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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Sun & Moon
Date Reviewed:
March 28, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.17
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Remember when Eevee came out in
Furious Fists, and everyone made a big deal about it
having Energy Evolution?
So if you ran the last copy of
Eevee with Energy Evolution - and yes, I'm ignoring
Quick Draw, we all know you're not playing this guy for
that - you probably found a lot of different uses for
it. The Ability is pretty simple; if you attach basic
Energy to Eevee, you can search your deck out for an
Eeveelution and evolve Eevee based on the type of Energy
it is. So with the exception of Metal Energy, Eevee has
a lot of versatility.
If you used the older copy, you'll
know that Flareon (PLF) continues to be a popular
option, even if my last review completely threw that
idea out because of Expanded only, but it's still there
at least, so Vengeance decks can come out faster. In
Standard, you do get Flareon as well as Vaporeon and
Jolteon, all from Ancient Origins (for now), all with
their different Abilities to add multiple Types to Stage
1s. And I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting, but
keep in mind you can't go into the Eeveelution-EX
library for that, since none of them evolve.
...that said, there's a lot of
discussion on the new Pokemon-GX library, and you've
already got 2 excellent members: Umbreon-GX and Espeon-GX.
Sure, there will probably be more Eeveelution-GX down
the road, but just keep in mind that you can go from a
60 HP Basic to something with over 200 HP in the same
amount of time it takes you to put down a basic
Energy...aaaaaaaaand search your deck and what-not -
point is, you can get these GX out quick.
Having Energy Evolution back in
Standard is crucial to keep in mind in context of other
Eeveelutions, especially if we get an amazing GX -
because the last thing we need is to forget that these
GX can come out as early as Turn 1.
Standard: 3/5 (great support for
the deck, though Eevee himself isn't worth much
Expanded: 3/5 (he's better than the
Furious Fist version if only for the increase in HP)
Limited: 3/5 (he's only really good
if you get an Eeveelution...up a half-point for the GX)
Arora Notealus: Those Eeveelutions,
man...those Eeveelutions...one of these days, there's
just gonna be a top tier highly competitive Eeveelution
deck...or maybe there already was one?
Next Time: Pollinating the
countryside, pollinating the flowers.

Otaku |
Ol’ Otaku hurt his
back last week, right before our nice, wonderful break
that was going to allow him to get all caught up.
Throw in a few other issues, and now I’m running far
behind. Which ends up being kind of funny, because
today’s CotD is more involved than it might look at a
glance. Eevee (Sun & Moon 101/149) is a
Colorless, Basic Pokémon with 60 HP, Fighting Weakness,
Retreat Cost [CC], the Ability “Energy Evolution”, and
the attack “Quick Draw”. Being a Basic - as always
- is the best. It also keeps some of the other
attributes from being problematic, though there are some
downsides we’ll discuss later. Being a Colorless
Type is unlikely to matter as there are no Colorless
Eeveelutions to combo with, and even if Colorless
Weakness/Resistance was a thing in Standard or Expanded
play (it isn’t), Quick Draw does no damage. 60 HP is
low enough Eevee isn’t surviving any remotely
serious attack, but it does keep it a legal Level
Ball target. Fighting Weakness is dangerous
but that low HP means it can’t make things much worse.
Resistance is missing, but again 60 HP means it wouldn’t
help much either. The Retreat Cost of [CC] is
annoying because an Eevee stuck up front is going
to be just a bit pricey to Bench, but between its
HP and Ability, that isn’t too likely to be an issue.
Energy Evolution
triggers when you attach a basic Energy (not
Special Energy) to Eevee from hand (not
from anywhere else) during your turn (not at any
other time). You may then search your deck for
something that Evolves from Eevee that has the
same Type as the Energy you just attached, then play it
onto Eevee (which counts as Evolving, but from
the deck). Except you are allowed to make use of
this effect the first turn Eevee is in play and
even the first turn of the game. Quick Draw costs
[C] and allows you to flip a coin; “heads” means you
draw a card, “tails” means the attack does nothing.
Not the worst filler, but only something to use in an
emergency, like when Silent Lab or Alolan Muk
is shutting down the Abilities of Basics, or something
else has all your Abilities offline. This is
probably the overall best Eevee available right
now. Eevee (BW: Plasma Freeze 90/116) is
the next best choice, due to its “Signs of Evolution”
attack, which costs [C] and allows you to search your
deck for up to three Eeveelutions (which must be of
different Types) to add to hand. If your own
deck requires Abilities go offline or you want to
split between two Eevee (just in case) this is
the other Eevee to consider, at least in
Expanded. It is also a great pull in Limited,
unless you whiff on Eeveelutions.
1.5/5 (but at least 4/5 with an Eeveelution)
Wait, where’s the
rest of the review? Honestly, I had to ditch my
initial plan of a massive Eeveelution overview.
