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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Sun & Moon
Date Reviewed:
March 15, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.00
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
So our next card isn't the final
evolution of a line, but rather the middle of the road
pick. Strange, isn't it? In Stage 2 line-ups, we usually
don't take a look at the Stage 1 that leads from Basic
to 2, but when we do, you know it's for a good reason.
In Dragonair's case, it's got
something to do with an attack she's got...big surprise,
it's not Tail Smack, the 3-for-60 horridly vanilla
attack. No, the attack that draws attention is Dragon's
Wish. At just one Energy, it does no damage...in fact,
in the immediate use, it does nothing. No damage or
effects on the opponent...note: on the opponent.
No, this is used for your next
turn, and during that turn, Dragonair's attack grants
you the ability to play any and all Energies from your
hand in any way you'd like. That's honestly the greatest
gift a Pokemon can give you! The ability to power up all
of your other Pokemon in an instant and be ready for
That said, this does cost you a
turn of actually attacking, and Dragonair herself only
has 90 HP to work with, which is a bit below the
standard for 2HKOs and puts her in the dangerous terrain
of OHKOs. Timing is going to be crucial with Dragon's
Wish; in the early game, it can help set you up very
quickly in combination with drawing power and the like,
but late game, it becomes a huge gamble to use up a turn
to Wish and hope your victory will be assured on your
next turn.
...ought to make for some exciting
builds in casual play!
Standard: 2.5/5 (it's a great
attack, but I think the risk will keep people from
playing it in their competitive decks)
Expanded: 2/5 (but that said, the
potential for the card to do well is there)
Limited: 3/5 (provided, of course,
you're able to reap the benefits of the Wish)
Arora Notealus: Dragonair does get
the benefit of having Dragonite as an evolution, and
coincidentally the evolutionary line uses both Grass and
Electric Energy - the two types that Vikavolt from
Monday accelerates! Maybe there's a deck in-between for
that? Or at the very least in Expanded with Dragonite-EX
- Busting In to instantly power up Jet Sonic and lay the
smackdown! If only he'd come out sooner, that Vikavolt...
Next Time: This card is a blast
from the past...of not that long ago?

21times |
How would you like to attach 6, 7, 8, or
even more energy … in one single
Meet Dragonair (Sun & Moon,
95/149), an extremely common stage 1
Pokemon. I have 17 of them on my
PTCGO account. It has 90 HP (which
is great because it can be pulled with
Level Ball (Ancient Origins,
76/98)), and it is a Dragon type
Pokemon. This card’s most
important feature – the attack
Dragon’s Wish - allows you to attach
as many Energy cards from your hand to
your Pokemon as you would like. In
my experience with Dragonair, as
mentioned above, I frequently attach
multiple Energy cards in one turn.
Including Double Dragon or Double
Colorless Energy, you can realistically
have 10 or more energy on your board
before you go to attack on turn 3.
It is a surreal (and undoubtedly
intimidating) feeling to place several
Energy cards on your Pokemon in one
turn, and it can definitely turn the
game in your favor.
Cards which complement Dragonair
include but are not limited to:
Shaymin-EX (Roaring Skies, 77/108),
Energy Retrieval (Sun & Moon,
116/149), Professor’s Letter
(Breakthrough, 146/162),
Fisherman (Breakthrough,
136/162), Professor Sycamore (Steam
Siege, 114/114), and Float Stone
(Breakthrough, 137/162). I
would not suggest Wally (Roaring
Skies, 107/108). I did not use
it or get it in my hand early enough to
play it in the handful of games I tried
it, and it really cut down the amount of
fluidity in my draw support. I
actually think I lost all but one of the
6 or 7 games I tried the deck with
The downside to Dragon’s Wish is
that it can be difficult to perfectly
execute. You need to get
Dratini (Sun& Moon, 94/149)
out, evolve it to Dragonair, get
it into the active, attach an Energy of
any type, and then attack with
Dragon’s Wish. THEN you need
to have energy in your hand to attach,
Pokemon in play to attach them to, draw
support to then reach into your deck and
get more Energy cards, and probably even
some of the Trainer Cards mentioned
above to help facilitate getting more
Energy into your hand. You also
then need a way to get Dragonair
out of the active, but, after seeing you
attach all of those Energy cards, your
opponent is usually more than willing to
help you with that. There have
been occasions when I’ve been able to
use Dragon’s Wish on consecutive
turns, but you can usually attach a
sufficient amount of Energy in that
initial turn.
