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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Brooklet Hill
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
June 9, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.75
Expanded: 3.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Brooklet Hill is a pretty simple
Stadium. All you really need from it is to put it into
play, and then it'll just accelerate things MASSIVELY!!
Let's say you're playing it in a
Water or Fighting deck - or even a Water/Fighting
hybrid! Brooklet Hill grants you access to your deck's
Basic Water or Basic Fighting types by granting you the
ability to once per turn put one such Basic Water or
Fighting Pokemon from your deck STRAIGHT onto the Bench!
Course this won't trigger any of those "comes into play
from your hand" kind of abilities, and it won't let you
evolve them straight away due to the Evolution rule, but
it is a very powerful maneuver to just instantly place a
Basic-EX or GX onto your Bench!
Yes, that's right - as long as it's
a Basic, you don't have to worry about how many HP it's
Of course, there are some downsides
to this card - for one thing, it is a Stadium, and while
it can get rid of your opponent's Stadium, it does
suffer from when your opponent counters with a Stadium
of his own or Field Blower. There's also the idea of
what you bring out onto your Bench. A Basic-EX or GX
won't have to worry about getting dragged out into the
Active slot and OHKO'd most of the time, but what about
Basic Evolving Pokemon? Depending on what you grab, you
could have something with as little as 30-60 HP, which
is child's play in terms of damage in the mid-to-late
Brooklet Hill is the kind of card
you want early and often, but to maximize that, you'll
have to run the full 4 copies, and even then you're not
guaranteed to start with it. On top of that, I can't
immediately think of what Water or Fighting Basics need
to come out instantly in the early game to matter, so it
might not be a good time to bring Brooklet Hill into
your decks either. Still, it's got a good supportive
role, and once we get to a point where Water or Fighting
decks have a Pokemon they need out early? Well then, I
can imagine you'll find Brooklet Hill running in droves.
...that doesn't make it any better
mid-to-late game.
Standard: 3/5 (it's an early game
card that needs to be played early game)
Expanded: 3/5 (otherwise, it loses
out on a lot of its potential)
Limited: 4/5 (but as for its
potential, that's got a lot of promise depending on the
card pool)
Arora Notealus: Just imagine in
Expanded getting a Keldeo-EX straight from your deck
RIGHT when you need it! I'm sure that'll be a move seen
in some decks - and it makes Keldeo-EX stronger!
Unfortunately, we don't really have anything like Keldeo-EX
in Standard at the moment, but hey, once we do, I'm sure
Brooklet Hill will become very noteworthy...well...I
guess now that I think about it there is one Pokemon...
Weekend Thought: What do you think
of the runner-ups to the list? Think some had more
promise? Or maybe they're not that great? Think maybe
they'll get better in the future? What promise do they
show that's not getting tapped into right now? Or are
they even worth the deck space in the first place?

21times |
Brooklet Hill
(Guardians Rising, 120/145), our first Stadium
card to review out of the Guardians Rising
expansion set, allows you to search your deck for a
basic Water or Fighting Pokemon and place it directly on
your bench.
This card actually saw use this past weekend at both
Madison and Birmingham regionals in
Volcanion EX
(Steam Siege, 107/114) decks.
decks got a lot more play than I had expected since
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) presents such a difficult match up
for them.
decks, in all their various incarnations, have always
carried a TON of Item cards, and, of course, this makes
them very vulnerable to
Trashalanche attack.
I remember watching one prominent Youtuber claim
recently that
Volcanion decks were all but “dead” because the
Grampa (Garbodor
Drampa GX (Guardians Rising, 142/145) matchup
was so bad for them.
However, as I mentioned in my
review a week ago, “Keep calm and find a counter.”
And give many
players credit because they definitely rebuilt their
decks to rely much less on Items.
Hill became a very valuable card for them as they
could search out the big daddy
Volcanion EX’s
as that card is a dual type Water and Fire.
They also put the long forgotten
Starmie (Evolutions,
31/108) back in their decks as well.
These decks reduced the number of Items that they
needed and improved their chances against
The unfortunate side effect to these changes
meant that this deck has slowed down some, but it still
can hit for at least some damage turn one and still
powers up benched Pokemon while still hitting for at
least reasonable damage while doing so, and Fire has the
good fortune of having the weakness advantage over many
Grass and I think all Metal types.
Standard: 2 out of 5
Brooklet Hill
adds significant value to all Water and Fighting decks.
I’m pretty sure that this is at least a two of if
not four of in those decks.
It also can see use in other decks that tech in
Water Pokemon for draw support (Octillery
(Breakthrough, 33/162) and
Alolan Sandslash
(Guardians Rising, 20/145)).
The only reason I’m giving it a two is because it
has such limited usage overall and adds no value for the
majority of decks in the meta today.
For Fighting and Water decks, it’s probably a

Otaku |
Welcome to a
very late review of Brooklet Hill (SM:
Guardians Rising 120/145). While writing
CotD, I realized this is one of the ones I missed over a
month ago. I keep meaning to catch them up, but
then I keep managing to fall behind again. Time to
get this one done, at least. It does mean that I
have “future” knowledge when compared to the rest of the
reviews on this page.
Brooklet Hill
was one of the earlier runner-ups from our Top 15
countdown, effectively our 19th place finisher. It
is a Stadium that allows a player, once during his or
her turn, to search his deck for either a Fighting-Type
or Water-Type Pokémon. If one or both of the Types
on a Dual-Type match, then it is also a legal target.
Which gets us to how we know this is a good card;
Volcanion-EX decks are now running search out
Volcanion-EX and - if they run Starmie (XY:
Evolutions 31/108) - a Staryu. Even
though Stadiums are feeling the hurt thanks to Field
Blower joining the ranks of Delinquent,
Paint Roller, and all the other good Stadiums that
can counter your own, Brooklet Hill provides an
instant return. Hitting two different Types is a
mixed blessing; like with Rough Seas, it helps
you with multi-Type decks but makes it more
likely your opponent can cash in on it. I’d
imagine it is nice for players who run Octillery
(XY: BREAKthrough 33/162), and perhaps the new
Sudowoodo (SM: Guardians Rising 66/145), if
it ever catches on as TecH. This card has a bright
future, I think, in Standard as some of its competition
should soon rotate, and things aren’t terrible for it in
Expanded, either. Bit more of a gamble in Limited,
in that your opponent is more likely to have a wide
variety of Types in his or her deck. Then again,
with multiple Stadium cards in this set, you might want
to run Brooklet Hill just to help knock out one
your opponent needs more.
Brooklet Hill
is the new trick for decks with Water- or Fighting-Type
Basics to search, and thanks to being late I can
show what happens when the card pool swings in its
favor. Possibly, things could get even better for
it in the future, but what we’ve seen now is pretty
good. With so many things to shut down Abilities
and Items, with attacks and Supporters often being too
in demand to use on Pokémon search more than once (if
that) in the typical deck, Stadium-based Pokémon search
could be the next big thing.
Who has two thumbs
and didn’t think Brooklet Hill was going to
matter until rotation at the earlier? This guy.
I didn’t write it off entirely but looks like it was my
39th place pick for the set, and only placed there
because it was part of a massive tie and that’s just how
my spreadsheet sorted them (I never went out and
properly ranked them past 25th place). Brooklet Hill
came in one voting point below Rescue Stretcher
and one point above the tie between 20th and 21st place.
It isn’t better than Rescue Stretcher, but
both deserved to make the actual Top 15 (at least).