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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Throwback Thursday
Broken Time-Space
- Platinum
Date Reviewed:
July 6, 2017
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...okay, maybe it's just Dialga and
Palkia messing with the natural order, but still!
I'm sure if you played around in
the Platinum era, you would have interacted with this
card at some point, but if you're like me, you didn't,
so you're not sure what exactly this is. Think of it
this way: you know how Forest of Giant Plants rewrote
the rules of evolution for Grass Pokemon? Now imagine
that effect was spread out to affect ALL Pokemon of ANY
Type. That's Broken Space-Time in a nutshell.
"GEEZ, that's ridiculously broken!"
you might say. "How could they stand dealing with such a
Well, don't get me wrong, Broken
Time-Space is a powerful card, but back in those days,
you have to keep in mind that there weren't things like
Pokemon-GX or EX. In fact, the most HP a Pokemon could
have was 150 HP on a few Stage 2 - and nowadays, we've
got upwards of 250 HP!! So it was arguably a lot tamer
back then, right? It couldn't have been that bad, right?
If you know Forest of Giant Plants
and how insane Grass decks have been because of it, you
know better than to say it wasn't that bad.
Sure, while Lv. X Pokemon couldn't
get "Leveled Up" into - which is different from
evolving, like what this card allows you to do in excess
- you could still conceivably play down an entire Stage
2 line-up in one turn, provided you had the Basic -
Stage 1 - Stage 2 all in your hand. And this could be
applied in ANY deck whatsoever. Imagine for a moment
that it wasn't just Decidueye-GX that could be accessed
in one turn, but even cards like Garbodor (GRI), Alolan
Ninetales-GX, Primarina-GX, Incineroar-GX, Metagross-GX,
ANY MEGA-EX in the ENTIRE game, BREAK Evolutions, cards
like Brozong (PHF) or Eelektrik (NVI) - the list goes on
and on and on.
It's probably for the best a card
with this kind of effect was restricted to just one Type
- otherwise, this thing would just completely break the
game nowadays.
Standard: N/A (thank goodness it
came out years ago)
Expanded: N/A (and has long since
rotated out of any format currently)
Limited: 4.5/5 (but it's definitely
a card worth recognizing)
Arora Notealus: Broken Time-Space
came out in a very different time, and yet because of
its broad range, it was usable in any Evolution deck
imaginable. It was even rated as the 6th best card on
Pojo's Best of 2009 list! Nowadays, I'm sure the card
would be banned quickly, just because it would lead to a
massive wipe from a bunch of different decks. Or at the
very least, it might be limited in some manner.
Next Time: In the depths of the
volcano, only females can thrive.

Vince |
Throwback Thursdays is a curious case for me as a
reviewer. They may sometimes find a card in which
I may not be able to playtest, let alone actually owning
the card. I have owned some cards from Base Set
and cards from Diamond and Pearl onwards. I’d be
stuck in limbo if they chose cards from the Neo series
(second generation) or the EX Ruby, Sapphire, and
Emerald series (third generation). No matter what,
if that happens, I will try my best to see how the card
would be used back then.
Fortunately for this week’s Throwback Thursday, this
card is Broken Time Space! You can see past
reviews from
Febuary 11, 2009 and the
sixth best card of 2009. I still have 5
physical copies (League Promos from way back in 2011)
that I can use, and I put 4 of them in my deck (you can
use up to four copies of a particular card sans basic
energy). Why did I decide to max it out? It
breaks the fundamental rule for evolving Pokemon in the
TCG. Usually, it takes couple of turns until you
put your final stage down, and that makes evolution
cards harder to use. Rare Candy and Wally can help
speed up evolution to some extent; Rare Candy can let
you place a Stage 2 on the Basic while ignoring the
Stage 1 card; Wally lets you evolve on the turn you
played or evolved your Pokemon. Both have some
drawbacks such as item lock or using up your Supporter
for the turn. Broken Time Space takes only your
Stadium slot. Back then, during the DPPt series,
there were still Basic, Stage 1, and Stage 2 Pokemon,
but they also have Level X Pokemon, which is not the
same as evolving, so even Broken Time Space cannot let
you Level Up your Pokemon on the turn it was played!