I’ve been struggling to get my reviews done lately, and
I’ve barely touched the PTCGO for the last few weeks, so
I’m falling behind there. Something had to give…
so let us at least be grateful Eevee isn’t some
filler Evolving Basic but an integral part to most

21times |
(Sun & Moon, 101/149) has captured the hearts of
so many Pokemon fans because it’s so stinking cute!
Personally, I’ve never played
Eevee, I just
haven’t ever really spent any time trying to make it
work in the card game, so I don’t know much about it.
Therefore, logically, I turned to my twelve year
old twin Pokemon fanaticized children for advice.
I said to them, “Guys, I need your help.
I’m writing a review on
Eevee on Tuesday. I need
you to tell me everything you know about it.”
And here’s what I got:
“I love Eevee!
It’s sooooooo cute!”
“It evolves into a lot of
different Pokemon.”
Great, thanks guys.
So much for my Pokemon experts.
Well, as the saying goes, if you want something
done right….
Our current version of
Eevee features
a truly special ability.
Energy Evolution allows you to evolve into any of
incarnations by simply attaching a basic energy card
onto it. You
can use this on the first turn of play or if this is the
first turn the card is placed into play – you just have
to select an evolution of the same type as the energy
card you placed on
Obviously, it goes without saying that many players have
taken advantage of the speed of this acceleration to get
two of the more popular GX Pokemon
Umbreon GX (Sun
& Moon, 80/149) and
Espeon GX
(61/149) into play very quickly.
A Mega
Mewtwo EX (Breakthrough, 64/162) decklist
that finished in eighth place at Anaheim actually
included a 1-1
Eevee / Espeon GX line.
Other than that, however, I don’t think that
Eevee and the
Eevolutions have had any competitive success.
And that surprises me a little bit.
So, we all know that the weakness mechanic in the
PTCG is borderline broken.
Many decks that are dominant have autolosses
against decks that they are weak to.
Every Pokemon has one type that it has weakness
too, that opposing cards of this type do double damage
to the disadvantaged Pokemon.
We all know this – we all have matchups that we
come across on the versus ladder where we have a quick
trigger finger on the concede button.
However, in theory, the
Eevees present
the ideal opportunity to exploit the weakness mechanic.
In the current Standard meta, we have five
different options to choose from for
Eevee to
evolve into: the aforementioned
Umbreon GX and
Espeon GX as well as Vaporeon
(Ancient Origins, 22/98),
Flareon (Ancient
Origins, 13/98), and
Jolteon (Ancient
Origins, 26/98).
Vaporeon, Flareon,
and Jolteon
all share the same type of ability: each Stage 1
Pokemon in play becomes the same type Pokemon as the
Eevee-lution that you just selected.
For example, if you are facing
Volcanion EX (Steam
Siege, 107/114) and you evolve
Eevee into Vaporeon, all
Stage 1 Pokemon that you attack
Volcanion EX
with hit it for weakness, regardless of what type is
listed on their card.
Moreover, Sun & Moon has
provided us (other than
Umbreon GX and
Espeon GX)
with a couple of
very strong Stage 1 Pokemon:
Lycanroc GX (SM14)
and Lurantis GX
(Sun & Moon, 15/149).
Lycanroc GX has the good fortune of being a Fighting type, and three
of the four most common Pokemon I come across on PTCGO
have fighting weakness (Tauros
GX (Sun & Moon, 100/149),
Darkrai EX (Breakpoint,
118/122), and
Oranguru (Sun & Moon, 113/149)).
Lurantis GX
fills in the one major type that we miss with just
Vaporeon, Flareon,
and Jolteon.
Now, in addition to covering Pokemon that have
water, fire, and lightning weakness,
Lurantis GX
hits decks that have Grass type weakness as well (I’m
looking at you, Fighting and Water types).
I’ve heard that it used to be called “Six
Corners,” that you could hit for weakness for up to six
different types of Pokemon.
Again, I’ve never really tried this, this is the
definition of theorymon, but it seems to me that there’s
a decklist out there somewhere that could take advantage
of all of these Eeveelutions and make for a very
difficult foe.
I just haven’t been able to figure out what that
deck exactly is.
Standard: 3 out of 5
Perhaps second only to
Pikachu in the
overall Pokemon universe,
Eevee has
certainly exceeded
Pikachu in the trading card game.
This newest version from the Sun & Moon
expansion will have repercussions that we will feel for
years to come (Sylveon
GX has been released in Japan although we here on
the other side of the Pacific have no line of sight to
it yet). As
the Ancient Origins expansion is set to rotate
out at the end of August, we’re running out of time to
develop an effective “Weakness Box” deck, but I believe
that this Energy
Evolution Eevee might be the key to making that deck actually work.