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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 44
Date Reviewed:
July 25, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.75
Expanded: 1.83
Limited: 3.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Heliolisk is pretty basic all things considered.
His first move, Quick Attack, is basic, 1-for-20 with a
coin flip for an extra 20 damage.
Raging Thunder's pretty interesting, being a 3-for-120
move. It does provide 2HKO fodder for most anything
short of a Stage 2 GX, and even then a Choice Band is
all that it would take to beat it out. The only drawback
is the 30 damage to a Benched Pokemon, but that can
actually be a strength with Drampa-GX! It might be an
aid to your opponent, as it's 30 less damage they need
to deal each time, but Drampa-GX can take advantage of
having a damaged Bench sitter more than anything.
Still, I would you wouldn't rely on Raging Thunder to
deal damage too much. Ideally you want to use it once
and have Drampa-GX ready to go right after, but that
takes time to power both of these guys up to 3 Energy
apiece. So take this strategy with a grain of salt...and
hopefully some Max Elixir to get it going out faster on
Drampa-GX at least.
Standard: 2/5 (he's alright)
Expanded: 2/5 (at least to me)
Limited: 3/5 (not that terrific, but he'll do)
Arora Notealus: Heliolisk: because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Jurassic Park.

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 44/145) returns to the meta in
the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A 100 Stage 1 Lightning Type Pokemon, it has two
attacks. For
a single, Colorless energy,
Quick Attack
does a base twenty damage plus an additional twenty
damage if you flip heads.
For a Lightning energy and two Colorless energy,
Raging Thunder
does 120 damage (but also thirty damage to one of your
benched Pokemon).
The thirty damage to one of
your benched Pokemon is easily fixed with
Rough Seas (Primal
Clash, 137/160), although that will rotate out in a
little more than a month from now.
I also paired
Heliolisk with
the Eeveelutions (Ancient Origins,
Flareon 13 and Vaporeon
22). I so
hoped that I had found a little diamond in the rough and
that Heliolisk’s
Raging Thunder would smack Metal, Grass, Fire, and
various other Pokemon around with the power of two times
weakness, if only for the brief moments it has left in
the standard format.
Unfortunately, I had only a
little more success than I had with
Alolan Golem (Guardians
Rising, 42/145) yesterday.
I won only one out of seven matches.
It did seem easier to power up and evolve
Heliolisks, but at 100 HP they are extremely frail – virtually every
deck in the meta today can easily do well over one
hundred damage.
When I did my damage analysis a couple months
ago, the median was eighty (almost ninety).
I’m sure it’s significantly higher than that
I will say that I probably
would have done better as well had I played more decks
that have weakness to the
I actually only faced one deck where the
proved useful (Lurantis
GX (Sun & Moon, 15/149)).
I went up against a couple of
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145)
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 115/145), a
Sylveon GX (Guardians
Rising, 92/145),
Lycanroc GX
(SM14), Greninja
Break (Breakpoint, 41/122), and
Lapras GX (Sun
& Moon, 35/149).
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
I had very little success with
Heliolisk, and
the cards I paired it with (Rough
Seas and the
Eeveelutions) will not be available to it in a short
period of time.
That means that
Heliolisk will
go back to the binder for now.
Hopefully, something in the future will give it
another shot at competitiveness.