So, if Broken Time Space were to reprinted, it will
probably see tremendous amount of play for evolution
decks! Expansions between Black & White and
whatever the latest expansion would be contains even
more forms of Evolution cards. There’s still
Basic, Stage 1, and Stage 2 like usual. Then
there’s Mega Evolutions, which you evolve your
Pokemon-EX to Mega Pokemon-EX. You can mega evolve
out of nowhere right away, but if you don’t have the
corresponding Spirit Link, your turn will end!
Then there’s Break Evolutions, which inherits all
attributes from its previous evolutions. So, in
the same turn, you could go from Froakie, then Frogadier,
then Greninja, and finally Greninja BREAK, ready to
launch a Giant Water Shuriken and whatever attack it
has! Finally, there’s GX Pokemon which could be
Basic, Stage 1, or Stage 2. The point is, your
opponent won’t see this coming because you hold off from
playing those stages until you got everything!
There is another card that also breaks the rule of
evolution: Forest of Giant Plants. This works just
like Broken Time Space, but it works only for Grass
Pokemon. Both players can take advantage of Broken
Time Space because you can evolve any type of Pokemon.
However, with Forest of Giant Plants restricting to just
grass types, if you can take advantage of the effect but
your opponent can’t (because the opponent doesn’t use
grass types), then that’s a net positive for you.
Therefore, Forest of Giant Plants seems marginally
better than Broken Time Space, though that doesn’t mean
that players can’t use it. It just makes sense to
find a way to restrict and lower the range so that the
opponent cannot benefit as much from the effect.
There may be times where such an amazing effect could
get another card banned from all sanctioned tournaments.
So far, one Pokemon got banned in Expanded!
Shiftry (BW Next Destines) didn’t see as much play at
first. The attributes don’t matter even if it was
a dark type, because Seedot and some Nuzleaf card were
Grass types (in the case of Forest of Giant Plants; for
Broken Time Space, they don’t care about the type).
The one effect text made the difference. It’s
ability, Giant Fan, is a coming-into-play ability, in
which you flip a coin. If heads, you bounce one of
your opponent’s Pokemon back to his/her hand…if the
opponent has no Pokemon left in play, you win. If
your opponent has more than one Pokemon in play, then
use Super Scoop Up, AZ, or Scoop Up Cyclone to get
Shiftry back to your hand after you used your ability,
put them back in play, and use the coming-into-play
ability again! This created an unhealthy
environment in which the Shiftry player going first can
actually win before your opponent gets to do anything!
Overall, Broken Time Space would be a serious contender
if it were to be reprinted, and it is a strong addition
in Limited as well. There’s so many
applications/combos for using the stadium than I can fit
into a review. It’s just that good!
Standard: N/A (would hypothetically be 4.5/5)
Expanded: N/A (would hypothetically be 4.5/5)
Limited: 5/5 (Lots of Stage 2 to use in the Platinum
set, if you get the pieces)
Notes: As much as I love this card, I can’t bring myself
to give it a perfect score. This is a very
powerful effect, but at the same time your opponent gets
to experience this wonderful effect as well. If
you can’t take advantage but your opponent does, you
would lose fairly quickly. Also, decks that don’t
use evolution Pokemon have no need for this card (I
won’t dock points for that).
Coming up: What an interesting combination!

Otaku |
It is Throwback
Thursday, and we’re covering a pretty infamous card.
Some thought (and still think) it was one of the best
things to happen to the Pokémon TCG… others like me
point out it even has broken in its name. That’s
right, we’re re-reviewing Broken Time-Space (Platinum
104/127)! This Stadium card has already been
reviewed twice;
on February 11, 2009, and
on January 8, 2010… where we were counting down the Top
10 cards from 2009 (it secured sixth place).