Also, please realize that Dragon’s
Wish is an effect of an
attack – this means that if your
opponent plays Pokemon Ranger (Steam
Siege, 113/114) in the turn
immediately after you’ve played
Dragon’s Wish, you will not be able
to use Dragon’s Wish to attach
multiple Energy cards in your next turn.
Another side effect of using Dragon’s
Wish is that it tends to thin out
your deck rather quickly. You need
to think about exactly how you attach
the Energy cards, as once an Energy card
is attached, it cannot be easily
removed. If you put a significant
amount of the Energy you have in your
deck in play in one turn, you may
overextend yourself and have difficulty
finding Energy for Pokemon brought into
play in successive turns.
In my play with Dragonair, I have
had the most success pairing him with
Darkrai-EX (Breakpoint, 118/122).
With Darkrai-EX, I went 37-19
(66%). However, I had very little
success in pairing Dragonair with
any other Pokemon. With Ho-Oh
EX (Breakpoint, 121/122), I
went 2-5. Xerneas Break (Steam
Siege, 82/114) was 2-4, and Mega
Mewtwo-EX (Breakthrough, 64/162)
went 2-2. I have seen a video that
pairs Dragonair successfully with
the Dragon type M Rayquaza-EX (Roaring
Skies, 61/108), but I have not
tested this myself. I have only
faced decks using Dragonair twice
- M Gardevoir-EX (Generations,
RC31) and Darkrai-EX, and I
beat both those decks.
Standard: 2/5 (as mentioned, I was only
able to have success with Darkrai-EX,
but that pairing was pretty dominant)
Pairing Dragonair with Darkrai-EX
will probably win you a majority of
your games. When I first put these
two together (around the 23rd
of February, the weekend of Anaheim
regionals), I could not find any
decklists or videos using Dragonair
anywhere. I have since seen a
few videos pop up with Dragonair.
None of the Darkrai-EX decks in
the Top 8 at Anaheim used Dragonair,
and the Darkrai-EX deck in the
Top 8 at Sheffield did not use it
either. I know that a Darkrai-EX
deck snuck into the Top 8 at Melbourne,
but I have no idea at the time of this
writing if it used Dragonair.

Otaku |
Today we look at
Dragonair (Sun & Moon 95/149), or at least it
would have been “today” if this review wasn’t going up
several days late. As I am behind, let us dive
right in. Dragonair is a Dragon Type: nothing is
Dragon Resistant but only BW-era Dragon Types are Dragon
Weak, and these won’t matter often because (spoiler
alert) we aren’t running this card to attack for damage.
Dragon Type support will matter, but mostly just
Double Dragon Energy due to the specifics of how
I’ve seen this card successfully used. Some of the
other Dragon Types may matter as well, as Double
Dragon Energy makes it possible to mix and match
many of them, even though their Energy costs are often
strikingly different. I’d say being a Dragon Type
is good for this card, possibly great (...it involves
Double Dragon Energy). Dragonair in the video
games are pure Dragon Types, so it isn’t like there was
a choice for the card, anyway. Older Dragonair
have been other Types, but that was because of
technicalities due to the TCG that no longer apply:
predating the introduction of the Dragon Type, or
mechanics no longer in use. Dragonair is an
Evolving Stage 1 Pokémon. This means it isn’t an
easy fit for most decks, but it is doable. You’ll
have the option of adding in a Dragonite, its
Evolved form, should it prove useful, but we really are
looking at Dragonair for its own sake, which is
awesome because most Evolving Stage 1 cards are
filler. I’ve been trying to explain to folks that
the big issue plaguing game balance is pacing
but a close second is that the competitiveness of an
Evolution line rests solely on the final Stage,
instead of having its worth be distributed throughout
the line. Sometimes this creates an Evolving Basic
or Stage 1 that sees play without its final Stage, but
that is a risk I am willing to take. I’m not even
sure if it is a risk since it might not be a bad thing.
has 90 HP, which is also not a bad thing, it just isn’t
a good thing, either. 90 HP is a probable OHKO unless
your opponent is having issues (including still setting
up), which should make it bad but there are two
things that offset this. The first is that this is
a pretty typical amount for an Evolving Stage 1, as well
as Stage 1 Pokémon not intended to spend most of their
time slugging it out in the Active position. It
isn’t much, but it means just a tiny bit less
competition as there are only a few glass cannon style
main attackers this small, which means players smarter,
more talented, and more skilled than myself have helped
us figure out how to make such a thing work in the
metagame. The second is Level Ball; I don’t
know firsthand, but it might be a useful option for
getting Dragonair (and Dratini) to hand,
without the hefty discard cost of a card like Ultra
Ball. 90 HP makes the Fairy Weakness less relevant;
with 90 HP, a Fairy Type attacker must do 50, 60, 70, or
80 damage to really benefit. Less than 50 means
(at best) a 2HKO, which could matter some of the time
but not often, while 90+ damage is already a OHKO, so
the Weakness just provides overkill. Lack of
Resistance is typical, and even if present -20 damage
against one Type isn’t likely to make a big difference.
