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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day

Starmie BREAK
- Evolutions
Date Reviewed:
May 10, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.17
Expanded: 1.25
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD


aroramage |
Hey, if a person came up to you and
asked if you'd like a card that did 100 damage to
multiple Pokemon for only 1 Energy, what would your
reaction be?
Something along the lines of
either, "DANG I'M SOLD, GIMME!!" or "What's the catch?"
If you asked the question, of
course, you'd find this hypothetical person trying to
give you a Starmie BREAK, and that's exactly the attack
it's got. Break Star costs 1 Energy and deals 100 damage
to multiple Pokemon...buuuuuuut there is a catch. It
only deals that damage specifically to one group of
Pokemon: BREAK Evolutions. Not Pokemon-EX, not
Pokemon-GX, not Pokemon with Abilities, not Pokemon with
two Types, not Pokemon of a specific Type, not even just
Pokemon that Evolve or Basics - BREAK Evolutions.
And that trend is clearly a dying
one, which leaves Starmie BREAK in a rough spot. Why
bother with it when its only attack affects only a niche
part of the game? It's a shame it got printed out at the
end of the BREAK Evolution life cycle.
Standard: 1/5 (unless your plan is
to use Starmie BREAK to get rid of Trevenant BREAK or
Greninja BREAK over the course of a couple of turns...)
Expanded: 1/5 (...it ain't
Limited: 1.5/5 (never mind that
Starmie BREAK would be dead in the water the other 95%
of the time)
Arora Notealus:...heh, dead in the
water. For a Water Pokemon...I wonder if that's how
Jellicent form? But I digress: Starmie BREAK could've
been a momentous card if the BREAK Evolution mechanic
was better supported and kept coming out the way
Pokemon-EX did. But since it looks like they've decided
to halt the BREAK Evolution in favor of Pokemon-GX, I
guess we'll never really know how good Starmie BREAK
could've been.
Next Time: Time to switch it up to
some kind of throwback!

21times |
Starmie Break
(Evolutions, 32/108) floated into the meta from
the Evolutions expansion set.
Like most of the other cards out of this set, it
seemed like it would not see a lot of play because it
filled more of a niche role in that it would dominate
Break Pokemon but would have no worth against anything
Starmie Break’s
attack Break Star
does (for a single water energy) 100 damage to each of
your opponent’s Break evolution Pokemon.
This Pokemon just never saw much play, and now
that Break Pokemon have all but vanished from the
current game, it definitely will never see any use now.
Its Stage 1 prior evolution of
Starmie (Evolutions,
31/108) saw some limited use because of its ability
Space Beacon,
but the Break evolution just never really caught on.
And I did not bother trying to put a deck together
featuring Starmie
Break either.
What I will do, though, is give you my top ten
list of the BEST Break Pokemon:
Greninja Break
(Breakpoint, 41/122) – I’ve seen
rematches vs. M
Audino (Fates Collide, 85/124) and
Greninja wins
Trevenant Break
(Breakpoint, 66/122) – Still a BDIF in expanded
Xerneas Break
(Steam Siege, 82/114) – Can hit for a ton of
damage and is essentially a Stage 1 Pokemon
Yanmega Break
(Steam Siege, 8/114) – Senior division champion
last year
Zoroark Break
(Breakthrough, 92/162) – Still may have a place
in the meta as you can use
Foul Play to
steal your opponent’s GX attack for only a single energy
Carbink Break
(Fates Collide, 51/124) – Used currently as a
complement to many Fighting decks
Raticate Break
(Breakpoint, 89/122) – Very trolly and presents a
tremendous mismatch against EX and GX decks
Omastar Break
(Fates Collide, 19/124) – Never got the play it
deserved because it was so hard to get into play but its
ability is without par.
If this weren’t on a fossil Pokemon, it might
well be number one on the list
Delphox Break
(Fates Collide, 14/124) – Maybe the hardest
hitting Pokemon in the game, it had the misfortune of
being a Stage 3 Pokemon in an era of fast big basics
Golduck Break
(Breakpoint, 18/122) – Unfortunately, there was
no good Golduck
to accompany it
Hope you enjoyed the list – and in a normal, four set
rotation all of these Pokemon will still remain Standard
legal, so some of them might return to prominence in
September (I’m looking at you, Blue Frog!).
Standard: 1 out of 5
Starmie Break
didn’t even make my list of top ten Break Pokemon.
It never saw play six months ago when
Greninja Break
and Yanmega Break
turned up in every other match on PTCGO.
Today, you just wouldn’t put it into a deck, even
if you did tech in

