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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#10 - Hala
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 22, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.10
Expanded: 3.65
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Get it? Cause his name is Hala and
it sounds like hol-GET IT?!
So Hala is a cool guy who has a
cool effect, and he's pretty much here for you. Let's
start by saying this is the new "draw 7" card of the
Sun/Moon era, but don't mistake that to mean he's a
full-blown replacement for Professors Sycamore or
Juniper. He plays very differently, and it may be a
signal in a future Sun/Moon-on format as to how draw
power will work.
But I digress. Hala starts by
shuffling the remaining cards in your hand back into
your deck...if you have any. And then from there, you
draw a certain number of cards - 4 cards to be exact.
But I did mention it was a "draw 7" card, and that
clause is limited by your usage of a GX attack. That's
right, you only draw 7 cards if you've used your GX
Attack for the game.
Now that may limit this card's
potential in decks where the GX Attack may be more
useful as a finisher or in the late-game, but there are
a couple of GX Attacks that actually can be useful in
the early game. For instance, Drampa-GX from last week
actually would be a great combo piece with this card -
use his attack early game to draw 10 cards out, and then
you can use Hala to grab 7 cards for the rest of the
game whenever you use him! Nice!
Hala is not going to be for every
deck though, but given the wide range of GX Attacks that
we've seen, it's likely that he'll see play in those
decks that can be used early or even mid-game to swing
card advantage in the player's favor. Some decks may
still prefer to use Sycamore for dumping stuff into the
discard pile, but for those that don't mind drawing some
old cards with their new ones (if they shuffle any back,
of course), Hala is a great addition to have in one's
Standard: 3.5/5 (while Sycamore is
the better draw option overall, Hala is definitely going
to get his time to shine)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (who knows? there
may even be some older decks that benefit well from his
draw abilites)
Limited: 4.5/5 (at least so long as
they have a GX Attack to use with...)
Arora Notealus: Hala's gonna have a
lot of future potential, and I imagine he'll be
reprinted a couple of times throughout the course of the
Sun/Moon era here. It's certainly going to be an
interesting run for him. Who knows, he may even be a
major highlight in a deck!
Next Time: Taking to the skies once
more...a non-GX??

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 126/145) comes out of the
Guardians Rising expansion set.
A brand new supporter card, it allows you to
reshuffle your hand into your deck and then draw four
cards. If
you have already played your GX attack for the game,
then you can draw seven cards.
If you play a GX Pokemon where playing an early
GX attack fits in with your deck’s strategy, you will
probably want to play four of
Hala. A couple of
Pokemon that would probably do well with
Hala include
Solgaleo GX (Sun
& Moon, 143/149) and
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 142/145).
Outside of those two Pokemon, I
don’t see any reason to run
A four card blast just won’t cut it in today’s
Professor Birch’s Observations (Primal Clash, 159/160) will
get you an average of five and a half,
Shauna (Fates
Collide, 111/124) will get you five.
didn’t make my top twenty because it only works for a
couple of Pokemon.
I significantly downgraded it because of that.
Furthermore, I have experienced some recent
success using an entirely different type of draw
supporter: Mallow
(Guardians Rising, 145/145).
Only Otaku had the wisdom to see the value of
Mallow at the
time we submitted our top lists for Guardians Rising.
I did not realize its potential until after I had
turned in my list; otherwise,
undoubtedly would have made the top fifteen.
Therefore, I am hijacking the
rest of this review and dedicating it to the superior
draw supporter,
Mallow allows
you to select ANY two cards from your deck and place
them in any order as the top two cards of your deck.
I think many of us, myself included, simply
failed to see how easy it would be to actually get those
cards into your hand in the same turn subsequent to
playing Mallow. A variety of
options exist to help facilitate accessing these cards
immediately after playing
(Breakthrough, 33/162)
Shaymin EX
(Roaring Skies, 106/108)
(Ancient Origins, 30/98)
(Sun & Moon, 113/149)
Alolan Sandslash
(Guardians Rising, 20/145)
Trainer’s Mail
(Ancient Origins, 100/98)
Acro Bike
(Primal Clash, 122/160)
Also, Pokemon like
Lapras GX (Sun & Moon, 139/149) and
Drampa GX could get you both of these cards for your next turn (and
a couple more as well).
will not function well for every deck, though.
For big basics, the traditional shuffle or
discard and blast six or seven card draw supporters
remain the preferred engines for these decks.
However, for decks where you need to hold cards
to wait to evolve them (especially Stage 2 decks),
Mallow provides an interesting, precision based draw support engine.
