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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
June 16, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.70
Expanded: 1.50
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Absol, you disaster predictor, why
are you here NOW?!
Could it be that...another major
set is going to drop? Perhaps an evil team is going to
show up? Or maybe even the leader of said team?! IS IT
POSSIBLE?! Well I have no idea, but hey, Absol's back in
the game once again to give us a couple of attacks that
will make you say, "Why the heck did they put these on a
Future Sight is a simple 1-Energy
move that does nothing but lets you look at the top 4
cards of either player's deck and rearrange them in any
order. That's...well, I mean, that's not bad, exactly.
Sure you can always eternally deny your opponent that
one draw card or that one Energy they need, or you can
manipulate your own deck to get you something you need
quicker, but outside of all of that? It's not really
that big of a deal. And since it's doing no damage, I
don't think your opponent's gonna worry about it that
much either.
The attack they WILL worry about is
Doom News. For 2 Energy, you bounce off all the Energy
off of Absol to your hand...what, did your opponent
think there was more? Nah, don't worry about it, go
ahead and take your turn, opponent, and then YOUR
POKEMON'S GONE!! Yes, at the end of your opponent's
turn, regardless of anything they may do to Absol, the
Defending Pokemon will get Knocked Out. No damage, no
Status, just a straight-up KO!!
...now, granted, that gives your
opponent time to prepare. And the best way to avoid this
is to Switch around it. Assuming this works the way I
think it does and just like other moves of a similar
nature it doesn't just indiscriminately KO Pokemon
whatever the case may be, Doom News can be avoided by
the opponent if they are prepared, and Absol won't be
able to do much about it because neither of his attacks
do damage and take at least one turn to charge. Future
Sight won't help save a 100 HP when your opponent slams
down on him after Doom News failed.
It's hard to recommend building a
deck with Absol, let alone around Absol, but if you
think you're able to threaten a Switch on your opponent
so that they can hope to avoid Doom News, that'd be his
most useful application. On the plus side, you can also
reattach those Energy from your hand in case your
opponent does end up KOing Absol in the first place,
whether it's over the course of one or two turns! So
perhaps that's something to consider.
Standard: 1.5/5 (I think right now
though, the pace of the game and the amount of damage
being put out make Absol a bit...well, obsolete)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (he has a very
niche purpose in either case for his attacks)
Limited: 2.5/5 (so it's hard to see
what he'd do in the long run)
Arora Notealus: Absol once again
comes into the game with a couple of attacks that seem
alright but that aren't up to snuff with the current
pace of the game. It's weird, you'd think the doomsayer
of all things would actually be warning more about
what's to come with his traits rather than screaming,
"The end is coming!" as everyone's wandering around in
the apocalyptic landscape. Just saying.
Weekend Thought: What cards from
this week do you think will make their way into your
decks? Are you optimistic about some of them? Or are
some of the others more your speed? Or do you think that
none of these cards are that great in the first place?

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 81/145) got a new incarnation
in the Guardians Rising expansion set.
This Dark type, 100 HP Pokemon has two attacks.
For a single Dark energy,
Future Sight
allows you to look at the top four cards in either you
or your
opponent’s deck AND then
rearrange them in
any order you’d like.
other attack,
Doom News, for a Dark and a Colorless energy, will
KO the opponent’s active Pokemon at the end of your
opponent’s next turn.
Doom News
also requires you to put all energy attached to
Absol back
into your hand after playing this attack.
Future Sight
has the potential to effectively stall your opponent.
When paired with
Red Card (Generations,
71/83) and
Delinquent (Breakpoint, 98/122),
Future Sight
could potentially prevent your opponent from doing much
of anything for several turns.
Moreover, when paired with
Doom News, if
your opponent doesn’t have any draw support or way to
switch out the active Pokemon, this virtually guarantees
that the active Pokemon will be KO’d.
At least that’s the way it works in theoreymon.
In realitymon, it doesn’t quite happen that way.
In a couple of matches when I’ve tried
Future Sight,
each of my opponent’s top four cards were helpful to
him, it really didn’t matter what order I put them in.
