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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 58
Date Reviewed:
July 21, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.13
Expanded: 2.25
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
One day, a GX...what? He
technically has one? "Team Rocket's Mimikyu-GX?"...nah,
that doesn't count.
In the meanwhile, Mimikyu is
content with disguising himself as Pikachu cause of the
loooooooove, but does he end up taking some of the
power? Well, as a Basic 70 HP, no, but it is notable
that he does not actually have a Weakness - intriguing,
isn't it?
Mimikyu also has two attacks, the
first of which is Filch. Pretty simple - for 1 Energy,
draw 2 cards. Pretty good early game move, and if we end
up with limited options for draw Supporters could be
even more useful. It doesn't do any damage though, so
it's mainly for set-up.
Probably the more interesting move,
though, is Copycat. For 2 Energy, Mimikyu gets to copy
the last attack your opponent made - provided it wasn't
a GX attack. Yeah, no crazy shenanigans with those
once-per-game moves, but there are still a number of
moves that can prove to be powerful when used in the
right hands. Personally, I think Mimikyu strikes me as a
counter to Psychic-weak Pokemon, taking the attacks of
such Pokemon and ideally dishing out twice the damage
back at em. Course it depends on what kind of move it is
and what its damage output relies on, but I do think
this makes Mimikyu interesting to say the least.
But is it enough for him to see
play? Ehhhhhhh, it's debatable. He can be used as a tech
for these sorts of situations, but outside of that, I
don't think he'll see that much play. There's potential
in a move like Copycat, but it depends on what's going
around the format and most importantly TIMING!!
Standard: 2/5 (Copycat's a move
with lots of potential)
Expanded: 2/5 (and Filch is good
for the early game)
Limited: 3/5 (but depending on what
environment you're in and what cards you're up against,
his usage can be limited)
Arora Notealus: On a completely
different tangent, there's been some news on the ban
list for the Expanded format - Shiftry (NXD) is going
to swap places with Forest of Giant Plants (AOR), and
Archeops (NVI) is getting hit with the banhammer. For
starters, I'm glad they banned Forest of Giant Plants -
they recognized how it could create a lot of dangerous
combinations for Grass decks that could overcentralize
the metagame around those decks, as any other deck would
have little chance to be able to play against them. And
with the ban on the Forest, Shiftry doesn't have a
reason to get banned anymore, so it makes sense for him
to come off. As for Archeops, I can understand the
mentality going on here, and I think the bigger reason
is that it presents a lockdown to decks revolving around
evolving-GX. Archeops on its own can be challenging for
evolution decks to play around, and there are few
counters to these sorts of strategies, but with the game
shifting more towards these Pokemon-GX, it makes sense
if they aren't completely shut down on the basis of, "Oh
it evolves? Archeops can stop that."
Weekend Thought: What are your
thoughts on this week's cards? Think some deserve some
love? Think some might be getting too much love? What're
your thoughts on the changes to the Expanded format's
ban list? Do you agree with these changes, or do they
leave a bad taste in your mouth?

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 58/145) enters the meta
through the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A 70 HP basic Psychic Pokemon, it has two
For a single, Colorless energy,
Filch allows
you to draw two cards (VERY cool!), and for a Psychic
and a Colorless energy,
allows you to use your opponent’s attack from the
previous turn (as long as that attack isn’t a GX
I paired Mimikyu
with Drampa GX
(Guardians Rising, 115/145).
If you read yesterday’s review, you’ll know I’ve
been playing A LOT of
Drampa GX
Garbodor (Guardians Rising, 51/145) lately,
and I thought that
Mimikyu might
even work better than
Garb since so
many players have cut their item counts dramatically.
I thought
Copycat might
actually function more effectively than
And I was wrong.
I went 3-7 in ten matches.
I tried to just plug and play
Mimikyu into
the deck list I posted yesterday, but I found that I
couldn’t get either Pokemon powered up quickly enough as
they’re both two attachment Pokemon.
So then I put in more Basic energy and
Max Elixirs (Breakpoint,
102/122), but then I couldn’t get Pokemon out quickly
Then I put the
Ultra Balls (Sun & Moon, 135/149) back in (I
had taken them out because I found I wasn’t using them
because I had so many draw cards that I just didn’t need
them), but I still didn’t really have much success.
Maybe if I tried to tweak the deck some more –
maybe Drampa’s
not the right partner – I could eventually get this to
work, but I basically think that
Mimikyu just
isn’t as good as
Standard: 2 out of 5
I think Mimikyu
might be good as a one of tech in, sitting back on the
bench, waiting for the right time to sneak in and copy a
really good attack from your opponent.
And there are plenty of good attacks out there to
mimic, I just couldn’t quite put it together with this