In my own personal testing with
Mallow, here
are my results (Deck_Wins_Losses):
Tapu Koko
(Guardians, Rising, 47/145)_10_6
M Mewtwo
Ex (Breakthrough,
64/162) Garbodor
(Guardians Rising, 51/145)_12_6
Solgaleo GX
(Sun & Moon, 89/149)
Metagross GX (Guardians
Rising, 85/145)_6_5
Alolan Ninetales GX
(Guardians Rising, 22/145)_4_4
Greninja Break
(Breakpoint, 41/122)_0_2
Toxapex GX
(Guardians Rising, 57/145)
Lunala GX (Sun
& Moon, 66/149)_0_1
Standard: 2 out of 5
Both of these draw supporters
have significant limitations that inherently prohibit
them from use in a majority of decks.
They both have niche roles that provide immense
value to the limited number of decks that will benefit
from them. I
do believe, though, that
Mallow has a
larger audience than
Hala, but who
knows what will happen in the future.

Otaku |
We are in the middle of counting down the top 15 cards
of SM: Guardians Rising. The Pojo site list
is based on individual lists submitted by the review
staff; reprints are excluded to avoid highlighting cards
we already know are quite good.
Our 10th place finisher is the new Supporter, Hala
(SM: Guardians Rising 126/145, 143/145)! As
a Supporter, Hala is competing in what should be
a brutally competitive field, but Tapu
Lele-GX and VS Seeker; the former needs a bit
of an explanation because it is a new card. Tapu
Lele-GX has the Ability “Wonder Tag”, which triggers
when you play her from your hand to your Bench.
When this happens, you may add a Supporter from your
deck to your hand, like the “Stellar Guidance” Ability
of Jirachi-EX. This makes it so that even
in Standard, you can easily snag a Supporter from your
deck, even if you’re running it as a single. VS
Seeker means you can make use of that card from your
discard pile; besides allowing Battle Compressor
to serve as Supporter search as well, it means a single
copy can function as up to four more. These don’t
stop being helpful even if you decide to run more
copies of a Supporter, but what I am getting at is that
Supporters aren’t in as cutthroat a competition as they
were before these cards. Shaymin-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) and other
Pokémon-based draw help as well, as you can afford to
run more non-draw Supporters or less reliable draw
supporters, while they pick up the slack.
is a draw Supporter, which has you shuffle your hand
into your deck and then draw more cards. How many
depends upon whether you have used your GX-attack for
the turn. If you haven’t, you draw four.
That is poor, but not horrible; four potentially new
cards in hand still has the potential of keeping you
going. At the very least, even if the current turn
ends up lean, it gives you a decent chance of pulling a
Supporter (or means of gaining a Supporter) by your next
turn. If you have used your GX-attack
already, then you shuffle and draw seven cards, which is
a great number. Now, sometimes you’ll
prefer discarding and drawing a reliable seven cards;
that’s what we (currently) have Professor Sycamore
to accomplish. Other times, you’ll have cards in
hand you wish to save for later, and we don’t have a lot
of great draw options for drawing when that is the case.
N is a great card, but its yield varies
as the game goes on and it affects your opponent
as well (sometimes good, sometimes bad).
Everything else in Standard falls far short. Shauna
shuffles and draws five; reliable, but the yield seems
to be insufficient. Professor Birch draws four
or seven, this time decided by a coin flip; you
always have a chance of drawing seven, but
you always have a chance of drawing four, and you won’t
know which until after you flip.
Are there competitive decks that lack a Pokémon-GX?
Some that couldn’t just work in a few Drampa-GX,
Tauros-GX, or a deck-specific option if they
really wanted to use Hala? Probably,
and certainly possibly, so obviously skip Hala
for those decks. How about decks that just don’t
need a shuffle-and-draw-seven card, or at least don’t
need one that will only draw four cards until they use
up their GX-attack? Some decks are saving their
GX-attack, if not for the game-winning KO, then for a
similar key play. These could still consider using
Hala, for the times when things don’t go as
planned and a player has to use his or her GX-attack
ahead of schedule, but unless it is a very loose plan,
probably not. Some decks have a GX-attack that is
meant to be used ASAP, probably because it has a setup
based effect; Hala is likely going to be an
amazing option for such decks. Finally, we
have what I believe most decks qualify as something that
doesn’t have to use its GX-attack early, but can
if you give it a good reason, and Hala could be
that reason. Expanded has more options (like
Colress) but more combo opportunities (Battle
Compressor), which I’m going to propose roughly even
out. For Limited play, even if you have no
GX-attack to use, shuffle-and-draw four may be better
than no Supporter at all, so it’s worth including (and
if you do have a GX-attack you can pull off
early, then it’s awesome).
3/5 (if you have a GX-attack to use, 4/5)
While still not the Supporter that will give us a
universal three to run in all decks, this is a very
good, maybe great card. I expect Hala to be
the “new” Colress; there are just enough decks
that can’t make sufficient use of it to keep it from
being the equal of N or Professor Juniper/Professor
Sycamore, but it is a great card, otherwise. I
confess, though, that there is some nagging feeling in
the back of my mind keeping me from giving it a
took 10th place, beating
last Friday’s
11th place Drampa-GX by two voting points, and
lost to
9th place finisher by the same amount. For my
personal Top 15, Hala secured 7th place.