It could have been Fire or Lightning Resistant without
the video-game-to-TCG-Type-relationships clashing, but I
think the developers want the lack of Fire and Lightning
Resistance on modern cards to be a “thing”. That
leaves the Retreat Cost of [CC], which is also typical;
you won’t always be able to manually retreat, but often
enough you’ll manage it.
has two attacks, and the second one is pure filler, so
we’re going to tackle it first. “Tail Smack” requires
[GLC] to do 60 damage; that is a poor return that
requires Energy acceleration of some sort to be
plausible. Good thing we have Double Dragon
Energy, as well as the first attack, “Dragon’s
Wish”. Dragon’s Wish costs just [C]. It does
no damage, but places an effect on yourself, allowing
you to attach as many Energy cards as you wish during
your next turn. Your opponent can get rid of this
by using Pokémon Ranger; changing out your
Active, KOing Dragonair, etc. won’t matter.
You don’t have to attach the Energy all at the same
time, either; you can attach some, do something else,
then attach some more. This is pretty important
given the brisk pace of the game; with cards like
Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 77/108,
106/108), Professor Sycamore, and several Items
to streamline the process, you can drop a massive amount
of Energy in a single turn. Your active
Dragonair and the Energy attached to it are forfeit,
though. Dragon’s Wish is very good, but if you
don’t build your deck around it, it isn’t too likely to
provide a sufficient enough return.
I’d run through the entire Evolution line, but
we’ll be looking at Dragonite (Sun & Moon
96/149) soon. Since this is a late CotD,
you may have even seen it already; I’ll cover the
entire Evolution line there. No sense
hammering things out in detail here; use Dratini
(Sun & Moon 94/149) and if you’re running any
Standard or Expanded legal Dragonite, this
Dragonair (also maybe Rare Candy). The
reason we are looking at this card separate from
Dragonite is because Dragonair is already
seeing success without its Stage 2 form! Darkrai-EX
(XY: BREAKpoint 74/122, 118/122) is the main
beneficiary, as you can use Dragonair on your
second turn, then flood your field with Energy,
specifically Darkness Energy and Double Dragon
Energy, to fuel your go to attack on Darkrai-EX:
“Dark Pulse”. You may still include some of the
strong, Dragon Type attackers like Giratina-EX (XY:
Ancient Origins 57/98, 93/98) and/or Salamence-EX
(XY: Black Star Promos XY170); Benched
Dragonair are too small to be a safe repository for
Energy, though they are much better than having no
option at all. Xerneas BREAK and M Gardevoir-EX
(XY: Primal Clash 106/160, 156/160;
Generations RC31/RC32) are also possible partners,
but I’ve seen fewer people using them well. Either
way, Dragonair is not the only way to play
these cards; the previous iterations of the decks are
still valid (or as valid as they were pre-Dragonair);
this is just a new options. As for Limited play,
yeah try to work this in if you pull it. It isn’t
perfect, especially as you won’t have the supporting
effects to get massive swings, nor as many Prize cards
to spare (four instead of six for most forms of Limited
play), but as is usually the case with Limited,
when you get it to work, it’s pretty amazing.
My firsthand
experience with Dragonair is facing it, not
running it, but I’ve seen it enable some impressive
plays, and dealing with it well is a matter of just
having your own strong setup, give or take a little
luck. Besides the decks listed above, other more
Energy intensive strategies may consider it, assuming
they don’t have something better. Speaking of
which, it doesn’t score higher because the currently
established strategies may be better; Max Elixir
and manual Energy attachments can get a lot of these
decks into OHKO range pretty quick.
When I first saw
this card, I graded it as a “D+”, then as a “D-” on my
second look because I misread the effect of Dragon’s
Wish on that run through, and assumed I’d made
the mistake the first time through. So, thinking
you had to attach the Energy when you used Dragon’s
Wish, it looked much less appealing. Its current
score translates to a grade of “C”, which is pretty
great for a somewhat deck specific trick on an Evolving
Stage 1. This is how more Evolving Pokémon need
to be; doing something that can help their final Stage
(and maybe others).