Otaku |
While writing
yesterday’s CotD,
I spaced off covering the Unlimited and Legacy Formats,
which are part of why we have Throwback Thursday.
I have submitted an updated version of the review, which
may already have been posted.
We conclude this week with Mimikyu (SM:
Guardians Rising 58/145), a Psychic-Type Basic
Pokémon with 70 HP, no Weakness, no Resistance, a
Retreat Cost of [C], and two attacks. The first is
“Filch” for [C], which draws two cards. The second
is “Copycat” for [PC], and it copies the attack used by
your opponent’s Pokémon the previous turn except
for GX-attacks. Being a Psychic-Type is decent in
Standard and nice in Expanded, where more of their
support is handy. 70 HP isn’t good but it is still just
high enough that light attackers might whiff on the
OHKO, and it is Level Ball compliant. No
Weakness is the best Weakness and no Resistance is the
worst Resistance, but neither stat is too important
given how they work and this card’s HP. A Retreat
Cost of [C] is good but not great; it should only be an
issue due to bad luck (including being forced to retreat
multiple times). Filch isn’t great, but if you’re
desperate enough to use it, then drawing two cards gives
you a tiny bit of hope. Copycat can be potent
if you can copy an attack with a disproportionate
payoff or with good timing. Not being able
to copy GX-attacks stinks but I half get why they
did it. They don’t want to create a loophole that
allows for multiple GX-attacks in a game but I
think they ought to just word it so that you can’t copy
a GX-attack if you’ve already used one that game.
Of course, I also think part of what balanced GX-attacks
is that they can be copied, possibly easier than you can
normally utilize them.
There is only one other Mimikyu, SM: Black
Star Promos SM29. Same stats as today’s
version but it does have two different attacks.
For [P] its “Haunt” attack places a damage counter on
your opponent’s Active. For [CC] its “Astonish”
attack allows you to select a random card from your
opponent’s hand and force your opponent to shuffle it
back into his or her deck. Doesn’t strike me as
being remotely as good, and I’m not saying SM:
Guardians Rising 58/145 is all that great. To
be blunt, I picked this card just because I think I’m
becoming a Mimikyu fan. If the metagame is
at a point where you can exploit Psychic Weakness or a
big attack that normally requires a big setup and
you have some Energy acceleration (so you can drop
Mimikyu into play and surprise your opponent), it
looks like a nice trick. Might be better in
Expanded, where Dimension Valley turns Filch into
a free attack and Copycat into a single Energy attack.
Really nice pull for Limited play, where both
attacks are better. It is in the “Hidden Moon”
Theme Deck, where it should also prove handy.
4/5 Conclusion
probably won’t become a brilliant new play, but I could
be wrong. It all depends on how useful copying
attacks with a Basic Pokémon for [PC] actually proves in
the metagame.

Vince |
Our final card before you enjoy your weekend is Mimikyu
from the Guardians Rising set! It has 70 HP, no
weakness/resistance, and a retreat of 1. It has
two attacks: Filch nets you two cards while Copycat
copies what the opponent used on the attack.
Unfortunately, excluding a GX attack would’ve rob some
of its usefulness, as some GX attacks has great effects.
However, copying an attack that does enough damage to KO
said Pokemon that just use an attack from a one-prize
attacker would be one of these funny moments that the
opponent sees in disbelief. Unfortunately, this
would mean that your active Pokémon would have to be
KOed by a very powerful attack so that you send Mimikyu
to the front and mimic that attack.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 2/5
Limited: 4/5
Have a great weekend! |