You’ll notice I didn’t review it either time; though I
was trying to keep up with the game at that time,
work was pretty demanding (and in a few months I’d be
moving to a new state), so most of what I know,
I’ve learned from others, rather than first-hand
experience. So what does Broken Time-Space
do? While it is in play, a player can immediately
Evolve their in play Pokémon. Just Benched it?
S’okay. First turn of the game? S’okay.
Evolved it already this turn? Go for it! Broken
Time-Space was legal for the 2008-2009, 2009-2010,
and 2010-2011 Modified Formats. For newer players,
a reminder that “Modified” was just the name used for
what we now call Standard. The first two of those
Formats were Diamond & Pearl and later sets, the
legendary time when no sets rotated from Standard
play; the latter was DP: Majestic Dawn and later
releases, and it isn’t as far back as it might seem; the
final expansion released during the 2010-2011 Modified
Format was Black & White! The first turn
rules of the time were different: I believe during the
time of Broken Time-Space you could not
use Trainers if you went first but you could
attack… though the release of Black & White
marked the shift to the BW-era first turn rules where
there were no special first turn restrictions.
So, with the
release of Broken Time-Space, Evolution decks
were crushing Basic decks, right? The funny thing
is, this card released in the twilight of the era when
Evolutions regularly were thought of as better
than Basic Pokémon. Times were changing, though,
and we had the Level-Up mechanic to allow Basic Pokémon
to fake being Evolutions. Without boring you with
the details, if you’ve seen a Pokémon with “LV.X” after
its name, that is a Level-Up card; it is a lot like
BREAK Evolving except it could only be played to
your Active, didn’t get tilted sideways, and counted as
the Stage of the underlying card (so a Basic was still
treated as a Basic). So Broken Time-Space
seems mostly released to combat the many strong Basic
Pokémon also being released at this time, to prevent too
radical a shift in the metagame and… it mostly worked.
The best of the Evolutions took advantage of it,
allowing them to compete with the best of the
Basic Pokémon. Which means the rest still
couldn’t compete. Based on some grumblings
I’ve been hearing (well, reading) post North American
International Championship, I may have to post a bit of
a PSA article about a newbie avoids using Sour Grapes to
Evolve into a n00b and ultimately, into a scrub… but I
won’t force you to read that here.
For now, know that
not every Evolution based deck bothered with
Broken Time-Space but it gets murky because
this was prior to the erratum that turned Rare Candy
into the modern day Pokémon Breeder: in the
present Rare Candy just allows you to Evolve
a Basic (already capable of manually Evolving) directly
to the Stage 2 form, but back then it allowed
any Basic to immediately Evolve into either its
Stage 1 or Stage 2 form. Each approach had
different benefits, and some decks would use both;
Rare Candy did not help your opponent and
could entirely skip the Stage 1 form of a Stage 2,
but Broken Time-Space could be used as often
as you wished (and were able) until it was discarded.
Now, I asked myself “How much does helping your opponent
really matter?” and then I both remembered what has
happened with other heavily run Stadium cards, plus to
re-read those old reviews and World Championship
Decklists. Sure enough, players eventually learned
that if they were not heavily reliant upon the speedy
Evolution, they could just count on their opponent
to run it in most situations and just run Rare Candy
themselves. So only two of the four 2009 World
Championship decks include it, though one belonged to
the winner of the Masters Division. It shows up in
two of the 2010 World Championship decks as well,
skipped by a deck lacking Evolutions and another with
them but favoring Rare Candy. It
probably would have been a big deal in the 2011
World Championship, except the World Championship
which occurred just after the emergency early rotation
to HeartGold/SoulSilver and later releases (which
included Black & White as the then newest set).
There is, of
course, Forest of Giant Plants to give us a taste
of what Broken Time-Space would be like in modern
Standard and Expanded play. Some have claimed that
working only for a single Type makes it “balanced”, and
I struggle not to demand they stop lying or learn
the game. Snarky, but the core rules of the game
were designed in such a manner that speeding up
Evolution almost inevitably breaks cards; if you’re new
and don’t know the jargon yet, I mean it makes them too
good, to the point it upsets game balance and/or reduces
enjoyment. Remember, Pokémon is a 2-player where
the designers want and intend for both players to have
fun… even the losing player! At least, I thought
that was the case, but maybe the last few years proves I
was wrong. An Evolution is designed to be balanced
as an Evolution, needing an extra turn or two or
even three (certain BREAK Evolutions) to hit the field.
