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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Energy Loto
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
June 5, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.42
Expanded: 3.13
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
It's Energy Search but in Great
Ball style form! Hooray!
On the one hand, Energy Loto gets
you an Energy card from your deck pretty easily. On the
other hand, it's only the top 7 cards, it's an Item
card, and if you don't find an Energy card in those
7...well, you get no Energy into your hand. Still, it is
any Energy card - not just basic Energy mind you - that
you can grab, so this is one of the reasons Energy Loto
is probably proving popular among many decks.
I can see its appeal, and far be it
from me to have it stifled by Garbodor, Trevenant, or
Vileplume. I mean, that's a lot of Item hate right
there, but it's not like it should keep it from seeing
play, right? Well it'll depend on what people want out
of their decks - and if they think they can handle the
onslaught of Item-hate. Vileplume will keep things
trapped in hand while Trevenant and Garbodor can benefit
from the Items existing - so if you're prepared for
that, then Energy Loto's an...okay card to run at least.
I mean when was the last time you
heard of a deck running Great Ball?
Standard: 3/5 (decent Energy
acceleration, although it only adds to the hand)
Expanded: 3/5 (and it comes with
the strengths and weaknesses of an Item card)
Limited: 4.5/5 (at least in Limited
it's got a great chance of hitting an Energy card)
Arora Notealus: Energy Loto will
probably be in flux for the duration of its lifespan. In
and out, up and down, hot and cold, until we either
figure it's going to be a great card or a mediocre one.
Is it format-defining or an absolute staple? Not really,
to be honest. But it's good if you want it, have the
room for it, and aren't concerned with any consequences
it might have.
Next Time: You know her, I know
her, he/she/we knowwwwwwwwwww her~

21times |
Energy Loto
(Guardians Rising, 122/145) makes its debut in
the Guardians Rising expansion set.
This card gives you the ability to look at the
top seven cards in your deck and select one of any
energy you find there and put it in your hand.
This card also works for Special energy, not just
basics, and that’s where you’ll find the value of this
card. When I
initially saw this I thought, “Ok it’s a really, really
bad Professor’s
Letter (Breakthrough, 146/162).
And, unless they’re rotating all of XY,
Letter will
still be in the format.
So where’s the use for this?”
It recently hit me though: what if you run a deck
that only
runs special
energy? Some
decks run only four
Double Colorless Energy (Guardians Rising, 166/145).
For those decks,
Energy Loto becomes an essential, probably four of, asset to help
find energy to power up their Pokemon.
Subsequent to this realization
(and of course after I had previously completed my
review), it dawned on me that
Energy Loto
can help with
any deck that runs four Special energy cards,
not just decks that
only run four
special energy cards.
For example, if you’re running
Lycanroc GX (Guardians
Rising, 74/145), you can use
Loto to help
you find both DCE
and Strong
Energy (Fates Collide, 115/124).
Basically, any deck that runs four of SPE can use
Energy Loto.
The only decks that it won’t help are decks that
don’t run any Special energy.
In case you’re wondering, about 58% of the decks
I come across on PTCGO carry SPE.
I still don’t know if this
makes quad DCE decks practical – personally, I’m just
not a fan of decks that only run four energy cards.
When I play those decks, my biggest complaint is
always not being able to find energy.
Energy Loto
may help with this, especially later in the game if
you’ve used
Special Charge (Steam Siege, 105/114) to
recycle a couple of DCE back into your deck.
Energy Loto is best used after you’ve gone through your deck a
little bit.
If you play Energy
Loto turn one with forty plus cards in your deck,
don’t be surprised when you don’t find any DCE’s.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
Energy Loto
has a definite place in the meta.
It has a niche that will allow it to see play,
but that audience is somewhat limited to decks that run
Special energy.
I have not run it in any of my decks yet but
might try it with
Lycanroc GX, Golisopod (Guardians Rising, 9/145), and
Alolan Golem (Guardians
Rising, 42/145).