Otaku |
Today we’ll cover
Heliolisk (SM: Guardians Rising 44/145).
This is a Lightning-Type Stage 1 Pokémon with 100 HP,
Fighting Weakness, Metal Resistance, Retreat Cost [C]
and two attacks. For [C], “Quick Attack” does 20
damage and then has you flip a coin: “heads” means +20
damage (40 total) while “tails” means you still just do
20 damage. For [LCC] Heliolisk can use
“Raging Thunder” to do 120 damage to the opponent’s
Active but the attack also does 30 damage to one
of your own Benched Pokémon. A lot of the
general stuff will sound like
Alolan Golem review. The Lightning-Type has
decent support, hits a decent amount of Weakness
(including against some key cards), barely has to worry
about Resistance and anti-Lightning-Type effects but
doesn’t have any strong, current successes in the
current Standard Format, with only a few older success
stories still shining in Expanded. Vikavolt is
trying, though. Being a Stage 1 is solid; Basics
are better, BREAK Evolutions of Basics are on par, and
the rest is worse. 100 HP is not good, but we’ve
seen worse succeed; don’t expect Heliolisk to
survive while being Active. Especially against
Fighting-Types, since the Weakness all but assures a
OHKO. Metal Resistance means Heliolisk
might get lucky in that match-up, but an (effective)
120 HP still gets OHKO’d by something like Metagross-GX
and its “Giga Hammer”. The Retreat Cost of [C] is
fairly good, so long as you don’t have to pay it more
than once or twice in a game. Quick Attack is
adequate filler while Raging Thunder is almost
worth it. Combos can heal, prevent, or even
utilize that 30 points of Bench damage and cost aren’t
too bad to meet; the problem is it just doesn’t hit
hard enough without massive combos better used
We’ve got four
options for Helioptile: XY: Flashfire
36/106, XY: Phantom Forces 28/119, XY: Phantom
Forces 29/119, and SM: Guardians Rising
43/145. For other Heliolisk, we’ve got
XY: Flashfire 37/106, XY: Phantom Forces
30/119, XY: Black Star Promos XY47. All are
Lightning-Type Pokémon with Fighting Weakness, Metal
Resistance, and Retreat Cost [C], which carry the same
meaning as above, give or take areas where something
specific (like having even lower HP) tweaks things.
All Helioptile are Basic Pokémon (a good thing)
and all Heliolisk are Stage 1 (as above), with
only Helioptile (XY: Phantom Forces
29/119) lacking 60 HP (it has a barely worse 50 HP) and
all other Heliolisk only have 90 HP; a little
nice for Level Ball but it mostly just makes them
all varying degrees of more fragile. Helioptile
(XY: Flashfire 36/106) can use “Pound” for [L] to
do 10 damage or “Destructive Beam” for [LC] to flip a
coin and (on “heads”) discard an Energy attached to the
opponent’s Active (“tails” does nothing). Helioptile
(XY: Phantom Forces 28/119) only knows “Tail
Rap”, which costs [LC] and does 10 damage with two coin
flips each good for +20 damage per “heads”. Helioptile
(XY: Phantom Forces 29/119) also has Quick
Attack, still priced as [C] but doing just 10 damage
plus 10 on “heads” or plus nothing on “tails”, with
“Static Shock” for [LCC] doing 30 damage. Helioptile
(SM: Guardians Rising 43/145) has “Thunder Shock”
for [L], doing 10 damage and providing a coin flip to
afflict the opponent’s Active with Paralysis, and is the
only other Standard legal option. If you
insist on playing this in Expanded, still go with
Helioptile (SM: Guardians Rising 43/145),
as it seems like it has the best chance of surviving.
(XY: Flashfire 37/106) has two attacks. For [C]
it can use “Parabolic Charge” to snag two Energy cards
(basic or Special) from your deck and add them to your
hand. For [LCC] it can use another version of
Quick Attack to do 60 damage, with a successful coin
flip adding 30 damage. Attacks like Parabolic
Charge only work if they are on something huge and hard
to OHKO and that has a strategy to make good use
of said Energy, while Quick Attack is clearly sub par as
we really want to be doing 90 damage (maybe with a
bonus) for that Energy cost, not 90 on “heads” and 60 on
“tails”. We officially reviewed it
and I think we were pretty much spot on then, which
means now it’s a little worse (due to power
creep). Heliolisk (XY: Phantom Forces
30/119) knows a version of Pound that still costs [L]
but does 30 damage and “Parabolic Spark” for [LC] which
allows you to discard as many [L] Energy attached to
(and all) of your Pokémon as you like for 30 damage per.
This wasn’t very good
back then
and so it still isn’t good enough now. Heliolisk
(XY: Black Star Promos XY47) is the only card
here with an Ability, and that Ability is “Dry Skin”
which reduces the damage it takes from Water-Type
Pokémon by 30 after Weakness and Resistance are
applied (which usually doesn’t matter since its
Fighting Weak/Metal Resistant). While there
have been some Water-Types that won’t like this
Ability, but even when said attackers were a major
metagame force, it isn’t broad enough coverage to matter
most of the time. For [LCC] it can use “Hyper
Beam” to do 60 damage and flip a coin; “tails” means you
just do that 60, “heads” means you also discard an
Energy attached to the opponent’s Active.
Definitely overpriced/underpowered, and we thought that
back when it was new, though I was too generous.
Only Heliolisk
(XY: Black Star Promos XY47) is also
Standard-legal, but it rotated out come September 1st.
Given that nothing is particularly impressive
about the other Heliolisk and today’s looks to be
more of the same, most of that won’t matter. Enjoy
this in Limited play, where being easy to mix with other
Pokémon-Types - really, most of the card - is going to
prove worthwhile.
Heliolisk that is filler, at least it remains the
kind that takes a second glance to confirm as being too
fragile for the attacks it bears.

Vince |
Today, we’re
looking at Heliolisk from the Guardians Rising Set and I
think this Pokemon is straightforward when it comes to
attacks. 100 HP and Metal resistance is helpful,
but the Fighting weakness is still dangerous as Fighting
Pokemon does good damage for one energy. Quick
Attack does 20 damage plus 20 more if you flipped heads.
Raging Thunder is an attack seen on Zapdos (XY Roaring
Skies), and that Pokemon is about to leave rotation, so
I guess Heliolisk is taking responsibility as a heavy
hitter. 120 damage that is compatible with Double
Colorless Energy and a lightning energy makes it easier
to fuel up attacks despite taking two manual
attachments. Like Zapdos, one of your Benched
Pokemon has to take damage, in this case, 30 damage.
If Golisopod is directed to take 30 damage, Armor
ability will nullify that 30 damage, making it take
nothing. I don’t think Heliolisk sees a lot of
play, unfortunately.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 2.25/5
(being a Stage 1 means being supported by Eeveelutions
in Ancient Origins set, plus Rough Seas for recovery)
Limited: 3/5 (good
damage for the cost, and it could 2HKO everything in the
Guardians Rising set)
Coming Up: A
guardian is watching over you in Melemele Island!