While I bear no ill will, at least while I am conducting
myself properly, towards someone running a deck like
Decidueye-GX/Vileplume (XY: Ancient
Origins 3/98), you see what happens when pretty
balanced effects like a little bonus damage counter
placement or Item lock that hits both players can
suddenly be spammed, even hitting the field on the
(overall) first turn, before your opponent actually gets
to play. There’s a reason someone else came up
with the nickname “Broken Vine-Space” for Forest of
Giant Plants, and a formerly joke card like
Shiftry (BW: Next Destinies 72/99); its
Ability (that triggered when you Evolved something into
it) just was not competitive before you could
spam it to the field over and over again first turn.
So… imagine that
across the board. So many old favorites and
new faces suddenly gain the speed to be competitive, or
so you’d think. The reality is, while we would see
some new (or returning old) blood for competitive play,
dealing with things like a T1 Garbodor (XY:
BREAKpoint 57/122), still allowing its player to
abuse cards like Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
77/108,106/108) and Tapu Lele-GX. We’d
probably get more examples like Shiftry (BW:
Next Destinies 72/99), banned because Forest of
Giant Plants was brand new so the powers-that-be
didn’t want to ban the real problem. A
hypothetically re-released Broken Time-Space
would probably add to the Ban List, and maybe the net
result would still be positive, but it wouldn’t really
fix the problems we have with balancing out the
different Stages of Evolution. Rare Candy isn’t
quite the speed boost it once was, so were Broken
Time-Space re-released, it would become a staple for
several competitive, Evolution-focused decks but
would again fall prey to some decks being capable of
some such decks running fewer copies or skipping it
entirely, counting on an opponent’s copies to do the job
or else both can just be slow. Some decks would
also skip it because they lacked Evolutions, had an
alternate shortcut, or really need a different
Stadium card.
Limited play for
this card is pricey and unsanctioned; you’d need
Platinum packs or some of the various techniques for
reusing product for this kind of event. If it
somehow happened, it’d be a good pull; odds are low
you’ll get a fleshed out Evolution line, but for the
bits you have, it will help. Just remember it will
help your opponent as well. This is another card
where I can comment on its Unlimited usage. You
see, it enables a lot of the first turn win/lock
decks. Even without those, it would still
be quite the force! I apologize for not going into
detail, but if you’re not already familiar with
the decks in question, I’ve basically got to write
another Card of the Day for each of them.
Except for Slowking (Neo Genesis 14/111),
because we just did that one
not long ago.
I didn’t score it because the combo heavy decks are
often better than dropping a Stage 1 with a
Pokémon Power (similar to an Ability) that allows you to
make your opponent flip a coin with each Trainer card he
or she plays, and if they get “tails”, negates the
effect and sends it to the top of your deck. Oh,
and this Pokémon Power works from the Bench and
stacks. Yet that probably isn’t strong enough
to be competitive in Unlimited. Eep.
N/A (4/5 if suddenly reprinted)
N/A (4.5/5 if suddenly reprinted)
4.75/5 (Reliable first turn win if Player 1)
The best way to
help Evolutions is for the powers-that-be to stop
designing Basic Pokémon (big or small) that can fill
multiple roles (opener, closer, main attacker,
Bench-sitter, etc.) and do so as soon as they hit the
field. Beef up Evolving Pokémon so they contribute
to the success of the line and aren’t so easy to OHKO
early game. Don’t turn to insane Evolution
acceleration like Broken Time-Space; while it
will help all Evolutions, the one’s not properly nerfed
(like various ones released when it wasn’t legal) will
take the metagame and snap it like a twig. Which
is what it has done to the Unlimited Format, though
things would still be kind of crazy even without it.