Another time I managed to rearrange the top four
cards adequately and even
my opponent down to one card… which unfortunately was
Shaymin EX (Roaring
Skies, 106/108).
And even though I’ve played
Doom News
several times, I think I’ve only actually KO’d the
active once or maybe twice.
I have paired
Absol with several different Pokemon:
Decidueye GX
(Sun & Moon, 12/149),
Sableye (Guardians
Rising, 80/145),
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 142/145).
All told, I’m a combined one and six (one win,
six losses) with these decks.
The single win I had came when I paired
Absol with
Sableye, and
I honestly think that my opponent just conceded because
he basically got annoyed by my deck.
Overall, I just haven’t been able to find the
right combination for
Absol to have
Standard: 2 out of 5
I do believe that
Absol can find success at some point in the future.
There might be a combination out there right now
that I simply didn’t see that would allow
Absol to
break out and surprise us all.
I can’t see it yet, though.
Right now, all I could say is that you could
maybe tech in
Absol as a one of surprise mid to late game card
that could stall and disrupt your opponent and catch him
off balance.

Otaku |
We close this week with our 23rd place finisher from a
Top 15 list… which sounds kind of depressing, but this
set had a lot of great cards, so let us take a look at
what Absol (SM: Guardians Rising 81/145)
actually is and can do. To begin with, it is… a
regular Pokémon. Given that our other two cards
this week were Pokémon-GX, I wanted to stress that
Absol is only worth one Prize when KO’d, doesn’t
belong to any special groups, etc. It is a
Darkness-Type, which isn’t much for exploiting Weakness
(only against certain Psychic-Type Pokémon), does
sort-of has to worry about Resistance (all Fairy-Types),
anti-Darkness-Type cards (which haven’t proven
competitive), the main thing that carries the Type is
its support, be it strong Darkness-Type Pokémon (whether
for their Abilities, attacks, sometimes even both), or
effects based on the Pokémon and/or Energy Type, they
still have some very nice tricks. They aren’t as
great as they once were, though, and it can be easy to
forget. Absol is a Basic Pokémon, which is the
best: minimal deck space, time to hit the field, capable
of being your opening Active, and possessing a natural
synergy with various card effects/mechanics. There
are some nice bits of Basic Stage support, but also
Basic Stage counters, but the entire package is
definitely in this Stage’s favor. Absol has 100
HP, too much for Level Ball but not enough to be
particularly durable; it isn’t a guaranteed OHKO but
odds are against Absol surviving a hit if your
opponent has even a half decent setup.
Fighting-Types will savage Absol thanks to its
Weakness, with Psychic Resistance mostly just annoying
Psychic-Types. The Retreat Cost of [C] is fairly
good; easy to pay but initially and in the long run.
has two attacks, the first of which is “Future Sight”
for [D]. This attack allows you to look at the top
four cards of either player’s deck and arrange them as
you wish. For [DC] Absol can use “Doom
News”, which returns all Energy attached to it to your
hand while placing an effect on the opponent’s Active
that will KO said Active at the end of your opponent’s
next turn. Future Sight might have some potential
if you build a control deck; you can try to keep an
opponent who is already in a bad way from drawing
anything useful. If they already have a draw card,
however, they can try to just power through. For
that matter, certain search or recycling cards will
provide a similar out. Comboing it with your own
effects unlikely to work; even if you have a brilliant
combo worth the time and resource investment, your
opponent need only force you to shuffle your deck (such
as with N) or change the field enough to
invalidate your setup. Doom News is an
effect-based OHKO. This sounds pretty great for
two Energy but you’ve got to remember two things.
First up is that attack effects can be reset by Benching
a Pokémon, bouncing a Pokémon, Evolving a Pokémon, or
using Pokémon Ranger. Only Evolving won’t
help here. Second, even if you get the KO, your
opponent still gets an entire turn to use the card.
This could be useful if your opponent panics or just has
nothing “safe” to promote as you head into your next
turn, but mostly it means your opponent has this time to
shed the attack effect and/or still cash in on whatever
they can from the doomed card.
