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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Sun & Moon
Date Reviewed:
March 29, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.92
Expanded: 1.25
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...oh yeah, Ribombee's a thing.
You forgot about him too? No big
deal, he's a Stage 1 with only 60 HP. His only attack is
Fairy Wind, which is a vanilla 1-for-20. And the
potential in his Ability, Curative Pollen, is
immediately squandered when you realize it's a weaker
Potion on every turn. Or a weaker Rough Seas for only 1
of your Pokemon. Or a 20-HP healing Stage 1 investment
that has the absolute lowest HP on a Stage 1 in recent
But at least it's not all bad. At
least you can only obtain him as a shiny Holo-Rare!
Standard: 1/5 (even with the
potential to be a Rough Seas of sorts)
Expanded: 1/5 (the vulnerabilities
that Ribombee has are too numerous to count)
Limited: 2/5 (it's a shame too, but
such is life as a Ribombee)
Arora Notealus: Ribombee's a unique
Bug/Fairy Pokemon, but he's gonna need a lot more than
just some fairy dust to get him into a few decks. If
only he had a really useful Ability...but hey, there
have been Pokemon that have been in his shoes
before...his cute tiny insect shoes.
Next Time: It's a throwback
to...something we know really well by now.

Otaku |
(Sun & Moon 93/149) has 60 HP; normally I
address that after covering a few other aspects of the
card, but it is going to affect pretty much everything
else so we’re leading with it. I’ve been saying we
need HP scores across the board to rise because we are
seeing the effect of what happens when it doesn’t; a
game too fast paced for some of its core mechanics.
Like Evolving. Ribombee is an almost guaranteed
OHKO while Active and is even in trouble on your Bench
(though more for 2HKOs than OHKOs). This is a
Fairy Type; if a Pokémon is about attacking, you enjoy a
lack of Resistance, but you only hit XY-era (and later)
Dragon Types for double damage. Not the worst, but
Ribombee isn’t a super great attacker (as we’ll
see) and even if it was, it would have to be amazing
because of that HP. There are some great Fairy
Type attackers available right now, but they need
dedicated decks, so unless Ribombee fits into one
of those, that doesn’t help. There are some nice
tricks involving the Fairy Energy Type, and while they
can help Ribombee, it isn’t anything to make
being a Fairy Type worthwhile. Same for Fairy
Pokémon Type specific tricks, unless I’m experiencing an
epic brain failure right now. I don’t recall any
specific anti-Fairy effect, but if they are out there,
they’re probably too Type specific to matter.
Metal Weakness is normally not too bad, but with 60 HP,
you actually have to worry about those low damage, low
Energy, supporting attacks. Darkness Resistance
would be handy except the HP means almost all Darkness
Type attackers still take the OHKO. The Retreat
Cost of [C] is low and easy to pay… but a Stage 1 this
small has to be amazing to be worth even that low
has the Ability “Curative Pollen” allows you to select
one of your Pokémon in play and heal 20 damage from it,
once per turn before you attack. The wording does
not preclude multiple copies being used at once,
so you can stack it e.g. if you’ve got two Ribombee
with Curative Pollen in play, both can heal 20 from one
of your Pokémon before you attack. This isn’t even
on par with Potion, at least post-errata, an
issue as you can run one Ribombee or two
Potion. There are enough anti-Ability and
anti-Trainer effects that I don’t see a real advantage
to going one way or the other unless your
specific deck makes it so. Ribombee can use
“Fairy Wind” for [Y] to do 30 damage. This
probably falls in that hazy area between “mediocre” to
“adequate”; unless you were expecting this effect to
make Ribombee an awesome attacker. If
Curative Pollen had been awesome, I’d just be annoyed it
cost [Y] instead of [C]. Curative Pollen didn’t
impress, so Fairy Wind isn’t really going to help with
that. How about Cutiefly (Sun & Moon
92/149)? Only one version available, and it’s a 30
HP Fairy Type Basic Pokémon with Metal Weakness,
Darkness Resistance, Retreat Cost [C] and the attack
“Fly Around”. This means all the problems of
Ribombee, but worse as even on the Bench you
have to worry about it being a OHKO. Fly Around
costs [Y], does 10 damage, and places an effect on
Cutiefly itself that lasts until the end of your
opponent’s next turn. If your opponent uses an
attack that would damage Cutiefly during that
time, you flip a coin and if it is “heads”, you prevent
all damage done to Cutiefly. Not great, but
it does help the overall Evolution line because it can
keep Cutiefly alive long enough to Evolve.
is looking for an attacker that needs repeated healing
in small doses and is so important, your opponent
is helping you out if he or she wastes a Lysandre
or similar effect to force Ribombee into the
Active spot for an easy OHKO. I wish I had
something like that to present as at least a
hypothetical deck, but I don’t. As such, I cannot
recommend this card for Standard or Expanded play, but
and the low HP makes me scared to even recommend it for
Limited play. What am I saying… that 30 HP
Cutiefly could pretty easily cost you the game as
well, even in the Constructed Formats.
