced Hammer has left rotation in September 2014
before being reprinted in Phantom Forces. It is
still a useful card to whack off Double Colorless
Energies and Type Specific Special Energies (such as
Double Dragon Energy, Strong Energy, etc.). But
then around 2016 there were two cards that can retrieve
Special Energies: Puzzle of Time and Special Charge.
Puzzle of Time requires playing either one or two cards
at once, but playing two of them at once can reclaim any
two cards from the discard to your hand. Special
Charge puts two special energies from the discard to the
deck. With both recovery options, Enhanced Hammer
wasn’t enough to hinder the opponent as much as it used
Still, even with those two recovery items trying to
counter Enhanced Hammer, it is still a valuable item to
get rid of energies without drawbacks. Even if the
opponent used Special Charge, he or she has to actually
hope to draw into these special energies, otherwise they
may not be able to attack. Having two Puzzle of
Times in your hand is possible, but not consistently
enough to enjoy that second effect if you have to burn
through your deck just to get those. So that
covers for Standard and Expanded. What about
Limited? Scoring it is tough because Enhanced
Hammer appeared in four expansions. In BW Dark
Explorers, there’s no special energies in this set, so a
1/5 seems reasonable. In XY Phantom Forces,
there’s Mystery Energy and Double Colorless Energy to
discard, so a 4/5 would be appropriate. Same as XY
Primal Clash, but being a secret rare means that this
card is incredibly hard to pull at prerelease, so a
2.5/5 would be plausible. And SM Guardians Rising
has a Double Colorless Energy to get rid of, but since
DCE is a secret rare, you’ll almost never see it in
prerelease, rendering Enhanced Hammer almost useless,
therefore making it a 1.5/5. For scoring this card
in Limited, I would simply choose the highest rating.
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Notes: Enhanced Hammer is a useful card to get rid of
Special Energies. However, not all decks use
special energies, so it may be a waste of a deck slot.
Your intuition is required to determine whatever or not
you think about what other players are using in their
Coming Up: Oh my, that’s one ghostly Pikachu! |