I don’t have any ideas for this card, I am afraid.
We have three other Absol from which to
pick: BW: Plasma Freeze 67/116, XY: Roaring
Skies 40/108, and XY: Black Star Promos
XY178. All are also Basic, Darkness-Type Pokémon
with 100 HP, Fighting Weakness, Psychic Resistance, and
Retreat Cost [C]. Absol (BW: Plasma Freeze
67/116) is a Team Plasma Pokémon, so we can call it
Absol [Plasma] and combo it with Team Plasma
support, but it has to deal with anti-Team Plasma
effects. Those aren’t as commonly used now because
the card pool size plus power creep have diluted the
influence of Team Plasma Pokémon (and decks), but
Absol was often used off-Type, so it might still
have some chops. Its first attack is “Mind Jack”
for [DC], which does 20 damage plus 20 per Pokémon on
your opponent’s Benched. For [DCC] it can use
“Fearsome Shadow” instead to do 60 damage and force your
opponent to reveal his or her hand. This was our
eighth place pick
when we counted down the top 10 best cards of its
expansion because Darkness-Types decks were needing a
single-Prize attacker and Mind Jack was pretty great.
We have other options now, especially as this card is
only Expanded legal, but Absol [Plasma] is still
a solid Basic attacker.
(XY: Roaring Skies 40/108) is still Standard
legal and has the Ability “Cursed Eyes”, which you may
Active when you Bench it from your hand. Cursed
Eyes allows you to move three damage counters from one
of your opponent’s Pokémon (singular) to another of your
opponent’s Pokémon (still singular). For general
usage, this can turn any damage left on the board into a
weapon you may use elsewhere, either to set up the
opponent’s Active for pseudo-OHKO or finish off
something with only 30 HP left hiding on the Bench or
behind various protective effects. Its attack is
“Mach Claw” which costs [DC] to do 30 that ignores
Resistance; better than nothing, but you’re paying about
twice the Energy it is worth, or else it does half the
damage it really ought to do. We looked at it
and I had… well, they weren’t high hopes, but they were
elevated above what it delivered. It proved useful
in a few decks, for a time, but I don’t recall seeing it
lately. Absol (XY: Black Star Promos
XY178) is also Standard legal with one Ability and one
attack. The Ability is “Lamentation”, which
triggers when it is your Active and damaged by an
opponent’s attack (even if it gets KO’d in the process).
When that happens, your opponent has to discard a random
card from his or her hand. The attack is “Shadow
Cage” for [DCC]. Shadow Cage does 60 damage while
preventing the opponent’s Active from retreating during
your opponent’s next turn. While the effect can be
handy, it and the damage aren’t enough to justify the
Energy cost, especially as said effect is easy to
circumvent. Lamentation has some merit, but not
enough for something likely to be OHKO’d and/or without
a really good attack to use as well.
I may not have had too many great things to say about
these past three Absol, but I think they are more
useful than today’s for their respective formats.
The one place Absol (SM: Guardians Rising
81/145) could shine is in Limited. The card’s
stats are comparatively better here. Foresight is
a potent tool for building your side of the field or
stifling your opponent’s development, as there are fewer
draw/search cards in a player’s deck. Doom News is
harder to shake as well.
(SM: Guardians Rising 81/145) does a few
interesting things, but its attack effects aren’t useful
enough to justify running it, only to avoid minimum
scores. Other than in Limited play, where, as is
usually the case, a competent card can shine.
fell one point shy of Vikavolt-GX and one point
ahead of our next two runners-up (which tied with each
other). That’s right, we aren’t done with these
yet. On my own list, Absol ranked 104th.
As you may recall, that far down I never got around to
properly ordering the cards, so that could be
misleading; 69th place through 127th place all received
the same preliminary score of “1.75” because I didn’t
allow myself to speculate lower than that. I won’t
be mad if one of the others has a brilliant use for
Absol, however, and most of my picks that ranked
this low have also failed to bear fruit yet.