There have been
times when healing effects (especially ones that work
similar to Abilities) have been part of format-defining
decks, but I’m just not seeing it here. The space
spent on a 1-1 Ribombee line still allows two
healing Trainers. The space for a 2-2 allows four
or a proven Stage 1 backer. The only thing
gives me pause is that we might be moving to a
format where healing 20 per turn is enough to throw KO’s
off by a turn, and that really might be worth such a
fragile Stage 1.

21times |
(Sun & Moon, 93/149) makes its debut as a brand
new Pokemon.
At 60 HP, it ranks as the second lowest for Stage 1
Only Shedinja
(Roaring Skies, 11/108) has less HP (30), and it
shares the second lowest rung of 60 HP solely with
Raticate (Evolutions,
has a very useful ability, however.
Pollen allows you to heal twenty damage from any of
your Pokemon once per turn.
This ability does stack – I don’t know that I’ve
ever had the good fortune of having four
Ribombee on the bench all at the same time, but theoretically you
could potentially heal eighty damage every turn.
Combine this with
Fairy Drop (Fates Collide, 99/124), and you’ve got the
potential to wipe away most, if not all, of the damage
your opponent does to you in any given turn.
I’ve actually played this in a
Diancie EX (Fates
Collide, 72/124) deck twenty times and gone 12 and 8
with it (60% win percentage).
It’s a good deck – it’s especially fun against
dark decks:
##Pokémon - 12
* 4 Cutiefly SUM 92
* 4 Ribombee SUM 93
* 4 Diancie-EX FAC 72
##Trainer Cards - 38
* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Level Ball AOR 76
* 1 Energy Retrieval SUM 116
* 3 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 1 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 4 Lillie SUM 147
* 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
* 4 Fairy Drop FAC 99
* 4 Fairy Garden XY 117
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 3 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
* 1 Special Charge STS 105
* 1 Pokemon Center Lady FLF 105
##Energy - 10
* 6 Fairy Energy EVO 99
* 4 Double Colorless Energy EVO 90
Maybe the most important
feature of this deck is
ability Sparkle
This ability reduces the damage done from an opponent’s
attack by 30 – and this includes bench sniping!
Umbreon GX (Sun & Moon, 80/149),
Passimian (Sun
& Moon, 73/149),
Galvantula (Steam
Siege, 42/114), and all you other bench snipers.
Your snipe does zero if it’s 30 or less.
As mentioned above, because of
extreme frailty, this protection frequently comes in
very handy.
I mentioned already that using
Fairy Drop can
help out quite a bit, and as you can see I run
Puzzle of Time
(Breakpoint, 109/122) to allow you the
opportunity to pull the
Fairy Drops back out of your discard and use them again.
Garden (Fates Collide, 100/124) also provides
a huge tactical advantage in that you can retreat a
damaged Diancie
back onto your bench and promote a healthy one up.
Then you can use
Ribombee heal the damaged
Diancie and then put that one back up into the
active when the one that replaced it gets damaged.
It’s a vicious cycle for your opponent and often
leaves them feeling like they’re going nowhere fast or
somewhere real slow.
Finally, I also play one
Pokemon Center
Lady (Flashfire, 105/106) just to add insult
to injury and an additional level of healing.
I find I don’t use this too often, however.
Early in the game, I don’t use it because I need
the draw support.
Later in the game, I sometimes have difficulty
getting a Versus
Seeker (Phantom Forces, 110/108) in my hand
when I really need it.
I do use it, though, every opportunity I can.
It’s just that those opportunities are not as
often as I’d like them to be.
Standard: 3 out of 5
Especially against dark decks,
to which it has -20 resistance, to quote one player I
surprised with
Diancie Ribombee: “This deck is sneaky good.”
If you play in a local club that’s infested
(ok maybe not the right word choice) populated with
players, you could win a lot of matches (although maybe
lose as many friends) by springing this deck on them.
Is it practical to think you can get all four
Ribombee on
your bench? No, but I have no problem getting out two,
and I would say that I can usually put three on the
bench. Look
at it this way: I never put four
Diancie on the
bench because I know that I want that last slot to have
a Ribombee in it.