Otaku |
Starmie BREAK
(XY: Evolutions 32/108) is the final BREAK Evolution
left to review. Unless I missed one (hey, it
happens). As the BREAK Evolution of a Stage 1,
Starmie BREAK comes with almost all of the baggage
of a Stage 2 but none of the (few) perks. Being a
Water Type is pretty good right now; some Fighting and
nearly all Fire Types are Water Weak, with
Volcanion-EX decks making that relevant to the
competitive scene, SM: Guardians Rising is about to add
to their growing pool of Type support, and they’ve
already got a nice, deep Bench of handy attackers,
Bench-sitters, etc. Even though some of those work
well off-Type, most work best when used with their
peers. There are a few anti-Water effects, but the
only one I recall seeing often is Parallel City…
and that’s because the other side of that Stadium has a
highly coveted Bench-shrinking effect. Starmie BREAK
has 130 HP, which is a bit low for a pseudo-Stage 2;
you’re not so fragile that you’re an easy OHKO, but
thanks to the need to tackle 250 HP Pokémon-GX, 130
seems to be the new “magic number” for 2HKO’s. Starmie
BREAK will gain the Ability (if present), attack (or
attacks), Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat Cost of the
Starmie from which it Evolves, so we’ll cover the
last thing it brings to the table, the attack “Break
This attack costs
[W] and does 100 damage to each of your
opponent’s Pokémon BREAK. Much like Type-specific
counters, Stage specific counters are only useful when
that particular subject is seeing heavy
competitive play. Even then, BREAK Star has an
issue; if you can stagger your BREAK Evolutions, having
just one actual BREAK Evolution in play while everything
else is waiting to Evolve, BREAK Star becomes an “okay”
attack (100 damage for one Energy is still very good).
There is also a matter of the specific amount of damage;
as time is fleeting, I cannot double check, but I do not
recall any BREAK Evolution with 100 HP. I
definitely remember those with as little as 130 HP, but
unless you are attacking a Water Weak Active, you won’t
be scoring a OHKO in Standard. In Expanded, where
it is easier to OHKO something, there Break Star could
OHKO some of the smaller BREAK Evolutions, but with
combos that work with almost anything. There is
also the matter of the BREAK Evolution mechanic having
been yet another “gimmick” in the TCG; a mechanic that
exists for a few set and then goes by the wayside.
Sure, we still have several existing BREAK Evolutions,
but they are a very small minority compared to most
other Stages and as more sets release, power creep and
the growing card pool will make them less and less
relevant. Put it all together, and this is a nice
niche attack, but you’ll need a really good Starmie
to justify running Starmie BREAK.
We actually have a
Starmie that is almost there, XY: Evolutions
31/108. It is a Water Type Stage 1 sometimes used
for its Ability “Space Beacon”, which allows you to
discard a card from hand to add two basic Energy cards
from your discard pile to your hand. We reviewed
and while I’m still unable to confirm or deny its
usefulness (though I mostly lean towards “deny”).
None of the Staryu stand out either, as they
focus on doing a quick bit of damage, but not enough to
justify attacking with an easily OHKO’d Evolving Basic.
In the end, you might rarely consider slipping this into
a deck that wants to use Starmie (XY: Evolutions
31/108), because with its Ability, adding in a single
basic Water Energy (if needed) will enable to you
use Break Star for those odd moments when it is
worthwhile. You would probably have space for it
in Limited, as well, and so could risk it.
A pseudo-Stage 2
counter for BREAK Evolutions is almost never worth the
deck space. Almost.