Otaku |
As my review
usually rounds out the groups, not sense beating around
the bush: we’re covering the runners-up from our Top 15
Cards of SM: Guardians Rising countdown. Because
I needed to layout these next few weeks in a hurry.
We don’t want to wait any longer to highlight some of
the best cards you should be getting (assuming you don’t
have them already). Plus it will allow late
bloomers time to show themselves.
Our first runner-up
(meaning it ranked as our 16th place pick) is Energy
Loto (SM: Guardians Rising 122/145). I
actually misread this as “Energy Lotto” until I
finally got a good look at the card. I… am still
not 100% sure what this is about. Based on Google
searches, it might refer to lockout/tagout,
a procedure for safely handling energy. If that is
true (and I didn’t mess up the terminology), that is
kind of awesome. That’s because it kind of ties
into what Energy Loto does; Energy Loto is
an Item that allows you to look at the top seven cards
of your deck and add an Energy card you find there to
your hand (if there is at least one). You
have to shuffle your deck afterward (like usual), but it
works on any Energy, unlike most such cards that
only work on basic Energy. Thanks to Max Elixir,
which only checks the top six cards of your deck, we
know that seven is a solid range. If you only need
to add a basic Energy to hand, Professor’s Letter
is still legal, searches your entire deck, and
gets you two cards instead of one, while I already
mentioned Max Elixir which gives you a free
attachment (though it does have to go to a Benched
Basic Pokémon). Clearly, that makes Energy Loto
something to use only with deck’s focused on Special
As an Item,
Energy Loto is easy to use, unless you’re facing
Item lock like Vileplume (XY: Ancient Origins
3/98) or something that punishes Item usage, like
Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising 51/145).
The good news? If the Madison, Wisconsin Regionals
from this past weekend are an indication (and my list of
winners and their deck foci is correct), things are
getting good again. Yeah, Otaku is optimistic!
The game ain’t going where I think it really needs to
go, but we’re seeing some variety in the final top
eight. Garbodor decks were there but weren’t
dominant. Vileplume still made an appearance,
but again wasn’t part of the very top.
There were a few things I wasn’t expecting, but relevant
to Energy Loto is you don’t have to be super
paranoid about running it and then suffering for it just
because it is an Item. Instead, you gain a handy
trick for the many decks that want to rely
heavily on Special Energy cards… like Double
Colorless Energy. It was an important card in
the earliest days of the game, and when it returned to
Modified (Standard) play after nearly a 10-year absence,
it quickly became vital to some top decks. After
toying with us by becoming a bit less prominent, we
suddenly had multiple decks running on as little as four
Double Colorless Energy, and nothing else.
The bad news is that such an approach makes it
quite likely Energy Loto will whiff. The
good news is that such decks were already crazy fast
and focused upon thinning, which means Energy
Loto goes from farfetched to far fetching.
Even if you’ve only got two Double Colorless Energy
cards left in your deck (at the moment), searching seven
cards is effective when your remaining deck is probably
down to 14 cards.
So yeah, try it in
Standard and Expanded. It won’t be for every deck,
but as long as you need to work with some clutch Special
Energy cards (and don’t have some other trick to search
them out), seems like a solid deal. For Limited
play, you’ll probably just be looking for the right
Basic Energy while running a multi-Type deck, but it
still does that well, so it remains a good pull.
Energy Loto
is moderately useful in general, with a few specific
decks that really capitalize upon what it does.
That means the above are aggregate scores. Running
a deck in general with a few Special Energy you’d like
to snag? Energy Loto might be okay.
Running a deck where Special Energy are vital, whether
you run only a few or several? Energy Loto
should be quite handy, maybe even essential.
Thinking (because I’m still lacking the time to test) of
some of the decks where I expected to love it, I am hard
pressed on what to cut from them to make room for
Energy Loto, which could be a problem.
Energy Loto
scored 16th place by tying with
15th place
Trevenant but losing the roll off: a two
versus a three. It beat out tomorrow’s card by
just one point It was my 15th place pick, so for the
most part, I’m okay with it finishing only one spot
below. Unless it turns out it’s being maxed out in
several successful decks, it’s a solid finish.